Prompt for Yak. You know I love you!

As long as Alfons have lived, he had celebrated Halloween. It was, after all, in the same month as Oktoberfest. And nothing quite followed a good pint like candy.

It had been amusing to see Edward's reaction to Oktoberfest. The smaller male had been quite surprised by the drinking that occurred. Even Alfons surprised him, drinking several pints in one sitting with their coworkers.

Alfons had been surprised as well, when Edward had given him a confused look at the mention at Halloween.

"You mean you've never celebrated Halloween?"

Ed blinked, "What are you talking about?"

"Halloween? The holiday?"

"Holiday? What kind of holiday?"

Alfons pinched the bridge of his nose. "I can't believe you've never heard of it."

"We didn't have such a holiday in my world."

Alfons resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "Yes, yes. Your world."

Ed frowned. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing," Alfons muttered, turning away. "I just cannot believe you have never celebrated such a joyous holiday…"

"Well, if it's so wonderful, explain it to me."

"It's a holiday where people dress up as monsters and witches-"

"Dress up?" Ed deadpanned. "That sounds…bizarre."

"I'm not done yet."

"I don't know. Maybe that's all I need to hear."

Alfons glared. "The costumes are only part of the holiday and they're mainly for kids. The best part is the candy."


"Free candy."

"I'm in."