The SARA: Sirius Adores Remus Adorers

Chapter One: Returning

Groggy golden eyes turned up as a strong arm encircled the teen's slumped shoulders. Bright eyes, set in a pale face framed by long, midnight black hair, met the golden ones. Small smiles tugged at both pairs of lips as if the hustle and bustle of the train platform wasn't surrounding them.

"How you feeling?"


"You sure?" Sirius's arm slipped from Remus's shoulders to the werewolf's lithe waist, curling all the way around so his fingertips splayed across the very edge of the still healing, knife-inflicted wound. Even through the layers of his clothes the lesion felt infinitesimally better.

A sigh escaped Remus's lips and he leaned into Sirius's side, closing his eyes and resting his head against his lover's. The week after leaving the hospital had been a weird one: after arriving back in France they waited three days for Richard's return, only to receive a letter from the older sibling stating he would be away until he "[found] Vite, castrate the damned vampire for bringing that stupid ostrich home and then interrogate the bastard to find out all he knew about…" The rest of the sentence degenerated into scribbles and quill stabbings, and then, finally, an apology for loss of temper.

Once Richard's absence was confirmed, it was time for Lily's visit. She and James got along surprisingly well, which worried everyone in the house since all had prior knowledge of their …lively relationship. (Remus, Sirius, and Rachel all decided it was the time spent waiting for any word on Remus's condition which showed Lily that James was more than a bucket full of half-baked prank schemes.) Also, if it was at all possible, Remus and Sirius also grew closer together; mostly due to the fact Rachel put Remus on permanent bed rest (which meant until they returned to school), so he spent a lot time curled into Sirius's chest on the couch, playing board games with a combination of Sirius, Lily and James; Sirius, James and Peter; and Sirius, Lily and Peter. The odd one out was usually helping Rachel with any chores she need done while she studied for her degree.

Remus pulled his head from its resting place and sighed, breath coming out in vaporous puffs. "Yep. Now, let's get on the train before it leaves," he grabbed his boyfriend by the hand. Sirius raised an eyebrow at this but allowed himself to be dragged onto the locomotive.

"Yes, yes. Because being here a half hour early poses such a risk for missing the train altogether."

An eye roll was his reply. Remus tugged a little harsher at his wrist and Sirius suddenly found himself thrown into one of the magically enlarged restrooms on the train.

"Remus—?" He began but Remus grabbed Sirius by the back of the head and slammed their lips together, causing them to fall back onto the locked bathroom door.

"I have a little pain in my side," Remus mumbled against his lover's lips.

Sirius laughed lowly and grabbed Remus by the waist, drawing their hips closer. "Really now? Let me see if I can help with that."

James looked around the platform with a confused look on his face. He was sure he'd seen Remus and Sirius here moments before he was hauled away by Jessica and Persephone to give them and the rest of 'The SARA' a holiday update.

"It's only been two and a half weeks. Do we have to do this here?" James whisper/hissed at them.

The girls stared at him as if that was the most idiotic question they ever heard. "YES!" was the collective reply.

James would rather not.

"Oh, come on! You look like we just told you to jump Snape's bones!" Bethany waved her hand dismissively and took a step forward. "We need to know of any advancement!" She paused for a moment, wondering if that needed to be plural then add (just to be safe), "sss!"

James was crying on the inside. He just wanted to get on the train and see Lily. Was that so hard to do?! Really? 'Well,' James thought, 'three can play this game! …Or… nine. There are eight of them here…' "There weren't any really. Remus has… the flu… and Sirius has been… taking care of him… for a while."

A high pitched squealing tried to melt James's brain.

"Ow," James slowly pulled his hands from his ears. "When the hell did this turn into second year herbology?"

The exuberant members of 'The SARA' were paying James no mind as they gushed, oddly quietly, about how Remus and Sirius had "FINALLY! gotten together!!!!"

James stared. "Girls are crazy," he muttered and turned away, leaving the seizing group behind as he boarded the train. "Really, really crazy."

If it was at all possible, James and Peter were playing a lazy game of Exploding Snap. It was all do to the fact that Remus was asleep on Sirius's shoulder and Sirius was so love-struck that all he could do was stare adoringly and run his fingers absentmindedly through Remus's hair.

Sometimes it was enough to make James want to vomit, all the… puppy love absolutely dripping off the two. But then, he admonished, he probably mooned over Lily just as much. Oh well.

James watched out of the corner of his eye as Remus stirred and blinked blurry-eyed at the darkness out the window. "What time is it?" The werewolf finished with a yawn.

Sirius shook his watch out from under his shirt cuff and said, "Five thirty-three."

Remus yawned again and nodded as he ran a hand through his hair. "Thanks," he said as a confused look crossed his face. He brought his fingers to his nose and sniffed them experimentally. "Did one of you guys spray me with perfume or something?"

James displayed a highly offended look, "I most certainly did not! Why would you ever suspect such a thing?!"

Remus glared and ground out, "Because I smell like …fruit or sugar."

"Really?!" Sirius asked happily and, wrapping his arms around Remus's shoulders, buried his nose in the young werewolf's hair. There were several seconds of silence as the other boys waited for Sirius's judgment.

"So…?" James prompted, eye brows rising behind his glasses.

The dog animagus cleared his throat and shifted slightly in his seat, pulling away from Remus enough that just one of his arms was still draped about the other man. "I rather like it," with a light blushing of pink across his cheeks, the man stared at a random spot on the ceiling of the train compartment. James and Peter promptly burst out laughing.

"Looks like someone likes this perfume a little bit too much!"

During all the merriment, Remus sniffed at his fingers, then his wrist. Then sniffed his other wrist. Then he tugged his hair around and tried to smell that as well. Then pulled at his shirt and sniffed. He then counted on his fingers until he got to seven and stopped, his eyes wide. The werewolf suddenly whipped around and ordered of his lover, "Smell me again."

"What?!" Sirius would forever deny that his voice cracked while in the mist of that sentence.

Remus huffed and rolled his eyes. He then stated very slowly, "Smell. Me. Again."

"Erm, why?" Sirius hesitated, not really wanting to get an erection in front of his friends (Remus, however, was a completely different matter. Remus was a sexy beast).

"Because I think this might be…" Remus drifted off, lost in thought.

Sirius stared at his boyfriend, the smell still affecting him in such a weird way. Like the best aphrodisiac in the world. Better than anything any muggle could make. Better than a wizard's invention. So good the dog animagus crossed his legs and cleared his throat.

"Remus," Sirius cleared his throat yet again, his voice coming out far too rumbley for normal conversation, as his love's eyes hit his. "What's going on? What's this smell?" (He stopped to clear his throat.) "Is this something to do with the silver?"

Remus searched for something seemingly hidden in Sirius's crystal blue depths. "It… this smell… it's an allure. It's been brought on early by the stabbing, yes, but it would have happened eventually."

"An allure?" Sirius remembered, vaguely now, reading about that in Werewolves: Everything You'll Soon Learn You Didn't Really Need to Know about the Species. …Vaguely, mind you.

"Whoa, Sirius!!" James laughed, "Nice use of bedroom voice!"

While giving James a cheery smiled, Sirius said, "You're free to join," with a wink.

Before James even began to think about whipping the slightly offended look off his face Remus let out a threatening growl.

The whole room seemed to still. The train even appeared to have stopped rocking.

The werewolf flushed slightly. "Sorry," he muttered. "Unfortunately, my hormones will be wreaking havoc upon us until the new moon."

"The new moon?" James questioned, "Why an absurd time as that? And hormones?"

Blushing again, Remus simply said, "I'll tell you about it later," and he crossed his arms.

Sirius watched the quick exchange dimly; his mind was on Werewolves: Everything You'll Soon Learn You Didn't Really Need to Know about the Species and the chapter they had devoted to allures. 'Now, what exactly did it say? 'Allures are a werewolf version of… which happen after… so the werewolf…mate…ritual…calling… smell…new moon-full moon-smell-allure-bond-after-but-near death-before-ensure-reassurance-sex.' HOLYSHIT!! No wonder I'm half mast just by smelling him!' Sirius jumped slightly after his epiphany came about. "But Remus!" He looked more nervous than Peter when he was confronted by butterflies (his worst fear). "An allure! It's not supposed to start so soon! Not before we—erm, well. It's really soon!" His voice squeaked like he was going back to have puberty a second time.

Remus looked at him like he grew a second head, "How do you know about—"

"Werewolves: Everything You'll Soon Learn You Didn't Really Need to Know about the Species."

"When did you read that?"

"'Round the time you—"

"No, never mind that! When did you learn to read?"

"Remus, you wound me! Right here!" Sirius placed a hand over his heart.

"So," Remus started conversationally as he settled into Sirius's side again. "When did you read Werewolves: Everything You'll Soon Learn You Didn't Really Need to Know about the Species?"

Sirius tried to ignore Remus's new aphrodisiatic smell and replied, "'Round the time you decided to get a girlfriend."

"Ah." Remus turned his vision to the dark wilderness by which the train was passing. "How much of that book did you read? Once you, ya know, stole it from the Restricted section."

"Wait!" James interrupted, "What is an allure? Because if it's that perfume smell you talked about and Sirius likes so much, and it has to do with your furry little problem, then wouldn't it be prudent you told us about it? You know, before Sirius does something stupid?"

Remus and Sirius glanced at each other and the werewolf was about to answer when the compartment door slid open.

"Hey guys!" Lily said happily. She walked in and greeted Remus with a kiss on the cheek. "Feeling any better?"


The red head gave a 'hmm' and a smile and sat herself between Remus and the wall. "How'd the rest of your vacation go?"

"After you left, my dear, my whole world dimmed."

Glaring, Lily replied, "Shut it, James!"

And they started a slightly heated conversation over the practicality of steam engines versus coal. It lasted until the lights of Hogwarts could be seen and the boys left to change into their robes.

"Remus," Lily called, raising and placing her hand on his arm, "Any news about Richard or your mum?"

The werewolf shook his head. "No. He sent us a letter after you left saying he was sure he was closing in on Vite, but…"

Lily nodded. "Okay, just wondering. If you need—"

"Moonikins!" Sirius wrapped himself around the door frame and swung partially into the room. "You coming? We've got to get changed."

"Yep!" Remus said with a smile.

"So," James started as they entered their dorms after the 'Welcome Back, Christmas Is Over, You Life Will Now Start Sucking Again' feast.

"Oh," Remus sighed, "I was hoping you wouldn't have remembered that."

"Yeah, well," James pointed at Sirius as he dug through his trunk, "if he's going to be like he was at the feast for any amount of time longer, we'd best know about it now!"

"Oi! I wasn't that bad!"

"No," James waved a hand dismissively. "You just always try and molest Remus at the table." The sarcasm was thick.

"Actually, he does."

"Yeah, James. Even before he and Remus starting going together."

"Well, more so than usual," James crossed his arms defensively and glared. "I think it's only fair that there's no secrets between us, considering we all share this dorm."

Remus groaned and scrubbed his face with a hand. "An allure is—Sirius, what the hell are you doing?!"

The raven haired boy looked up from his trunk; he had one foot on the edge of the big ol' box and was using it as leverage to lift out his enormous Christmas present. He grunted in annoyance. "Remmie, come give me a hand gettin' this out."

Remus raised an eyebrow, "You really want me grunting and moaning next to you when I smell like this?"

Sirius stilled, his eyes not seeing what lay before them. "You're right," he conceded at last. "James, give me a hand." And he heaved again.

"Jesus, Sirius! You shoved that whole thing in your trunk?" The bespectacled boy moved across the room and grabbed the seat of the motorbike. "How'd you make this fit—uhg! Ow!—in here anyway?"

"Evans helped me with a," the bike fell out of the trunk suddenly and nearly crushed both boys' legs. "Whoo!" Sirius rubbed and patted his bike affectionately. "That's better." His eyes shot back to James momentarily. "As I was saying, Evans helped me modify a 'Bottomless Bag' charm."

"But why bring your crappy bike to school?"

"Don't call my little Hannah that!" Sirius cuffed James across the head. "And when my boyfriend gives me possibly the most sexiest present ever, I'm gonna bring it with me and fix it up! I'm gonna make her fly!" He finished excitedly, patting his bike again, "Quite literally!" Sirius twirled around to his boyfriend and smiled brightly, which cause the werewolf's own soft smile to widen.

"And!" Sirius turned back to his trunk, digging through it. He found the leather he was searching for and whipped it out quickly, "Look, at this!" It was a slim black leather jacket, with the zip going diagonally across his chest and several more zip pockets, "All in all, dead sexy gifts!" He flounced over the Remus and gave him a quick kiss, his breath held so he didn't maul the man.

Remus was standing at the end of his bed, hands in his pockets and small smile on his face that made him older. He watched as Sirius distracted James and Peter with his bike, a wide smile gracing the long haired man's face. The werewolf was inanely pleased about how ecstatic his lover appeared, just by two presents that barely totaled four hundred Francs. Remus was sure that he'd just be contented with watching Sirius blabber on excitedly about how he'd make his bike the best in the world, for hours.

With the distraction in place, Remus went about unpacking his trunk; his shirts, his trousers, jumpers, pyjamas, socks, and boxers. His books and parchments and quills; most everything unloaded into their respective drawers.

Until he came to a grey top hat with purple band. The blond smirked, 'That can wait till later,' he thought and nudged it into a corner of his trunk.

James had forgotten all about the allure until after they were ready for bed. It was actually Sirius jumping onto Remus's mattress that brought the discussion back.

"Now, don't you two go doing things you wouldn't want your grandmother seeing on that bed tonight!" James joked, pointing a chastising finger at his friends.

"Oh, you know I hate my gran," Sirius smirked as he snuggled with Remus's pillow.

"And I don't remember my grandmother," Remus added as he walked from the bathroom. He eyed Sirius on his bed and asked, "You sure you wanna sleep there tonight?"

Sirius smirked seductively, "I can handle it."

"You won't be saying that in a week when the allure gets twice as strong." Remus placed his wand on his bedside table as James gasped.

"That's right!" Potter smacked a fist into the open palm of his other hand. "You need to explain what this allure is!" James pointed to the couple as Remus crawled into his bed.

The werewolf sighed and rearranged himself and Sirius so that the pillow was back where it belonged and their arms were wrapped around each other, the darker haired boy's face buried in Remus's neck. Their legs tangled and Remus could feel the start of something pressing into his hip.

"Toss me Sirius's pillow and I'll tell you."

The pillow smacked Remus in the face. "Thanks," he rolled his eyes and handed the plush sack to his bedmate. "An allure is a sent that a werewolf gives off around the new moon and, in turn, the wolf's mate will give off a sent around the full moon. It usually doesn't happen until after the relationship is consummated—"

"As in sex?" James interrupted, eye widening like 'sex' was still considered a word that was not to be said. He was seated cross-leg at the foot of his bed.

Remus blushed darkly, "I was hoping that you wouldn't understand what 'consummate' meant."


Remus raised an incredulous eyebrow, "Do you want to know why Sirius will try to jump my bones for the next week or not?"

James nodded quickly, his lips pursed together tightly so as not to let any words pass.

Peter threw in, "So this 'allure' is like an aphrodisiac for a werewolf and their mate?"

Remus blushed again and the room listened as a muffled laugh left Sirius's lips.

"It's a little like that." Remus cleared his throat, "It's more of a… calling… so that the werewolf and their mate know that it's time for a bond to be formed. It's a claiming."

"A bond? Claiming?"

"…Goodnight then, James," Remus twisted into Sirius.

"No,no,no! I'm sorry! It's just, you know. I haven't read as much on the subject as Sirius has. He probably knows as much as you do about werewolves."

Remus sighed and nodded, "Alright.

"The bond is so that the mate will have more control over the werewolf during full moons, so it won't attack its mate if they don't happen to be an animagus." There was a small pause before Remus nuzzled his nose into Sirius's hair and told the other boy; "That's what will happen at the new moon. At the full moon, it's more of just the werewolf getting reassurance that their mate fully accepts and trusts them."

Sirius hummed in acknowledgement.

"So…" James started hesitantly, incase Remus snapped at him again. When he simply got a raised eyebrow, he continued, "The week before the full moon, Sirius will start to be irresistible?" Remus nodded. James asked, now, "Is that only this month?" Again, Remus nodded, and, again, James carried on, "You said usually doesn't happen until after sex"—Remus made an embarrassed noise in the back of his throat. Admitting to being a virgin was not fun.—"so why is it happening now. Assuming you"—James snorted—"haven't done it yet."

The disheveled haired man snorted again and mumbled something about Sirius "not being up to his usual rate." But his mirthful air left as soon as Remus said, "The stabbing."

"Oh." James searched the floor for answered, "Sorry. I… erm…"

"It's okay." Remus hooked his chin over Sirius's head. He shifted slightly and Sirius groaned (a small smirk pulled at the blond's lips). "Near death experiences tend to lead to accelerated allures. Something to do with the whole, 'Oh, my God! I almost lost you, please don't leave me!' thing."

"Ah." James thought a moment. "So this, and before the full moon, are the only times I'm going to have to watch you two try not to shag each other through the ground? Right?"

Remus snorted, "James, we are teenagers."

"Shit. …You are, huh?" James rolled his eyes.

"Let's go to bed, I'm tired." Sirius nuzzled into Remus's neck and smirked against the skin.

Remus hummed in agreement and rolled over to grab his wand. Giving it a wave, he closed his bed curtains, "'Night, guys."

"'Night, idiots."

Peter mumbled something along the lines of "goodnight".

James waved his own wand, closing his curtains and turning the lights out. He shoved the stick under his pillow and got comfortable. Then a thought hit him. He sat straight up in bed and yelled (practically), "Lily called me 'James'!"

"Shut up, Potter!" Sirius yelled.

"But she called me 'James'! She usually calls me 'Potter'!"

Peter: "Or 'twat'."

Remus: "Or 'arse'."

Sirius: "Or—"

"Alright, alright! I get it! I'm going to bed! Good Night!" James 'frumff'-ed back onto his bed. "She called me James," he mumbled gleefully to the night.

TBC!! WOW!!! THIS HAS TAKEN FOR EVER TO UPDATE!!! I'M SO SORRY!!! SORRY! I just…. You know…. Needed inspiration.

Questions to reviewers!

How close do you want Richard and Vite's relationship to be? Hmmmm?


Peter Pettigrew in a tutu?