Again, I apologize. It has been quite some time since I last updated this story. I have been extremely busy—on top of my ridiculous amount of schoolwork, I participated in nanowrimo this year, and did, as usual, too many extracurricular activities.

This story was called to my attention again when someone reviewed to ask if I had abandoned it. I have not updated in six months, so the obvious answer would be "yes". However, I am unwilling to part with the characters I have furthered the development of, nor the plotline that seems to draw me in. I have plans for Zach and Cammie, but sadly no time to see them through.

Over the next couple of weeks, I will edit this story. Please be patient with me, although at this point I doubt I deserve it. My current issue with the story the way it is, is that my thoughts advance too rapidly to get them all down on paper, hence my plots evolve to swiftly. This needs to change, and it will.

Hoping to offer all my readers (whether devoted to or disgusted with me) a better tale,
