At Water's Edge

To whom it may concern, if it concerns anyone at all,

It came from the depths of night,

Spreading its blackened wings of darkness,

Its eyes an abyss of memories, of life

Its thoughts blend with mine

Clouding my mind, my fears

And as I wake, its blackened wings are lifted

As it retreats to the depths, of night and space.

Character Index

Declyn Wakefield – Duke of Crescentferd

Vanessa Wakefield –Duchess of Crescentferd

Tristan Wakefield– Son of the Duke (10yr. Old)

Josephine Wakefield– Daughter of the Duke (6yr. Old)

Stephen Wakefield - Earl of Glenmore

Robert Hastings – Friend of Carlyle's

Nicholas Devereux - Friend of Vanessa

Viviane Wakefield- Dowager Duchess of Crescentferd

Dr. Nathaniel Whittleton – Private Doctor of the Duke's Family


If you are reading this, my children were kind enough to humor an old woman's final wishes. I was never one to keep a diary, not that I was ever a lack for words, as my mother would say. But rather I did not trust that the women I my home, would have ever been able to contain themselves and not read my deepest and darkest secrets. So it is funny to me now, that I am writing this in hope that the story of my life will be read and shared, with my descendents and one day reach those who it was truly meant for.

In the beginning I started this diary so that I would not forget, as a keepsake in case this was all a dream. Though I do not know how I would have been able to take this with me if it was. Later I continued writing because it helped me remember, kept me focused on returning back to my own time, as I believed that I was not meant to be here. Keeping this diary helped me hold on to who I was, before I took that walk through the mist into the past, into my future.

As time went on I realized that this was my destiny, this was all meant to be. When you read this you will understand that time is a never ending circle with no beginning and no end. It is fluid and constantly in motion, you cannot change the future no more that you can change the past. The future has been cast in stone, our story has already been written, all that is left is for us to live it, enjoy it and love those who it brings us in contact with. A long time ago I relinquished all control to the fates, for they wield the destiny of all.

Lady I hope that reading this brings you comfort and peace, though I know that you are hesitant to believe any of it. When you read this I hope that you find that my life turned out more beautiful than I imagined it could be. It is all that you ever wished for me. I found a man to love me and make me happy. He has given me the most beautiful children, who bring me such joy and happiness. My only regret was not being able to share them with you. I missed you terribly, especially through those milestones in my life where a daughter truly needs her mother, and her guidance. But you were always there in spirit and in my heart.

So I write this now to comfort you when you feel all is lost. In the beginning I was scared, I did not know nor did I understand fates master plan. Looking back now it all fits and makes sense. Though perhaps at my age of ninety five yes, ninety five mother, I have lived long enough I can see the grand scheme of life.

As you read this my life has far surpassed its zenith, yet in your reality it has only begun. Read this as the days go by, read it as I live it and that way you will be there with me, as you were always meant to be. Please know that I am well, that I am loved, and I have loved more than I thought was possible. My life is joyous so please be happy for me and know that you are always in my thoughts.

I love you now and always your,


Chapter 1.

April 12th, 2009

It is Easter Sunday and at the ungodly hour of 7am I am rudely awakened by my mother, who is having a panic attack about all things that need to get done before the guests arrive. Since then I have not stopped. After all the scrubbing and washing, cooking and setting up all are finally fed and satisfied. I set the dishwasher to wash and decide to escape the chaos. My dinner guest is nestled asleep in my room, so I can take a few minutes to myself, without a worry of having to entertain her. I decided to take a long walk in the park, to get away from the pandemonium which has descended upon my house.

Walking up the steps to the park I notice it is an unusually humid day, which explains the thin layer of fog which is slowly approaching from the sea.

"Great!! My hair is going to be a frizz ball, why did I even bother straightening it."

I stick it in a low pony tail in hopes of bridling the unruly mess it's about to turn into. Making my way through the park I pull my camera out of my bag and start taking pictures, hoping to catch a shot great enough to grace my wall. As of late I have chosen photography as my creative outlet and if I say so myself I do believe I have gotten quite good.

Snapping away I realize that the fog is getting quite thick but, I don't care it looks great in my pictures it adds a certain 'je ne sais quoi'. As I continue to walk deeper into the park, it is getting rather difficult to see even a few feet in front of me. Though I have veered off the path a long time ago I'm not bothered, I know this place like the back of my hand; I'll find my way out eventually, I convince myself. Not too far ahead I see a gorgeous patch of violets; I decide to make them my next subject. Snapping away, I am completely swept away with portraying them in the right light, to bring out their true beauty. Not paying attention to the overgrowth, my foot gets caught in the roots of a nearby maple. I scream out in surprise as I trip and my head hits a tree, but my voice barely carries. For the first time I notice the fog is like a white blanket, I can barely see even my own feet.

Pulling myself up into a sitting position and touching the spot where I hit my head, I feel quite a bump beginning to form. I lift my hand from my forehead and feel a trickle of warm blood.

"Great now I'm bleeding good going Nina, you can't even walk without attempting suicide."

Scrambling to my feet and dusting myself off, I notice my camera is missing. I scurry around looking for it; out in the distance I see a glint of silver. Certain it is my camera I take a few steps, closer to it. Walking forward I bend to pick it up, straightening I check if it's ok, paying little attention to where I'm walking I take another step but my foot comes into contact with nothing but air. I tumble down the hill; thankfully I don't hit anything along the way. Angry with myself I get up, brush myself off and cursing my carelessness under my breath, I take a look at my surroundings.

In the fog everything looks so different, I honestly have no idea which side of the park I'm on or where I am at all. The fog really has me disoriented and now I feel a headache coming on from my previous encounter with the maple. I decide to give up and go home before I knock myself unconscious smacking into yet another tree. Walking up the hill I notice out of the corner of my eye a sunlit patch through the fog. Figuring the sun must be burning up the moisture, I turn to my right and walk towards it. I am hoping I'll find my bearings if I can see something other than the fog. The closer I get, the brighter the light it is like a beacon; calling to me and guiding me, as I step into it, it is blinding. Turning back I see nothing but pallid air so I continue walking deeper into the light. Not being able to see anything in the brightness, I wait for my eyes to adjust, but my head is splitting and my ears are ringing. I start to see spots before my eyes, my vision gets darker and darker, I break into a cold sweat and I know what is coming on. I faint.

I am so tired I can't open my eyes I don't want to. I am so warm and cozy, but I should, its Monday and it's time to start getting ready for work. Oh.. how I wish I could take the day off. Even though I had an extra day to relax it just wasn't very relaxing, all that cleaning and entertaining. Grrr... It is really bright it must be 7am already, to make sure I roll to my right and take a peek. I look at my alarm clock, it takes my eyes too long to adjust but when they do, all I see is tree bark.

"Tree bark what the, …??"

She swiftly sits up and looks frantically around, fear and confusion carving delicate lines on her face. Instinctively she brings her hand up to her forehead, wincing she feels the bump formed from the incident with the maple.

"The maple, the fog, the fall... Oh my God!"

Surveying her surrounding she realizes none of this looks familiar. There was no meadow in the park. She is in the middle of a valley beneath an old cherry tree just beginning to bloom. The air is crisp and clean, she can smell the fresh spring buds just beginning to open and release their heavenly scent. A bumble bee is buzzing above her head, "I should not be able to hear that" she thinks to herself, "its just too quiet here, the air is too clean something is wrong, very wrong".

"Where is the roar of cars speeding down the highway on the other side of the park?" Petrified and confused she is too scared to move, rooted to the spot she just stares trying to understand. None of this makes any sense. All she did was go for a walk, how did she end up here? She thinks to herself "Where is here?" How long was she out for? Gathering all the strength she can muster, she decides to wander down into the valley in hope she can find someone to help her, to tell her where she is.

The sun is bright, she is getting hot so she removes her coat and tosses it over her bag. A bird sings a lovely melody in a nearby tree, as a soft spring wind blows through her hair. She turns her face up to the sun letting it wash over her, the warmth sending chills down her spine. Oh how she missed this, she has not taken so much joy in a walk through a meadow since being back in Croatia. She takes a deep breath the scents are amazing. The warm breeze is carrying the soft scent of the cherry blossoms, mixing it with the scent of the earth warmed by the sun. All of this is a feast for the senses she thinks to herself, as she walks through the waist high grass. With her eyes closed and her face upturned to the sky she walks blindly, letting her palms graze and caress the tall blades of grass. On her left she hears the sound of a bubbling brook and she heads toward it. Surrounded by the effortless beauty of the valley she almost forgets her troubles.

Lost in her own world she is abruptly brought back, as she nears the brook and realizes it is not a brook but rather voices. Children's voices, children laughing, a dog barking. Frantically she breaks into a run to catch-up to them before they leave. As she approaches them she sees a little girl playing with her dog and an older girl watching over them while reading in the shade of a weeping willow. She stops in her tracks something is not right; as she nears she notices their clothes are billowy dresses like something out of a Jane Austen book. Memorized and confused by the sight before her she does not hear someone approaching her from the rear. Suddenly she feels something nuzzle her neck, she turns, jumps back and screams out of shock as a horse muzzle is inches from her face. Sensing her fear and startled by her scream the horse neighs and rears on its hind legs. At that moment she notices the rider is a young boy holding on for dear life as the horse rears from the ground. She screams again but nothing comes out, she runs in an attempt to catch the little boy as he looses his grip and slips from the saddle. Nicky reaches him just in time, but fails to catch him properly instead he lands on top of her. Her head slams into the ground from the force of the impact. Hearing her screams the child and the young girl come running.

Nikolina hears the young girl scream out "Tristan!!!" as she dashes to his side. The over stimulation and yet another blow to the head prove to be too much for Nikolina as she slowly begins to looses consciousness. But not before the young girl reaches her and the boy.

As her vision tunnels into darkness she hears the little boy whimper "Mommy".

Her body goes limp and she releases the child to the girl.

"Miss,.. Miss are you alright, are you hurt Miss.." were the last words she heard as she slipped into total darkness.

Chapter 2.

April 13, 2009

Coming to Nicky I fully aware of her surroundings as well as the preceding incident which caused her to end up here. Here being the home of the young girl who she saw sitting under the weeping willow. Though she has yet to open her eyes she can tell that she is in a bedroom on a rather comfy bed. For the fear of being questioned Nicky has kept her eyes shut and her ears open in hopes of finding more about her hosts. So far she has discover that the young girl whose name she has yet to learn, is the mother of the little boy and girl, Tristan and Josephine. They all speak with an old English accent like something out of Pride and Prejudice. A thousand scenarios run through her head, as she tries to piece together a likely story that they will believe. The truth is too farfetched even for her to accept and she is the one living it. A light weight shifts on the bed, startled Nicky tenses up.

The slight movement is noted by her bed fellow and a soft musical voice whispers "Are we playing a game? I wager I can keep more still thank you."

As much as this startles Nicky it amuses her and a slow smile creeps on to her lips. Her cover blown she opens her eyes and sees the most enchanting little girl sitting on the corner of the enormous bed. Josephine is about four years old with the most delicate porcelain features framed by cascading chestnut curls. A picture of perfection in a sweet yellow dress of gauzy muslin, printed with white squares and tiny flowers which end just below her knee. With her hands neatly folded upon her lap she stares at Nicky with the most curios expression.

Her eyes a deep emerald green Nicky has never seen before, she smiles as Josephine says

"I win". "Yes you do" Nicky replies.

"Josephine where are you?" a voice calls out of the hall. Vanessa appears in the doorway her hands on her hips looking rater sternly at Josephine "I told you to leave our guest be, how will she ever get the rest she needs with you doting on her like a mother hen."

As Josephine turns to look at her mother Vanessa has a better view of the bed and sees that Nicky is awake.

"Oh pardon me Miss I did not know that you were awake."

She walks into the room I observe she is not as young as I initially thought. I would say she is about my age, 25 or perhaps older but no more than 30; with auburn hair flowing freely in gentle curls well past her waist. She is much shorter than I; about five foot two with a slight frame. It is obvious to me now where Josephine gets her startling green eyes from.

She walks toward the bed with a pleasant smile and says "My name is Vanessa Wakefield Duchess of Crescentferd, after that unfortunate incident we brought you to my home. I see that you have met my littlest one Josephine".

Taking a seat at the edge of the bed, she raps her arms around Josephine and stares intently waiting for me to introduce myself.

"It is a pleasure to meet you your Grace, my name is Nicolette Martin. You have been very kind to bring me to your home but, if you would enlighten me as to where my belongings are I will gladly take my leave. I do not wish to impose on you anymore than I already have."

"Miss Martin it is a pleasure to finally learn the name of the woman who saved my son. Unfortunately as per doctors orders I cannot let you leave just yet. Dr. Whittleton has prescribed bed rest for you, after such a head injury. Furthermore, my son Tristan has yet to thank you, as well as apologize for the incident by the lake. Tristan is off to his grandmothers for the day and will be returning soon. So, I am afraid that you will be staying with us for a wee bit longer."

As Nicky begins to object Vanessa gets up off the bed, walks over to the desk in the corner of the room and rings a bell. Looking at Josephine she says "Darling I do believe it is time for your lessons."

Josephine looks longingly at Nicky and Vanessa says to her "Do not worry my Dear; Miss Martin will be here when you return from your lessons."

Looking to me for reassurance I respond "I must follow doctor's orders." Satisfied with my answer Josephine gets up off the bed and walks to the door, as she is about to take her governesses hand she turns back looks at me and runs to my side.

Scrambling up the bed she gives me a hug and a kiss, looking up at me through her thick lashes she says "You will not leave will you?" I say "No, no I will not I promise." With a shy smile upon her face, she takes her leave.

Closing the door behind her Vanessa returns to my side, but this time she sits on the chair beside the bed. With a stern and extremely serious expression upon her face she asks "Who are you, and how did you come to be on our property?" Shocked and confused I do not know what to say. Seeing my surprise at her question she asks me "Is your name really Nicolette Martin?"

"Yes that is my name or rather what most people know me as. Some have a rather difficult time saying my real name properly."

"What is your real name?"

"It is Nikolina Martinovic."

"Oh that is a mouth full" she giggles.

In regard to your second question, I do not know, and if I told you how I think I got here you would think I was mad."

"Well why do you not give it a try?" Vanessa says with an encouraging smile upon her face.

Contemplating whether she should, Nicky looks at Vanessa's eyes and she realizes she could never lie to Vanessa. Unable to understand why she feels so compelled to tell Vanessa the truth her voice falters, in order to calm herself down she takes a deep breath. "Alright but first you have to tell me what today's date is?"

Vanessa smiles and says "April 13, th 1814 you have been asleep for well over a day". Taken back by the shock of the date, Nicky mind is reeling, 1814 almost two hundred years in the past.

Regaining her composure she begins her story, fascinated yet not appearing dismissive Vanessa listens intently. As the story of Nicky's adventure comes to a close Vanessa rises from her chair and walks over to the window. A wave of panic flows through Nicky as she realizes what a foolish choice she has made telling the Duchess such a ludicrous story. She doesn't know how she got there, why could she just not fake amnesia or laryngitis, buying herself some time. No she had to bare her soul to a perfect stranger, one who now holds her life in her hands. Turning her head away from the Duchess she chastises herself for being so stupid, stupid, stupid.

Vanessa stares out the window trying to process the story Nicolette just recounted, and what a story it is. Either this girl is completely mad or she is telling the truth. No one in their right mind would ever attempt to concoct such a farfetched tale, especially not one they would not be able to support with some form of proof. Vanessa reaches into her pocket and pulls out the three items that she found in Nicolette's bag. No one she has trusted enough to consult has been unable to decipher what the items are and most were scared to touch them at all. If the girl is able to tell her what they were perhaps she is really telling the truth. In the depths of her heart Vanessa truly hopes that the girl is not a liar and, that her story is true. For some unconceivable reason she feels a true fondness for the girl and would hate to see her sent away.

The anticipation is killing Nicky, she is ready to scream. With her future teetering before her it is almost too much to bear, but she is unable to speak for the fear that the Duchess will not believe her if she tries to convince her further. At that moment Vanessa turns around and walks to Nicolette, her face a puzzle one that Nicky is unable to interpret and she says.

"Is there any way that you can provide me with evidence to collaborate with your story?" Nicolette's mind spins and she is at a loss for words.

Seeing her guest is in shock Vanessa sets down the three items on to the bed and says "I hope that you do not mind we went through your things trying to identify who you are as well as if you were a threat to me and my family. Can you tell me what these items are they are rather fascinating?"

Relief washes over Nicolette as she sees the cell phone, IPod and camera. Seeing the guilty look on the Duchess face she reassures her "Oh no it is alright I do not mind, if I were in your place I would have done the same thing".

Picking up the first item Nicky explains 'This is a cell phone we use it to communicate with one another, like a letter only instantaneous. Try to imagine that we were speaking to one another as we are now, except that you are on another room, another city, or another continent yet you hear me perfectly as if I was standing right beside you."

"How riveting."

" There is also an option to write to one another called texting, it is as if you are writing a letter yet the person to whom you are sending it to receives it within a few seconds. You see I can type a message and I can send it to anyone and they would receive it and be able to respond."

"And what is this one called" Vanessa says pointing to the camera?

"This is a camera it can capture images and I can see them instantaneously. Here let me show you, sit nicely in that chair and smile as if I was painting your portrait. You will see a flash please do not be scared and make sure not to blink." Nicolette takes the picture; Vanessa is stunned by the blinding flash, blinking away she panics because she cannot see. Comforting her Nicolette assures her "Do not fret your vision will return in a minute. Just close your eyes until the bright spots disappear."

As her vision returns Vanessa inquires with a great curiosity "May I see the picture?"

Nicolette switches the camera over to the gallery but the first picture is not one of Vanessa but rather the picture of her family gathered round the table during Easter. Tears spring to her eyes at the very sight of them; Vanessa reaches out to comfort her. Regaining her composure she makes the image come back on.

"We cannot look at all the pictures I do not know how long the battery, the power source will last, after so many falls the solar charger (EXPLAIN) might be broken." explains Nicolette.

Flipping through the pictures she explains "This is my family we are gathered round the dinner table, my mother, father, sister; aunts and uncles."

"What strange clothes you wear."

"Yes, as do you, you should have seen my expression when I saw you and Josephine by the lake. The sight of the two of you made me stop in my tracks. I was so stunned that I did not hear the horse approach me."

The next few picture are of the park "My violets came out splendid" exclaims Nicky. "So haunting and mysterious they would have looked perfect gracing the wall in my living room."

Fascinated Vanessa looks on in awe, turning to Nicky she says "I believe you, for some strange and inconceivable reason I actually believe you. You must tell me all about the future, you simply must." (START ASKING QUESTIONS)

Laughing out of relief as tears overflow and streak down her face, she is grasped into a tight hug as Vanessa whispers "All will be well you may stay as long as you need to and we will all help you find your way home, wherever or whenever that may be."

Shaking her head in thanks Nicky smiles. Returning to the camera she flips to the very last picture which is that of Vanessa, turning it over Nicky shows it to the Duchess and she is stunned; "That is me, oh that is a marvelous contraption it is far better than any mirror isn't it. I look rather fetching don't you think."

"Yes you do quite regal" I say with a laugh.

The last item that she picks up is my IPod. "What a beautiful color."

"It is my favorite color" I say, "The color matches this room exactly". This is an IPod it contains many songs and pieces of music. You can choose from thousands of songs. "There was a green wire with it do you have it?"

"Oh yes is this it?" She says as she pulls the lime green wire earphones out of her pocket. I plug the ear phones in and I set to a composition of music I know she would be familiar with Ludwig Van Beethoven's 'Moonlight Sonata'. Putting the buds in her ears I press play. Vanessa smiles at me with amazement. "This is wonderful, amazing; my goodness what wonders await us."

A soft knock interrupts Vanessa as a maid enters "Pardon me your Grace, the chef wishes to know when you wish the dinner be served".

"Oh yes of course I almost forgot. Please tell Monsieur Gaston that dinner is to be served in an hour."

As the maid turns to leave Vanessa continues "Emily, do set an extra place for Miss. Martin she will be joining us for dinner. Also please have Olivia assist her in preparation, I will see to her attire." Emily takes her leave as she closes the door Vanessa says "It is time for you to get out of bed and stretch your legs. If you are to stay with us you will have to learn our ways, you cannot stay hidden in this room. Your chamber maid Olivia will draw you a bath while I find you a suitable dress to wear that which you came to us in with will simply not do."

As Vanessa exits the room she replies "The hardest part of this is over."

Olivia enters "Madame I am your chamber maid I was sent to assist you. I will draw you a bath; do you prefer lilac or rose scented water?"

Stammering Nick replies "Rose please."

Following Olivia in to the bath chamber she is in awe, the whole bathroom is covered in white marble accented with deep purple veins. Off to the side is a beautiful classic iron claw foot tub into which the maid is pouring piping hot water. As the water hits the tub the aroma of the roses fills the air.

"The water must cool for a wee bit; once it is ready I will let you know Miss"

"Thank you Olivia but please call me Nicolette."

"Thank you Miss though I do believe it would not be deemed proper. "Retorts Olivia.

"Proper or not when it is just the two of us like this please do not call me Miss. or Madame only Nicolette."

"Yes Mi.. Nicolette" Nicky smiles at the slip up. "Good I am glad that we have that out of the way, now if you do not mind I will explore the bed chamber a bit.

Nicky walks back into the bed room and for the first time sees it for what it is, taken back by the intricacy of the plaster ceilings, the crown molding. The contrast of the violet and the white is mesmerizing. Windows cover one wall almost completely. There is also a balcony, wrapping around the corner the room occupies. Walking over Nicky opens the wide French doors and steps into the sun. Her senses are invaded by the delicate scents of spring. From the balcony she sees the meadow where she woke up under the cherry tree.

"Miss Nicolette please come back inside it is unseemly for you to be out dressed so scantily." Shrugging her shoulders she looks down at herself she notes 'at least I'm wearing my black and pink matching bra and underwear set'.

She walks back into the room and walks straight into the bath. Slipping in she feels her muscles relax, as Olivia is washing her hair, never pampered like this Nicky is a bit embarrassed.

Rinsing herself off she hears the door to the bedroom open, and Vanessa walks I with Josephine in tow. "I think we found you a dress." she calls from the other room "it has been rather cumbersome as you are much taller than I." We had to have it let out a bit I think it will look splendid on you."

Donning on a dressing robe Nicky walks into the room and sees a gorgeous deep violet satin gown laying on the bed. As she nears the bed she sees intricacies of velvet as well as silk pleating on the bodice of the gown. Never in her life has she seen something so beautiful. Rendered speechless she just nods and smiles as her eyes are brimmed over with tears. Overwhelmed by their kindness and generosity she reaches out and hugs Vanessa whispering, "Thank you."

"We will leave you to dress; Olivia will show you the way to the dining room. "Says Vanessa as she ushers Josephine out of the room.

Brushing her hair Olivia inquires "What style she would you like to wear your hair?"

"I don't think we should put it up just yet my head still hurts and I do not wish to aggravate my injury."

"I agree Miss Nicolette." Olivia continues to brush her hair until it shimmer in its copper tones then pins the sides away from Nicky's face with mother of pearl combs. "If you please follow me I will show you to the dining room."

Chapter 3.

For the first time since coming to Crescentferd Nicky leaves her room, as she descends the grand staircase she is entranced by the majesty of the manor. The intricate plaster ceilings and cornices are even more beautiful than in her room; the colors; the tapestries, the paintings, she wishes she could stay and examine them all further. Olivia brings her out of hypnotized state as she nudges her down the stairs toward the dining room doors. The footman ceremoniously opens the door and announces her; she walks in to see Josephine and Vanessa sitting patiently waiting for her. Josephine almost jumps out of her chair but her mother's gentle touch reins her in.

"You look beautiful! Doesn't she Momma?" Josephine says excitedly her green eyes twinkling brightly.

"Yes, yes she does. That color rather suits you don't you think Nicky?" inquires Vanessa

Blushing Nicky responds "Yes I do, it is my favorite color. Again I cannot thank you enough for all of this; I do not know how I will ever repay you."

"Oh nonsense my dear you bring quite an aura of excitement to our rather dreary lives. Ever since my husband left we have been in a rather saddened state. Poor Tristan misses him so, we hoped to distract him with a trip to his grandmothers but I do think he is relieved that he will be coming home sooner than expected."

"I am sorry to hear about your husband I do hope that his passing was not too traumatizing for the children; little Josephine seems to be taking it rather well."

"Oh Goodness no you misunderstood my husband has not passed on he is away on business. Usually he is only gone for one or two weeks, though due to complications at two of the properties, he has been gone for well over a month. I did receive a letter from him yesterday and you will be glad to learn that he should be returning in a week." Seeing the panic flash across Nicky's face Vanessa rises from her seat and gently guides the startled girl to her seat.

Returning to her own seat she continues "Oh do not worry my dear we will slowly let him in on our secret, though we will have to deceive him for a while just to see how believable our story is to others. He will be miffed but once I explain why we did it I am sure he will be glad to participate in our little intrigue."

"We will have to think of what to tell my friends, but first let us enjoy this delectable meal I do hope that you enjoy our cuisine. We did not know if you liked or disliked anything in particular so the chef tried to make a meal that is not so adventurous."

"Oh no need to worry about me, there are very few things that I do not eat, I am not very picky."

"I am glad to hear that well Bon Appétit my dear."

As they are enjoying their dinner, Josephine regales them about adventures of days past. All her chatter lifts Nina's spirits as she slowly forgets her troubles.

"My Goodness I did not realize how hungry was until I smelled the mouth-watering food. That was simply delicious, my compliments to their chef he must give me the recipe." Says Nicky much satiated.

"The chef will be glad to hear that Monsieur Gaston is rather nervous and frantic about pleasing his patrons. If there is anything in particular that you enjoy please feel free to request it from him."

"Now let us get to the task in hat hand, however will we introduce you into my circle of friends?"

"No your Grace there is no need for that, I am more than happy to just be allowed to stay here in attempts to find my way home."

"Nonsense my dear I have decided to make it my mission that if you are to return to your own time, you shall have the experience of a lifetime. I will not hear another word about this. You do not know yet Nicky but when I put my mind to something I am rarely swayed."

Laughing out loud Nicky retorts "Well then we have something in common, I am extremely thick headed as well."

"Nicolette your accent is very American though am I wrong to say that in the short time that you have been with a bit of English has crept in?"

Nodding her head Nicolette answers "I do have a problem; I assimilate to whatever accent I hear. I do not do it on purpose, it is an unconscious reaction."

"That is perfect my dear, an American with English roots." She says excitedly.

Mulling over her past statement "No…we could not do that, it could be confirmed. Your name Nikolina is very unusual what nationality is that?"

"I am Croatian, Martinovic is as Croatian as you get."

"Did you ever live there? Do you speak the language?"

"Yes I lived and was educated there; I am fluent in Croatian as well as in Italian. I would gladly teach the children, I have always believed that your intelligence is measured by how many languages you speak."

"And why do you think that?" asks Vanessa.

"Because for you to be fluent you have to understand the people behind the language and that is truly one of the hardest things to learn. Though Croatian might not be very useful to the children right now it does open doors to other Slavic languages."

"Then it is settled you will teach Tristan and Josephine both languages as well as things that you have learned in the future, and they will teach you the things you will need to know in order to be able to fit in."

"In order for you to be accepted into society quicker perhaps we should give you a title? Is it wrong of me to assume that Croatia has its own noble line of which you could be a descendent of?"

"I do believe that Croatia has a noble line, although in my time they hold no power it is just a formal title. In my time there is a family of Duke's with the sure name Martin from a city very close to mine."

"What do you think? Do you think it could be verified in any way?" asks Vanessa.

"I am not sure if it can be verified, though is it not a criminal offense to impersonate nobility?"

"Well then we will leave that for now, we shall seek Carlyle's advice on this matter. So what will we tell my friends, when they ask us how we know each other?"

Answering her own question Vanessa continues "Let's see we met in Paris while I lived there with my aunt. We met one day while on a shipping jaunt and we became fast friends. A week later you left for the Americas and we have been corresponding through letters ever since" schemes up Vanessa, quite proud of her quick thinking.

"That sounds believable" agrees Nicky.

"But why are you here?" retorts Vanessa still deeply in thought.

"Hmm… how about my father sent me back to Croatia in hopes that I will find a suitable husband. A young man who courted me quite profusely became rather obsessed when I rejected him and he kidnapped me. He planned to marry me against my will and or taint me so no other man would have me, therefore I would have no choice but to marry him. I learned of this plan and thwarted it by escaping. In fear that he would find me I could not contact any friends that he might know about. So I came to England to the place you wrote of, I could not write to you of my visit in fear that he would learn of my plan."

"My dear that is genius, brilliant; it explains my surprise and the fact that we have not corresponded in a long time; your lack of clothes and valuables. Well now that we have covered all of that we need to start putting together a wardrobe for you, one that is tailored to you and of course in the latest fashions. Oh I must contact Madame Soleigh I hope she will be able to come and do the fittings herself. You will need day and night dresses; ball gowns; matching shoes and a proper riding habit; bonnets and fur shawls and jewels. Ohh… This is so exciting! Do not worry about a thing we will get you ready for the season."

In her whirlwind of excitement Vanessa is unaware of Nicky trying to dissuade her from her plan. Finally turning to Nicky she is surprised that she is not sharing in her excitement "Nicolette why do you look so pained?"

"I feel rather uncomfortable you doing all this for me without me having any way to repay you."

"I do not want to hear another word about it; did we not just agree that you will share your knowledge with my children. What you know is more precious and a greater gift that anything that I could buy you with the crown jewels of England. Plus you have lightened our spirits that is worth more than anything to me right now."

Pulling on her mother's skirts' Josephine reminds her mother "In my excitement I almost forgot Josephine wishes to give you a tour of the grounds, so off you go and I will see if I can make any arrangements for today if not the fun will start tomorrow."

Taking her hand Josephine escorts her out of the dining room and shows her to the kitchens.

"I am so delighted that you have finally felt well enough to come out of your quarters."

"As am I, this is such a treat for me, so where are we going?"

"Well you said that you wished to meet Monsieur Gaston and thank him from the yummy meal."

"Oh yes that would be nice."

"And while we are here I will introduce you to the rest of the staff, so that your time here is made easier."

"Here we are." She says as she opens the door to the kitchens.

It appears that the whole kitchen staff has congregated in the kitchens to gossip about the new addition to the household.

"I heard that she is running away from the law..."

"Well I heard that her family is so desperate for her to get married, that they sent her here to play the pauper knowing that her Grace would take pity and help marry her off. Is it not obvious that she is here to be as close as possible to the most eligible bachelor in all of England?" says the laundry maid.

As Nina and Josephine come through the door the staff gets to their feet most with an apologetic face all but the laundry maid Kristine. She raises her head high staring Nicolette down.

Pretending not to have heard a thing Nicolette walks in with Josephine.

"Hello everyone" quips Josephine. Turning to the staff she is beaming "This is Miss. Nicolette Martin, she is a friend of my mothers."

"Unanimously the staff curtsy as well as bows to Nicolette save for one.

"What could have I possibly done to deserve such scorn from a woman I do not even know" Nina thinks to herself.

Completely disregarding the obvious insult to her she turns to Josephine.

"Will you please introduce me to the staff; if I am to stay here I would like to know each and every one of them."

Turning to her now rather captive audience she says "Though you will have to forgive me I am horrible with remembering names. So I will apologize in advance if I get your names wrong. Please feel free to correct me, at any time."

"This is the head Chef Monsieur Gaston." Says Josephine

"Oh it is a pleasure to meet you, I must congratulate you on the scrumptious meal, it was a feast for the senses."

Blushing he takes off his hat wringing it in his hands he bows "Merci, Madame Merci, it iz a great plezure tu cook for such a butifull vouman."

Giggling Nina replies "Thank you! You must give me the recipe for the baby duck it was absolutely delicious."

"Zi yong Miss iz well versed in zi coulinary arts? Se magnifique, Madame u are quite velcome en mon kitsion when eve u desire."

"I will definitely take you up on that offer Chef."

In the mean time the staff has lined up according to their station and Nicolette is introduced to them all.

"Hmm so my accuser and obviously the most malicious person here is also the lowest one on the rung of the household staff. Kristine is not my favorite name in the world go figure this one is staying true to her name. Well I hope that she has had her fill and will stop with this nonsense as well as the ridiculous gossip she has started." Nicolette thinks to herself.

"Well it was a pleasure to meet you all but I do believe it is time for us to continue our tour. Josephine has kindly volunteered to show me the beautiful estate."

Slowly Nicky and Josephine take their leave and ascend the stair case. This time she pauses beside each masterpiece and inquires of Josephine as to who and what they are of. She is amazed Josephine is well versed in the arts. Managing to drag Nicky up the grand staircase on to the second floor she takes her to her room.

Entering as the sun is setting over the horizon the view takes Nicky's breath away. Josephine's room is painted in a butter yellow which is deeper and more accented by the setting sun. There is intraquite plaster work all over the walls as well as the ceiling; the motives are of what appear to be scenes from fairy tales and various woodland creatures. In the center of the room is a precious canopy bed draped in silks of the softest pink.

Josephine runs in to the left corner of the room and sits down while Nicky is left admiring the room from the doorway. Turning to Nicky she calls to her and says "Do not loiter in the doorway, come see my treasure chest".

Smiling at her and the seriousness of the statement Nicky does as she is told. As she approaches Josephine and attempts to sit down beside her. Not used to the voluminous skirts and hoops she does not quite know how to. After much maneuvering she plops down and settles next to Josephine.

"A treasure chest indeed" remarks Nicky admiring the chest covered in gold's, amethyst and rose quarts. As Josephine opens it, it is overflowing with toys none of which have seen the light of day in over 200 years. "Let's play dollies" Josephine pleads with her eyes.

Responding Nicky says "Why don't you show me the rest of your home and we will play later, before you go to bed."

Agreeing Josephine gets up and says "Let's go."

Exiting the room they see Vanessa walking up the staircase. "There you are I have been trying to find the two of you to tell you the good news. First Madame Soleigh will be coming tomorrow bright and early for your first fitting." Taking Nicky by the hand she continues "Initial fittings are quite trying and extensive. Madame Soleigh is not the most patient woman but she is the best. She is the most sought after seamstress in all of London. If it was not for Carlyle helping her out in her time of need and investing into her business, I do not know how we would have gotten an appointment. She is quite a character and I must warn you, she is crass and speaks her mind so do not take her comments to heart my dear. Now what were you two doing when I so rudely interrupted you?"

"Well Josephine was showing me her room and we were about to continue the tour."

"Now Josephine it is rather sweet that you wish to continue the tour but it is getting very close to your bed time so I do believe that it is time for you to say goodnight to Nicolette you can continue your tour tomorrow."

"But Mummy" Josephine begins to interject but with a patient look from Vanessa manages to silence her rebuff.

"Do not fret my love, tomorrow after my fittings we will go for a long walk and I will tell you a lovely story" I try to comfort the now pouting child.

"Which story? I have heard them all." She says stubbornly as she crosses her arms and pouts.

"Have you ever heard the story of the Little Mermaid?"

"The Little Mermaid I do not believe that I have" says Josephine still trying to recall such a story.

"Well then off to bed with you, the faster you fall asleep the quicker tomorrow will come and I will regale you with the stories of the mischievous little mermaid."

"Very well then I bid you both a good night." Turning to her mother she raises her hands gesturing for her mother to pick her up. She hugs Vanessa and places a gentle peck upon her cheek.

As Vanessa lowers her back to the ground I bend down; Josephine puts her cherub hands around my neck and gives me a tight squeeze as well as a kiss on the cheek. Loosening her grip she puts her hands on either side of my face and with a stern look she says "It had better be a good story." Laughing out loud I say "It will be; I will even sing you the songs which accompany the story."

"Oh goody" Josephine responds clasping her hands together in joy.

"Josephine I will be there to tuck you in, in a few minutes" Says Vanessa.

Walking away towards the drawing room Nicky says "I believe I will retire for the night as well. It has been a rather taxing day emotionally as well as physically. I cannot believe the emotional rollercoaster that I have been on in just a few hours. It feels as if days have flown by."

"Well I cannot begin to imagine how you must feel so I will not even try to guess. Go and rest my dear tomorrow is just the beginning of your new life with us. It must be so exciting to have a fresh start, a blank slate. You can be anyone is it not exciting?"

"Yes and no, I think I would describe it more as nerve wracking. I fear that I will be found out and locked away somewhere where I will not be able to seek my way back home. Though I do appreciate all that you are doing for me I am still quite intent on returning back to my own time."

"Of course my dear I will help you, we will all help you in any way that we know and can, just let us know what you need and we will try to supply you with it."

Nicky stops and turns she hugs Vanessa "For the lack of better words Thank You, for your friendship and for all of your help. I must have been born under a lucky star if I was fortunate enough to have my path cross yours in my greatest hour of need. Good night Vanessa I shall see you in the morning." Letting go she turns and leaves not wanting Vanessa to see the raw emotion which is displayed on her face.

"Goodnight my dear and sweet dreams" she whispers as Nicky retreats back to her quarters.

Closing the door behind her for the first time Nina lets herself be overwhelmed by the emotions which have surfaced. She had been fighting them back but now in the solace of her room she sets them free. With her back still against the door she slowly slides down to the floor weeping.

"I just want to go home" how cliché she thinks to herself "I really just want my mommy". She continues to weep silencing her sobs in the folds of her dress. Realizing that she is making quite a bit of noise she fears that someone might hear, once she regains some composure she gets up and moves away from the door. Walking across the room she is stripping off the gown and all her dinner paraphernalia. By the time she reaches the foot of the bed she is left in nothing but her undergarments as she crawls into her soft bed. Self pity, melancholy and sheer emotional exhaustion take over as she cries herself to sleep.

Chapter 4.

Dear D,

Yes I am actually refusing to start this first entry with Dear Diary, it is so corny, I feel like a 5th grader. I simply can't bring myself to do it.

I had a very strange dream last night, one that saddened me to the very core. The dream was about my family and how they were still searching for me. They were devastated that they have yet to hear from me, or for that matter find a shred of evidence to help them in their search.

It was a very voyeuristic dream; one in which I was a ghost, made to watch my family be torn apart by my disappearance but unable to help to comfort them. In my mind I thought that if I was able to give them a sign I could prove that I was there, and so I screamed , I tried to move things ,I did everything I could but no one could see that I was there. And so I wept with them, I wept for them and for myself, I was torn for I could do nothing but watch.

Waking from that nightmare I came to the realization that I have been neglecting the promise that I made when I found myself in this predicament. So I have made a decision that I will start my search; begin looking for a way home. I will use all that I know as well as all resources available to me. I am well aware that it will not be easy nor am I guaranteed to succeed but I owe it to them to try.

The worst part is that I don't know where to start. Perhaps the best place to start is in the very beginning, recount all that I had heard and seen that day in the park. There must have been something that I missed, something that at that moment was inconsequential but knowing what I know now could be monumental.

Well the fog was definitely strange that I know, I have never in my life heard of such a thing. And it came out of nowhere so thick, spreading from the ground up. Usually fog descends not ascends. It was definitely unusual. Where is Google when you need it? I bet there are dozens of articles, blogs and sites about such strange occurrences.

The second strangest thing was that ray of light; it was like a beacon calling to me. I had originally thought to just turn and walk back the way I came, if I had just kept walking I would eventually reach the end of the park and be on a street somewhere. But I couldn't it was like a sirens call drawing me in. Once I looked at the light I felt an instantaneously pull , all my previous thought were erased and all I wanted to do was go into it.

The closer I got to the light the louder was the buzzing noise. Once inside the light it became quite pronounced. At the time I didn't notice it but thinking back I just thought that it was just my ears ringing from the change of pressure. As I have always been sensitive to changes of weather I thought nothing of it. Fog has always given me migraines but when I walked into the light the pain increased tenfold, it became too much for my body to bare, I felt so nauseous and that is when I passed out.

When I woke up I still remember hearing the noise but I figured it was just my ears buzzing form the rush of blood back to my head. Hmm… I wonder if that buzzing sound identifies the location of the wormhole. When the fitting is over I'll go and explore the meadow to see if I can feel the same kind of pressure or hear the buzzing. If I'm lucky the wormhole is still there just hidden unless you know what you are looking for.

I awoke buy the cherry tree I wonder if that is where the worm hole deposited me or if I rolled or fell. God I wish I could remember more.

Getting up Nicolette walks over to the balcony putting on her dressing robe she walks out into the sunlight to see if she can see anything unusual from that vantage point. The meadow is still sparkling with droplets of undisturbed morning dew. Looking at her watch she sees that it is still early 7am; all is quiet as the hustle and bustle is contained within the house as the house staff begins to prepare for a new day. Since Olivia has yet to come to wake her, she decides to enjoy what little time she has left before she is summoned to breakfast and dragged to her fitting.

Hearing the sound of horses and a rather noisy coach approaching from the street below, curiosity gets the best of her as she sets the book down on the bench and peers round the corner to see who it is. Just as she reaches the corner of the balcony she hears Olivia enter the room, she sounds rather flustered.

"Miss, Miss you must wake up Madame Soleigh is here, you must get ready quickly. There will be no time for you to breakfast, I apologize Miss Nicky I forgot to wake you." Pulling back the sheets as she sees Nicky is not there.

Nicky walks back into the room just as Olivia is about to have a fit. "Calm down Olivia I am up, help me get dressed there is no need to panic."

"Oh my lady you are too kind, now let's get you into a shift and corset, you need to don proper undergarments Madame Soleigh will not take kindly to you wearing anything else."

"Alright Olivia lets go."

While Nicky is getting dressed all is rather quiet and from time to time Nicky notices that Olivia is blushing deep shades of crimson as well as looks rather uncomfortable.

"Olivia what is wrong? Are you ill?"

"It is nothing Miss." She responds now her cheeks are an ever deeper shade of red.

"Well it must be something I hope that you are not upset about this morning; I told you I am not angry with you. I rather enjoyed having a few minutes to myself. Did I tell you about my dream?"

Shaking her head Olivia responds "No."

"Truth be told it was more a nightmare than a dream." Still not satisfied with Olivia's answer Nicky continues to push and probe to see what is the matter.

As Olivia is brushing her hair Nicky grabs her hand and guides her around until they are facing each other.

"Livy please tell me, I do not like to see you so perplexed. Is it something that I said, was it something I did?"

"No Miss. You have been wonderful. I am extremely lucky to be employed by such a good mistress."

"Then what is it? I will not leave this room until you tell me. So you better start talking!" Taking a page out of Josephine's handbook Nicky crosses her hands over her chest and firmly plants herself in the chair."

"Oh no, no miss you must go now."

"I am waiting!!!!!"

On the verge of tears Olivia confesses "I am so sorry about last night you must be so vexed with me for not standing up for you."

"Oh" says Nicky the onslaught of the words coming back to her.

Hanging her head in shame Olivia puts her face in her hands as she begins to weep. "I knew that you must have heard but I had hoped that you did not. They are vile gossiping shrews. It is just so hard to stand up to them."

Olivia collapses to her knees and lays her head on Nicky's lap.

"Olivia that is very sweet of you, but I can fight my own battles. And the gossip that they spewed I'm sure has crossed everyone's mind. As long as those who truly matter know the truth then I'm not concerned. I do not want you to be at odds with them. If we ignore them perhaps they will stop, if not I will think of something. In the mean time I do not want you to feel guilty about anything."

"Oh Miss Nicolette I hope that you are right. They are evil to the core and they are so hateful."

"But why, whatever have I done to them?

"You are here and her Grace took you in. They are extremely jealous as they do not think you are of noble birth."

"In other words they wish they were me. If they only knew what that entails."

Realizing how late they are Olivia gets to her feet. "We must go Miss., please."

"Let us go, lead the way Livy. Do you mind if I call you Livy?"

Turning her head back to Nicky Olivia answers with a smile "No I do not mind, I like Livy no one has ever called me that!"

As she is answering Nicky's question she opens the door and finds Kristine stumbling back, away from the door.

"Good morning Kristine, may we help you?" Says Olivia shocked and angry that she found her snooping.


With her most blinding and friendly smile upon her lips Nicky asks "Are you here to summon us?"

"No I am not."

"I can't believe that she is still acting holier than though even now when she has been caught eavesdropping, unbelievable the gall of some people." Nicky thinks to herself.

"Then get back downstairs there is much to be done today." Says Olivia.

"Go Livy!" Nicky thinks to herself. "Though I hope that you will not be paying for it later."

In a huff Kristine turns and takes the servant's stairs as we proceed down the main stairway.

Now horribly late we are intercepted on the stairs by Josephine "Where have the two of you been! You must hurry; she is not very patient today."

Flying down the stairs as fast as their feet can carry them they come to a sudden stop right in front of the door to Vanessa's drawing room. They smack one into the other "It's like a scene out of the three stooges" Nicky thinks to herself as they erupt into a fit of giggles.

At the sound of the ruckus outside Vanessa rushes to the door and not waiting for the footman to open the door she lets the girls in. She chides each with a stern look as they pass through the doorway.

Vanessa closes the door and says "Madame Soleigh it is my pleasure to introduce you to.."

Cutting her of Madame Soleigh makes her way to the front of the room as her assistants' part like the red see allowing her to pass. "Well it is about time that you graced us with your presence." She says in a rather mocking tone.

"Do you think that I have nothing better to do than to wait on a pampered little chit such as yourself? You are on my time not I on yours. Now get over here so that we can start this fitting, I am a busy woman and I do not have time for such shenanigans."

Taken back by her tone and manner Nicky is left momentarily speechless. After a few seconds she regains her senses as she assesses the situation.

"Apologies Madam, I did not mean any disrespect with my tardiness. It will not happen again."

As the words come out of her mouth, the whole room is stunned into silence. Shocked that the girl had enough class to apologize, instead of turning her nose up or simply regarding her as a crazed old servant who is only tolerated until she is needed. Madame Soleigh turns to Nicky "I am glad to hear that, now get your bum up on that pedestal so that I can see what I have to work with."

As Nicky passes her Madame Soleigh slaps her on the bottom to get her to move faster.

Nicky gives a little yelp and giggles as she steps up on the pedestal.

"And I thought I had a heavy hand, I feel sorry for anyone who gets on your bad side." Continues Nicky.

"When you deal with a bunch of over privileged little brats as I do, you learn that it is easier to just beat them into submission that coax them with honey."

"Have you never heard of the term you catch more bees with honey than you do with vinegar."

"Oh yes a lovely saying that is" she says wistfully "but these are no honey bees, with a few exceptions of course." She adds with a wink to Vanessa and Josephine.

"Ah… yes I can see where your problem lies. You probably figure that it is easier to deal with them if they fear you."

"You got yourself a sharp one here your Grace." She says in a sarcastic tone.

"Oh you do not even know, Evangeline."

"What a beautiful name, you have" comments Nicky.

"You are barking up the wrong tree my dear, flattery will get you nowhere."

As if she did not hear the last comment Nicky continues "You would think it belonged to someone as gentle as a flower not as deadly as a wasp."

The whole room is a gasp, every mouth is gaping all except for that of Madame Soleigh.

"Well I see that we have our work cut out for us. This is no weeping willow girls; this one has been fed far too well. I hope you are not responsible for this Vanessa."

Shaking her head Vanessa responds "No that is how she came to us" as she suppresses a giggle.

"She's got the broad shoulders of a butcher and the bottom and thighs of wench who has been stuffing her face with far too many pies."

The room is so quiet you can hear a pin drop. Nicky replies "Well there's a pot calling a kettle black."

As the words leave her mouth she turns to look at Evangeline face to face and they both burst into fits of laughter.

"Oh I like this one Vanessa she's got spirit. She reminds me of you in your younger spunkier days."

"I thought you might, now let's get to work, there is not time to waste. Do you think you will be able to provide us with what we need in time for the first ball?"
"She has a quite admirable figure that tiny waist will sure drive them mad, and as I said before her bum I quite pronounced, she will not need artificial padding so that will cut our time in half."

"Well I am glad it is good for something."Nicky says winking at Josephine who is suppressing a giggle.

"I have a few drawings that I prepared, but looking at her now I do believe we will have to make some alterations to my original designs."

"You see my dear" says Evangeline to Nicky "each of my pieces is unique, not one girls needs to fret that another will be wearing the same gown."

"Marie bring over the sketch book."

"Come here my dear let us see what we can do." She calls to Nicky.

Nicky, Vanessa as well as Josephine walk over to the drawings.

"These are beautiful, my goodness you are extremely talented I had no idea". Picking up a scarlet number Nicky marvels at the detail of the drawing.

"I love the caped sheer sleeves; the folds and pleating are gorgeous. Pointing to the swatches attached to the page he asks are these the material samples?"

"Yes what do you think?"

"Simply divine. I love it. Though if I may I have a few suggestions."

"Well what do you have in mind?"

"Instead of the capped sleeves why not make it a corset with valance selves made of the same sheer material; I am going to guess silk. And then there can be a sash of the same material draped along the back of the dress right below the shoulder blades."

"Ah yes that is an interesting concept. Hmm….I like it, it is very different. Have you ever done this before? You have a good eye."

"Thank you."

"I like this crimson one as well as the green one it brings out my eyes do you agree?"

"Yes I concur, and I think that the capped sleeves would look much better on this one. The hem should be slightly elongated as you are much taller than I thought you would be. I have the measurements for the day dresses if you allow me to I will gladly pick the material as well as the colors for them."

"Well after seeing how talented you are I think I can with full confidence allow you to pick what you think is best. But if I may be so bold as to request a color?"

"But of course, please."

"I would like a purple and or violet dress. Please no pink or orange, those are the only colors that I cannot stand to wear."

"Thank you that is good for me to know. Well I think that is all for today. When I have everything ready for your fitting I will call on you again. It has been a pleasure my dear I will see you soon."

"Likewise, I look forward to seeing your sketches come to life."

As the fitting draws to a close Josephine reminds Nicolette of her promise.

"Yes my dear we will go for the walk shortly, I am famished first I would like to breakfast and then don one of the gorgeous creations Madame Soleigh brought for me. Then when we walk Madame Soleigh out, we will continue on to the meadow."

"Please call me Evangeline, you have earned it. Just do not do so in front of others whom I service I don't want them to get any crazy ideas."

"Yes Madame!" Nicky playfully salutes the seamstress. "May I please have my dress?"

"I will see if they have finished with the alterations." She says to Nicolette turning to her staff she walks over to see the progress of their work. After a few minutes she returns dress in hand.

"Now let us see how it fits." She lets Nicolette step into the gown and as she buttons and hooks up the back. She exclaims "Simply perfection, if I say so myself!."

Turning to the mirror Nicolette is stunned and rendered speechless.

"I always knew that I was meant to wear such dresses, I was so born in the wrong era."

Blushing she says "Madame you have simply outdone yourself. After seeing this I cannot wait to see what is in store for me in the near future." She turns and hugs the proud seamstress. The strangely tender moment is broken as Josephine tugs on Nicky's dress "May we go NOW?"

"Did your mother not teach you that patience is a virtue? Greatness cannot be rushed!" exclaims Evangeline.

"Oh she is just excited that we will be spending the day outdoors. I promised her a story and she is eager to hear it."

"Hmm… well none the less she should be mindful when adults are conversing."

"My apologies Madame for my outburst." says Josephine with a curtsy.

"It is all right my child I remember what it was like to be your age." replies Madame Soleigh.

"Why don't you go and fetch me a bit of bread and cheese and a piece of fruit and we will be off. I will not make you wait while I eat."

"I will wait for you by the stables."

"I will meet you there shortly Josephine."

As Madame Soleigh's assistants pack up the materials Vanessa, Nicky and Evangeline are discussing final decisions and arrangements for the next visit.

"Goodbye I hope to see you soon Nicolette."

"Goodbye it was a pleasure to work with you."

As the last of the chests are loaded on the coach the horses are spurred forward.

"Vanessa, I am off for my walk with Josephine, we will not be gone for too long."

"Not to worry dinner will not be for a while; we are delaying it for a bit so that we would be able to dine with Tristan. He is due back from his Grandmothers shortly."

"Oh that is right, I cannot wait to meet him properly, I fear that we did not get off on the best foot the last time we met. No pun intended there."

"He is excited to meet you."

"Well the feeling is mutual."

"Off you go then do not keep poor Josephine waiting she is not a very patient child.

Walking out the front door Nicky realizes that she has never ventured outside. She hopes that she will be able to find the stables. "Well the smells should be able to guide me" she thinks to herself. Turning around yet another bend she sees the back of the house with its massive terrace. "Exquisite like something out of a fairytale" she thinks to herself. As she crosses the beautifully manicured lawn she sees or rather smells the stables. Though the smell is becoming rather pungent it is being masque quite well by the massive garden of roses. Nicky stops and smells the roses, the colors are simply gorgeous, they smell so fresh each with a unique bouquet which tantalizes the senses. Oh it is so nice to finally smell a rose. Walking over to a particularly frail looking rose, she is drawn in by a rather familiar scent. Closing her eyes she recalls the last time she actually smelled such perfection. "It's my rose! The one which bloomed under my bedroom window in Croatia.. oh it has been too long." She kneels beside it and immerses herself in its delicate white blooms. A smile spreads on her lips and she is transported to her childhood. "It was my responsibility to tend to the roses. My mother loved roses, our house was surrounded by them. I had two favorites the white one I called Chantilly Lace because of how delicate it was. You could never pick the blooms to bring indoors they would just fall apart at first cut. And then there was the red rose I called Blood Velvet what a gorgeous color it was. The dark blood color petals were much hardier and thicker than Chantilly's, when you touched them they felt like velvet, its scent was not nearly as potent, regardless it was so beautiful. There was no one who passed by that would not stop to admire those two beauties."

A tap on her shoulder brings her back to the present "Josephine!! Oh I forgot" She turns to see the little girl not looking very patient. "Oh I am so sorry I was so drawn in by these booms that I did not realize so much time has passed."

"It is all right I love the rose bed too." Kneeling beside Nicky she continues "I like to come here and pretend that I live in a rose castle. Mother loves roses when she comes across a particular rose she fancies she brings it home to add to our collection. Do you like this one?"

"Yes I do it reminds me of the rose I used to tend to when I was younger. My mother loves roses too. We had many different kinds. Before we left Croatia for the last time I had just planted a cutting for a butter yellow rose and a beautiful violet colored one, I wonder how they are fairing."

Sensing her melancholy Josephine stands and pats Nicky's head "Do not be sad, come lets go and walk I wish for you to tell me the story of the Little Mermaid."

"Yes let us go." Standing she takes the bundle from Josephine and begins to munch on the bread and cheese. Coming to the meadow they sit under the willow tree beside the pond. "Alright so you wish to know the story of the little mermaid well here it goes. Once upon a time in a land beneath the sea, lived a curious and beautiful little mermaid named Ariel. Her hair was a stunning shade of red and she had beautiful green eyes just like you. She was the youngest daughter of King Triton ruler of the seven seas; Ariel was quite adventurous and rebellious. Our story starts on the day of the great festival for the Kings birthday. All the mer-people had gathered in the palace to enjoy the day's festivities. Sebastian the crab who was the king's advisor prepared a beautiful concert in honor of the king in which he was to introduce the young mermaid to the masses. Ariel was well known to have a beautiful voice and for the first time that voice was going to be displayed for all to hear…."

As Nicolette goes on with her story she gets rather animated as she acts out the scenes and sings the songs which accompany the story. Josephine is enamored and delighted as Nicolette brings the story to life through her reenactment.

Halfway through the story and Nicolette's rendition of "A Part of your world" they are interrupted by a gallop of a horse. Turning Nicky sees a young man on horseback. As he comes closer she realizes that it must be Tristan.

"It is Tristan Nicolette, he has come to say hello."

Coming to a halt a few yards away Tristan jumps off the horse and ties it to a nearby tree letting it graze.

"Madame" he says bowing to Nicolette, turning to his sister her nods his head "Josephine, mother has sent me to come and fetch you, your presence has been requested."

"But Nicky was in the middle of her story of the Little Mermaid, you always ruin everything!!" she says as she crosses her arms and pouts.

"Do not fret there will be plenty of time for me to finish the story."

Disregarding Josephine's rant he continues. "Miss. Martin I requested that I be the one to come and notify you that we have an unexpected dinner guest. My grandmother has decided to join us for dinner today."

"Oh… Well I guess we had better start heading back." says Nicky looking rather flustered.

"Mother has asked that you do not return immediately she wishes to have some time with the Dowager Duchess herself."

"Thank you Tristan, I am grateful that you came to warn us even though I am sure you are quite weary from your trip."

"It was the least I could do for the woman who saved my life. I wish to formally apologize for my uncouth behavior; I should have never snuck up behind you in such a manner. I do hope that you can forgive me. "

"Oh think nothing of it my dear. I was just grateful that you were not hurt in that fall."

"Well I see that mother and Josephine finally let you out of your gilded prison. Is it safe to assume that you are well."

Laughing Nicky replies "Yes I am thank you for inquiring, though I would not call it a prison."

"No? Well I would if I had to listen to Josephine prattle on, on about the most mundane things. She did not leave your side the whole time that you were unconscious. She drove us all mad with her insistence that she was keeping you company, even though the good doctor tried to explain to her that in your present state you were unaware of your surroundings. Her governess had quite a difficult time prying her away for her studies." He says with a laugh.

"You did hear me did you not Nicky, tell him you did?"

"Well it is scientifically proven that comatose patients sometimes react to outside stimuli, such as music and a familiar voice. Perhaps that is why I feel so comfortable around you now my dear because I remember you keeping me company."

"See I told you so." says Josephine sticking her tongue out at Tristan.

"That is not very lady like behavior Josephine you mustn't do that."

"Oh she is not much of a lady!" exclaims Tristan as he runs away from Josephine just as she is about to give his shins a swift kick.

"Now, now children no fighting, Tristan tell me why has the Duchess decided to accompany you today?"

"Well she thinks that we are all under the weather because my father is still away. So instead of waiting a few more weeks to come and join us for the season she has decided to come with me today."

"Is it safe to say that your mother did not know anything about this."

"Oh I can assure you mother did not know. She is still trying to figure out how to introduce you to polite society she would not welcome such a distraction. Knowing that she would be unhappy about this unexpected turn of events I sent a footman with a message yesterday when I learned of the Dowagers plans, though it appears that he never made it."

Looking at her watch Nicky sees that it is getting late and if they are to make it to dinner on time they had better start walking back.

"It is getting late I think it would be a good time to head back don't you think?"

"Yes I do especially since you do not have horses."

Passing by Tristan's horse Nicky strokes his coat and says wistfully "I have always wanted to learn how to ride a horse."

"I will gladly teach you Miss."

"Please call me Nicky."

Alright Nicky, would you like for me to teach you?"

"Yes I would like that very much; I only have one request I rather not learn how to ride side saddle."

Laughing out loud he continues "Well I think we can accommodate you. My mother is quite insistent on ridding in a man's saddle so do not worry you can too."

Walking back they are quite animated and laughing. Looking out the window of Dowagers bedroom Vanessa sees them and is relieved that Tristan does not harbor any ill feelings towards Nicolette.

"What is so interesting out there Vanessa?" the Dowager duchess inquires as she peers out the window.

"Oh nothing I was just watching the children walking back."

"Is that a new governess with them, she does not look familiar?"

"No that is a friend of mine who has come to stay with us for the season. Miss Nicolette Martin."

"Oh how nice that you have company. Is that why you do not seem as saddened as the last time I saw you? How long have you known Miss Martin?"

"Oh I met her 10 years ago while I was staying with my aunt in Paris. She left for the Americas not too long after our initial meeting, though we stayed in contact through letters and visits here and there. Truth be told it has been ages since I saw her last."

"Well I am surprised that you did not inform me of her visit the last time I was here."

"Her visit was a bit of a surprise to me as well, but a welcome one none the less."

"Josephine adores her and has not left her side. She has been a breath of fresh air to us all and a pleasant distraction from missing Carlyle."

"Hmm… if you say so." Replies the dowager Duchess as she skeptical watches Nicolette and the children cross the great lawn.

"I look forward to meeting her. You really must be careful who you allow to consort with the children, they are quite impressionable at this young age."

"Viviane I do appreciate your concern but I do believe that I know what is best for my children. Nicolette is a quite worldly and she has agreed to share her knowledge with the children. She is a strong independent woman who has been through much in her life and I see her as a wonderful role model for Josephine. Not to mention a great example for Tristan to learn what a real woman is."

"I meant no disrespect Vanessa you are a wonderful mother."

"Thank you, I expect you to treat her kindly, she is my guest and I want her to feel at home."

"I understand and I will do my best to make her feel most welcome. Does Carlyle know about your guest?"

"No he does not, she arrived after my last letter to him, and as he is on his way home now I saw no reason to inform him."

Turning to the door Vanessa continues "I will take my leave now and let you get settled. If you need anything please do not hesitate to ask. Dinner will be served in one hour."

"Thank you, I shall see you then."

Closing the door behind her Vanessa leans against it as she exhales deeply. Walking down the hallway she finds Olivia and instructs her "As soon as Nicolette returns I want to be informed."

"Yes your Grace. Do you wish for me to bring her to your quarters?"

"No I will come to hers. Make sure that the olive gown is pressed properly and I will take care of the jewels. Also take care that the Dowager does not see her until dinner."

"Of course your Grace."

Already deep in thought Vanessa continues to her quarters.

As Nicolette Josephine and Tristan enter the mansion Olivia intercepts them. "Miss Nicolette we must get you ready for dinner. Miss Josephine, Sir Tristan please go to your quarters, your mother has requested that everyone be ready to dine in an hour. Your grandmother is here and we must be punctual."

"We will see you soon Nicolette" says Tristan. Josephine waives as she follows her brother.

"Come Nicky we must hurry there isn't much time. The maids are pressing your gown, you must take a bath and refresh yourself. There is no time to wash your hair, you are lucky it still looks as fresh as the day we washed it. We will have to put it up in a more contemporary style the Dowager will be expecting you to be in the latest fashions."

"Why is she here? Did she found out about me and came to check up on the family?"

"Oh I doubt this visit had anything to do with you Miss."

"Her maid told me that she has been rather concerned that the family has been missing the Duke so she has come to help lift their spirits."

"The Duchess was rather surprised by this visit. She is rather panicked I guess she is worried how the Dowager Duchess will take to you under the circumstances."

"Why do you say that, is there something wrong with me?"

"Oh no madam, but if I may be frank."

Nodding her head Nicky says "Please."

"It is quite evident that you and the Douches have not been friends for long. The Duchess is a good woman one willing to help anyone. I believe that Kristine sees that and is angered that you are receiving such treatment. I see that there is more to this than just the kindness of her Grace. There is something about you which just draws people in. You are quite different from any woman that I have ever met blue blooded or not. I believe that the Duchess sees that, is drawn to it and wishes to help you because she knows that you are a good person in need of a friend. You could not have found a better ally or a friendlier family. Whatever it is that you are doing here Miss Nicolette I beseech you please do not hurt them."

Turning to Olivia Nicky places her hands on the young womans shoulders, looks her in the eye and says "Olivia I have no intention of hurting anyone especially not any member of this family. I have seen their kindness and the generosity of not just her Grace but everyone here. You are very perceptive to notice that I am very different from the women here, I am far more different than you can imagine. One day I hope that I can trust you enough to be able to confide in you, for now I need you to believe me and trust her Graces instincts. Can you do that for me? Can you trust your instincts and believe in what your heart is telling you?"

"Nicky, I do believe you if I did not I would not have been so taken by you. I trust you and will defend you and assist you with whatever I can whenever I can. Her Grace has never been wrong, therefore, I have no reason to doubt your intentions. Now let us get you ready the Dowager Douches does not tolerate tardiness. We must be on our best behavior; she will scrutinize your every action as well as reaction. She is an extremely gracious woman though when it comes to her family she an admirable opponent and will protect them like a tigress."

"Well I am glad that I am in company of such strong women who have such spirit. I hope that she finds me suitable to befriend Vanessa."

"Oh I am sure that she will, if you were able to charm Madame Soleigh I am sure that you will have no problems with the Dowager."

Walking into her quarters Nicolette is taking off all the garments and she enters the warm bath which has been prepared and waiting for her.

Getting out of the tub her hair is brushed out and dried, styled in an interesting style that she would never think fitting of this era. As Olivia is putting the finishing touches on her quaff there is a knock at the door.

"You may enter" says Nicolette.

Opening the door Vanessa enters looking rather worried. "Hello my dear, how are you?"

"Considering all the surprises that we have had I would say I am well. Whatever brought on this visit?"

"I can only conclude that she was worried about the children and so she came to cheer us up."

Handing a bundle to Olivia she says "strategically place these in her hair and let us hope that the dowager does not recognize these as my jewels."

"Oh my goodness Vanessa they are beautiful are those diamonds and peridot?"

"Yes they are good eye; most people would never guess peridot."

"I cannot accept those they are too expensive."

"Do not worry my dear you will have some of your own shortly." Turning to Olivia she asks "is the dress pressed properly?"

"Yes madam it is hanging in the boudoir."

"Excellent let us see how it fits, Olivia would you please go and fetch it, I will finish twining the jewels in her hair."

Olivia brings the dress and skillfully buttons it up as Nicolette is mesmerized by her own reflection.

"I do not think that I will ever believe that it is me staring back from the mirror. Let us go before I get too full of myself." She laughs out loud and the two of them join her.

"The children are already downstairs entertaining their grandmother. She is highly interested in who you are, if we do not stray from the story that we agreed upon I do believe that she will not suspect anything is amiss." Wrapping Nicolette in a tight hug she whispers "Good luck my friend, this first test has come much sooner than we anticipated, none the less we must be strong."

"Olivia if you will" she nods to the door and Olivia rushes to open the French doors.

Ceremoniously they both walk out side by side and descend the staircase. Taking one last look at each other they share a sympathetic nervous smiles. Vanessa gives Nicky's hand one last encouraging squeeze and signals the footman to open the doors.

Vanessa walks in first with Nicky a pace behind her; walking up to Viviane she begins her introduction. "Your Grace it is my great pleasure to introduce you to my very dear friend Miss Nicolette Martin. Nicolette this is the Dowager Duchess of Crescentferd Viviane Wakefield."

Nicolette curtsies as deeply as she can without losing her balance. "Your Grace it is a pleasure to meet you."

"Oh the pleasure is all mine my dear, I simply had to come and meet the woman of whom my grandchildren sing such high praises."

"I am truly humbled by their acclaim."

"They seem to have taken to you so quickly. You have been here such a short time a week if my understanding is correct."

"Yes though I feel as is had known them all their lives. Vanessa would write to me about them. I just had to come and meet them."

"Were you at the wedding? I do not recall seeing you there."

"No I was not. By the time the invitation had reached me in the Americas it was only a week before the wedding, not enough time for me to come."

"Oh so you were in the Americas at the time? Pray tell what city?"

"New York"

"Ah yes I have heard of it. Though I have never had a chance to visit the New World myself I heard it is lovely is it not?"

"Yes it is but not as lovely as it is here. They call New York the city that never sleeps and that much is true.

"So you are a Yank then?"

"No I am not; my family originally came from a small country in the Mediterrian, more specifically Croatia. We moved to the Americas a week after I had met Vanessa. Our ship was departing from Paris so we came a few days early so that we could see the city as well as do some shopping. That is how I met Vanessa we just happen to be in the same ladies shop admiring the same hat. From that moment on we were inseparable and since then have kept in contact through letters."

Turning to Vanessa the douches inquires "Why have you never spoken of you friend?"

"Had I not your Grace? I must have mentioned her, perhaps in passing conversation."

"Hmm… Perhaps."

Turning back to Nicky she continues "Vanessa was unaware of your visit or so she tells me."

Yes my visit was a surprise even to me. After I returned to Europe I very much wanted to come for a visit we spoke of it often in out letters but unfortunately my circumstances did not allow."

Her curiosity peaking at this sudden twist in the story she asks "What circumstances my dear?"

Looking at the children Nicky responds "I do believe that story is better suited for mature ears."

Before the children are aware of the change in her tone Nicky remembers "Josephine I have yet to finish the story of the Little Mermaid."

"That I believe is a much better story for this evening."

"What story is that my dear?"asks the Dowager Duchess.

"Josephine would you like to do the honors?"asks Nicky.

"Oh yes, all right every one, this is what has happened in the story thus far…." Josephine proceeds to bring everyone to speed. She is very through she even attempts to sing the songs. Nicky laughs to herself at the sheer determination of the girl and assists her by singing along.

That which should have only taken a half an hour turns into a 2 hour retelling of the story. Just as Nicky and Josephine come to the end of 'A Part of your World' part I Vanessa realizes that it is quite past the children's bed time. Clapping she rises from her seat "That was wonderful oh I cannot wait to hear the rest tomorrow."

"Tomorrow oh no Mum we have finally gotten to the good past." She says turning to look at Nicky.

"Yes it is the good part but by the looks of it, but the finally will just have to wait till morrow."

"You promise?"

"Yes I do my dear."

"All right then" taking her brother by the hand Tristan and Josephine give everyone a good night kiss and take their leave.

"They are such wonderful children, you really have raised them well" says Nicky.

"I agree" says the Duchess.

"Now that the children have gone will you please explain your earlier statement?"

"Yes of course!" Nicky begins her tale weaving it like a spider weaves its web, drawing in its pray until it is too late to turn back.

The Dowager listens intently hanging on to Nicky's every word. She smiles, frowns, gasps and practically cheers in all the right places. Knowing that the Dowager is buying their story Nicky winks to Vanessa and they both smile knowing they have won one more person over to their side.

"My goodness you have been through quite an ordeal, oh you poor dear" the Dowager takes Nicky into her embrace squeezing her tight.

"Do not worry we will help you" turning to Vanessa she says "Wont we?"

"Of course I have already told her that we will use all resources available to us to help her."

"I concur."

All three ladies make their way up the stairs to get ready for bed. As they pass Nicky's room she bids them goodnight. Continuing down the corridor the Duchess inquires "Well Vanessa if you are going to have her over for the season do you not think she would need an escort. We dare not have her be a laughing stock of London."

"Of course not!!" Vanessa says.

"Who have you asked?"Turning to Vanessa she stops and looks her in the eye. Vanessa turns her gaze to the floor. The dowager exclaims in hushed tones "Vanessa please tell me that you asked someone."

Returning her gaze to meet the Dowagers Vanessa responds with a pleading look "We were so busy trying to update her wardrobe and all her essentials, I forgot about an escort." Says Vanessa biting her lip.

At the realization of such an embarrassment befalling the poor girl the Dowager begins to pace the hallway. With one hand on her hip as the other grazes her forehead she asks "Do you know anyone who we could use on such a short notice?"

Answering her own question the Dowager continues "Well there is Steven but you know how fickle he has been about escorting anyone; he has become quite bored by the whole process. I do fear for him I do not know what he is searching for." The Dowager continues staring off into the distance continuing her monologue.

"I wish to see him happy but I do not know how to help him, he has gone through almost every eligible maiden in London." Still thinking about it internally she waives her hand as if to swat away the dreary thoughts. She turns towards Vanessa and smiles cheerfully thought it never quite reaches her eyes.

Vanessa quips "I could always ask Nicky, I am sure he would be willing to assist us."

"Oh what a splendid idea, he is still a bachelor moreover he is one of the most sought after bachelors in all of Europe, if my memory serves me right. They world make a perfect match do you not think so Vanessa?"

Vanessa replies "Yes" though with not as much emphasis as the Dowager would like.

"You must summon him at once" reaching over she takes a piece of letterhead and quill placing them in her lap she continues to encourage her "you must write to him."

Vanessa sits herself at the drawing desk to compose her letter to Nicholas.

Dear Nicholas,

I hope that this letter finds you in good health and spirits. We are well and anxiously waiting Carlyle's return. My dear friend through a sudden turn

of events I desperately am in need of your assistance, with a rather delicate

matter, one I rather not discuss in this letter. In lieu of this I had hoped that you could join us early for the season. Hopefully your schedule permits, if your answer is yes do not bother to send a response just come and give me the good news yourself.

Your ever faithful friend in dire need of your assistance,


"Make sure to send this to multiple locations in case he has already come to London."

"I doubt that Nicky would come without paying us a visit" retorts Vanessa.

"Call for a messenger we shall get this out tonight." Rising from her chair Vanessa rings the bell summoning a footman.

Chapter 5


As each day passes by I am more and more intrigued by these people and their lifestyle. It is beautiful how care free and simple their lives are. Yes I am aware that it is because they are well off but none the less with so much less to learn there is so much more time to enjoy life.

The air is so crisp and clean and everything is visually stunning. Yesterday I went out deep into the wood beyond the meadow and I was shocked how well preserved it was. The animals did not fear me as you would think that they would. A gorgeous bird landed by me and I stood still just watching it and it watched me too. At that moment I burst into tears, I frightened it and naturally it flew away. I felt so lonely in that instant, though I am rarely alone I feel empty and so lost. I put on a front for all but I feel myself disappearing, it really scares me.

I think that Vanessa sees something is amiss because she keeps me so busy that half the time I don't have time to wallow in my own sorrow. Which when I think about it is good, but it's the moments like this that I fear, when all is still and quiet I have a feeling I can just dissipate , leave as quick as I came.

Yesterday I met a few more members of the family. It was quite nerve wrecking as I did not expect to be meeting them, especially not so soon. Tristan is a sweetheart, he is quite tall for his age and at the awkward brink between boyhood and adolescence. I thought he was at least a teenager so when Vanessa told me he is only ten I was shocked. He doesn't have his mothers coloring he has jet black hair which has a tint of blue in the sun; his eyes are a steel blue gray which are perfectly off set by his pale complexion. He must take after his father who I have yet to meet.

With him came his grandmother the Dowager Duchess, a very intimidating woman who exudes strength and frailty what a paradox. Her hair is a silver white and she has the same eyes as Tristan. She is the first person to hear my story other than Vanessa regardless accepted me as warmly as everyone else. So I do believe it went well. In any case I need the practice as Vanessa is adamant that I have the ultimate experience while I am here. This apparently entails me being introduced to all of her friends and their closely knit society as a whole. I have no idea what that involves but apparently it means dressing to the nine's and hob knobbing with the crème de la crème of London society. All I can say is Lord give me patience and strength to get through it with dignity.

Waking early Nicky is determined to get an early start in her research 'unfortunately yesterday was a bust' she thinks to herself. 'Here we are again as a new day unfolds before me and I am determined to get to work. I know much is to be done I am anxious and nervous at what I will find when I find myself facing that which I nothing about.'

"I need to do this without so many distractions." She says as her stomach growls "I guess I will have to make a stop in the kitchens and fetch myself some breakfast. I hope Olivia is there I want someone to know my whereabouts in case I am needed."

She dresses herself in a simple gown, brushes her hair into a low ponytail and descends down the servant's stairs. Olivia is nowhere in sight she decides she cannot wait for her any longer. The longer she stays the greater the chance of someone seeing her and delaying her in her mission for yet another day.

Sneaking out through the servants door located in the back of the kitchens, she hikes up her skirts and breaks into a swift run; in hopes of quickly putting some distance between herself and the house. Her lungs struggle for air, her heart is pumping erratically she slows and decides to walk the rest of the way. 'It is a shame to run through such a beautiful place' she thinks to herself. Wanting not to get distracted again she is focused on reaching her goal, the cherry tree. The closer she gets to the tree she does notice a change in pressure.

Walking around it very slowly she is listening for the buzzing noise "there, there it is" she slows down to a crawl trying to pinpoint the exact place where the frequency is the strongest. Finding it she sits on the ground and puts her head against the tree. She notices the vibrations seem to stem from the tree itself. Rising to her knees she notes something rather unusual, there are no bugs; birds or any life forms around the tree or in the tree itself. "How strange it is as I then they sense something is amiss."

She touches the tree poking and prodding. The hairs on her arm start to stand as her arm gets closer to a large hole in the base of the tree. There is an energy a static energy emitting from it. She peeks in but it is so dark she can barely see anything; it is as if light is swallowed up by it almost like a miniature black hole. Scared to experiment with her own appendages she searches the ground she finds a few pebbles grabs them and begins to toss into them in to the hole. Listening for the sound of them landing and the base of the tree, she is intrigued when they do not. 'Well that is certainly interesting' she thinks to herself.

"Do black holes absorb sound as well?" Frustrated by her own lack of knowledge she hopes that someone came up with an inkling of the theory before Karl Schwarzchild. "If not I will have to plant the seed in some scientists head. Perhaps Vanessa will have some acquaintances in the scientific community."

Seeing that it is almost noon she knows the family will be searching for her she decides to make her way back, but not before she tests again her theory of sound. Gathering her courage she steps up to the gap. As she approaches it she senses the change in pressure, sounds seem to diminish, in her ears there is a buzzing and a general feeling of a static energy is around her. The air crackles with it, with her head almost in the hole she yells into it as soon as sound escapes her lips it fades, swallowed up by the nothingness.

"Well it is a beginning" she says as she turns toward the house and starts her trip back.

Reaching the house she hears the children playing in the library, as she goes to enter the room she hears Olivia calling her.

"Miss, Miss the Dowager and Her Grace are in the sun room having their brunch and have requested that you join them. Have you broken your fast?"

"No, no I have not and I am famished. Would you be so kind at to bring me a bit of something."

"Your usual Miss some fruit, cheese and a scone, we made blue berry ones."

"That would be splendid. Were they looking for me?"

"Yes but I had told them that you went for an early walk. I saw you run out this morning."

Nicky says "I looked for you in the kitchens, but there was no one there. I do not know where your quarters are, nor do I know your schedule so I could not tell you where I was going. I thought to wait for you but I did not want anyone to dissuade me from venturing out. If someone found me they always manage to distract me from what I know I must do."

A bell rings and Vanessa's head peaks out of the sun room "Olivia has Nicky returned yet? Oh there you are come in my dear." Vanessa disappears back into the room and Nicky walks in after her.

"Good day everyone" says Nicky curtsying before both duchesses. Waiving her hand at Nicky the Dowager duchess says "Oh there is no need for that, only for formalities. Up, up… Go on and sit." Nicky rises and walks to the lounger by Vanessa.

"How did you sleep?"inquires the Dowager. "How are your rooms I do hope that they are adequate."

"Yes of course they are. Why do you ask?"

"Well you seem to be getting up quite early in the morn my dear; you will need to be getting plenty of beauty sleep. Soon the season will begin and sleep will not be so plentiful.

"Oh I did not realize."

"Well now you know, so stock up my dear you will surely be needing it."

Nodding her head Nicky thinks to herself 'Well that will surely put a damper on my plans.'

"I have splendid news Nicky I got word that Madame Soleigh will be coming tomorrow to deliver your first gown. Thankfully she finished it with plenty of time for any alterations before the season opening gala."

"Oh well that is wonderful. I cannot wait to see what she has in store for me" she says with as much enthusiasm as she can muster at the bomb that Vanessa just dropped on her. "Pray tell when is this gala?"

Chapter 5


As each day passes by I am more and more intrigued by these people and their lifestyle. It is beautiful how care free and simple their lives are. Yes I am aware that it is because they are well off but none the less with not as much to learn there is much more time to enjoy life. All those technological advances which are designed to make our lives "simpler" in the end make everything that much more complicated.

The air here is crisp and clean and everything is visually stunning. Yesterday I went out deep into the wood beyond the meadow and I was shocked at how well preserved it was. Naturally I expected garbage to litter the ground and be strewn in the underbrush, so you can imagine my shock when I saw no such thing. It was an eye opener at what we (in the present) should behave like, unfortunately all that "progress" has caused us to digress in our respect for nature.

The wildlife is rather friendly, they did not fear me as you would think that they would. A gorgeous bird landed by me and I stood still just watching it and it watched me too. At that moment I burst into tears (why I don't know), I frightened it and naturally it flew away. I felt so lonely in that instant, though I am rarely alone I often feel empty and so lost. I put on a front for all, but I feel myself disappearing and it really scares me.

I think that Vanessa senses something is amiss because she keeps me so busy, that I don't have time to wallow in my own sorrow. Which when I think about it is good, but it's moments like this that I fear, when all is still and quiet I have a feeling I can just dissipate, leave as quick as I came.

Yesterday I met a few more members of the family. It was quite nerve wrecking as I did not expect to be meeting them so soon. Tristan is a sweetheart, he is quite tall for his age and at the awkward brink between boyhood and adolescence. I thought he was at least a teenager, when Vanessa told me he is only ten I was shocked. He doesn't have his mothers coloring he's jet black hair has a tint of blue in the sun and his eyes are a steel blue gray which are perfectly off set by his pale complexion. He must take after his father who I have yet to meet.

With him came his grandmother the Dowager Duchess, a very intimidating woman who exudes strength and frailty, what a paradox. Her hair is a silver white and she has the same eyes as Tristan. She is the first person to hear the "story" Vanessa and I concocted and she has accepted me as warmly as everyone else. So I do believe it went well. In any case I need the practice as Vanessa is adamant that I have the ultimate experience while I am here. This apparently entails me being introduced to all of her friends and their closely knit society as a whole. I have no idea what that involves but apparently it means dressing to the nine's and hob knobbing with the crème de la crème of London society. All I can say is Lord give me patience and strength to get through it with dignity.

Waking Nicky is determined to get an early start in her research 'unfortunately yesterday was a bust' she thinks to herself. 'Here we are again as a new day unfolds before me and I am determined to get to work. I know much needs to be done, I am anxious and nervous at what I will find when I am facing that which I nothing about.'

"I need to do this without so many distractions." She says as her stomach growls "I guess I will have to make a stop in the kitchens and fetch myself some breakfast. I hope Olivia is there I want someone to know my whereabouts in case I am needed."

She dresses herself in a simple gown, brushes her hair into a low ponytail and descends down the servant's stairs. Olivia is nowhere in sight she decides she cannot wait for her any longer. The longer she stays the greater the chance of someone seeing her and delaying her mission for yet another day.

Sneaking out through the servants' door located in the back of the kitchen Nicky hikes up her skirts and breaks into a swift run; in hopes of quickly putting some distance between herself and the house. Her lungs struggle for air, as her heart pumps erratically she slows and decides to walk the rest of the way. 'It is a shame to run through such a beautiful place' she thinks to herself. Wanting not to get distracted again she is focused on reaching her goal, the cherry tree.

The closer she gets to the tree she notices a change in pressure. Walking around it very slowly she is listening for the buzzing noise "there, there it is" she slows down to a crawl trying to pinpoint the exact place where the frequency is strongest. Finding it she places her palms against the tree. She notices the vibrations seem to stem from the tree itself. Furthermore, she notes there is something rather unusual, there are no bugs, birds or any life forms around the tree or in the tree itself. "How strange, it is as if they sense something is amiss."

She touches the tree poking and prodding. The hairs on her arm start to stand as her arm gets closer to a large hole in the base of the tree. There is an energy a static energy emitting from it. She peeks in but it is so dark she can barely see anything; it is as if light is swallowed up by it, almost like a miniature black hole. Scared to experiment with her own appendages she searches the ground for something to use. She finds a few pebbles grabs them and begins to toss into them into the hole. Listening for the sound of them landing at the base of the tree, she is intrigued when they do not.

'Well that is certainly interesting. Do black holes absorb sound as well? But it can't be a black hole if I came through it. It must be a portal or a worm hole; the rocks must be traveling back to 2009, or somewhere.'

Frustrated by her own lack of knowledge she hopes that someone came up with an inkling of the theory before Karl Schwarzchild. 'If not I will have to plant the seed in some scientists head. Perhaps Vanessa will have some acquaintances in the scientific community.'

Seeing that it is almost noon she knows the family will be searching for her she decides to make her way back, but not before she tests again her theory of sound. Gathering her courage she steps up to the gap. As she approaches it she senses the change in pressure, sounds seem to diminish, in her ears there is a buzzing and a general feeling of a static energy is around her. The air crackles with it, with her head almost in the hole she yells into it as soon as sound escapes her lips it fades, swallowed up by the nothingness.

"Well it is a beginning" she says as she turns toward the house and starts her trip back.

Reaching the house she hears the children playing in the library, as she turns to enter the room she hears Olivia calling her.

"Miss, Miss the Dowager and Her Grace are in the sun room having their brunch and have requested that you join them. Have you broken your fast?"

"No, no I have not and I am famished. Would you be so kind to bring me a bit of something."

"Your usual Miss some fruit, cheese and a scone, we made blue berry ones?"

"That would be splendid. Were they looking for me?"

"Yes but I had told them that you had gone for an early walk. I saw you run out this morning."

"I looked for you in the kitchens, but there was no one there. I do not know where your quarters are, nor do I know your schedule, so I could not find you in order to tell you where I was going. I thought to wait for you but I did not want anyone to dissuade me from venturing out. If someone found me they would most likely manage to distract me."

A bell rings and Vanessa's head peaks out of the sun room "Olivia has Nicky returned yet? Oh there you are come in my dear." Vanessa disappears back into the room and Nicky walks in after her.

"Good day everyone" says Nicky curtsying before both duchesses.

Waiving her hand at Nicky the Dowager says "Oh there is no need for that, only formalities. Up, up… Go on and sit." Nicky rises and walks to the lounger by Vanessa.

"How did you sleep?"Inquires the Dowager. "How are your rooms? I do hope that they are adequate."

"Yes of course they are. Why do you ask?"

"Well you seem to be getting up quite early in the morn my dear; you will need to be getting plenty of beauty sleep. Soon the season will be upon you and sleep will not be so plentiful.

"Oh I did not realize."

"Well now you know, so stock up my dear you will surely be in need of it."

Nodding her head Nicky thinks to herself 'Well that will definitely put a damper on my plans.'

"I have splendid news Nicky, I received word that Madame Soleigh will be paying us a visit the day after morrow to deliver your first gown. Thankfully she finished it with plenty of time for any alterations before the season opening gala."

"Oh well that is wonderful. I cannot wait to see what she has in store for me" she says with as much enthusiasm as she can muster at the bomb that Vanessa just dropped on her. "Pray tell when is this gala?"

"In a fortnight my dear. This leaves us plenty of time for you to get ready."

"Oh yes, I was scared that you were going to say much sooner."

"Do not think it is a long time Nicolette, it will come sooner than you think. There is much to do before you are ready. Thankfully we took care of most of the worry some issues. Now if we could just get an answer from Monsieur Devereux." the Dowager adds.

"Viviane!!!" Vanessa says in a stern tone through her clenched teeth giving the Dowager a look that would silence anyone but the Dowager apparently.

Realizing the slip of her tongue Dowager continues "Well she should know."

"Should know what?"

Vanessa squirms uncomfortably. "Well you cannot go alone my dear, we have been trying to get you an escort. I have the perfect person, a friend of mine Nicki I have known him for ages, actually almost as long as I have known you. His sister wanted him to be my escort when I had my coming out. He is dashing and charming and quite single." She says with a wink.

Jumping in the Dowagers quips "He is one of the most sought after bachelors in all of Europe."

Rolling her eyes Vanessa continues "I have asked him to come early for the season so that you may be acquainted with him prior to the gala, but I have yet to hear from him."

"Well my dear it has only been a few hours. I have full confidence he will come running at your beckon. You see my dear he quite fancied Vanessa, before she was married to Declyn. He gave my son quite a run for his money. I do not think that he ever really got over losing her."

Blushing Vanessa retorts shyly "Really Viviane, the stories you come up with."

Sensing there is more to the story Nicky asks "so what happened?"

"Oh nothing." Says Vanessa waiving her hand signaling the insignificance of the situation.

"Nothing, Oh no my dear, you see Nicolette she broke his poor heart when she choose Decklyn. Anyone who saw Declyn and Vanessa together would have known they were meant to be. Except poor Nicholas, he desperately held out hope until her wedding when she finally said I do."

"Aww… I do feel for him then."

"Oh no need for pity my dear, Nicki is like a cat he always falls on his feet. I'm sure he found comfort and solace in someone's arms that night and thereafter." adds Vanessa with a giggle.

Shocked that they just branded him a womanizer with their tales of his exploits Nicky asks "Is it proper for me to be seen with such a man if the tales of his pilandering ways are so well known?"

Vanessa shakes her head "It is different here my dear. Though he has been seen with his share of women, he has been a gentleman to all. He has followed society's etiquette in such matters therefore, he is still found to be a perfect gentleman and hence still hunted as a match."

"Well I guess we shall see."

"Hmm…. Yes." says the Dowager deep in thought.

"I was hoping to spend some time with the children but I am quite tired. I do believe I will go and take a nap before supper, perhaps those early mornings are finally catching up with me."

"Of course my dear off you go and if you are not up in time for dinner do not worry we will not wake you."

"Oh please do, if I sleep too long I will not be able to get a proper rest tonight."

"As you wish my dear." replies the Dowager.

Nicky exits the room and walks up the grand staircase to her chamber getting more tired by the second. As she reaches her room she closes the door and draws the curtains. She sits on the bed to remove her shoes as she does she collapses upon the cloud of pillows and slips into a deep slumber.

"Momma I want to see if Nicky is awake, may I go and fetch her?"

"All right, but if she is not well enough to come down do not be too insistent."

"I won't be." she says running up the stairs as fast as her little feet can carry her.

Quietly she knocks, there is no response, so she quietly opens the door and sticks her head in. The room is pitch black and she hears Nicky's deep breathing.

"Nicky, Nicky are you awake?"

There is no answer so she climbs into bed next to her. The movement does not even faze the sleeping beauty. So Josephine calls out her name, as she gently shakes her shoulder.

"Nicky, Nicky it is time for supper, wont you come down we miss you."

Nicolette is slightly jarred from her deep slumber. "Josephine is that you? Oh I did not realize how tired I really was."

Sitting up she gathers the little girl to her side for a big hug.

"How have you been today?"

"Good, I missed you. I was forced to play with Tristan since you did not come for our lessons."

"I am so sorry, I promise tomorrow we will start fresh and Tristan can join us if he wishes."

Scrunching her face at thought of having to share she retorts "Must he?"

"Well love who you will practice with if not with Tristan. Just think of it this way it can be your secret language which no one else can understand."

"Well if you put it that way, I guess he can. Mother said that I should come and wake you. We are about to dine. You must be famished, Olivia said that you never broke your fast this morning."

"Oh my goodness I forgot, I was so tired I lost all feeling of hunger. Well let us go, we do not wish to keep them waiting." Taking Josephine by the hand they both jump off the bed. Josephine pulls at the curtains letting the afternoon light in. Passing by the mirror Nicky fusses with her hair until she finally gives up and simply brushes it out and twists it into a tight bun.

Hand in hand they run down the stairs giggling, they simultaneously enter the dining room and take their places.

"It appears that the nap did you much good Nicolette." Says the Dowager.

"Yes it seems that it did. I just hope I can still get a good night's rest tonight."

"I am sure you will. We have been keeping you rather busy since you have come to us. Your trip was rather arduous and perhaps your lack of rest has finaly caught up with you."

"It is possible."

The serving staff enters the room and they begin serving all of the fine dishes. Everyone participates in the conversation. The atmosphere is light and the evening passes quickly. After two glasses of wine Nicolette is ready for bed yet again.

Out of the corner of her eye Vanessa sees her slowly dozing off. Noticing this Vanessa decides to bring the evening to a close.

She announces "I do think it is time for all of us to retire for the night, tomorrow will be a long day."

Relieved Nicky stands up and wishes everyone a good night and excuses herself.

"Poor child she looks worse for wear, that nap did very little for her, she seems more tired now than she was this afternoon." says the Dowager in a concerned tone.

Vanessa laughs "well I think the wine helped as well. She told me that of all the spirits wine makes her the sleepiest."

"Ahh yes she did have two glasses did she not. Well for her sake lets pray it is just that, there is no time for her to fall ill with the season just around the bend."

"I will call on Dr. Whittleton to come and check on her just to be sure."

"Excellent idea which can wait till morrow. Goodnight my loves I shall see you all tomorrow bright and early." With gentle kisses to all the dowager takes her leave.

As soft light filters through the slit in the curtain Nicky stirs.

"Mmmmmmmmm…………. Now that is what I call a good night's rest."

She slides out of bed and looks at her watch, 'excellent I have time for a bath before breakfast.'

While she is lounging in the lovely that is the warm bath Olivia readied for her she is contemplating whether or not to ask, but her curiosity gets the better of her "Livy have you ever met Monsieur Devereux?"

"Oh yes I have, he is devastatingly handsome he comes for a visit whenever he is in London. All the maids make some excuse to cross his path. Not only is he dashing but he is kind and very sweet. You should see him with the children, it is as if they were his own. Truth be told from what I have heard he wishes they were."

Clasping her hand over her mouth she mumbles "I should not have said that. I do apologize for overstepping my bounds."

Laughing out loud Nicky says "oh do not worry Livy, the Dowager said much worse last night."

"Is the Earl coming for a visit?"

"Better, Vanessa has gotten her sights on him escorting me to the gala."

"Oh you are so lucky Miss; they will all be green with envy. How I wish I could be there to see it all."

"Well I do believe you will have a front row seat to all the shenanigans Vanessa has planned."

Donning a freshly pressed gown Nicky readies herself and leaves the room to join the others for breakfast.

Nicky enters the room and sees everyone one is busy chattering away that they do not notice her walking in. As she is about to greet everyone she notes that there is a sixth place setting, looking to the end of the room she sees a man talking to Vanessa. 'Could that be Declyn? Oh he looks much too old, and looks nothing like Tristan. He more fitting to be the Dowagers husband than Vanessa's. Oh God I hope he isn't Mr. Devereux!!'

"Nicky!!!" yells out Josephine as she lunges herself at Nicky. This brings everyone's attentions to her and she blushes.

The gentleman begins to walk towards her and retorts to Vanessa "Well at least she has gotten her color back; you have been quite successful at rehabilitating our patient."

Walking up to her the stranger bows, extends his hand and says "Miss. Martin it is good to see you out of bed and about."

Unsure of what her response should be she says "Thank you Sir…?"

"Oh where are my manners, I am Dr. Nathaniel Whittleton it is a pleasure."

"Thank you Doctor. Thank you for taking such good care of me in my hour of need."

"It was no trouble my dear, I am always at the family's disposal and now at yours as well. I have to apologize to you Miss. Martin I have been neglecting you as a patient. That is why I decided to come and pay you a visit to see how you are fairing. Perhaps after breakfast I can examine you, in order to give you a clean bill of health, so that you can have your mind at ease during the season."

"I suppose that would be wise."

Everyone takes their seats and begin their meal.

"Nicky, will we begin our lessons today?"Asks Tristan.

"Yes we will, right after the Doctor examines me. I will come and fetch you once I am done."

The rest of the meal is rather uneventful, as it comes to a close the Doctors stands and comes to Nicky's side. She rises from her chair and he gallantly pulls it out for her and gives her his arm.

"Vanessa we will use the study if that is alright with you."

"You can use whatever facilities you need Nathaniel, I will make sure you are not disrupted."

With that the good Doctor and Nicky take their leave. As they enter the library Nicky settles herself on the loveseat and the doctor follows suit by picking the chair directly opposite of her.

"So tell me Nicolette how are you feeling? The last time I saw you, you were still not conscious. It was not a coma just a very deep sleep, that is why I was not so worried when I left you. I unfortunately had a family emergency which needed tending to. I gave Vanessa several names of colleagues who could take my place during my absence, through it appears that Vanessa did not call on any of them. So I am under the impression that you have made a full recovery."

"I have no recollection of anything that happened from the time I fainted to waking in the room. It does scare me a bit. Though I am feeling as well as I ever remember feeling."

"You do not have any memory lapses, blackouts; trouble waking up; trouble sleeping or unexplained fatigue?"

"Other than the blackout I mentioned to you previously I do not. I have been feeling very tired lately, perhaps I have been taking on a lot without consideration of my previous condition."

"Hmmm… yes perhaps. Well then let us begin your physical that way we can rule out anything that might be of concern."

"Very well."

The Doctor begins his examination and everything seems to be in order.

"Well everything looks good Nicolette; you are a picture of good health. Vanessa will be relieved as you are I am sure. Are there any other concerns that you have? Any questions that I can answer for you?" says the Doctor as he puts his stethoscope and other medical paraphernalia into his bag.

"No thank you, your diagnosis has laid my worries to rest." Responds Nicky standing up getting ready to leave.

"Well I do have some questions for you, that is if you do not mind." He says settling back into his chair.

Shocked Nicky walks toward the window, trying to hide her face from the Doctor.

"What do you wish to know?" 'Please let it be something trivial, don't ask me that which I can't answer, not truthfully anyway.'

"You can start by telling me when you are from?"

Shocked Nicky turns "You mean where?" her voice an octave higher than she would like.

Seeing her discomfort Nate gets up and walks to the bar to fix himself a drink. With a smirk he replies "no my dear, I know where I do think that is the only truthful thing you told the Dowager. I wish to know when?"

Walking over to her he continues "you have to remember I was one of the first people other than Vanessa and the children to see you. What you were wearing, the peculiar items you carried with you, they did not come from this time, this century even. Vanessa wrote to me of the year is it true?"

"What wonders the world must hold in your era. Sit my dear" he says as he guides her to the nearest chair.

"Tell me what medical marvels there are? What cure, methods, what is the world like? He stops throwing, questions at her just as he bursts into a laugh. "I must seem like a child in a sweet shop. You must forgive me."

Nodding her head she sheepishly responds "Yes it is overwhelming."

Realizing that she has no choice she says "if I'm going to answer this barrage of questions, I am going to need a stiff drink first."

Once again his booming laugh fills the room this time bringing a smile to Nick's face.

"Choose your poison Nicolette." She walks up to the bar and after some contemplation chooses the after dinner brandy. Sitting back down she begins "In two thousand and nine women are quite educated. My specialization is not in medicine, though the sciences were always a great passion of mine, hence, I do know my fair share."

She continues answering his questions of various cures, (penicillin); new diseases (cancer, AIDS) or rather old ones which now have a name.

After what seems like ages there is a soft knock at the door.

"You may enter" says Nathaniel. As the door opens Josephine enters "pardon me Sir".

"Come in, come in my dear."

"Doctor we have been waiting for some time now to find out if Nicky is well enough to attend the ball."

"Yes she is, we have just been so preoccupied chatting away. I will not keep your guest any longer you may go on to your lessons."

"Actually Doctor I have a question for you."

Turning to Josephine she says "Love fetch your brother and meet me by the roses, I will be there shortly. Make sure to ease everyone else's minds by telling them the Doctor has given me a clean bill of health. I dare say that they will be relieved."

As Josephine leaves and shuts the door behind her Nicky turns to the Doctor "Now that you know, I need your help. I desperately wish to find a way home. I think I know how but I need someone who might have more knowledge of the general field, even though it all might be theoretical."

"What is it that you need?"

"Do you have any friends who are physicists, eccentrically inclined, ones that I can trust with this secret and that might be able to assist me."

"You wish to go home? To your own time? But how is that possible?"

"I believe I can return the way I came. This is all theoretical of course but if it happened once, I do not see why it could not happen again. The anomaly which brought me here, I believe it has returned. I do not know if it will take me to the same time and place but I feel the need to try. I owe it to my family to at least make an attempt."

"I will try to find someone, though I have never heard of such a thing."

"Well truthfully no one in my time would believe it either. Time travel is just a theory no one has successfully established a model or has any proof of it."

"Do you know how you got here? You said you had a theory I would very much like to hear it."

Sitting back down she continues "Think of time as a circular not linear, the present, past and future are all taking place at the same time. It is possible that some cosmic anomaly occurred creating a bridge between the two periods. This bridge we would call a worm hole, it is possible that the light which I walked into was the doorway."

To illustrate her theory Nicky draws a diagram for the Doctor.

"Well it is rather farfetched my dear but it does sound possible, you are here after all. I will contact some colleagues and see who would be of outmost assistance to you."

With that they both stand and head for the door. Opening the door the Doctor continues "Thank you for your candor Nicolette, I look forward to conversing with you again. Till tonight then."

"Likewise Nathaniel it truly was a pleasure, it is nice not having to pretend with everyone."

Walking out she sees out of the corner of her eye a ruffle of skirts, hurriedly rounding the corner. Curious she follows only to find Kristine pressed up against the alcove holding the fresh wash. Angry that she was eavesdropping again she decides to confront her.

"Kristine come out here" she does not budge, "Kristine, that is your name, isn't it? Come out this instant!"

Taking her sweet time she walks out, the wash is straddling one hip and her hand perched on the other.

She turns her contemptuous face toward Nicky and spits out "Ye aren't the boss of me. They may all be blinded by you but I see you for what you are. What is it that you are pretending to be ey….? Waiting to get your hands on the Earl of perhaps the Count, slithering up the social ladder like a snake, y'are."

Shocked and taken back by the brazen way she spoke to her Nicky retorts "You will not speak to me in such a matter do you understand. First I do not deserve it and second I am not beneath you. You should be thankful that I have not uttered a word of this appalling behavior to Vanessa. I have tried to be kind and patient but this outright attach is the last straw."

For a split second scarred for her job Kristine considers apologizing. The softening of her crude features sets Nicky back. Simultaneously she rethinks her threat to the scullery maid.

"If you apologize and promise not to do any of this again I may be swayed to forget this ever happened."

Walking away Nicky is determined to have the last word, she turns and coldly declares "You have until tonight to formally apologize to me. I would actually prefer you not concede, that way I can get you out of my hair for good."

With that she turns and walks away leaving Kristine staring behind her mouth agape in disbelief.

Walking into the sunshine she pauses to let it wash over her with its warmth. The exchange with Kristine left her angry, shaking from frustration. 'I've never been good at confrontations, but I have to say that felt good. I did not realize I was holding so much back.' She thinks to herself.

Spotting the children sitting on a bench by the rose garden she walks out to meet them. Sensing her approach both of the children turn, Josephine stands to run to her when Tristan stops her.

Struggling against his hold on her she stumbles and falls to the ground.

"Tristan let her go." She says.

"Let me go." Yells Josephine.

"Josephine you must learn to control yourself, it is just a bit too much." He says to justify his action.

Bending to the poor girl Nicky helps her up and dust her off.

"Tristan that was uncalled for."

"But she…"

Raising her hand she cuts him off "Josephine you cannot run to me every time you see me. You must learn to compose yourself, you are a big girl now and you must begin to act accordingly. Tristan I do believe you need to apologize to your sister for manhandling her."

With his head bowed he says "Josephine I am sorry for what I did, I hope you were not injured."

"Thank you, I am all right, and I promise to try to be better."

Taking each by hand they walk toward the lake. "Before we begin the lessons I would like to know what you would like to learn? Is there any area that you are interested in that I can shed some light on? Your other tutors can cover the basics of what you need to know. I was planning to teach you Croatian and share with you the hodgepodge of assorted knowledge that I have collected over the years."

"We know that you are different and mother said that we cannot discuss it, for the fear that others might find out. Can you tell us more about where you are from? Can you teach me how to use the picture taker? It is fascinating."

"Well that sounds like a fine idea." Sitting on a log by the shore of the lake she begins her story. The children pay very close attention and ask a plethora of questions which she gladly answers.

"My goodness look at the time, we should be heading back dinner will be served shortly. I was hoping to continue our after dinner theater tonight. Would you like to participate Tristan?"

"Yes I would, which part will I play, Prince Eric?" he says hopefully.

"Ha, ha, ha, ha…" Josephine bursts into a fit of laughter. Poor Tristan turning several shades of scarlet, bows his head.

"That is not very nice Josephine, prestani (stop) do not make fun of your brother."

Turning her attentions to the embarrassed boy she continues "If you were a decade older you would make a fine Eric, for now how about the role of Scuttle? He is a fun character; it is because of him that I love birds."

Brightening he agrees. On the walk back Nicky plans out the production of the story, so that they can act it out along with her.

Walking into her room she strips off her dress and gets ready.

"Nicolette this is your last dress, tomorrow you will finally see the rest. Are you excited about Madame Soleigh's visit? I cannot wait for her to unveil your gowns. I wager you will look stunning, and be the bell of the ball."

"Oh that is right, it completely slipped my mind that she will be coming. I cannot wait either."

Dressed and ready she turns to Olivia for a final inspection "You look stunning; the green muslin really brings out the green in your eyes and the red in your hair." observes the maid.

"Awww.. Thank you my Livy." With that she closes the door behind her and descending the stairs.

She enters the dining room and is embarrassed by the attention she receives.

"My dear you look stunning, if I was only two decades younger" says Nathaniel bowing before her.

Giving him her hand he escorts her to her seat.

"I concur you look spectacular, Madame Soleigh's creations do suit you."

As the dinner is brought to a close Nicolette suggests they all enter the library so they may enjoy the play the children wish to perform.

"Oh yes we were left in suspense, whatever shall happen next? Tristan will you be joining them?"

"Yes mother, I will be playing the role of Scuttle."

"Let us then retire to the library." Turning to the butler Vanessa says "no interruptions please."

Everyone settles in and Josephine brings them all to speed, much quicker this time. Nicky starts with the scene in the grotto, just as Ariel sees the fireworks for the celebration of Eric's Birthday. Coming up to the part in the story when the ship explodes the door to the library bursts open. Everyone is startled as a man walks in with determination, the butler at his heals. "Madame I tried to stop him but he refused to leave."

Walking up to Vanessa he says "I came as soon as I read it" he holds up the note "is everything all right?"

Looking around the intruder she says to the butler "thank you, you may leave us".

She turns to all "I believe you know almost everyone here Nicki." He nods, his eyes settling on Nicky holding a pillow to her chest. As she sees his eyes on her she drops it, which draws a smirk to his lips. Just as he is about to ask who the ravishing beauty is Josephine rushes to him "Uncle Nicki!"

Picking her up he declares "My you have grown, how old are you now ten?"

Swatting at his shoulder she says "You are silly you know I am only six."

"Oh you are aren't you" he says tickling her as he sets her down.

She squirms out of his grasp and runs to Nicky.

"Nicky, wouldn't Nicki make a splendid Eric?" she says not so innocently.

'She is as bad as her mother; I can just see the cogs working away in that sweet little head of hers. Vanessa must be proud.'

"Yes Monsieur Devereux would make a spectacular Eric, but I am sure that he is tired for his journey and would prefer to be a spectator not a participant."

"Nicki won't you please?" she runs back to him, looking up at him with her puppy dog eyes she begs "Say you will."

Sensing this might be worth partaking in he looks Nicky directly in the eye and without hesitation says "Yes of course, anything for you my dear."

Pulling him across the room towards Nicolette, Josephine informs him "You will be Prince Eric and you are in love with Ariel who is a mermaid, she saves you."

Bowing before Nicolette he introduces himself "I do not believe I have had the pleasure of your acquaintance Mademoiselle."

Curtsying she responds "It is a pleasure."

"Yes it is" he says eyeing her at this much closer proximity "but I still do not know your name."

"Nicholas must you be so difficult" the Dowager rolls her eyes at him "This is Miss Nicolette Martin, Vanessa's friend for the Americas. She will be staying with us for the season."

Turning back to Nicolette he asks "So this Prince I am to play, what is it that you need me to do?"

"Not very much if you would be so kind to lay on the floor." As he does his eyes never leave her.

'His gaze is unsettling, 'I'm going to have trouble with this one.'

So she attempts not to look directly at his eyes instead she focuses on his lips.

'Bad move! Better yet how about his ear.'

Softly she whispers into it "Close your eyes pretend that you are unconscious. I will sing to you when you hear me say 'What would I give to live where you are?' Begin to come too and slowly begin to open your eyes. When I sing 'What would I pay to stay here beside you?, ' cup my hand to your face. And lastly when you hear, 'What would I do to see you smiling at me?' smile. Then Grimsby will call out for you, he will come to you, I will swim away and the scene will come to a close. "

Nicki closes his eyes and nods.

Returning to their original positions, the show goes on. Nicki is laying on the beach, Tristan listens to the "heart beat" in his foot; Nicki breaths and Nicolette begins to sing.

Coming to the most crucial part Nicki follows her directions flawlessly.

Holding her hand to his cheek he looks straight into her eyes, she feels a familiar warmth wash over her, almost making her forget the words.

'This one is definitely going to be trouble.'

Grimsby comes and leads Eric away from the shore and she sings the last refrain

"I don't know when, I don't know how, But I know something's starting right now…, Watch and you'll see, Someday I'll be, Part of your" two pot covers are crashed together by Livy, the children pull up a white sheet behind her simulating the wave as the song comes to its pinnacle. Nicolette arches her back and pushes herself up over the side of the lounger as she sings the last word "world."

Their audience applauds wildly and they all take a bow. Even Nicki comes and joins them, with Josephine's encouragement of course.

He takes Nicolette's hand and gives it a squeeze. The children run to the Dowager and Vanessa and the two of them are left standing there alone still holding hands. Nicolette looks up at him and lets go, he continues to hold on but finally let's go when Josephine runs to them. Nicolette picks her up, and the devious little thing hugs them both bringing them close. So close that Nicky can feel his body heat radiating towards her, making her blush as her thoughts drift off.

'Well can you blame me they just don't make them this way anymore. But this one is off limits, keep your thoughts focused.'

Out of the chaos Vanessa's voice brings the spotlight back to the matter at hand.

"It is getting late my loves t'is time for you to go to bed." Looking at Nicki she says "And it is time to discuss the matter at hand."

As the children filter out of the room along with the staff only the adults are left.

"Nicki thank you for coming on such a short notice."

"What is the reason for this?" Nicki asks holding up the letter.

"Nicki, sit I wish to explain."

Shocked Nicolette speaks up.

"He does not know? You did not tell him why he is here? Vanessa, how could you." She says with embarrassment and disbelief.

Stepping up to Nicki she takes the letter out of his hand and reads it. Turning she hands him the letter and says "I am utterly embarrassed and I apologize for all of this. I hope you have a pleasant trip back and enjoy the season on your own terms."

Turning to Vanessa she continues "Because I refuse to participate in such deceitful practices. I will not have him here only because of some misguided use of his affections for you."

With a huff she picks up her skirts and purposefully walks to the door, standing on the threshold she adds "That is just wrong, and you know it."

Slamming it with all her might she leans against it, as she recovers she pushes herself off. Initially she planned to go directly to her room, but she is too worked up to sleep, instead she walks out on to the terrace overlooking the grounds.

As she walks out she sees just how bright it is. Seeing the full moon she continues walking until she is standing directly in the beam of light.

With her face upturned to the glorious moon she raises her hands as if in prayer:

"My mother is Venus,

My father is Mars,

The Moon is my brother,

And my sisters are the Stars."

She smiles to herself and begins to sing:

"I see the moon and the moon sees me.

The moon sees the somebody I'd like to see.

God Bless the moon and God bless me,

God bless the somebody I'd like to see."

She continues to add her own lyrics to the nursery rhyme, as she begins to sway, not realizing that she is being watched.