I'm a fanfic writer who loved the concept but hated the execution of Cruel Intentions. So it was only a matter of time before I wrote my own adaptation of Dangerous Liaisons. I hope other people enjoy! Reviews appreciated.

"You've made the headlines again."

He caught the magazine as Quinn tossed it, and watched as she put her massive sunglasses back on. His eyes scanned the brief write-up; it was obviously speculating that he was attached to Brittany Ashford, because there was a blown-up photo of them kissing right in the center of the page. Sixteen-year-old Brittany was a Nickelodeon starlet, and it was a perfectly reasonable assumption that they were dating, but Puck still couldn't help being slightly put-off. While he was willing to hook up with idiotic, insipid girls, he was certainly not going to date them, and resented that the general public would think as much.

"Don't they know you well enough by now to not assume that you're dating someone just because you're sucking her face in public?" Quinn asked casually, sitting up in the pool-side lounge chair in order to reach her bottle of sunscreen.

"Apparently not," Puck replied, sliding into the neighboring lounge chair and dropping the magazine onto the floor. "Perhaps Brittany's rep has been feeding the journalists falsehoods?"

Quinn snorted. "Did you just bang her because you're jealous that her boyfriend Mike was named sexiest teen by a single magazine this summer instead of you?"

Puck snatched the sunscreen from her as she held it out for him. "Maybe. Even though he only won because he doesn't have my…reputation." He opened the sunscreen, squirted some onto his hand and gestured for her to turn onto her stomach. She complied and he proceeded to slather it onto her bare back.

"Kind of a slight, though, isn't it? Because you're a known heartbreaker and partier, the press prefers the cuddly Asian. Still, I'd say your revenge was pretty thorough."

"It always is," Puck replied, as the application of sunscreen became a massage. His friend's shoulders rolled appreciatively under his hands. "So, I hear Finn broke up with you."

She stiffened. "Who told you that?"

"I have my sources," he said wickedly as his hands drifted under the bikini strap along her back. "Wonder what the press'll have to say about that?"

"As long as it doesn't taint my reputation as TV's young sweetheart, I don't really care," she asserted, although her tone of voice was frustrated. "But seriously. I did everything I could to make that relationship work, and it just meant nothing to him."

"I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure there's more to trying to make a relationship work than being ready to suck dick at a moment's notice."

She sighed. "To add insult to injury, he's fallen for another girl."

"Does this girl travel in our circles, or is she an unknown?" At this point he was massaging her lower back, his hands getting closer and closer to her rear.

"As of this fall, she's going to be travelling in our circles," Quinn said bitterly, shifting her body so his hands did in fact brush against her swimsuit-clad tush.

"Oh, no way! Rachel Berry?" The famous former-child star was going to be joining their cast for the next season.

Quinn practically snarled. "He doesn't know what he's missing, if you ask me."

"Well, she's talented, he's talented. It works. Besides, she's hot." He finally cupped her ass appreciatively for a moment, before withdrawing. She ignored it, as usual.

"Hang on a minute," Quinn said, flipping over onto her back again and stretching her long legs down the length of the chair. ""Do you mean, she's hot enough to fuck?"

He sat down in his own lounge chair next to hers, engaging his stomach muscles as he went, because he knew Quinn was looking. She was always looking. "Maybe she's hot enough, but I don't see why it would be any fun. She's new to this world, wouldn't stand a chance against my charms. Besides, I'm moving on to adult ladies."

"Oh, but Brittany you'll boink?" she asked scathingly. "There's a fine example of sophistication and wit in a young lady."

"That was personal. I'm not going to seduce Rachel just because you're bitter that Finn fell for her." He reached into the pocket of his swimming trunks and pulled out a small case.

Quinn sighed dramatically. "You're going to pass on a chance to wreck the brat's reputation? You just know she's going to be the writers' new wet dream, and none of us will get any air time because of it."

Puck laughed, opening the case, pulling out his bowl and the little bag of very expensive weed. "So basically, you're feeling threatened? Your status as America's hottest jail-bait is in jeopardy?" He prodded some weed into the bowl, well aware of her eyes fixating on the process.

"I'm seventeen," she reminded him, avoiding the question.

"And I'm sure there are men counting down the days on their calendars till you turn eighteen."


He chose not to acknowledge her comment, although he did smile a little. He pulled out the lighter and took a hit. "Anyway, did you hear that she's postponing Amherst to try out acting? And she can sing, apparently." he said once he exhaled the lungful of smoke. Passed her the bowl, and she finally offered him a smile.

"I'm sure she's a delight," Quinn droned sarcastically. He watched her lips press against the tip, watched her inhale, eyes closed.

"Daddy's girl, theater ace, straight As, perfect on paper. And about as pretty as you."

"She's totally out of your league, Puckerman. I mean, Amherst? We and our GEDs are part of the uneducated masses to people like her."

"No one's out of my league."

She removed her sunglasses again, and her hazel eyes swept over his body. "I am," she purred, subtly sliding her tongue along the inside of her teeth as he handed the bowl to her. "I thought I made that clear three years ago."

He fixed her with his most smoldering gaze. "You're not out of my league. You just enjoy my company too much to let yourself sleep with me."

Her eyes flashed for a nanosecond before she became completely unreadable again. For a long moment, they sat in silence, him staring at her as she smoked. "Okay, then," she said dismissively, sitting back in her chair again. "If you agree to, and succeed in screwing and ruining this Rachel Berry, you can screw me."

All witty responses froze in Puck's throat. How was he supposed to answer that? "Wh—what makes you think I'd want to screw you?"

She offered him a sociopathic little chuckle. "Puck, you've been wanting to screw me ever since we filmed our first episode. Ever since you were a virgin."

"That's not true," he stammered, taking a hit, then coughing on it. "And it's not like you haven't been leading me on for all that time anyway," he managed when he recovered.

Quinn shrugged. "If you say so. Then forget I said anything."

"Wait. Wait wait wait. Are you serious? It'd be that easy to get you in bed?"

She took the bowl from him. "Seducing Rachel Berry is going to be far from easy, contrary to what you seem to think." She inhaled, closing her eyes as she usually did as she sucked the smoke into her lungs.

He thought about it. Really thought about it. Sleeping with Quinn would be crossing a big black line that had been drawn in the sand three years ago. Oh, they flirted, they touched, they verbally fornicated, but actual sex would change things between them in a way he both wanted so badly and yet feared more than anything.

"No strings attached?" he asked hesitantly. "I mean, I don't have to propose to you or anything, right? I know how you are about your virginity and all."

She looked at him, somehow expressing condescension without altering her face at all. "No strings attached. You know I'm not the sentimental type, I just have an image to uphold as the most family-friendly face on television." She passed him his bowl. "Every other actress our age is languishing between stardom and notoriety. I intend to escape that cliché."

"Babe, you are that cliché. You just haven't been caught yet."

"And I won't be." She put her sunglasses back on. "But it's up to you to make innocent, perfect little Rachel Berry as infamous as they get."

He took another hit. Thought of popping Quinn Fabray's cherry. "You can count on it."