A/H: I'm not even going to make excuses over such a long wait for this chapter. I was undecided if I was even going to continue with this but I got an urge to write today. Probably because I just graduated from college and there is a pause in my life for the first time in what seems like forever.
Hope you enjoy! I don't know when the next update will be..so you are forewarned!
Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight; that would be Stephanie Meyer.
It had been a few months since I first met Edward's parents and the twins. It seems like the time just flew by in a blur.
The relationship between Edward and I has been going along nicely. Even though it is obvious we are a couple, it doesn't stop the people at school from hitting on us in front of each other.
It is a reoccurring joke that one of these days I'm going to get fed up with him and just let Mrs. Cope have her way with him. I find it hilarious, Edward however…not so much. He in return threatens to give me to Mike; needless to say…the jokes stopped after that.
I go over to his house a lot, we spend lots of time with Ethan and Ellery and I've gotten close with his mother and father too. I have to say, I am just as attached to them as I am Edward…I love them all…except I love Edward a bit differently.
The only thing holding me back from telling Edward I loved him was that he seemed to be uncomfortable with talking about his past; which is a big part of how a person became who they are now. I decided that I would start conversations about my past to open the discussion with him, that way he would feel more comfortable with the topic. I needed him to know that he could trust me with his secrets. I know it is hard to let someone in, but it was the only way we could really learn more about each other.
Right now, school had just gotten out and I was on my way over to the Cullen's house. The twins were now a little over a year old. There birthday had went well, it was just the Cullen's, Charlie and I.
I pulled up to the giant white house that in the past few months has become my second home. Edward had a dentist appointment in Port Angeles after school so I was coming over to watch the boys so Esme could go run some errands.
I was to stay the night here tonight because Charlie had the midnight shift at the station and didn't want me staying at home alone. It wasn't the first time I had stayed here, I had a few other times over the last month or so.
I walked up the front steps and let myself in like I had been told to do numerous times. I couldn't hold in my giggles when the second the door closed shut the barking and squealing began.
I turned towards the entrance to the living room to be met by two excitedly barking dogs running towards me and two squealing toddlers wobbling in my direction with their newly achieved walking skills.
"There are my boys!" I said happily as I bent down and scooped them both up into my arms in a practiced move that rivaled Edward and Esme.
Their replies came in the form of two excited gurgled responses - as much as I tried they hadn't taken up my name yet – but whatever they were babbling about to me they were excited to share.
I gave them both a kiss on the cheek and made my way into the kitchen where I could hear Esme tinkering around.
"Hey Esme, how's your day been?" I asked when she noticed me enter.
"Hi Sweetie! We've been good; they've been running around testing out those legs all day. I'm sure they will be ready for a nap soon." She said as we both laughed.
"I noticed that, they greeted me at the door when I came in." I explained making her giggle again.
"Well dear, now that you're here I better head out. I have to make it to the bank before it closes, then do the grocery shopping for the week and be back in time to make dinner. You have my cell phone number if there is an emergency. They will probably be ready for a nap soon, so there shouldn't be any problems." She explained as she gathered her purse, keys and coat.
She walked over and kissed the boys, gave us a wave and was out the door after yelling a quick, "Be back soon!" in our direction.
After playing with the boys for awhile in the family room they both began to yawn and curled up on their blankets beside each other, a sure sign that it was nap time.
Once I had them down for their naps I grabbed the baby monitor so I could hear them if they began to stir. I picked up the mess the boys made during the day and since I had been there. I figured it would be one less thing Esme would have to do when she came home.
After that was done I checked on the boys and seen that it was almost dinner time and Esme wasn't home yet. I decided to help her out and make dinner for the family, she deserved a night off anyway.
I checked the cupboards and found that she had everything to make lasagna so I got everything down and began to prepare it.
When I had just slipped the pan into the oven I heard the boys start to stir over the monitor. When I got to the family room I was greeted by Ellery's sitting up and rubbing his tired little eyes with his fists, but his brother was still sleeping soundly.
I scooped Ellery into my arms and made my way to the rocking chair the Cullen's had placed in the corner of their family room. Once I was settled with him comfortably on my lap he rested his head on my shoulder and started playing with the ends of my hair.
We stayed like that for about 5 minutes before I heard a quiet throat clearing from the doorway. I looked up to see a smiling Edward staring at us.
"Hey, did you just get home? I didn't even hear the car pull in!" I asked quietly, not wanting to wake Ethan.
"Yeah just a minute ago, you weren't in the kitchen when I came in the back door so I took a guess at where you would be." He said with a sarcastic lopsided smirk.
He asked me what I had done to pass the time since his mom had left. He was surprised to hear I made dinner for everyone, but very grateful.
Not soon after Ethan began to stir and Edward scooped him up gently before he could start to fuss. We chatted for awhile about our day and when the timer for the lasagna went off I placed Ellery on his blanket with some toys and went to check dinner.
I was surprised at how comfortable I was with being so domesticated with Edward. It was easy falling into this role with him; he made being with him comfortable and fun.
I pulled the oven open to turn the lasagna and put in breadsticks I made to go with them while it finished cooking. I wanted everything to be ready when Esme and Carlisle got home.
As I set the timer I heard a car pull into the driveway. I went out the back door to see if it was Esme so I could help her with the groceries.
"Bella, I hope everything went well! I'm so sorry I ended up being later than I expected, It took longer at the bank then I figured." Esme said as the opened the back hatch to her SUV.
"Oh, it's no problem Esme! The boys were angels like always, Edward got home about twenty minutes ago so he's in with them now. Let me help you with those!" I said rushing over to her as she almost dropped a few bags from her overstuffed arms.
"Thank you dear! I'm just trying to hurry, I need to get dinner started or we will be eating way too late and Carlisle has been at the hospital all day. I wouldn't worry, but he always seems to forget to eat lunch." She said with a sigh.
"Oh Esme don't worry! I figured you needed a night off, especially after running around doing errands and caring for the boys all week. I made lasagna and breadsticks; I figured I could toss a salad together to go with it when we get back inside." I explained as Esme stopped grabbing bags to turn and look at me.
"Bella…honey you didn't need to do that but thank you so much." She says sincerely; looking like she would hug me if her arms weren't full.
"It was no trouble, really. I through it together while the boys were napping; it should be nearly done." I say as a close the hatch to the car and we make our way to the house to put everything away.
Just as we finish putting all the groceries away, we hear Carlisle come in the front door. I put a salad together while Esme goes to greet him.
I figure I will start to set the table and as I enter the dining room with the salad Edward comes in with the boys from the family room.
"What have you boys been doing?" I ask while tickling the boys in Edwards arms making them giggle.
"Just been playing in the other room and showing off those walking skills. I think they are getting ideas from Rosalie because I swear they tried to climb up on Emmett's back for a ride!" he answers making us both join the boys in laughing.
I help Edward put Ethan in a high chair while he gets Ellery in his. The best part about the set up of the Cullen house is the open floor plan for the kitchen and dining area. It really helps to keep an eye on the boys while we get the food to the table.
Edward plates up the small portions of the lasagna for the boys and cuts it into small pieces for them while I finish bringing the food to the table.
Esme and Carlisle come in soon after and help with setting the table. They tell me to take a seat, since I had done more than enough for them tonight.
After an enjoyable dinner and the boys making quite the mess of themselves with the lasagna, Esme shooed Edward and I up to give the boys a bath while she picks up the dinner mess. After getting the boys settled in the tub with a few toys Edward and I sat beside the tub to watch over them. They loved the water and I joked they would end up being the stars of the Forks swim team when they got older.
After we got the boys all cleaned up and in their pajamas Edward took Ellery to the rocking chair and I walked around the nursery with Ethan to lull him to sleep.
I watched Edward with Ellery while I walked around the room and a thought crossed my mind that made me pause for a second.
I shook it off, convincing myself that they had a close bond like Nessie and I shared.
Later that night after I was comfortable tucked into the guestroom, I let my mind wonder to the possibilies.
My final thought before sleep overtook me was: What if Edward's past effected who he is today, far more than I ever considered possible, and what would that mean for us…
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