Hey guys! Quick idea I've had for a bit, might turn into something more depends on what people think!
(By the way, I call Puck Noah in this because she calls him Noah).
If this sucks I'm sorry! I don't own any of the Glee characters. But it's fun to mess with em' :D
Please review! I really hope this doesn't suck x.x
This was getting ridiculous.
Rachel had decided to lend Noah a hand, she realized his potential when she heard him sing by himself, and she knew, just knew that he could hit a high B if he really cared enough. Although so far, it didn't look like he cared much at all.
She'd asked Noah to come to the theater on Thursday night to work on practicing scales, much like she had with Finn. This time she had not set up a romantic picnic just off the side of the stage. She didn't think she needed to, after all, why would a boy like Noah ever show any sign of feelings for anyone, least of all her. (She also didn't want to have it earlier in the day, when anyone could walk in and interrupt them. Noah needed a lot of help).
Noah stood center stage, shifting from foot to foot. His body language suggested that he'd rather be anywhere but here, and that he was very annoyed. Noah shifted from foot to foot and occasionally let out an over dramatic sigh, checking his wrist for a watch that wasn't there.
"Are we done with this yet, Berry?" He said suddenly, snapping Rachel out of her thoughts.
Instinctively, she pressed a key on the piano, stepping on the pedal and looking up expectantly at him.
Noah sucked in a breath, opening his mouth wide. His voice strained at the high note, cracking hopelessly. Rachel winced, exhaling slowly.
"Are you sure you've been staying hydrated lately?" She asked, and Noah frowned at the question. "What are you talking about?" He asked irritably.
"You sound like you have rocks lodged in your throat!" Rachel snapped back, hoping he'd get it.
He did, looking a little surprised at her comeback.
Rachel grabbed the two water bottles she'd brought for both of them (hers more than half empty, his untouched). She gave the full bottle a toss, and Noah caught it reflexively.
He raised an eyebrow. She frowned at him. "The quicker you listen to me, the faster this will be over." Rachel said, and with that Noah unscrewed the cap, taking a few hasty gulps.
He sighed, and flung the bottle back at Rachel. She caught it and put the bottle back, glancing up at Noah. "Any better?" She asked, feeling less like she was helping out a fellow Glee-clubber and more like she was babysitting a stubborn three year old.
Noah cleared his throat. "I guess. Can we get a move on?" He asked, crossing his arms and staring at Rachel.
Rachel gritted her teeth, frustrated to her core, but still maintained a smile, however strained it was. "Yes. We'll try from the beginning of the scales." She said, and began playing.
Maybe it was the water, or the urgent desire to go home, but suddenly, Puck hit every note with conviction. Chin held high, standing up straight, he diligently sang all the notes and Rachel had to admit, she was impressed. When it came to the hight notes, Puck sang a little louder, puffing out his chest. A smile tugged at the corner of Rachel's mouth. He loved the attention.
Finally, they came to the high B. Rachel held her breath – and Noah hit it, belting the B like a pro.
Noah let out a long sigh, grinning in that sly way that only jocks could pull off. He looked at Rachel, who was grinning back. Suddenly her smile faded, and she just kept staring at him.
The silence in the room was tangible. Noah broke it – of course – as he cleared his throat softly, breaking their eye contact.
Rachel looked quickly away too. "That was really good, Noah. If you practice hitting that – you could sound as good as Finn." She said earnestly.
All at once, cold Puck was back. "Yeah. Sure." He said dismissively, turning and grabbing his bag from the edge of the stage near the steps. "If all the guys practiced we could be as wonderful as your darling little Finn Hudson!" He murmured, obviously expecting Rachel not to hear.
"That's not what I meant! I'm not comparing you to Finn, I'm merely saying that he sets a good example by being the male lead. He may not have experience with dancing, but-"
Noah cut her off. " 'May not have experience with dancing? An epileptic monkey could move better than him!" He said angrily.
Rachel scowled. "Noah, I find your slander about Finn completely disrespectful. You two are supposed to be jock buddies, yet every other day you badmouth him behind his back-" Again Noah cut her off.
"Maybe I'm tired of being his 'jock buddy'!" Puck yelled, his eyes blazing hotly. Rachel's eyes widened slightly, stunned. She took a small step back.
"Noah, I-" She started to say, and he cut her off for the third time. "Why do you keep calling me that? Nobody else does." He said, and his voice suddenly showed how tired he was.
Rachel's heart did that funny swelling thing, and she felt a need to reach out to Noah. She took several steps closer to him, hopping up next to where he'd slumped against the stage. He stared at the ground, looking lost in thought. "You wanna know why? It's because as much as I should hate you – after all the things you've done to me, after all the times I had to wipe slushy of my face, and after all the times I said I hated you – I just don't. I respect you. Just like I do Quinn, or Santana, or any of the other jocks and cheerios that have bullied me or anyone else in Glee. I respect you all because you do what you have to, just like me. Whether I like it or not, you all are my fellow peers, and if nobody respected their peers, then high school would be a lot more violent." Rachel said.
Noah smiled slightly. "That is such a Berry thing to say of you." He said quietly, and Rachel smiled. "You know me – naiive, innocent, annoying little Rachel Berry." She said, and Puck chuckled.
Rachel glanced upward at the wall clock briefly – and gasped. "Look!" She said to Noah, pointing up at the clock. Noah turned his head slightly. "Holy shit! How did it get to be a quarter to midnight?" He asked incredulously.
Ignoring his language, Rachel hurriedly gathered her belongings. "What if the janitors lock us in?" Noah said anxiously, and Rachel tensed.
"Try the theater doors, quick!" She said, her voice in a higher pitch. If her dads found out she got locked in, they'd be so upset with her...
Noah jogged toward the theater door on the right, jiggling the handle. "This one's locked!" He yelled from the other side of the theater.
"Try the rest of them, I'll try the entrances upstairs!" Rachel shouted back, jogging quickly toward the backstage area and up the black painted stairs.
Thankful that she'd memorized map of the theater by heart, Rachel made her way to the theater seats in the upstairs balcony overlooking the stage. She found all four entrances. All four of them were locked. She felt her heart skip a few beats, and ran to the balcony edge, leaning over slightly. "Anything?" She shouted nervously downward.
Puck ran into view and looked up at her, shrugging. "Nothing. They're all locked." He said.
Rachel groaned exasperatedly. "We're trapped." She said. I'm trapped, she thought to herself.
"Do you have a cell phone? Maybe we can call for someone to let us out." Puck yelled. Rachel sighed, dragging her feet as she made her way back downstairs. "No, I forgot it in the choir room." Rachel shouted. Stupid! She scolded herself mentally.
"I have mine, I'll see if I can get a signal." Puck said in a more normal decibel as Rachel descended the stairs and walked back to where he was standing.
"Ok," was all Rachel could say. She knew perfectly well that reception wasn't the best quality, and if people got service in the theater, their phones were usually either expensive or brand new.
Noah pulled a used looking flip phone from the pocked of his leather jacket. Rachel groaned again. "That won't get any reception in here." Rachel whined, forgetting momentarily that Noah had been acting like this moments ago. Pull yourself together.
Noah smirked slightly at the tone of her voice, and flipped open his phone. He sighed. "Your right. No bars." He said.
So this was it. They were trapped until Friday morning, when the custodial staff arrived at 6:30 a.m. to unlock the doors again before school started promptly at 7.
Rachel sat on the floor near the stage, leaning against it and tucking her knees to her chest, putting her head in her hands. "Well this sucks," Noah grumbled, plopping down next to her. The understatement of the year.
"I've got some homework I could do!" Noah said suddenly. Rachel turned to him, eyed his mocking hopeful expression, and put her head back in her hands.
Noah chuckled again. "Why are you so bent out of shape, Berry? It's not like we're stuck here forever."
He said.
His 'don't-worry-be-happy' attitude was not what she wanted to hear. Rachel bit back a snide comment that threatened to escape her lips, and sighed, resting her head on her knee. "My dads are going to be very upset with me." She said simply.
"Well, it's not like you ever get grounded. I'm sure the most they'll do is give you a slap on the wrists."
Noah said. Rachel opened her mouth as if she had a reply, and then closed it. It wasn't worth explaining to Noah Puckerman that when her dads got upset with her, it was the equivalent of having your childhood pet get run over by a car. You just felt so bad when you saw them upset with you... Rachel bit her lip, closing her eyes tight. No. She would not let Noah see her cry.
"Berry, come on, it can't be that bad." Noah said, and his tone was meant to be comforting. "Easy for you to say. Don't your parents care if you come home late?" Rachel asked, hugging her knees to her chest and looking at Noah.
He quieted at that. "Not really. In fact it's a good night for them if I come home at all." He said, and Rachel was shocked at the calm nature of his tone. It must have showed in her expression, because Noah rushed to explain. "Look, Berry, I don't know if you noticed, but not all kids have the happy go lucky caring parents throughout their lives." He said, and his tone suggested that they should leave it at that.
Rachel sensed that there was more to that story, but for the time being she let it drop.
The cocky smirk reappeared on his face. "You know, Berry, the way your sitting isn't leaving much to the imagination from here." He said, gesturing with a finger to her skirt, which drooped lazily, exposing a good portion of her legs. She gasped, pulling it down and laying her legs out straight. Puck laughed, genuinely. Rachel narrowed her eyes at him defiantly, but laughed softly with him.
Their laughter quieted, and for a moment Rachel forgot her dilemma, feeling somehow safe with a boy like Noah. After all, it wasn't like anyone was going to attack them from inside a locked down theater – and if they found they're way in, well, Noah would kick their butt's right back out. She giggled at the thought.
"What?" Noah asked, and Rachel smiled. "Nothing." She said simply, hoping her smile was as mysterious and aloof as she meant it to be. She could never quite get the whole 'aloof' thing down. It was probably the bad advice she received from reading Cosmopolitan weekly.
Noah didn't look as if he minded in the slightest. Impulsively, Rachel scooted closer to him. Their bodies touched – and Rachel's pulse quickened. In a good way.
Like she was hoping he would, Noah put his arm around her. "You're alright, Berry." He muttered so quietly she wouldn't have been able to hear normally. Rachel smiled, not bothering to point out that she'd heard him.
Rachel buried her head in his neck, leaning against him and closing her eyes. She was so tired. Noah leaned his head gently against hers. For once, neither of them bothered to think of the consequences of being together this time. Rachel didn't even picture Finn as she leaned against Noah.
Finn would always have Quinn. Rachel had to accept that. Maybe Noah could show her how.
Tilting her head up at him, she leaned up slightly and kissed him on the cheek. He looked down at her, surprised. "What was that for?" He asked, his voice a mere whisper.
"I don't know." Rachel whispered back, closing the distance and pressing her lips against his.
His lips were gentle, soft, smooth – and the kiss was breathtaking. Rachel placed a hand on his cheek, her fingers tracing the stubble. Noah's hands caressed her back, pushing up her shirt gently, yet insistently. Rachel found it odd that he was so gentle with her.
When he shirt was tugged up to her abs, Rachel broke the kiss to take it off. She was wearing a bra that she'd purchased herself from the Victoria's Secret catalogue – push up full coverage, in a pretty green color. Rachel saw Noah's eyes glaze over slightly at the sight of her. She smiled again, moving from where she was sitting so that she was more comfortable. Rachel straddled Noah's waist, and cupped his face, bring his lips up to meet hers again. Noah groaned at the new position they were in, Rachel's heat grinding against the straining bulge in his pants. She was jostled a little as Noah shifted his legs to toe off his shoes and socks. She laughed.
"You're an interesting person, Noah Puck-" She started to say, but was cut off again as his lips returned to hers. Her hands found his abs, tugging at his shirt and running her hands over his exposed chest, whimpering at the feel of him. Noah's chest was tight, she knew he had sculpted abs but Rachel had never imagined what it would feel like to touch them. His muscles flexed under her hands. She tugged the shirt up and over his head, and he stopped to help her, before his lips pressed against hers once more. She felt her own need intensify with every sweet brush of his lips, and moaned low in her throat.
Noah's tongue brushed against her lips then. It startled Rachel – she had never french kissed anyone before – but when she parted her lips, his tongue met hers and she sighed through her nose at the feeling. She wiggled her tongue against his, to see what it felt like. Noah laughed through their kiss.
Just when she felt as though she could lose herself in the magic of Noah kissing her like that, he broke the kiss this time, indicating his pants were still on. She laughed, although nervously. Rachel couldn't help but feel that she was bad at this – it wasn't like the pillows she'd 'experimented' on in her younger years could actually kiss her back! - but from the way Noah was looking at her now, it seemed like she was doing a very good job. His eyes ran over her body, and Rachel saw the look of hunger in his eyes. She'd seen that look before – whenever he eyed the cheerios in their swaying skirts as they bent over. It was much less pig-headed when it was directed towards her.
Rachel stood up, unzipping her skirt and kicking off her high heels, leaving her in a thong, which matched her bra in a pretty lacy green color.
"Rachel," Noah murmured, a groan on the edge of his voice. Rachel shivered. "Yes?" She said, slowly lowering herself back down onto his hips. He smirked. "Nothing,"
Rachel had a feeling this was one of the inside jokes about sex that she was left out on. Stupid inexperience.
Rachel sighed suddenly as Noah kissed her cheek, leaving a trail of kisses from her jawline all the way to the hollow in her throat, where he nibbled at the softer, sensitive skin. Rachel moaned. "Oh, Noah," She said, her voice raspy and low.
As his lips traveled further down her neck and toward her collarbone, his hands snaked around her back to unhook her bra. When he'd released the clasps, he let the bra fall, shifting it aside.
Rachel suddenly felt very vulnerable. Sex-Ed talk in Health class certainly didn't prepare her for this.
Her nipples were a soft pink, and they hardened under his gaze. He kept one hand supporting her at the small of her back and leaned her body backward slightly, his lips closing around her left nipple.
Rachel sighed, breathing hard. Noah's tongue caressed the stiffened peak, groaning. Rachel liked that sound way better than the high B he could hit. She felt the vibrations from his lips and whimpered at the sensation, a little shiver shooting down her spine where more heat pooled between her legs.
"Noahhh," She moaned, his name dragged out with her cry. He laved his attentions on her right nipple, before muttering, "Yes?"
Rachel laughed softly, only to whimper. "Oh Noah, please..." She whined, the heat she felt between her legs throbbing torturously.
Noah returned to her lips, groaning once more. Rachel resolved to make him make that sound again, if it killed her. She let her hands wander of their own volition, and her fingers worked at the belt of his pants, tugging it off of him quickly. They paused, and Rachel shifted so that he could get his pants off, revealing black boxers that revealed his straining erection. Rachel blinked, momentarily fascinated. Were they supposed to be that big? She ran a hand over it, and Noah hissed through his teeth. "Rachel," He murmured again, only it came out in a longing tone.
Rachel straddled his hips firmly, her heat grinding once again over his hardness. He groaned louder this time, eyeing her wickedly. She winked back, and tugged his boxers down, over his hips. Rachel's eyes widened slightly at what she found, and ran her finger down his length, once, experimentally. He groaned – that was quickly becoming Rachel's favorite new sound.
"Noah, I... I'm a..." She said suddenly, and cursed herself silently for sounding so awkward.
"I know, Rachel. I won't hurt you." Noah said. Rachel stared at him. It was the first real time he'd called her by her first name.
Rachel stood up one last time to remove her underwear and toss them aside. She sat back down and tested herself over his entrance, the head of his penis rubbing against her clit. Rachel moaned at the feeling, and Noah groaned with her.
Slowly, she lowered herself onto him. He was so big... she gasped at the feeling of her barrier tearing as he slid all the way inside of her. "God, Rachel," He said, breathing heavy.
Rachel moaned as she thrust herself forward onto him, and did it again. Instinct taking over, she found a rhythm of thrusts and began riding him.
"So good. Noah..." She whimpered, lost in pleasure. Noah raised his hips to meet with her thrusts, groaning with each one.
They moved together, groaning and panting, the heat from their bodies uniting building tantalizingly.
Rachel moaned, louder than she had all night as she felt her release building quicker now, bringing her closer toward the edge. "Noah!" She whimpered, breathing hard with each hard thrust.
Rachel threw her head back and let out a small scream, her walls clenching tight around him. She rode the waves of pleasure as he continued to thrust into her.
"Rachel, can I.. you know.." He said, and Rachel understood. "I'm on the pill," she said quickly. (Just because she wasn't having sex at the time didn't mean her dad's didn't want her prepared).
Noah thrust hard into her before groaning "Rachel!" and coming deep inside of her. She kissed his cheek, his jaw, his nose as he came down from the high, both of them breathing deeply.
Noah pulled out of Rachel, and they paused to clean up the mess. Rachel sighed deeply, smiling at Noah. He smirked back, chuckling. She laughed with him.
"So I guess we know that you can hit a high B now." Noah said, and Rachel punched him playfully on the arm, laughing. "Oh shut up, Puck." She said, and Noah laughed harder at that.
They dressed quickly, and Rachel set up a makeshift bed, draping their jackets out like blankets and their bags as pillows. Noah's bag was the biggest, and it was full of mainly clothing and a towel, so they used that as a pillow and curled up side by side, falling asleep in each other's arms.
Whew! This took a while to write. Review? Hopefully this doesn't suck! i'm so nervous x.x