Life Blood

Just a little further and he'd be back in TC. He contemplated calling Max, but she would just rag off on him as usual. He could see TC up ahead, maybe just maybe, he was gonna make it.

Max stared at the blueprints spread across the table in front of her. She was fuming, Alec was late back, Mole was complaining about the lack of weapons and to top it all off, the loud talking in the TC control room was giving her a headache.

"Anyone heard from Alec?" said Max impatiently.

"Someone say my name?" said Alec.

Alec was leant against the doorway, slumped slightly but not noticeably so, his dark jacket hiding the blood.

"Where have you been?"

"Careful Max, People might think you care."

"Maybe I do."

Alec did not push the issue. He was slowly being robbed of his consciousness. He pushed himself away from the wall, intending to leave.

"Where are you going?" said Max, her brown eyes glaring at him.

"I need to lie down." He replied.

Suddenly Alec collapsed to the ground, his eyes rolling back as he finally lost the battle to stay conscious.

"ALEC!" shouted Max as she ran to his side.

She placed a hand on his abdomen only to find it warm and sticky. She looked at her hand to find crimson blood coating her fingers.

"Oh god," she began to panic now "Alec… Alec," she said as she shook her partner.

"Someone call medical." Said Max as she desperately tried to wake her friend.

Ever since Josh had been killed, Max had made it her mission never to let another one of her friends die at the hands of her enemies.

Max sat next to Alec like she had been for the past five days. The blade had pierced his lung and he had lost a lot of blood. He was in deep shock by the time Max had gotten him to medical and Hope had wished they had gotten him there sooner. Apparently he hadn't just been stabbed, he had a serious concussion which soon developed into cerebral edima, his long scruffy hair hiding the deep gash on his head.

Max had just said, "Alec made no indication that he was hurt, stubborn ass hole."

She laughed at that, and she knew Alec would to when he woke up 'if he wakes up'. The doc's words started to eat away at her mind. 'Probably won't make', ' unlikely he'll wake up'.

"Come on Alec," she paused as she looked at the handsome transgenic "you have to fight this."

The soft whoosh of the ventilator pushing air into his long was maddening, Max had managed to block out the constant beep of the heart monitor in the background.

How had they become so screwed?

Five Days Earlier

Logan sat at his desk at the eyes only section of TC, dark bags under his eyes from where he hadn't slept properly, He was waiting for Max, hadn't seen or heard from him in hours. Was she avoiding him?

Dix entered the room with a grim look on his face. He had promised Logan he would help set up some new computers. He didn't want to, not after the news about Alec but he always kept his promises.

"Dix? Have you seen Max?"

"She's with Alec in medical?"

"Is she ok?" Logan asked, concern filling his voice.

"You didn't hear!"

Logan shook his head, he was even more worried now.

"Alec was attacked, he's in a coma. Doc says he won't wake up."

Logan sat in his chair, shock coursed through his body like a stone through water.

Logan thought about going to see Alec. They had become friends in a way, not in the traditional sense of regular phone calls and a drink at the local bar. He and Alec knew they could rely on each other if they needed to.

Later that day he did visit the transgenic. To him Alec looked so innocent and small under all the tubes and wires that surrounded him. The tube that protruded from his mouth made Logan flinch, he could even breathe by himself.

Logan had never seen Alec this weak, and he'd seen Alec weak before. After the Jam Pony siege, Alec fell ill.


"Things are going to be different now." Said Alec as he looked at Max stood next to him.

"Yeah, but not necessarily better."

Alec felt cold, yet he was sweating. Oh this can't be good.

"Alec? Alec?" Max shook her friend lightly; he seemed to be in a daze.

Then Alec's eyes rolled back as he felt to the ground.

"Alec, Alec wake up."

Logan looked down to see Alec lying on the floor. He knelt next to Alec and noticed the transgenic was shivering. He placed his left hand on Alec's forehead.

"He's burning up."

"Higher body temperature."

"No he's really burning up."

Max placed her hand on Alec's brow only to withdraw it as if she had been burned.

"Oh god. We're gonna need to find a medic."

Logan nodded and then awkwardly lifted Alec into his arms. The X-5 wasn't as heavy as he though he was going to be.


Max shouted as she walked through TC.

"I do, I was a doctor." Said an X-5 as she walked up to Max.

"Please, my friend needs help."

The X-5 nodded.


Another X-5 approached them.

"This here's Danny. He has training in first aid."

They soon found a room they could use for 'treating' Alec.

"Hes developed a high fever," the female paused "do you know what could have caused this?"

"He was shot," Logan added "and he was thrown around quite a bit too."

The X-5 nodded.

"I never caught your name!" said Max as she looked the woman in the eyes.

"Hope," Hope replied, "because its what we really need."

Max smiled and then allowed Hope and Danny to work.

Alec's shirt was ripped from his body causing Max to blush as his toned abs and muscles were exposed.

A vast array of bruises covered his body.

"Looks like he took a pretty nasty knock to the head." Pronounced Danny as he checked Alec over.

"How could that have happened?" asked Max.

"He was thrown at a pillar, went right through it."

Max had been so held up in the fight that she had failed to notice that Alec was getting the crap beaten out of him.

Danny shone a light at Alec's eyes, he frowned at the lack of response from the X-5's pupils.

"We've got a problem." Danny exclaimed as he looked up at Hope.

*End of flashback

After that Alec had been temporally blinded for a week. God he had driven them all nuts, but not by complaining but by his refusal to every ones help. The guy couldn't see anything and yet he wanted to do everything himself.


"He making a little progress which is promising," Hope paused "But I do mean a little."

"Is he going to wake up?"

"I doubt it, but you know Alec. Stubborn as hell, he won't give up without a fight."

Max sank back into her chair. It had been a never-ending rollercoaster of bad luck for her and Alec lately, the murder of their friend, the near murder of Alec. Its was just one thing after another.

Suddenly the monitor next to him went wild as Alec flat lined. Max knew this moment would come.

"He's crashing." Danny wheeled the crash cart into the room.

"Charging," said Hope as she placed the paddles on Alec's chest.


Alec's back arched as the shock coursed through his body.

"Nothing, and again."

The paddles went down again.


Once again his back arched.

"Still nothing."

"Come on Alec," said Hope as she once again placed the paddles on his chest.


The monitor began to beep again, Alec's heart beating again.

"He's back."

Max felt relief wash over her. God she hoped she would never have to watch that again.

I have been thinking about this story for a while. Hop you liked it. Please leave a pretty little review for me. (made some corrections. it should make a little more sense now.)