A/N: Okay, this is another story I wrote a few months ago, and it will be in chapter format. I'm not sure right now how often I'll update this one – I have not updated my "Titanic" one in awhile. Also, the italics are Baby's flashbacks, just in case you have not already figured it out. Please let me know what you think when you're done reading, of course! :)

As usual, I do not own any of the characters in this story, although I wish I did. They belong to the creator of "Dirty Dancing."

I try to keep the characters in my story as close as I can to the film, so let me know if someone is "out of character."

Frances 'Baby' Houseman was just sitting at the local café' in New York. She was thinking of a man who had long ago stolen her heart – and who never gave it back. His name was Johnny Castle and she had not seen him in almost eight years, not since the summer of 1963. She would always remember that summer for many reasons. All of a sudden, a male voice made her turn around.

"Nobody puts Baby in a corner."

Johnny Castle. Baby would know that voice anywhere. At that moment, a million memories started flooding her mind, from the first time she danced with Johnny to the last. And the day they had to say goodbye.

Baby woke up one morning in late August – it was almost September – and knew that today would be different. Today she wouldn't be going to dance with Johnny, wouldn't be talking to Penny, or sneaking away from her parents to do those things. Today, she would have to say goodbye. To Johnny, to Penny, to Kellerman's, where it all began. Baby didn't know when she would see Penny, Johnny or Kellerman's again, or even if she would, although she wanted to. She thought mainly of Johnny, as she was getting ready for the day, to say goodbye, and leave with the knowledge that she might never be back. Johnny was like nobody she had ever known. He was strong, he was kind, and he made her feel like she was alive. Baby didn't know if she would ever feel that way with anyone else. Her life was supposed to really begin when she went to collage in a few weeks, but looking back, it would seem that her life really started at Kellerman's.

Lisa was not upset to be leaving, at least, not compared to Baby. Nor were her mother and father. Had she not met Johnny, Penny, or Billy, Baby wouldn't have been, sad, either. Again, she thought of Johnny and how she didn't want to leave him. He was her first in so many ways and she wouldn't ever forget him or her vacation here, no matter how brief both of them were. Baby finished packing and then it came time to say goodbye. They were next to their car, and Dad and Mom were saying goodbye to Max, and Lisa was saying bye to Billy who promised to write.

"Well, Baby, thanks for helping me out this summer. I really appreciate it and you don't know what you have done. I'll miss you. You're a great person." Penny said. Baby gave her a hug, told Penny she would miss her as well, and then said bye to Billy.

"Baby, thanks for everything this summer. I'm gonna miss you, too." She hugged Billy, told him she'd miss him too, and then faced Johnny. Baby didn't want to say bye to him at all, but she had to.

"Thank you so much for giving me the time of my life these past few weeks. You mean more to me then you'll ever know and I'm not gonna forget you anytime soon. You also changed me, for the better, and I won't forget that, ever. Which also means I'll think of you when I do." Johnny looked sad, but he was trying not to show it, and smiled sadly at her. He slipped a piece of paper in her hand. "There's my number and a note. Read the note on the way home, and call when you get a chance." Johnny said quietly. Baby's father motioned that it was time to go, and Johnny said goodbye to her mom, dad, and sister Lisa, and then he said goodbye to Baby. They kissed, and then hugged. "See ya." Johnny whispered, and then he opened the door for her, took her hand, and helped her in. It reminded Baby of a time not too long ago, only it was the reverse, and Johnny had been helping her out, setting her free. This time, he was putting her back, and caging her in. Johnny closed her door and they said their goodbyes. Then, the car pulled away and Johnny was getting smaller and smaller until Baby couldn't see him or Kellerman's at all. She read his note on the way home.

Dear Baby,

I'm not good at writing letters, or putting my thoughts on paper, so we'll see how this goes. It's early in the morning and you're sleeping in my bed, where I want to be. I also want to write this letter so you'll have something to remember me by. You changed my life, Baby. You're one of the most optimistic people I know and I'm really glad you decided to help Penny, even thought you didn't know her at all. You will do well in life because you're always helping people. I hope I'm a part of that, but if I'm not, that's okay. I'm just really glad I knew you for this brief period of time. You taught me to respect other people and to stand up for myself and I'll be thankful for that as long as I live, which also means I won't ever forget you. I'll also try my best to make sure we keep in touch and meet again in the near future. I hope you would like to meet later. Also, I love you. Like the song we danced to earlier, I've had the time of my life and I owe it all to you.


She cried after reading his letter, and then Baby quietly mouthed that she loved him too, even though there was no way he could hear her. She knew her parents wouldn't understand. They would ask how could she be in love after only knowing this guy a week? Baby knew she loved Johnny, and she always would. Not because you don't forget your first love, but because Johnny helped her become the person she always knew she was and she was looking forward to keeping in touch with him.

Baby didn't keep in touch with Johnny for long. She gave him the address where she was living in college, and they kept in touch for a few months through letters and the occasional phone call. In the end, though, life got in the way and they had not communicated in seven years. Both Johnny and Baby went on to live their own lives, but they never forgot each other.

He still looked the same in so many different ways with his golden hair, and his smile that made her feel like she was the only one in the world that mattered. He had his arms crossed so she could see his left hand and she saw that he had no ring. Johnny was wearing a black shirt, black pants, and black shoes. Typical Johnny. At least, it had been the last time she saw him. 'Times change,' she thought.

"Johnny. Hi. What are you doing here?" Baby didn't want to make it seem like she was not happy to see him, because she was, and she hoped she wasn't sounding rude because she wasn't trying to be. She just wanted answers.

"Well, I'm here for a few days teaching people to dance." He paused before continuing "So… How have you been?"

"I've been really great. How have you been?" She realized then that she still got butterflies around Johnny even though they hadn't seen each other in eight years.

"I've been real good." Johnny replied, and then gave Baby one of his signature smiles that made her melt even after all this time. All of a sudden, his arms were around her, encircling her in a brief hug. It felt wonderful.

"So. How do you like teaching people how to dance?" 'Smooth, Baby, Real smooth. As if you don't already know the answer,' she thought. She did know the answer, or at least, she did eight years ago. Baby would have liked to think that Johnny hadn't changed much in what he liked to do, but he might have. And she also knew that she was not the same young girl he fell in love with in the summer of 1963….

A/N: I was reading over this, and I have no idea how I wrote this because normally, my writing is way worse than this chapter… And I don't know how I managed to make this so long because all of the chapters for my "Titanic" story are never this long. Anyway, let me know what you think, as always!