I do not own Twilight or the characters. I bow down to Stephanie Meyer!


I have walked this earth since the mere beginning. I've lived, learned, analyzed and observed the changes of culture and technology from all views of human life but have never loved, but I thought I was falling in love once. There are few who actually believe of my existence, most believe my life a myth. I am the Goddess of War and Love, for you cannot fight without passion and you cannot love without conflict.

I find myself drifting from one city to the next, I've made several cycles across the globe, and yet I have never tired of my life. The world is always changing, there is always something new to learn, see or experience. I'm just lonely. There are other immortal beings but most do not know of me, I actually prefer to be thought of as a myth, it makes life simpler, no one seeks me out. Imagine if my existence was brought to attention, with the conflicts of today's world I am sure I would be sought to be used as a weapon. How could you lose a battle with The God of war on your side? You can't. So I live a simple life, day in and day out, just the location and culture changes.

I am relocating once again, to a small town called Forks. It's located in Washington. It's beautiful really, with the greenery and the views. While it is damp and dreary some days it gives more meaning to those days when the sun graces the area with its presence. I've decided to enroll in school, in a hope to make a friend or two to help ease my loneliness until I decide to move on.

I lived in the area once, about a century ago, in a town called Oak Harbor. I loved being near the ocean, and everything was so green. The people were nice and the area seemed to be calling me to come back. So that is where I find myself now. I am busy finding a home. I am appearing as an emancipated high school senior with a trust fund.

Pulling up the drive of a fair sized, older craftsman style home I can see the realtor has beaten me here. I pull up alongside her red Toyota corolla sedan in my 2009 blood red camaro. (I figured if I am passing myself off as a trust fund kid that I should look the part) It's a manual with black leather interior. There is nothing stock about my vehicle; I enjoy indulging in a few things. Mainly just cars and purses.

Looking up at the house it is a pale yellow with white trim and the doors and window have a natural wood finish. The yard has been well cared for and there is a variety of colored gerbera daisies planted along the stone walk way and along the front and sides of the house. There are some small shrubs planted down along the street and a small group of the varying gerbera daisies circle the little yellow mailbox. Walking up the couple of steps to the front door I take in the fresh air (did I mention I am coming to Forks from Chicago? I love fresh air!) I smile at the little wooden porch swing, and turning the knob I enter what I hope will become my home.

"Hello?" I called out for the realtor, she sounded eager to work with me. I'm assuming it's due to the fact that I offered to pay cash. Hopefully she won't treat me like an idiot. The clicking of heals tells me that I am about to come face to face with a Mrs. Johnson.

"Ms. Swan? Hi, I'm Pam Johnson. It's so nice to finally meet you in person." She appears to be a middle aged woman, with graying hair and hazel eyes. I can tell she is genuinely a lovely person. I can just tell it's a part of me. She is wearing a khaki pant and jacket suit and your everyday generic white button up shirt. But she is wearing blue heals, interesting.

"Hi. Sorry, it seems I was a couple minutes late. I hope you weren't waiting here long." I can't help but apologize; traffic is not one of those things that can really be controlled.

"Actually I only got here a couple of minutes before you did so no problems. What did you think of the outside?" She smiled kindly at me.

"I love the outside, it just looks and feels homey to me, what can you tell me about the inside?" I am already in love with the house, I'm picturing where furniture will go but I don't want to come off to eager. Let's just see where this goes.

"The house has original wood flooring, windows, doors, as well as light and plumbing fixtures. The appliances have been updated but the original owners continued with the vintage appeal. There are three bedrooms, three bathrooms and there is a fireplace in the living room that also shares it's chimney with the fireplace in the master bedroom. There is a small deck off of the master that can be accessed through a set of French doors. There is a bathroom on the lower level, one in the upstairs hall and a master bath that has a claw foot tub. If you'll just follow me I will walk you through the home and answer any additional questions you may have."

So I followed Pam through the home, while deciding paint colors, rugs and room themes. After the tour I shook Pam's hand while discussing the fastest that she could clear me to move in. Soon I will be able to call myself a Forks home owner!

One month of living in a hotel later………………

I'm sitting in the porch swing on MY porch as I watch the moving truck pull up. I've learned over my many moves that anything I deem irreplaceable or value able needs to be transported by me. But I allow my furniture and everything else to be moved. It's just another one of those things that makes my life a little easier.

I have clearly marked every box and piece of furniture so that it can be placed in its room, thus cutting down on having to perform those daunting secondary moving of items that are always irritating. I plan to be completely unpacked in a couple of days. I don't really have much to unpack. It's just sliding furniture and hanging pictures, not to mention hanging up my clothes. Every time I move I give my linens, dishes, food and a good portion of my clothing to charity and then replace them in the new town. I figure it's my part of helping those around me, as well as the economy.

Two hours, four grouchy moving men and a half of Wuthering Heights later the moving men are driving away and I am sliding my "antique" leather couch across the floor so that if faces the fire place. I say "antique" because if you think about how old I am then it seems ridiculous to call anything else "antique". Not to mention that all the furniture I have is at least a hundred years old, and I bought all of it new. My house could be considered an antique dealers wet dream. Wow, now that's a thought. Its times like this I wish I had someone to share my not-so-witty-but-obviously-corny humor. Next on the list, time to set up some shelving and get the radio going, I feel the need to sing and dance my way through unpacking!

Now when it comes to music I am an equal opportunity listener. I've had time to listen to it all and I can honestly say that I have no favorite genre or artist! Hell, I was one of thousands of girls and women who chased the Beatles across the globe. Oh, the memories! But right now I am feeling the need for my current times playlist. It's got a little Fall Out Boy, Hey Monday, All Time Low and Muse….. Hysteria, that's what I'm feeling right now, Muse's Hysteria! Onward with the unpacking! I've got to get this done with enough time to buy the rest of my household items and get ready to start school. My mission, which I have accepted because I have no choice, is to get this done in a week!