AN: This is my first story on Fanfic, I hope you like it. I am having a great time writing it! Special thanks to Sammy-Dee, O-life-is-a-song-O, and Ayden Silverflame for your help when I was stuck.

Chapter One

"The Dojo"

Disclaimer – I do not own Kingdom Hearts or any of the characters. Kyuki-Do is an actual martial arts style I do not own the name or any of the details I've included.

Roxas stared down at his belt and thought, Okay, well the pants and the jacket were easy enough, now if I could just figure out how to tie this stupid belt. Is it over, under, and through; or under, over, and through? And where the hell is it supposed to go through anyway?! Ugh! Oh forget it I'll just wait for Sora, he should know how to do it.

"Hey, Roxas, how do you tie the belt? I don't think this is right." Sora said as he walked into Roxas' room, looking down at his belt that resembled something close to one of the snowball looking pre-made bows you can buy to stick on a present.

Roxas, seeing the mess at Sora's waist lifted his eyebrow. "I was hoping you could tell me; you're the one that pays attention when people talk to you. But I am going to have to agree with you; I don't think that's right." he said as he nodded his head at Sora's belt.

Sora, put his hands on his hips and gave his brother a scowl, "You think? Come on, we're going to be late; we'll just have to ask someone in class."

Roxas shrugged his shoulders, grabbed his keys off the dresser and his belt off his bed and walked past Sora who was now struggling to get the tangled mess that was his belt undone. Cursing very eloquently Sora threw his hands up in defeat then followed after his brother.

As they backed out of the driveway Sora turned to Roxas giving him an odd look.

Roxas, seeing the look on Sora's face asked, "What now?"

"I still don't know about this Kyuki-Do thing Roxas. I mean I can see a lot of potential for injury and pain doing this stuff." Sora said in earnest.

"So you would rather get the shit kicked out of you at random by those assholes Ventus,Terra and company, and do nothing, then get a few bruises learning how to defend yourself?" Roxas asked frustrated.

"Well no but-"

"Look Sora, we're kind of out of options here. We pretty much tried everything that we thought we were capable of doing."

"Yeah and failed miserably at every one of them." Sora commented. He crossed his arms over his chest and sighed. Then he started to smile, looked at Roxas and said, "Although the weight lifting was entertaining."

"Sora, don't even start," Roxas growled.

Sora threw his hands over his mouth trying to stifle his laugh but it was no use. The image flashed into his mind and he lost it.

"God damn it Sora I said don't start! It's not that funny!" Roxas raised his voice and started to turn an interesting shade of red that only added to Sora's fit of laughter as it reminded him of Roxas with the barbell on his throat.

"Y-yeah but Roxas if, if y-you could ha-have s-seen yourself," Sora struggled out, tears now streaming down his face. "You on y-your b-back with your head stuck through the bars, the bar bell on your neck, and your legs flailing through the air," Sora started coughing from laughing so hard.

Roxas glared at his brother and said through clenched teeth, "I am well aware of what happened Sora; I was there."

"I still can't figure out how the bar ended up angled through the brackets like that. And, and the sounds coming out of you," Sora put his hands to his throat and started imitating choking sounds then laughed even harder. "Priceless, then the super hot trainer came over to help you and you tried acting all cool and got your hand stuck under the barbell 'cause you couldn't pick up the weight!" He started laughing so hard that it turned into that silent laugh where all you can hear is a slight wind sound and he's pointing at Roxas, then threw his legs up and pretended to choke himself imitating Roxas trapped under the weight bar.

"You are such a dick!" Roxas' lips quirked up in the corners, seeing Sora laughing so hard was contagious. Before he knew it he was laughing too, and almost as hard as Sora was. They pull into the Dojo lot and get out of the car still laughing when someone asked, "Is this a private joke or can anyone join in on the fun?"

Roxas stopped laughing and turned to see who belonged to the sexiest voice he had ever heard in his life, only to find the sexiest man he had ever seen in his life. He was so struck by this gorgeous man that all he could do was stand there and gape, not stare; that is too polite a word for what Roxas was doing.

Sora, still giggling, looked over at Roxas and then followed his gaze to see a very tall redhead staring right back at his brother. The man had a smile on his face that made him look like he wanted to devour Roxas. Sora walked over to Roxas, closed his mouth shut, and turned to the stranger.

"Hi, I am Sora and this is my brother Roxas, who has apparently been struck dumb by your beauty. We are here to start the class tonight; are you a student here too?"

Axel answered with a quick nod, never taking his eyes off Roxas. "Hi, names Axel, A-X-E-L memorize it. I'm one of your instructors."

Roxas' brain finally rejuvenated and he realized, to his mortification, what Sora said to the red head. It took everything he had to not turn around, get back in his car and drive home. Instead he looked at Axel and smiled, "Hi," oh my god was that my voice that just squeaked? What the fuck was that?! Roxas cleared his throat and tried again. "Hi, nice to meet you A-X-E-L, got it memorized." There that was better. He thought to himself and smiled sheepishly at the man of his dreams.

As he watched Roxas struggle to get his composure, Axel couldn't help but smile and think, damn he's cute. This is going to be a fun class. "Good because in that building, you will not address me by my name, and I wouldn't want you to forget it." Then he winked at Roxas, smiled and walked into the Dojo.

Roxas, dumb struck once again, stared after Axel. Sora rolled his eyes and closed his brother's mouth. "Come on we still need to get someone to tie our belts for us," jabbing his elbow into Roxas' ribs he said, "Hey maybe you can get Axel to tie yours," he waggled his eyebrows.

Roxas immediately pictured Axel's hands near his waist and shivered. Groaning he followed Sora into the school grumbling under his breath, wondering how the hell he's suppose to concentrate on anything with a gorgeous hunk of man like Axel as his instructor. At least the uniforms are loose so I won't have worry about tight fitting clothing tempting me even more, he mused, reassuring himself as he followed Sora into the school.

As Roxas entered the school Sora squealed and took off across the room where Demyx and Zexion stood. With a few feet left to go Sora went airborne and glomped them both to the ground.

Roxas was suddenly assaulted by the heat in the room and began to sweat. Grumbling, he turned his head and saw Axel walk out of a back room now wearing his uniform. Well if you want to call it wearing, it was more like precariously perched or maybe loosely draped.

Roxas' mouth watered at the sight of Axel. His jacket, open in the front is showing off his lean muscled chest and abs. The pants were riding low on his narrow hips, sitting just at the top of his hair line. He couldn't help but stare and was thankful for the loose design of this uniform that kept everyone in the room from knowing how much he appreciated Axel's body. Of course the blatant ogling might have given him away. Roxas pulled out of his trance as he realized the object of his carnal desires is heading straight for him. And now that he had peeled his eyes from the lower portion of Axel's body Roxas noticed his shit eating grin. He groaned, threw his hands over his face and thought, I am so busted, someone please just impale me now with one of those swords and put me out of my misery.


"Hey Demy, hey Zexion what are you guys doing here?!" Sora exclaimed after knocking them both to the floor. Both guys, being used to Soras' antics and especially the danger of Soras' glomping laughed as they untangle themselves from the man pile. Once separated Demy answered Sora's question.

"When you told me that you and Roxas decided to sign up and what days you were going to be here I changed our schedule so we could be in the same classes. I thought it would be fun."

"Yeah I thought so too." Zexion agreed. But of course that was the extent of his answer and even that was a lot for him.

"Well it's a great surprise especially since I don't think Roxas is going to be much company to me tonight." Sora said.

"What do you mean?" Demyx asked.

"When the instructor Axel got within 5 feet of Roxas' he turned into a brainless lust Muppet. See what I mean?" Sora nodded in the direction of Roxas where he was currently ogling the red head from across the room


"Now why would you cover up that beautiful face?" Axel asked when he stopped right in front of him. "I don't mind that you ogled me. In fact, it kinda turned me on."

Roxas peeked out from between his two fingers to see Axel with a full on sexy grin that made him want to groan and cover his face again. I can't believe this is happening, I never ogle. What the hell is wrong with me? As Roxas berated himself he felt strong, warm fingers touch his own and as those fingers gently began to pry his open. His heart skipped a beat then started pounding hard and fast against his ribs.

If there had ever been sexier guy then Roxas, Axel could not recall him. The way Roxas was staring at him when he walked across the Dojo made Axel want to dismiss class, throw him over his shoulder, run to the office, and have his wicked way with him. That thought put a grin on his face that he could not hide even if he wanted to, which of course he did not. Nope, there would be no games with this one, he wanted Roxas and was going to make sure that there was no mistaking his intensions with this gorgeous blonde. When Roxas threw his hands over his face Axel just wanted him that much more. So with that thought in mind he walked up to the wonderfully sexy, sweetly embarrassed man and started to remove his hands from his face.

Axel couldn't have been more pleased at the reaction he got when their fingers touched. He could see Roxas' pulse in his neck his heart was beating so hard. Actually Axel's pulse wasn't much slower than the man whose hands he now held. Realizing what he was doing, he slowly brought Roxas' hands down and let go of them, but continued to smile. "There, that's much better." He said with a nod.

Okay brain you can do this, first create response in head then send signal to whatever part of you controls speech and SPEAK! Wait, make sure it's intelligent! To Roxas' mortification his brain did not listen. "I…I was," he stammered. Axel smiled back at him waiting for Roxas to finish his what he was trying to say.


Demyx looked where Sora indicated to find Roxas just short of panting. He smiled, shrugged his shoulders and said, "Well he is pretty hot Sora." Zexion nodded his head in agreement.

"Yeah well Roxas could try to hide it just a little, he might as well have a sign on him that says, "Take me now I'm yours" pinned to his chest! It's embarrassing to watch." Sora responded with a shake of his head and a sigh.

Demyx noticed the ball at Soras' waist, pointed to it and asked, "Sora what did you do to your belt?"

Sora's face lit up. "Oh yeah since you're here I can just ask you. I couldn't figure out how to tie it. Would you show me how, please?"

"Of course come here." Demy motioned for Sora to step closer, untangled the mess and showed him how to tie it properly. "There you go."

"Thanks Demy, I am going to go see if Roxas needs help with his before class gets started. I'm really glad you guys are here," Sora gave both of them another quick hug and bounded off, earning him a smile from both men in the process.

Zexion looked at Axel and Roxas and said to Demyx, "Um, I don't think Roxas needs help with his belt. Take a look."

Demyx looked over at the two men to see Axel placing the belt around Roxas and ear. He turned to Zexion with a big smile on his face. "No I guess not. Damn that's hot; this is going to be a fun class."

"Uh huh," is all Zexion said then matched Demyx's smile.

Sora came bounding up and Roxas thought, "Our parents should've named him Tigger."

"Hey Roxas, want me to tie your belt for you, Demy showed me how, see?" Sora opened his arms and looked down at his waist to show Roxas his accomplished task.

Before he could answer, Axel scooped Roxas' belt off the floor, "Allow me." Wearing that damn wicked sexy grin he proceeded to straighten out the belt and put both ends in his right hand, leaned in so close to Roxas that he could feel his body heat. His warm breath stirred the hair on Roxas' neck, the combined sensations caused a shiver to ripple down his spine.

"You make me shiver too." Axel whispered and with a quick dart of his tongue he licked the inside of Roxas' ear then backed up, pulling on the belt so it was taut on Roxas' hips.

Roxas couldn't move. "Oh my god, he just licked my ear! How fucking sexy was that?"

Sora moaned, "Not again." He walked up to Roxas and closed his mouth then turned to Axel and said, "Would you stop it; what if his jaw gets stuck like that?"

Axel looked at Sora and laughed. "What did I do?" He asked as he went down on his knees in front of Roxas and started tying his belt for him.

Roxas, regained his wits, and jumped in. "Shut up Sora, he's fine, in fact more than fine." Okay brain that was good, keep going. "Are you going to teach me how to do it myself or just tie it for me before every class? Not that I would mind of course." Wow brain you are on a roll. Yeah but if he stays on his knees in front of me much longer I believe I will have hormonal meltdown. Holy shit could anything be more erotic than this incredibly sexy redhead in this position? And now he's looking up at me with the most amazing green eyes I have ever seen; although, an unmistakable glint of mischief has taken away from some of the glory.

Axel stopped moving for a second, looked up at Roxas and smirked then began tying the belt again. The look on Roxas' face inspired him to take things just a bit further so with a chuckle he responded, "I suppose I should teach you, but wouldn't this way be more fun?" He then tugged the belt one last time and stood up, still smirking as he inspected his work, not only on the belt, but on Roxas' face as well. Satisfied with the results he nodded and said, "Nice, very nice," then turned and sauntered across the school to the office where Yuffie had watched from the doorway.

Roxas, now having a view of the back side of Axel, formed a smirk of his own and mimicked him, "Yes, nice, very nice."


Yuffie shook her head and was smiling as Axel walked toward her. "Well that was subtle, although I'm not sure if the people waiting in the parking lot felt the sexual energy as you molested Roxas." She said sardonically then added, "Which in its self is miraculous since you raised the temperature in here about 20 degrees."

Feigning shock, Axel replied, "I was subtle; only Roxas could hear what I said and I did not molest him. Besides that heat you feel is a result of my turning on the furnace, but thank you for the vote of confidence."

Yuffie, pushed off the door jamb, stood up straight, put her hands to her hips and growled, "Axel you didn't!"

"I did." He answered, chuckling.

"Axel Flurry, I will not allow you to use my Dojo to ogle your latest conquest. Go turn that furnace off right now!" Yuffie now gripped her hips tightly to keep her hands from choking Axel. Honestly, she loved him to pieces but there were times she would like to throttle him, this being the most recent.

"Oh come on, where's my fun, free spirited, mischievous friend when I need her?"

"Flattery will get you nowhere. You know damn well with your incredible sexiness you do not need to stoop to tricks to get your men to strip for you, so why degrade the sanctity of my Dojo?" She asked, a hint of amusement in her voice, though her frustration was still winning at the moment.

Axel sensing her breaking resolve moved in for the kill, "How could having beautiful men learning the graceful movements of Kyuki-Do while half naked possibly be degrading to anything?" He gave her a big, cheeky smile.

"Damn you Axel! You're lucky you are a great instructor or I'd fire your ass!" Then, to her utter frustration she could't help but return that stupid smile. Damn him for being so adorable! "Come on, we have a class to teach."

Axel made a lip smacking sound and said, "I love you too." To which he received a middle fingered gesture from Yuffie behind her back as she bowed then stepped on to the Dojo.

Still chuckling Axel followed suite but not before taking off his jacket and tossing it into the office. Yes this is truly going to be a fun class, he thought heading straight for Roxas.


Outside the window of The Traverse Town Flying Dragons Dojo Terra watched as Roxas and Sora lined up with the rest of the class for warm ups. He pulled his cell from his pocket and hit the #1 on his speed dial. "Yeah?" is all that was spoken by the receiver.

"Guess who has joined The Flying Dragons?" Terra asked with a sneer.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me? Do they honestly think that's going to help their fucking pansy asses?! Oh this is too perfect." Ventus said with a chuckle that would make the devil cringe.

"So what do you want me to do?" After waiting several minutes Terra was about to repeat the question when Ventus finally answered.

With an evil grin spreading on his face Ventus calculated his plan. "Don't do anything for now. Let them think they have a chance. Let's wait a few weeks while they learn some moves. Then once they've developed some false confidence we'll strike. Oh this is going to be sweet." Ventus clicked his cell closed, picked up a dart from his desk and giggled manically. He threw it at the picture of Roxas and Sora that was mounted to his wall. The dart struck home in Roxas' heart.

Terra closed his phone, looked one last time at the twins, turned and walked toward his car that he'd parked a few blocks away. While he neared his car he thought, man I am glad I have never pissed off Ventus. He is one scary, twisted, fuck.