An image of perfection

Ever wonder what exactly our favorite fruit loop was dreaming in the episode, "Frightmare?" Now's the time to find out!


Hallo, everyone! :D ^^ I will not be able to update anything for a bit…..ah, well. Qwerty, my computer (Yes, I have named my computer; and look

for yourselves. The first six letters are indeed that fun little word….)

I've always wanted to attempt to write a one-shot like this one. I really hope you like it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom. And, I rather doubt that, if I were the lucky owner, I would have sold it to a company that let it conclude

so quickly.


"Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for."


When thought had finally broken to his mind once again, he vaguely wondered if there was any prescription medication for going mentally unsound.

Beautifully, wonderfully, mentally unsound.

There were a few photos-some of Maddie, some of Vlad….until he came across a new section.


The young man was waving at the camera, a small smirk on his face. Maddie's eyes were cast downward, eyes truly not seeming to drink up anything at all but the small, pink bundle that was enclosed in her arms.

Vlad peered closer, desperate to catch sight of the little girl's face…..but no. All he could see from where Maddie sat on the hospital bed was a tiny patch of the infant she was holding's skin…..and a tiny hand extending out.

Vlad looked across photos following that picture, calculating frown on his face once again.

A little girl in a purple jacket, outside what he recognized to be his manor, hand in her mother's.

Her hair was a soft, sunny shade, fluxating between a cream red and orange…..a few photos of the three together-!

One of the man with the little girl in his lap….his fingers too, brushed against that one….

And then, it struck the dazed man.

It couldn't be.

Vlad was trembling violently once again as he came across a new series of photos, reluctantly skipping over a few in his haste, hurriedly back up a few steps to peer at the other row.

Maddie was once again bent over a bundle, but the arms protectively enclosing the baby blue bundle in his arms were not just hers. And the bundle was blue, not pink.

A vein pulsing slightly in his neck, Vlad drew upwards.

The younger version of himself had the little girl on his lap, one arm awkwardly draped over her and Madeline's shoulder, face bent with the oddest expression.

It was almost…..tranquil, at best description. Yes, that fit. But the entirety of the look would have silenced the man-if he had indeed been speaking.

The gaze was concentrating….but fixated in hushed wonder, eyes narrowed somewhat as he bent the little bundle to peer into its face.

Which, to the man's howling accusation; he could not see at all.

He began to hurry upwards to gaze at different photos, and then thought better of it.

Better to confirm all of this sweet madness before anything else.

Without another word, the billionaire flew down the stairs, eyes flashing.


He burst into the dining room, gasping slightly as his eyes scanned the room.

The man didn't have to wait very long.

Maddie was buttering a small piece of bread, giving the astonished man a small smile.

"Morning, sleepyhead. You're up a little later then usual today."

Vlad finally forced the words to register some meaning into his mind, not really daring to believe them.

Maddie took a sip of tea, frowning slightly as she scanned the newspaper in front of her, finally laying it aside with a small sigh.

"Well….Packers lost against the Colts…..but there's always next time." She tilted her head slightly, looking puzzled as she surveyed her husband's expression, now ooking slightly startled as she lowered her piece of bread.

"Hon…..aren't you hungry?"


Vlad took her hand silently as he sat down, cobalt fixed on Maddie. She flshed him another dazzling smile, and kissed him on the lips.

While the man briefly wondered if his insides would melt, the woman cheerfully handed him a small card.

"Post came fairly early," she remarked, taking another sip of tea.

"I'm so happy you managed to get that scholarship for her....and two years early to boot...."

Curious, the man peered at the small card in hiss hands.

Scholarship? Two years? WHat was she talking about?

The postcard was small-but it was cheerfully entitled: Greetings from Yale, Connecticut!

Vlad peered at the card curiously before turning it over to find a few words written in ballpoint pen.

Dear Mom and Dad-

Just a quick note to say I'm well. It's incredible here-am starting new course on Human sociology and psychology tomorrow. Am getting well renowned lecture tomorrow-can't wait! :D

Hi, little brother! ^^ Hope you're doing well-and, if you touch ONE thing in my room, just a cheerful little reminder that I'll get you for it if it takes me MY DYING DAY.

Anyways-I'll see you soon. Break lets out in a few weeks. I can't wait to get that diploma in my hands, though…..

Ah, well.

Yours sincerely-lots of love,


Maddie beamed at the stunned man in front of her.

"Last phone call she told me she was having such a nice time….." she sighed dreamily and picked up the paper again, looking a little sorrowful this time.

"I do miss her. It'll be wonderful seeing her in two weeks. Danny certainly will b-"

At the name, the man jumped up.

"Where's Daniel?"

The woman gave him a startled look.

"Mmm? Outside, like I said. He's probably-"

Once again, she was broken off. Vlad swept her into an hug, and an almost tentative kiss. She giggled, flushing slightly.

"Oh, you…..go and find Danny. He'll probably want to know Jazz sent another postcard."


Even as the man rocketed outside, torn between his desire to stay with Maddie and his desperate urge to find Daniel, his mind was being torn apart with possibilities for this….bizarre wonderland as he desperately tried to gather data.

One: Maddie was his wife. The thought alone sent him rocketing off into the sky, cackling as his heart swelled fit to burst underneath his ribs.

Number Two: Jasmine was at….Yale? Hardly surprising. With a brain like hers, what could a buffoon like Jack possibly offer her when she stood to gain so much more?

Either he was still sleeping….in a very odd dream he kept NOT waking up from….possibly lost his marbles, fell into a different dimensional rift that opened up every hundred years into the Ghost Zone…..

But how? He had no memory of such a thing.

But if it was indeed true…..if there was indeed a three in this…..then, if Daniel was caught up in this oddity-

The man halted abruptly in midair, breath being caught raggedly in his chest.

There, overlooking the rising sun over the mountains, was the ghost boy of Amity Park.

Vlad's breath halted slightly in his chest.

Danny seemed to note the ghst from the corner of his eyes. He managed a little, "oh"-as if in surprise, and turned around, a small smile on his face.

The antagonistic look he usually reserved for the billionaire was gone. The boy managed a faint smile.

"You're up early. Mornin', Da-"


And the man started to conciousness.

After sweeping up the rather odd remains of something-what it was, he wasn't quite sure-from the floor, he managed a weary sigh as he sank back into bed, Maddie plushie still in his hsnads.

It had been a wonderful dream. Marvelus, at that.

So, why was he lolling around when there were dreams to forge into reality?

The man managed a faint smirk.

After all, if only to accomplish it....

....or at least hear tthe boy finally finish that sentence, THIS time, uninterrupted.

Yes.....gomen naai, gomen nasai. I'm insane. Still, I really hope you liked it! ^^