Sorry it took so long to get this up. I really suck at fight scenes without wands apparently. I've had everything written for months except the movement of the fight. I kept adding more and taking it out and then putting it back in. Got to the point where I don't care anymore. Today is my 25th birthday though it just feels like just another day. My present is a trip to Italy, which I will be leaving for this Saturday. I'll be gone for two weeks and will not be bring the keyboard to my tablet. It is really hard to write without it but it weighs a ton. I just wanted to get this up before I leave. Will probably edit the whole story once I finish the last chapter.

Chained: In More Ways Than One

Sun Rise


Shizaru stood looking over the grounds from the window of his chambers. Suddenly he felt the feeling as if he was being watched. "Haruka?" Looking over his shoulder to confirm it was the assassin. The demoness had been working for the royal family as long as he could remember so Shizaru knew he could trust her not to stab him in the back. "Have you brought the Miko back as I so desired?" Lord Shizaru requested impatiently.

"Yes my Lord," Haruka replied with a bow. "The miko has been placed in the chambers for the Lady of the East." She gestured to the right with her hand.

Shizaru smirked as he moved towards the door that connected to the chamber attached to his. It was supposed to be for his future mate so it was only fitting. He slid the screen open with his foot before entering the neighbouring room. Shizaru saw that the unconscious body of the miko had been placed on a bed of plush pillows.

Sliding the door closed behind him he walked closer to the bed. Shizaru's eyes glanced over her body, silently appraising it in his mind. His eyes caught the movement of her breasts rising and falling with each breath the miko took. Leaning over the miko's unaware form, Shizaru stroked her cheek.

Taking the slim wrist in his own hand, Shizaru rubbed the pulse point on her wrist. Reaching inside his robes he retrieved a trinket. The metal cuff was made to look beautiful, like a fine piece of jewellery with its jewel encrusted exterior, but it had a greater purpose. Shizaru had it commissioned by the same person who made the chain that had been given to the lord of the west.

Shizaru clicked the cuff closed on the miko's wrist. It would cut the miko's access to her own purification powers. The item was a safety measure for him and anyone of his other subjects who came in contact with her. Though miko's looked harmless in their appearance of human women, demons knew to fear the powers that they held within. Priestesses were the only humans that demons truly feared, for their purifying powers. If he could harness those powers in his favor, Shizaru thought it would be great for the Eastern lands.

As a mate of the Eastern Lord's she should hold some respect in his court. It did not matter that the miko was a ningen instead of a youkai, she was still their dai youkai's mate. Thus, should have the respect she deserved.


Kagome woke up on an extravagant bed with confusion. She looked around the ornate room with panicked eyes. "What's going on?" She could tell that something was off. Where was everyone else? The last thing Kagome remembered was being out on the battlefield.

"Aw, my lady has finally woken up." A female demon in a simple informal navy yukata bowed not far from the edge of the sleeping mat.

"Who are you-" Kagome asked since she didn't recognize the other female. "And where am I?"

"I am Hisame, your newly assigned handmaiden. You are currently at the Eastern palace, my lady." Hisame replied respectively. "I have been sent to prepare you for the evening."

"For what?" Kagome inquired confused. She was not fully awake yet. Her head was also pounding for some reason.

"For your wedding to our lord of course," Hisame replied like it was a stupid question.

"What!" Kagome froze in dread. She had woken with the feeling that something was deeply wrong. So Shizaru had finally managed to kidnap her. She wasn't meant to be here. Her panicked mind told her that she had to flee. Kagome attempted to dash out of the room. Her movements felt sluggish for some reason. She had hardly made it across the room when Kagome's legs gave out from under her.

"My lady, be careful," Hisame walked over to help Kagome back to her futon. "The drugs are still in your system."

"Drugs?" Kagome mumbled as she was lowered back down into the bed of soft cushions. That would explain her splitting headache. Kagome held her forehead in her hand like it would help.

"Let me get you some herbs for that." Misame offered, walking over to the door. Opening the screen she spoke to someone on the other side, about requesting some herbal tea be brought. A servant appeared not long after with a tray.

Kagome blew on the hot liquid before taking a cautious sip. She waited to see if anything would happen, but it appeared to be just normal tea. These people had drugged her once before.

There was a soft knock on the door. Hisame bid them entrance. The door slides open and another servant entered also in a navy yukata. Kagome thought they looked practically identical to the other one in looks. This one was carrying a tray of food.

"I am Mimiko, your other handmaiden," The new demon bowed deeply in respect. She approached and then placing the food tray on a table by the miko. "Eat before we begin, my lady."

It was only then that Kagome realized how famished she was. She hadn't eaten since the small breakfast right before heading to the battlefield. Since Kagome had been nervous, she had not eaten much either. Judging by the sunlight outside, it must already be the next day already.

Kagome looked over the tray with keen interest. Snatching the lid off the pot, it revealed plain white rice. It was to be paired with vegetables and some beef. Kagome immediately dug into the meal with gusto. She didn't care about good manners at the moment.

She ignored the two servant's looks of perplexity at her horrible manors.

When the tray was completely empty of condiments, Kagome sat back with a satisfied sigh. "Much better."

Without a word, Mimiko collected both the food and tea trays. Standing up she walked across the room and pushed the door open. The tray of dishes was passed to another servant to be brought back to the kitchen.

Kagome tried to see out into the hallway. She could see the servant pass by at least two heavily armed guards that had been placed at the door. How was she supposed to get out of here? Her eyes started to wander around the room for any other possible exits. There were two other doors in the room, Kagome wondered where they led to.

Looking down at her wrist, Kagome felt something funny. She pulled her sleeve back to reveal a jewel-encrusted cuff. It looked like it was fit for a queen but there must be some reason it was placed on her while she was unconscious. "What is this?"

The servants shared looks between themselves. "You'll have to ask our lord yourself."

The door was opened again, but it was by a much older demoness. The women entered with confidence and with two other much younger servants following behind her. "I am head servant Junko," The women hardly even bowed her head. It felt like the demoness held no respect for her master's future wife. "We must get you washed and dressed. Our Lord expects you to be presentable." Junko sneered at the miko's appearance.

Kagome would usually feel completely offended by the slight, but she had to admit that at the moment she was a little ripe. They had taken her from the middle of a battlefield. There was sweat and grim in Kagome' hair and on her body. Her school uniform had been ripped in many places. A bath sounded like a lovely idea to Kagome right now.

Standing from her position, Kagome let herself be led to one of the doors that she had been wondering about before. Behind it was a natural hot spring that had been enclosed to provide some privacy. Her mouth gaped open at the sight. It was like Kagome's dream come true.

She felt a hand grab onto both her arms on each side to lead her further into the room so that they could close the door.

"Strip her," Junko ordered with a clap of her hands.

The hands that had been resting lightly on her arms started to tug at Kagome's clothes. She wanted to scream that she could undress herself. Her top was pulled over Kagome's head by one set of hands, and her skirt was pushed down her hips by another. They completely stripped off her usual school uniform. The servants turned their nose up at the green and white outfit.

Kagome stood in just her underwear before she knew it. She pushed the prying hands away and started to unclasp her bra herself. Having your clothes removed by someone else was one thing, but your undergarments were something else.

The servants were going to push the point but Junko raised her hand to say to 'leave it'. It did not matter if a servant or master removed the clothing item, as long as it was done it made no difference.

Kagome approached the edge of the spring herself. Quickly she sunk under the water to hide her nudeness. Kagome sighed in gratification as the hot water helped ease her sore muscles. A servant washed her hair as Kagome soaked in the natural spring. If it was under any other situation, Kagome might be enjoying her time.

Being forced into marriage wasn't something she ever contemplated before.

Once her fingers were wrinkled, Kagome was forced from the water. They patted her dry with a soft cloth. Then placed her in a soft under kimono that was a light blue in color, that it was almost white. Leading her back to the room she woke up in.

The servants led her to a dressing table with a large mirror. Her wet hair was combed repeatedly before being put into a traditional up-do hairstyle. Another servant decorated her face. Her lips were painted a deep red and her eyes were outlined in kohl. An ivory comb was tucked into her hair to finish off the look.

When Kagome looked in the mirror she hardly recognized herself. Her hand touched the mirror.

A servant that Kagome hadn't even noticed left, returned carrying a large box. It was carried over to her position by the makeup table. The lid was removed from the box revealing a beautiful silk kimono. As the items were removed, Kagome observed the outfit. It was a layered kimono; a dark blue inner layer that blended into the next one of sky blue that had pink cherry blossoms at the bottom. Tied together by a red obi.

Kagome couldn't believe that she was expected to wear such an extravagant outfit. She was instructed to stand on a small pedestal to begin her dressing.

Starting with the white tabi socks, since it would be impossible one the outfit had been put on fully. The kimono was slipped over her arms and adjusted to fit around her body. Kagome was instructed to hold out her arms. The extra material was held around his waist and the belt was tied around her waist. Last the obi was intricately tied into a bow.

There was a full-length mirror that allowed Kagome to see herself getting dressed. It was a beautiful kimono, but it did not scream wedding to her. "I thought it would be white?" Kagome questioned the choice in the color of the clothing. She was going to be led to her wedding right.

"You will be married at sunrise. It is a tradition here in the east." Misame answered as she continued to adjust the silk over Kagome's hands. "The Sun rises in the East..."

"...And sets in the West." Kagome mumbled with sorrow. It made her think of Sesshoumaru. Had he even realized that she was missing yet? She could see that the sun was currently setting.

"You have heard the saying before, my lady." Misame smiled as she continued to fit the kimono.


It had taken longer than Sesshoumaru would have liked to reach the eastern lands. He had to slow down for the humans. Sesshoumaru glared at the moon, disgruntled at their timing. The battle had ended around noon and now it was well into the evening.

The palace finally came into view. They stopped at an outcrop to regroup.

"That's the eastern palace?" Inuyasha asked as they looked at the fortress. They had seen too many castles on their travels and this one looked no different.

"Don't ask stupid questions," Sesshoumaru responded as he observed their surroundings. There were too many guards to just perform a straight out attack. They were outnumbered a hundred to one. Sesshoumaru was confident in his abilities but he was not delusional enough that he could take on a whole army by himself.

They would have to go in a back way. Luckily in Sesshoumaru's youth, his father had brought him to meetings in the eastern lands many times, so he was familiar with the palaces layout. The throne room was located near the back of the building.

"Come," Sesshoumaru turned and started to walk I what appeared to be the opposite direction.

"Where the hell are you going! Kagome is that way." Inuyasha yelled indignantly. Pointing towards the front gate of the castle.

"Do not question me again, or I will leave you behind," Sesshoumaru said coolly over his shoulder as he disappeared into the trees.

"Bastard," Inuyasha grumbled under his breath as he followed his older brother. Once they started to walk, he could tell they were heading back around. When they re-emerged from the tree line it was on the other side of the building.

"Every fortress has a weak point," Sesshoumaru stated before jumping on the top of the wall and disappeared over the other side.


After the servants were finally finished getting her ready, Kagome was finally left alone. Looking both ways to make sure the coast is clear. She shuffled over to the only door Kagome hadn't seen opened yet. Sliding the door open an inch to peer inside. Before her eyes could register the room on the other side, the door slid the rest of the way open.

Kagome's head snapped up to meet dark eyes. The man smirked at her with confidence. There was no doubt in Kagome's mind that this demon was Shizaru. She had only heard a description of him before but he long dark hair and bright green eyes were a dead giveaway.

"What are you doing, my love," Shizaru asked, grasping her hand to help the miko to her feet.

"Just curious is all," Kagome said awkwardly at being caught. She decided to just act innocent.

"Come, it is time for supper." Shizaru offered his arm to escort the miko to the dining hall.

Deciding to just go along with it. Kagome weaved her arm with the demons. He led her through the halls that she would have just gotten lost in. While pretending to listen to what the dai youkai was saying, Kagome was really looking for an escape route.


They had been creeping through the halls. Avoiding run-ins with guards several times. So far they had been undetected. He had been trying his best to hide all their scents.

Sesshoumaru held up a hand for them to stop. There were sounds of approaching footsteps. Peeking around the corner, he could see two forms approaching arm in arm. Sniffing the air Sesshoumaru could pick up the scents of both Shizaru and the miko. Checking to make sure he was reading the scents right.

Looking closer at the female in the kimono, the demon lord realized it was miko.

Sesshoumaru was so use to the green school uniform, it was weird to see the miko wearing respectable clothes. There was no skin showing and her hair was up. She was hardly recognizable at all dressed up like that.

Sesshoumaru had to hold Inuyasha back from running after them. "Not yet," He instructed. It was never good to fight in a cramped space. "Patience." Once the other demon lord and miko had cleared the hallway, Sesshoumaru moved towards the room to follow.


Kagome was led into a large room that featured a western style table. It was full of an immense assortment of different types of food.

She was kind of glad it wasn't a traditional table because she couldn't imagine having to kneel on the floor in such tight clothing. Her chair was pulled out by a servant. She struggled to balance herself on the edge of the wooden chair. Kagome was not the most graceful in a kimono since she had never worn one other than the miko ones that were completely different.

"So miko..." Shizaru started to try and make small talk.

"It's Kagome," she grumbled unhappily. It felt like everyone she met in the feudal era referred to her by her title instead of her name. Like the fact that she had purification powers were all the mattered.

"Name's do not matter as much as one's title," Shizaru brushed off her recommend. "Soon you will be adding lady of the east to the miko."

Kagome could already tell that Shizaru was more of a conceited jackass than Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru ever were. It seemed to be a trait most demons carried. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat. "What do you think we're doing here?"

"Having dinner," Shizaru answered as he poured some sake.

"You think I'm just going to go ahead and marry you, without putting up a fight?" Kagome confronted the demon head on.

"I'm not giving you a choice." Shizaru sat back in his chair. "In the morning we'll have the ceremony in front of all my people and then, we will mate."

She was so tired of being treated as her only merit was that she was a miko. Kagome stood up to leave so that she wouldn't have to hear any more. Shizaru grabbed her by the arm to stop her so Kagome tried to shock the demon's hand off of her, but nothing happened.

"You have no access to your powers." Shizaru laughed at her pitiful attempt to harm him.

The bracelet, Kagome's eyes widened as she looked down at the piece of jewellery. She felt around for a clasp but found nothing. This was bad very bad.

Shizaru pulled the miko towards his body by the wrist that had the cuff put on it.

Suddenly the door was blown off its hinges. The smoke dispersed to reveal a form with silvery white hair. Her first thought was that it was Sesshoumaru but it revealed to be Inuyasha instead.

"Get your grubby paws off of her!" Inuyasha demanded as he pointed the Tessaiga at the eastern demon lord.

Kagome should have known, it wasn't like Sesshoumaru to perform such brash behaviour. The dai youkai appeared behind him, rolling his eyes. Along with Sango and Miroku. She tried to slide away from the eastern lord's grip.

Instead of letting the Miko go, Shizaru pulled her closer and used her as a human shield. "Sesshoumaru, how lovely to see you again," Shizaru smirked evil

"Release the miko," Sesshoumaru demanded calmly.

"You want the miko too?" Shizaru mocked. "I don't blame you, she's quite beautiful, and she smells good too." He sniffed at the miko's hair.

Kagome struggled in the demon's grip. She felt so vulnerable without her powers. Making eye contact with Sesshoumaru who made a motion with his eyes to say go down. Nodding that she understood. Kagome counted to three then ducked.

Sesshoumaru's poisonous whip attack shot out for the other demon lord's head.

Shizaru dodged the attack but lost his grip on the miko in the process. He landed on the other side of the room.

Kagome scrambled towards her friends the best she could in her kimono. They weren't meant to allow people to move at fast speeds. She collapsed into Sango's arms that hugged her in greeting. They had only been separated for a short amount of time but it felt like it had been months.

Sesshoumaru and Shizaru stared each other down from opposite sides of the room.

Using his demon speed, Sesshoumaru charged with tokijin in his arms. Shizaru unsheathed his sword to block the attack. Their swords clashed with a loud clang. They stood pushing against each other.

The eastern lord noticed that they were both using two arms. It was a wide known fact that the western lord's left arm had been cut off by his half-brother. "I see you got your arm back," Shizaru observed out loud. "It gives you a much better chance of beating me."

"I don't need it to beat you," Sesshoumaru used only his right arm to push Shizaru back. For the next few attacks, Sesshoumaru continued to only use his right arm. Even when he was trying to block incoming attacks.

"He isn't going to fight the whole battle with one arm is he?" Kagome asked with worry.

"Bet the conceited git would," Inuyasha grumbled with exasperation.

They watched as the blades clashed so fast, it was hard for the human eye to keep track. They could hear the sound of the metallic clashing. Both demon lords performing complicated moves. It was clear that they both aimed to kill and not injured.

The blade cut through the air with a hiss. The strike missed Sesshoumaru but was close enough to blow his hair in the wind.

Inuyasha went to jump into the battle himself but Miroku stopped him. "This battle is between Sesshoumaru and Shizaru."

"The bastard is still only using one arm," Inuyasha snapped in aggravation.

"Remember that Sesshoumaru only had one arm for a long time to defend himself," Miroku pointed out.

For a moment both demon lords stood still, breathing heavily with exertion.

His amber pools narrowed. Sesshoumaru would end the fool's existence for his incompetence. Using his yokai speed, he charged at his opponent. The blow was blocked by a the others blade. He kept thrusting his blade forcing Shizaru to repeated block his attacks. The dragon demon managed to screw up a dodge and Sesshoumaru managed to nick his arm.

Shizaru spun away from his attack to access the damage. Touching his should, his hand came away covered with blood.

Even though Sesshoumaru was only using one arm he appeared to be coming out on top.

"Enough," Shizaru cried in aggravation from being beaten by someone only using half their true strength. His eyes turned bright yellow and the wind whipped around him. When Shizaru started to transform he turned into a giant Dragon. His head almost touched the 20-foot ceiling of the dining room.

For the first in a year, Sesshoumaru transformed to his true form. His eyes flashed red and the wind whipped around him. His body shifted until he stood as a giant dog. It was great to have all four of his legs again. With a loud growl Sesshoumaru charged.

Shizaru met his attack in his dragon form. Their jaws clacked together as they tried to get a hold of the others neck. Both were unsuccessful.

It was hard for Sesshoumaru because the scales worked like armor. Protecting Shizaru from his glancing attacks because they just bounced off. Deciding the only way he could beat the dragon demon was to get him to change back to his more vulnerable form. Sesshoumaru formed a plan in his head.

Continuing his bombardment of attacks. He left his side open on purpose.

Sesshoumaru cried out when the dragon claws struck true to his chest. With such a great injury, he was no longer able to hold his true form. He started to shrink back to his smaller form. Sesshoumaru clutched at where the wound was. Quickly blood started to soak through his kimono.

"Sesshoumaru!" Kagome cried out. She tried to run to his aid but Inuyasha physically stopped her.

"It isn't safe to just run out in the middle of a battle," Inuyasha snapped, worried for her safety. "Stay back." He pushed her behind him.

Shizaru transformed back to his humanoid form because of his overconfidence that he had already won the battle. "You thought you could beat me." With confidence, he walked over to the western lord's injured form.

With such a great injury his power of regeneration was slowed down. Sesshoumaru tried to focus all his energies in order to heal himself. When he had planned to let himself get injured on purpose to raise Shizaru's confidence he had not thought it would be so severe.

"You aren't going to respond?" Shizaru looked down on the collapsed demon lord. "Did I injure you that badly?"

While the dragon demon was distracted with gloating his victory, Sesshoumaru had managed to heal enough to be battle ready again. Moving slowly as not to attract attention, he took hold of the handle of his katana. He just needed another minute.

"Look at the great lord of the West. Powerless on his knees in front of me." Shizaru continued to gloat. Might as well finish you off then." Raising his sword into the air.

All that ran through Kagome's mind was that Shizaru was about to inflict a mortal wound. "Sesshoumaru!" Kagome cried, jumping to intercept the attack before she could even think through the consequences.

Instead of the blade decapitating Sesshoumaru, it sunk into the miko's gut instead. For the first time I his long life, Sesshoumaru felt powerless to stop something.

"No!" Sango cried in despair. Se tried to run forward to her friends aid but Miroku held her back. It was still a dangerous situation.

"You stupid women," Shizaru growled as pulled his sword out, then stared as she slide to the ground. "You've ruined all my plans."

While Shizaru was distracted, Sesshoumaru inflicted the killing blow. Using his demon speed Sesshoumaru had his katana out through the eastern lord's chest. Straight to the heart to make sure the other demon lord was dead. There was a look of shock on Shizaru's face even in death.

Miroku released his hold on Sango so that she could run forward and collected her friend into her arms. "You're going to be ok." Sango said as she pushed hair away from her friend's pained face.

The blood smeared her painted lips. Kagome lay still on the ground. "We both know that isn't true," Kagome said with a wince of pain. She could feel that there was something majorly wrong inside her.

"You stupid woman." Sesshoumaru cursed in defeat. "I could have taken the hit."

"He was going for you neck," Kagome said through the pain. "Even the great Sesshoumaru can't recover from being beheaded."

"This Sesshoumaru's life is not more important than yours," The demon lord cursed her rash actions.

"You have a domain to run. You are the Lord of the Western lands and many demons depend on you for their protection. I'm just a miko who once protected the power of the shikon no tama, which is now gone from this plane and my soul will be too." Blood started to run down Kagome's lips and her breath started to shutter.

"No Kagome, keep your eyes open," Inuyasha begged as the miko eyelids started to lower.

"I'm only human," Kagome smiled sadly with her blood stain lips. Her eyes slid shut and not long after her chest stopped moving signalling that she had stopped breathing.

Sesshoumaru could feel his temper raise. He was angry at the miko for dying. Not from old age but from a jury that should have been his. This is why he should never have gotten attached to a human. Their mortality was so fragile.

His eyes were red with the rage of his beast. He shoved his beast to the back of his mind, where it could take out its rage without affecting his demeanor. The red faded from his eyes. With his usual stoic mask back in the place, he could turn away from the body. "Gather the miko. We will bring her back to Edo for a proper burial.

Sesshoumaru froze mid-step when he felt a strong pulse at his hip. With a slight widening of his eyes, he looked down at the Tenseiga to watch as it pulsed again. The aura urging him to wield it.

Drawing the sword from its scabbard, he turned back around with golden eyes pinned to the miko's body. "Stay back," Sesshoumaru ordered, ignoring their confused looks at his contradicting ordered. Narrowing his eyes slightly as Tenseiga pulsed once more, showing him the messengers from the underworld. He saw their chains and wicked smirks of joy as they captured their new prize. With a slight curl of his lip he easily swiped through them, sending them back to where they once came.

He nearly dropped the sword from the sudden powerful jolt that ran through his body.

Sesshoumaru recalled something similar happening when he revived Rin, but it was not to this extent. With her, it had only come from his hand and then to his chest. This time, it went from his fingers and then spread into his chest before running along each pair of his markings: wrists, face, hips, and ankles. The first time it had come and gone in a flash, but this time, it was lingering. Leaving his whole body tingling uncomfortably.

With a loud gasp for breath, Kagome sat up and rubbed at her chest. "That was unpleasant."

"Kagome!" Sango cried in delight as she fell to her knees and pulled her friend into her arms. Miroku dropped down and embraced both women.

Silently Inuyasha walked up beside him and simply said: "Thank you."

Sesshoumaru had never been thankful for the precious heirloom before. He had always thought it to be worthless. Why would his father even create such a pointless weapon? Much better suited for his reckless brother, who had received the most powerful sword from their father.

He was grateful now that the Miko had not been taken from him too soon.
