A/N: This continuation is a long overdue FGB fic for the very sweet rms33. There were many incarnations of this piece, but I finally found the right one. Many thanks to rms33 for her generous donation to Alex's Lemonade Stand and to Chele681 for bringing me insight and crazy awesome beta eyes.
Please remember that this is Darkward, so I will warn you up front that there is a good portion of violence, sex, and a dash of sexual violence. We're dealing with vampires here, folks – that's how they do.
Of course, these characters belong to SM, but I had to go & fuck em up. No copyright infringement intended.
My decision had been so lust-driven that I hadn't taken certain consequences into consideration. For all the plotting and planning to eliminate Bella's boyfriend and make her mine for eternity, this part had lacked logic.
Bella was violent and unpredictable as soon as her orgasm subsided and the change set in. I remembered the pain and anguish I felt through my own transformation, but this seemed so much more extreme.
I realized immediately that I needed to get her out of my apartment, especially after all the recent activity with the police and nosy neighbors. I begged Bella to calm herself, if only momentarily, so that I could transport her from inside to the safety of my car. The coolness of my skin against hers seemed to help, despite the reality that the burning she felt came from within. It was truthfully by accident that I discovered the most effective means of relieving her pain.
I brushed my hands over every inch of her body, stroking her skin with icy relief. I swept along her back, down the length of her legs – even to her feet – and back up again. On one such pass, my hand rounded quickly up her inner thigh and brushed past her sex to the other leg. Her appreciative moan at that contact made me halt and tentatively allow my fingertips to touch her delicate skin once more. To my surprise, she arched into my palm, and instead of crying out in pain, she was suddenly begging me to touch her.
Sexual pleasure appeared to be the only sufficient manner of easing her torment.
As it had only been a few hours, she was still coherent through the torture and fire. That would fade soon enough and she would no longer be able to communicate with me, but for the moment, she was aware and she was pleading with me to do whatever I could to help her. Still feeling a bit strange about it, I positioned my body over hers, aligning us appropriately and sinking my cock deeply within the confines of her hot pussy. I couldn't help but relish how fucking good the heat of her most sensitive flesh felt against my cold skin. Once she was changed, we would feel normal to one another, but as a human, the difference was dramatic. I began to move in a rhythm she responded positively to, and I let go of any negative feelings I had felt toward taking her under these circumstances; was it so different from taking her life and drinking her blood at the height of orgasm? I did not think so, and at this point, I would do anything in my power to provide relief from her pain. I had not been lying when I spoke of my love for her, and that included giving her anything she required.
"Hurts . . . please, Edward . . ."
"Don't stop . . ."
"You're . . . so cold . . . please . . ."
Bella wasn't wholly responsive, at least not physically, but those few words she could manage affirmed my decision to calm her that way. When it was all over, I stayed in place, speaking to her and explaining my plan. We had to get out of there, for everyone's safety, so I was going to gather a few things as quickly as possible and make our escape. I would have to figure out the details of Bella's disappearance later.
I dashed about the apartment, gathering a few items and erasing all evidence I had ever been there. It only took minutes at my quickest vampire speed, but any relief Bella had felt dissolved in no time. She had begun to whine and squirm again by the time I could get back to her. With a couple bags thrown over my shoulder, I dressed her and lifted her into my arms.
"You've got to stay quiet," I urged. "At least until we get to my car."
Still, she cried and begged me to make the burning stop, so I was forced to do the only thing I knew to offer her respite from the pain. I held her frail human body in my arms and worked a hand between her legs. Over her pants, I rubbed her as I flew down the back stairwell and into the parking garage. Thankfully, no one was out of their apartment, and Bella remained relatively quiet. In the stillness of the night, I set out toward Canada. I planned to take us deep into the north where there were only hunting camps and no civilization. I would be able to find a secluded cabin and keep her relatively comfortable until I figured out what we would do from there. In the meantime, I'd be able to plan the best location for her to feed, since we would be so far from a populated area.
In my head, it sounded like a spectacular plan. Yet again, things didn't go the way I thought they would.
By the time we reached the Canadian border, the back doors of my car had been dented and ruined. She had gained a great deal of strength, including in her hands and fingernails. I drove on and on through the wilderness while Bella tore my backseat to shreds. Leather had been sliced, and stuffing rained down around her writhing form. Above the noises of destruction were her horrific cries of agony that I could do nothing to quell during the drive.
Finally, finally, finally, we were deep in the north, having taken a roundabout path and driven my poor, decimated vehicle along unofficial roads to cross the border with a screaming woman in the backseat. I had been listening intently for the mental voices of humans, and it had been more than an hour since I'd picked up on even the faintest whisper. I traveled into an area where I knew there would be hunting camps and followed the stale scents of human visits to the area. There, I found a rickety but suitable cabin, entrenched in trees, and finally parked my car.
Whoever had last been there hadn't visited in a while, from the smell of things, and that was probably for the best. I didn't want to tempt or torture Bella any more than I already had. Guilt swelled within me for putting her through this agony, but I just kept reminding myself that I needed her and that she had succumbed to me willingly. Granted, I had been slightly manipulative, but she chose me. We would have forever together to work through forgiveness for these few days.
The thought of forever with Bella was enough to distract me from my negative outlook and focus on how much more beautiful and appealing she had become already, impossible as that would have seemed.
She squirmed in my arms as I carried her from my car to a bedroom in the cabin, and more signs of her strength revealed themselves. She was harder to hold onto when she fought against me, but that was also exciting, knowing she would be unbreakable soon. I laid her down over an old, worn comforter, but before I could step back, her arms reached for me in her half-consciousness, and she groaned my name. She clung to me, her body still warm from the fire charring her from the inside out, and I was, yet again, cool relief.
I knew she didn't really understand what she was doing - it was all instinctual - but still, she yanked at my clothes and her own, trying to get as much ice pressed against the flame as possible. It felt so, so, so wrong, as though I was taking advantage of my suffering angel, but I had no willpower against her need, so I hastily removed our clothes and mashed our naked bodies together, resuming my patterns of stroking every inch of her body with my outspread hands. The calming effects were evident the longer I went on, and I accepted it as my obligation. After hours of holding, touching, and pressing, I began to place small kisses down her neck and along her shoulders. Her grip on me tightened in response, so I allowed things to escalate. She murmured little incoherent things, but most of all I heard my name in unending utterances of, "more."
She needed me. She needed me, I kept telling myself. All I was really doing was worshiping and giving her what she was asking. Even if she probably wouldn't remember most of it, she needed it, like this, now.
I couldn't fuck her under those circumstances, though. Not when her eyes wouldn't even open to meet mine in the height of passion. Instead, I touched and kissed, kissed and licked and touched. Her skin had become sweeter to me, more appealing, but in a different way than her blood ever had been. There was some invisible cord tying me to her now, as though I was slave to her role of Master. Master of my body, my mind, my heart. Whatever she wanted, needed, craved . . . it was all hers. I had no power against it.
And that's when I realized the gravity of it all.
I had acknowledged my love.
I had acknowledged that we could, and would, have forever.
While comforting and pleasuring her through the change, I was slammed with the reality that she was my mate. Not just in word or suggestion but in whatever kept us in this living-dead state, be it a soul or anti-soul or magic. Destiny had brought us together, and I was willingly bound. I was hers.
I didn't realize how intense my affections had been until Bella climaxed in her haze, arching her body off the bed and pushing into my hand hard before collapsing to stillness. I hesitated pulling away from her too soon, but she seemed . . . okay. I didn't know exactly how or what I'd done, but it was the calmest I had seen her thus far. I checked the time and realized her change would be complete in a matter of hours, and I had business to attend to if I knew I could step away briefly.
I kissed Bella's forehead and redressed her, leaving her strangely peaceful on the bed as I went outside to the car. Retrieving my phone, I sent an email from Bella's account to Alice. Of course, I made it out as though Bella was the one writing and told her that Bella couldn't handle the tragedy and had decided to go stay with family. To Bella's family, I sent a similar story. A supposed road trip from Pennsylvania to Washington State would take long enough for me to fake her death or create a better alibi.
With those details tentatively handled, I reduced our belongings to what could fit in a single backpack and left the rest in my car. It would have to be destroyed, not that it was of much use after Bella had torn it to shreds. Checking on her quickly, I confirmed that she was still okay, though her heart was speeding up a bit now. I drove toward a nearby lake to dispose of the vehicle; we wouldn't need it, and it was too much of a liability at this point. The license plate and any other identifying components were crushed to dust in my hands and scattered across the snowy ground.
With my work done, I decided to search out a quick meal before returning to my love. By my calculations, I still had time. As I was draining a deer, I realized how wrong I had been.
Human screams of terror tore through the air, punctuated by the mental panic of one . . . two . . . three humans. And then only two; one of them had fallen.
I raced back toward the cabin, berating myself for my blunder and absolutely terrified for Bella. Her change was obviously complete, and I hadn't been there for her. Had she been frightened without me? Confused?
It was obvious that she was thirsty.
When I finally reached the cabin, the hunting party and apparent owners of this cabin had, so unfortunately, arrived at the wrong time for their humanity but the absolute right time for a newborn vampire. The scene was a massacre. The two living men were conscious but slumped against opposite walls of the cabin. I assumed broken bones and other injuries kept them in place, watching Bella devour their friend. Between flashes of their memories and the state of the room, I guessed she had been playing with her food, tossing them around and incapacitating the humans until she was ready to feast.
Bella had her first victim pinned to the floor, her face buried in his neck. One of his legs was twisted at an awkward angle, and one of his dismembered arms lay nearby, oozing blood. My beautiful girl was a complete mess, with the thick red life force sticking in her hair, and I guessed that her face was likely covered as well. She was so lost in her feeding that I doubted she realized the vicious growls and grunts she was making.
Honestly, I was a bit frightened.
I knew how strong newborns could be, and there was no doubt in my mind that she would tear me apart if I tried to interrupt.
Seeing her that way had another effect on me, though. She was like me. After all the time spent constructing and carrying out my plan, freeing her from that vile excuse for a boyfriend, and bringing her here, she had become a magnificent specimen of the vampire race. I was in awe of her, of this entire situation. Reality sank in, so delightful, and a new instinct struck. The outpouring of sweet, adrenaline tinged blood and the sounds of Bella's blissful conquest became too much for me. I needed it. I needed it. Before I could even process what I was doing, I was on one of the other humans, forcing his head back and sinking my teeth into his fragile skin. He cried out in pain, but his blood flowed freely, so very delicious after months living off animal blood, with the exception of Bella's change. I was only halfway through when my body was unkindly jerked from my meal and I was tossed aside.
I tried to move, tried to fight back so I could get more, but I was . . . incapacitated. I realized then that Bella had been the one to stop me, and with the way she was glaring at me I understood that she was the force holding me in place. "Mine," she growled before yanking the lifeless body off the floor and finishing him.
All I could do was watch. I could feel my body, my limbs, my breaths, but I was frozen. And my Bella . . . she was a wonder. Stunning in her grace, alluring in her ferocity, and irresistible in all the ways the change had enhanced her already beautiful form.
Unable to do anything but gaze upon her in strange and awed silence, I waited as she took her third terrified victim. That last one went faster, and when she was finished, she stood upright, turned with purpose, and stalked toward me. I had been released from my icy prison, but I was still not the one in control of my body as I moved toward her, meeting in the middle of the room. Though I stood and walked, it was she who pulled me toward her, mentally calling, beckoning me closer.
Whatever hold she had on me was released when our blood-stained mouths met, and I was thrown to the floor again. Amongst pools of blood, my feral, growling, gorgeous mate tore my clothes clean off my body and did the same to her own. She kissed and nipped at my skin, as though she might consume me too, and she forcefully thrust herself down onto my cock. Pinned to the floor beneath my dirty, messy lover, I let her have control of my body. I had never seen anything so entrancing in my entire life. She never relented, never allowed me to take over. Instead she just pounded up and down, sometimes leaning forward to kiss and pull at my lips, and other times sitting up to seek her own pleasure. My hands smoothed all over her body, much as they had to soothe her change, but this time, she didn't need the same kind of relief. When I knew I could no longer hold out, I forced a hand between us, stroking her clit as she writhed over me. I jerked upward, pouring myself into her and crying out her name reverently, and moments later, she slammed down one last time before completely crumbling on top of my chest.
Carefully, and slightly hesitantly, I stroked her hair away from her face. She was no longer human or delicate, but I needed her to understand my tenderness. That was undoubtedly the most intense sex I had ever experienced, and my mind was a jumble of emotions and reactions. Not to mention that she had woken to this afterlife less than an hour ago, had immediately gone on a feeding frenzy, discovered her unexpected ability, and ravaged her maker-turned-mate.
There was so much I wanted to say to her, but the words wouldn't come. Instead:
She looked up at me slightly, and there she was. Despite the bright crimson that had replaced her previously warm brown eyes, I saw the sweet, tempting librarian. She was utterly angelic to me, even with smears of blood covering her. Love swirled in my gut. Need burned in the back of my neck. Steel cords of protectiveness and passion tethered me to her.
"Are you okay?" I finally managed.
Her head tipped slightly, as though she had to interpret my words from a different language before responding.
"I . . . the burning in my throat. It hurt. Did you bring the food to me?"
Her voice was so innocent and sweet in comparison to the gruesome events of the day.
"No." I shook my head. "I'm sorry I wasn't here when you woke. It was sooner than I expected. I didn't know the humans were coming."
"I couldn't help it. I needed what they had. And it was so good."
I nodded again, shifting to secure my hold on her. She felt so good, her body aligned with my own.
"I know it was, love. You'll probably be thirsty like this for a while. Was that enough for now?"
"I think so," she told me. "At least for now."
Her eyes roamed down my body, and she sat up slightly, examining my naked form.
"Did I hurt you?"
"No, I'm fine," I assured her.
Her eyes were downcast. "I had to have it. I didn't want you to steal my food. How did I . . . ?"
I sat up, keeping her in my lap and wrapping my arms around her once more. "I think it's pretty clear that you're gifted. I don't necessarily understand it, but when you became territorial of the human I was drinking, you held me off somehow."
"And I made you come to me," she added.
"You did," I confirmed.
"I needed you close. I wanted you to come, to touch me."
"I don't understand it." Her voice was sad, in a way. Confused. I pulled her closer and held her face to my chest, stroking up and down her bare back.
"You don't need to yet. It will come with time," I explained. "It took me time as well, after I awoke from my change. I could hear all these voices in my head that weren't my own, but once I realized what was happening, I learned to understand it all. I figured out how to discern the thoughts of others, and how to block them when I needed to.
"We already know you have some sort of ability to control others. You kept me from moving, but then you also made me do your will."
She was silent for a few minutes, presumably taking it all in, considering her power, and likely acclimating to, well, everything. After a little while, she looked up at me again, and the mischief was back. I tensed, unsure what that meant.
"Can I practice?" she asked simply. "With you?"
Wearily, I nodded. She was my mate, after all.
"I won't hurt you," she promised, stroking my cheek with her smooth hand and kissing me softly.
As we continued kissing, a feeling much like the tingle of drunkenness began to spread through me. I knew what it meant, and I was powerless against it. An intense compulsion overtook my senses, and I stood quickly, keeping Bella wrapped around me. I carried her to the bedroom where her change had been completed, and I carefully placed her down on the bed. She smiled wickedly as I spread her legs and knelt between them, licking up one of her inner thighs and then the other. I teased and kissed my way toward her center, toward her lovely pink flesh, and I laid my tongue against her. She was sweet, but more like flowers and honey instead of the call of blood. I gave her all I had, lapping my tongue on and in her, teasing and pleasuring. She moaned for me, tugging on my hair, and still, I went on and on. My fingers found their way to her as well, and I pumped in time with each swirl and suck. Finally, I took advantage of the speed I was graced with and gave her my all until she fell apart.
I crawled up the bed, folding myself around her lithe and luscious form. "You didn't have to make me do that. I'll give you anything you desire."
Her answering smile was wicked. "I know," she agreed, "but it was a fun way to practice, don't you think?"
A satisfied sound rumbled in my chest as I flipped her beneath me. The bed frame snapped after only a few forceful thrusts, and the floor boards buckled shortly after.
Someone would have eventually come looking for the hunters, so the evidence had to be destroyed. After leaving the cabin in flames (though assuring that we didn't cause a forest fire), we took off, hand in hand, through northern Canada.
Progress was slow, considering our mutual sexual appetite, coupled with how often Bella felt the need to "practice" her ability on me. Thus far, she had been so accepting of her change to this life, and she hadn't once questioned my decision to make her like me. I had no way of telling if she simply didn't recall her human life, or if our bond was just as intense for her as it was for me, making nothing else matter. I didn't allow myself to worry over it all too much, though; I was far too blissed out on having her in my life after over one hundred years as a solitary nomad.
There were also the times during our travel when Bella became distracted by the scent of humans and set us off track, not that we had a true destination. Her senses were so keen in her newborn state that she was able to detect a meal long before I could smell or hear them. Time and time again, she would brutally devour her victim, then throw me to the ground to sate her other intense needs. Her extreme aggression worried me at times, but I was more than willing to oblige her sexual desires.
We didn't really know where we were going, simply wandering and enjoying one another, and I just tried to keep her as far from normal civilization as possible while she was still so young. We were happy together, and that seemed to be all that mattered for the time.
It wasn't until we encountered another small coven that I knew something had to change.
We had moved closer toward the West Coast of Canada, angling our way toward Alaska, when Bella found her most recent meal. It was a lone woman, camping deep in the forest doing some sort of animal research. Bella drank, sharing only a little with me, which was fine, and then she fucked me until a deep rut formed in the ground beneath our bodies. Shortly after leaving the campsite behind, Bella froze from our playful run and grabbed my arm.
"Others," she said simply.
We stayed where we were, and within minutes, I was able to sense the approach of the unknown coven. There were three of them, and there was really no reason to avoid them, so we waited until they had made their way to us.
Two men, both larger than me, and a red-headed female with fiery eyes to match her hair, approached, looking us up and down. The dark-haired man's eyes lingered a little too long on Bella for my liking, and I glared at him. Bella must have noticed as well because a low, rumbling growl resounded in her chest.
"Hello, friends," the dirt-stained blond man said to us, his lip curled up slightly. "We smelled a meal nearby. Care to point us in the right direction?"
"There was only one," I explained. "Gone now."
"A shame," the redhead replied with a pout. "And so rude of you not to share."
Then I saw a plan forming in all their minds. Funny, how similar they thought without speaking. It must have been something they'd considered before. The dark-haired one, Laurent, apparently, didn't have a mate, and they all seemed to think Bella would be a suitable match for him. Three to two, in their minds, was an easy battle.
"Back off," I growled immediately, stepping in front of Bella.
"We'd just like to play," Victoria, whose name I'd learned in her mate's mind, cooed.
The leader, James, and Laurent stepped forward, attempting to contain me. Victoria vaulted over our heads, moving to the back. We were surrounded. They moved in slowly. I growled louder.
"You're quite a beauty," Laurent said to Bella menacingly, his French accent thick on his tongue.
"Indeed," James added. "You'd make such a lovely companion for our friend."
Enraged by their "suggestion," I was ready to fight for my mate, regardless of being outnumbered; that wasn't even a question. I knew my ability could give me an advantage, but it would still be difficult. I was fully prepared to spring into action when a now-familiar sensation left me frozen in place.
"Bella, no," I managed, but her eyes were hard when she looked at me.
"Step aside, Edward. Let me teach our new 'friends' a little lesson for trying to play big bad bullies on the playground."
I was forced to do her will, taking a few steps that weren't really my own away from the little circle they had created around us. Bella moved with even strides, examining each of them and smirking as their confused, frightened eyes revealed how hard they were trying to fight against her. She'd had a lot of practice on me, and though the situation was very different from our sexual escapades, it was quite clear that her skills had been tuned sharply in a short period of time.
Bella stopped in front of Victoria, looking at her appraisingly. "You're quite beautiful as well, you know," Bella began. Her fingertip dragged along Victoria's cheekbone and down to her chin.
She glanced back at James and Laurent, making sure they were watching.
"You know, boys, it's quite unkind to threaten someone who's done you no wrong. We meant you no harm, but you wanted to hurt us, to separate us. I can't stand for that."
She moved behind Victoria, bringing her arms around the tall, thin woman.
"There are better ways to treat strangers, you know," she spoke smoothly, but there was an obvious plan attached to her words. "Shall I show you?"
Her question was clearly rhetorical as she continued. With measured purpose, Bella unzipped the jacket the other woman wore and let if fall to the ground. She then unbuttoned the shirt beneath and let it slip off as well. Victoria stood like a frightened, helpless statue as Bella's fingertips skimmed up her stomach toward her breasts. The redhead's mind, however, was a blend of excitement and fear; she didn't like being unable to move, but Bella's touch made her eager for the anticipated tantalization.
"Do you like this?" Bella asked, looking at James. Her tone was seductive and familiar to me. I didn't fully understand where her game was headed, but I also couldn't help but be turned on by my gorgeous siren as she touched another woman. "Do you want to see me play with your lover?"
Victoria's bra was snapped off, and still behind her, Bella palmed Victoria's breasts, rubbing them roughly. James' eyes were wide, and I could hear the struggle of his thoughts. He wanted to protect Victoria, but at the same time, he was uncontrollably turned on by the scene as his inner voice screamed Yes! and More!. Laurent just wanted to get away, and Victoria's mind was much the same as James'. Part of her yearned to flee, the other craved whatever Bella was willing to give.
I could hardly believe this was all taking place at the hands of the quiet, insightful woman I had originally met in Pittsburgh.
"Edward?" she said, looking my way. "Does she like it?"
"Yes," I was able to respond.
"Does she want more?"
"And him?" she asked, flicking her eyes toward James.
"It's driving him crazy."
"Good," she said with a smirk. "Would it bother you?"
"Whatever you desire, love." But then again, she already knew that.
She nodded and smiled at me with some war plan in her mind, but she kept me held fast in my place.
Bella's hands moved on Victoria's breasts again, tugging at her nipples. "You like the way I touch your mate," she directed at James. "I know you do, and I know it makes you want to touch yourself. Do it."
James' hand twitched, and I heard it register in his mind that he was able to move, but only that one limb, no matter how hard he fought against Bella's hold on the rest of his body. His hand slid down his pants, stroking himself beneath the fabric, grateful to be allowed at least this form of participation in the scene.
As James touched himself, Bella ran her hands up and down Victoria's torso, taunting James. (Laurent just wanted to flee.) She teased the other woman's stomach and plucked at her breasts. Occasionally, her eyes met mine for a moment, as though she was seeking my constant okay with her wicked game. I didn't protest. She was pure evil in those moments, but also a complete and unstoppable turn-on.
"Faster," Bella demanded of James, and he was forced to comply. He would have willingly. She dragged her fingers under the waistband of Victoria's jeans but didn't dip lower beneath. Up and down her hands traveled. Victoria's mind was a mess of wanton desire and utter fear. She wanted more, but she also just wanted to run away with James and never look back.
"I can tell you like it, Red," Bella growled. "I know you want me to touch you more. Lower. Like this." With her words, Bella brushed her hand between Victoria's legs, over her pants. She rubbed harder, faster, keeping one hand on Victoria's breast.
"Faster!" she yelled at James, who jerked at himself so forcefully that his pants began to rip. Bella's hands worked Victoria harder, unkindly. The intensity built and built, and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it.
"Harder!" she commanded James again. That became the point he wanted to stop, that he knew Bella was out of control, but he was helpless under her command.
With that, Bella moved both hands to Victoria's neck, lacing her fingers through the fiery curls . . . and ripped Victoria's head cleanly off her body. It fell with a thunk, followed by the crumbling body of the topless woman.
Bella's vicious, unforgiving glare focused on James, who whimpered helplessly at the sight of his fallen mate, then yelped in pain.
She hadn't . . .
But she had.
Bella had made James rip off his own dick.
"You won't need it anymore without her," Bella said with sickeningly cheerful intonation. In a matter of seconds, Bella pulled a lighter from my backpack and set Victoria ablaze. "Go to your mate," she said simply to James, who walked slowly, like a zombie, into the fire. The flames flickered blue and the thick purple smoke trailed upward toward the heavens as Bella stared down at the eternal demise brought on by her ruthless hand.
Emotionlessly, she walked toward Laurent and kicked him in the stomach, hard, sending his body flying lifelessly and landing a hundred yards away. "Don't fuck with me!" she screamed at him. We both watched silently as he regained control of his body and ran far away, as fast as his legs would carry him.
And then Bella was on me, over me, pulling at my clothes, and consuming me as the fire that was once James and Victoria smoldered beside us.
"I'll never let anyone take you away from me," she promised, love and protectiveness shining in her blood-red eyes.
"No, no one will ever separate us, my love."
A lot of thinking followed that sex-and-violence, violence-and-sex encounter. I had realized from the start that Bella would be an aggressive creature, at least during her newborn stage, but after our unexpected run-in with the other coven, I knew there was much to consider. We always cleaned up our "mess" after Bella fed, but there was more at stake than human discovery. First of all, we couldn't have that kind of thing happening every time we came across other vampires. Granted, that had been an extreme circumstance, but if someone was going around taking out others of our kind left and right, word would spread quickly. Second, now that Laurent had seen Bella in action, there was always the chance he would tell others about her. Any number of outcomes were possible if he did. Our safest and most sensible choice was to avoid any more situations like that one.
I began to consider all my options.
I didn't want to avoid other people altogether, be they vampire or human, but I didn't want to endanger my love or have her act out unnecessarily. I had met plenty of others of our kind who were easy enough to interact with, and I wanted Bella to know they existed. While her wild appetite, both for blood and sex, were quite advantageous for me, I couldn't get past the feeling that they could be refined.
After a few weeks in Alaska, showing Bella as many beautiful natural wonders as I could as I figured things out, it came to me. Honestly, I was surprised I hadn't considered the alternative sooner.
Bella unquestionably craved human blood, as did I, but there was another food source. I thought back to the time I had spent drinking only from animals during my stay in Pennsylvania. It had been a sacrifice I'd rationalized so I could be near her, but an unexpected side effect of that alternative lifestyle had been a calmer, controlled demeanor. If it could work for me after a century of feeding on humans, there was no reason not to at least try it for Bella. It wouldn't necessarily mean giving up human blood altogether, but it was an option. A good one.
I wasn't sure how Bella would take the suggestion, so I waited until she hadn't fed in a while and took her far from any humans and back into Canada where the population of bears, deer, goats, and mountain cats was diverse. It was always circular with Bella – we had sex, and she became ravenous for a meal . . . then she wanted more sex. So off to the woods we went, and I was ready to tease, love, and fuck my mate until she was ready to crack with her need for blood. At that point, I would find her an animal, and hopefully, she would be so out of control that she'd give in to my insistence.
"You're right, it's beautiful out here," she told me as we stood at the height of a cliff overlooking a small lake.
"Swim with me?" I asked, undressing myself before her. That lustful glint I'd become so familiar with flared in her eyes, and she tugged away her clothes.
Taking her hand, we launched ourselves off the cliff and into the cold water. The temperature meant little to us, so we swam and played, enjoying the joy and freedom that came with our recreation. I had never been so playful with another vampire, so it was just as fun for me as it was for her, and things got even better when I dragged her to a spot where we could stand. There in the shallow water, I touched, licked, and kissed all over her gorgeous, marble body. She liked the way she could stroke me so easily in the water, and I loved toying with her as she stood. My fingertips teased at her opening as I bent down to tongue at the peaks of her breasts, and she pushed herself against me, silently begging for more.
Eventually, I relented from that game and began a new one. First, one finger, slow and lazy. Long strokes in and out. Then two, faster, harder. Back to one, I curled it in rapid motion, as though beckoning, "come here," over and over again. Two for the same motion, and finally, three stiff fingers, fucking her hard, hard, harder, making her cries of pleasure echo over the expanse of the lake. Her orgasm filled me with pride and built my need to take her again and again, rough and needful.
She grabbed at me desperately, but I kept on. "Don't you dare try to take over," I growled in her ear. "It's my turn to do whatever I please, and you're going to let me, aren't you, my Bella?"
"Yessssss," she moaned as I hoisted her up, legs wrapped around my waist. I squeezed her ass hard and made my way toward the shore. I needed to get her crazy and hungry, and I was going to have fun doing so.
At the edge of the water, I threw her down and flipped her onto her hands and knees, smacking her ass for good measure. "Mine, always," I groaned as I sank into her, forceful but not lacking all the love I felt for her."
"Always," she panted.
I pumped quickly, pushing her into the dirt and mud, and she had to fight to keep up on her hands, despite her extreme strength. Her cries of pleasure matched my own, and I knew I was well on my way to accomplishing my goal.
"Do you like it when I fuck you this way, my Bella?"
"God, yes . . ."
"No one ever loved you like this, did they? Never used your body so well and made you feel all the things I can."
"Never, Edward. Only you."
"Good," I growled, pounding greedily. I knew all the spots I was hitting and how intense and powerful her orgasm would be. "You were made to be mine. I waited so long for you. No one else ever deserved your love, your body."
Without warning, I yanked her up to her knees, pulling her back to my chest and holding her too tightly. I sucked at her neck and whispered more words of love and lust into her ear, driving her mad all the while. When I knew she was ready to explode, I put her back on her hands, then lifted her bottom half off the ground by her thighs. I held her and rose up higher on my knees to drive myself into her as deep as possible, and when she was on the edge I wrapped a hand around her hip, forcing two consecutive climaxes upon her, one from the way I touched her where we joined, and the other from the sensitive place within her warm pussy that made her shudder and collapse.
Thankfully, our kind cannot become physically exhausted, so I dragged her toward the tree line and slammed her against a tree. We continued until it buckled and fell beneath us, then I sat myself on the trunk and let her ride in my lap. Next, I loved her with my mouth, and I didn't object when she turned herself so we could suck and pleasure one another simultaneously. For our next round, I allowed things to slow, and I truly made love to my beautiful girl, stroking her face, moving slowly inside her, and speaking words of pure adoration. It amazed me how that kind of affection could turn her on just as much as the dirty, commanding words I'd used earlier. The peaceful, sweet love went on for hours and hours, but there were no lack of orgasms for either of us. I could still give her everything she needed and keep her at the height of lustful insanity, even while gentle and reverent. When our desire built back up to a place where we needed it rough and hard again, I gave her what she wanted. Any position she asked, I allowed. Anything I suggested, she gave over to me. It all ended with her legs over my shoulders, and immediately after what must have been her twentieth or thirtieth climax in the course of a day, she whined and writhed beneath me.
"I need . . . I need . . . oh god, Edward, I need blood. I want it so bad I feel like I might die."
I seized the opportunity without hesitation and told her to take my hand. Completely nude and free, I pulled her along with me, sniffing out the most delectable creature I could find. Much to my delight, a sleek, muscular wild cat was hunting nearby. I hushed Bella and led her toward the animal, and when we were close enough to pounce, I whispered for her to take it. Confusion clouded her eyes, but only momentarily. When she inhaled, she understood, and instinct took over. The cat yelped in surprise, meeting its end.
I watched with pride as Bella drained the animal in a matter of seconds.
"More!" she begged, sucking desperately on the cat's neck.
"Stay here. I'll be back."
I didn't have to run far to find more suitable animals. One by one, I brought a feast of forest life back to my darling, laying them at her feet like a holy offering of my love and devotion.
She drank until eight large creatures were sacrificed for her need, and then she followed me in another direction so I could indulge at long last. It had been so long since I'd had a proper meal, allowing myself to really feel full, because I had always allowed Bella to seek her fill first. It felt amazing, and Bella appeared intoxicated and adoring.
"We're such a mess," she laughed, pulling me back toward the lake so we could cleanse ourselves of all the sex, dirt, blood, and animal fur. How intoxicated were we by our bond that we had been naked for all this time, leaving our belongings tucked away in the forest to retrieve later?
We dipped into the water, lighter and even more blissful than we had been before I fucked her silly. When our bodies were free of any contamination, I held her, like lovers do, and we swayed with the gentle waves the wind created.
I caressed her face, her shoulders, and her arms, enjoying the feel of her slippery skin. Meeting her eyes, I saw that the animal blood had begun to take effect already. It was likely due to the mass quantity she had consumed, but that was good. It meant, if my theory was correct, she would calm immediately.
"Do you remember my eyes, when you were human? When we first met?"
She closed her eyes, concentrating, thinking back.
"Yes," she finally responded. "They were so strange. Beautiful. Entrancing. Undeniably strange, though. I'd never seen anything like that golden color."
"And when you woke?"
"Red, of course," she answered.
"Do you understand why?" I asked, probing and prodding for her to realize the truth on her own.
She thought it over again, and then studied my face, pressing her fingers to the skin beneath my eyes.
"They're changing back. The red is nearly gone," she observed.
"It is. Look at yours." Bella glanced down at the water, using the surface as a mirror, and gasped.
"What's changed, love? Do you understand?"
Her fingertips drifted softly back and forth under my eyes and she lifted herself to kiss me. When we pulled apart, she smiled.
"Animal blood?"
"Yes," I said with a nod and smile of my own. "It's how I was able to integrate with humans."
"I see."
"It's more than that, though . . ."
From there, we had one of the most serious conversations we had shared since her change. I admitted all my concerns about her self-control and my fears of being discovered. I told her about the Volturi and the way they covet those with abilities, those who they deem special or useful to their purpose. I explained that a power like hers would unquestionably be something they would try to take, whether by choice or force, and that I wasn't willing to risk her safety. She thought they would likely want to manipulate me for my ability as well, but I didn't allow our conversation to dwell there, no matter how true it may have been.
We continued our animal diet, testing my theories, and it seemed to be true that Bella was able to remain calm and in better control of when and when not to use her gift. It truly curbed her aggression, though she remained my little firecracker and sex goddess. That part of our relationship never lost its intensity.
Months passed, and we continued to wander together, continued our animal diet. It seemed to bring balance to both of us . . . not that Bella ever stopped using her gift to manipulate me into being her sex toy. Not that I minded.
We traveled outside of North America, first enjoying the wild landscapes of South America and eventually swimming across the sea toward Africa. Bella especially enjoyed Africa for the wildlife, and I had to agree with her there. By the time we made our way toward Europe, she felt confident enough to attempt being around humans. She did unsurprisingly well, and I couldn't have been prouder of my mate. Eventually, we were able to be around humans on a regular basis, and without ever really needing to discuss it, we just stopped feeding on people. Animals were enough, so there wasn't really any reason to go through the trouble. They were still tempting at times, of course, but never like before.
It should go without saying that we avoided Italy altogether.
Years passed, and we spent them together full of happiness, love, and bliss. At some point, we went back to Pittsburgh and stirred up some memories. I asked Bella if she ever regretted this life or if she resented what I had done to Mike, but she just laughed. In her mind, it was a means to an end. She reminded me that we were meant to be together, and he just happened to be another victim, like the humans she had feasted on in her newborn year. I took her to the storage location where I'd had her things kept, and she rooted through them, pulling out items that made her smile and frown at the memories they conjured. We talked about her "death," as her human friends and family had been told, and she just nodded along. It was a good visit.
That visit was, in fact, what prompted us to find a place to settle. We would always travel, but we agreed that it would be nice to have a home base of sorts. North Dakota seemed fitting enough, so that was where we went. While hunting one day, we met a pair of males named Jasper and Peter. Bella took to them both immediately, and they stayed with us for several months. Jasper inquired about our diet, admitting that he tried the animal lifestyle from time to time. That was when I saw the picture in his head of the small "vegetarian" coven, as they called themselves. They were the same that I had seen years ago in the mind of another vampire.
Jasper and Peter eventually went on their way, and a good many years later, we eventually met Carlisle and his family. He had heard about us from Jasper and welcomed us without hesitation.
As time passed on, Carlisle's coven became like family to us, and we found a new area to call home for a while together. Jasper and Peter returned at some point, and it was a strange, rather large coven that we had formed. How unheard of for so many of our kind to be together that way, especially stationary for such long periods of time, but it worked. Perhaps it was the animal blood that allowed us to think more rationally, or maybe we were all just meant to be a family. I didn't know, but I didn't bother pondering over it too much because we all found great happiness in our coven, and that was what truly mattered.
Years and years went on, and my love and need for Bella never once faded. We separated from our friends for long stretches of times, whether it was to see the world or just experience something different, but the familial bonds we'd all developed never faded.
For a century I had wandered alone, living my life the only way I ever really knew how, but then a simple, mysterious human woman came into my world and changed everything. I had plotted and killed for her, and in return, she had given me everything I never knew I could have, and it was all I wanted for forever and eternity.
"Edward, I need you. Please, love."
Against my own will (but not really), I was drawn toward my sexy, perfect mate.
"Touch me." And I did.
"Kiss me." And I did.
"Fuck me." And I did.
As I held her tight, roughly against me, she kissed up my collar bone and to my neck, swirling her tongue in a manner that only served to heighten my pleasure.
I pushed up into her, deeper, spilling love and venom into her unchanging body. Feeling my release, she snarled, and then her teeth sank into my skin, burning like fire and marking my body the way I had done to hers so many long years before.
E/N: Thanks for reading! If you found the scene with James & Victoria disturbing . . . well, it was supposed to be. It was the breaking point where Edward realized he needed to find a way to curb Bella's aggression. I can assure you that if Bella thought either of them weren't turned on by it, she would have just killed them, but she's a vampire, so she saw the game they had planned and fucked with them in return. Do you really think they would have simply killed Edward if she hadn't stopped them, or would they have tortured him before trying to take Bella and make her Laurent's mate?
Just a little food for thought =) Love you all!