Summary: When Sirius Black finds himself pregnant he isn't sure who the Father is, with five people in the running will he last the months until the baby is born with them all arguing? Especially since two of them are dating.... (Not the best summary but....)

Warnings: Male pregnancy (obviously), Slash, swearing, sex, mentions of underage sex, mentions of abortion, mentions of underage drinking, mild drugs references,

Pairings: JP/RL, SB/OMC, SB/OMC, SB/LM, SB/RL, SB/JP, possible SB/JP/RL later on, PP/AM, MP/AW,

I have no idea why I've started yet another story when I have so many going but this popped into my head and wouldn't go away....


If the potion glows blue then you are pregnant.


Sirius Black groaned before throwing up again, the smell of vomit hitting his senses. The door to the bathroom opened and James Potter walked in, he took one look at his friend and at the sick in the porcelain toilet bowl and grabbed a flannel off the sink, soaking it in cool water. Then he wrung the flannel out and crossed to Sirius, holding the cloth to his friend's head and spelling the vomit away. "Rough night last night?" He asked with an amused voice, stroking Sirius' hair.

Sirius shook his head, "Didn't drink." He muttered before throwing up some more.

James frowned, spelling that sick away too and casting a scent banishment charm, "Maybe you've got a bug." He suggested.

"Probably." Sirius mumbled.

Remus walked into the bathroom then, holding a glass of water, "You should go to the hospital wing." He told Sirius, handing over the glass. Sirius took a small sip as James removed the cloth off his head and threw it back in the sink.

"Yea… Might see if it passes first." Sirius muttered, "What time is it?"

"Half seven." James replied, still stroking Sirius' hair. "If you're not feeling any better by first lesson then go to the hospital wing okay?"

"I think it's passing."

"Yeah?" Remus asked.

"I don't feel like chucking up any more." Sirius said.

Remus gave a small smile, "That's good." He and James helped Sirius stand up and head back into their dorm room. Sirius went to lie down on his bed and Remus and James went to get changed.

Sirius glanced across the dorm room at their other friend Peter who was lying face down on his bed snoring loudly. "Here." James said, walking over to Sirius' bed, now fully dressed, "Ginger biscuits, Moony had them in his trunk, apparently they help with nausea." He said, handing over the packet.

"Thanks." Sirius smiled, taking the packet off his friend. Remus walked over and slid his hand into James', curling his fingers around the other boys hand. "Will you be okay if we go and do some studying?"

"Studying on James' bed?" Sirius smirked making them blush, "I'll be fine." He smiled.

James leant over and pressed a soft kiss to Sirius' forehead. "Get some rest, we'll wake you at half eight."

"Thanks." Sirius mumbled. "Are you going to put a silencing charm up?"

Remus flushed red and James rolled his eyes at Sirius, "Yea, I'll put the two way mirror face down on the floor though so if you need anything just use that." Sirius nodded and watche dthe two walk away, he sighed to himself, wishing he had that kind of relationship. A few months ago he'd been dating aguy called Bryce but that had ended badly, with Bryce screwing around behind Sirius' back. Siriu knew he had reacted badly to that break up, which was probably what had got him into this situation now if he was right about what was making him ill. Slowly he pulled himself out of the bed and grabbed a small paper bag from under it before heading into the bathroom. Sirius closed and locked the bathroom door before pulling a small vial of potion out of the bag, he also pulled out the piece of parchment that went with them, add one drop of blood. Takign a deep breathe Sirius cast a shallow cutting charm on the tip of his finger, uncorked the vial and let a small drop of blood fall into it. He held his brethe as he watched the blood mix with the potion and the potion begin to glow blue. Sirius glanced at the parchment If the potion glows blue then you are pregnant. "SHIT."

So what do you think?