Disclaimer: I own nothing. No infringement intended. All characters with the exception of Ms. Jones belong to the Disney Channel.

A.N. Any italicized sentences or words are either characters thoughts or done so to make a point.

Chapter One: Senior Year

Miley awoke to the shrill sound of a freight train. As a joke, Lilly had gotten her an alarm clock that was full of high pitched sounds so annoying that there was no way you could sleep through them. She quickly shut it off and looked at the time. '6am, great.' Heart racing, she jumped in the shower and hoped the water would calm her nerves. 45 minutes later, dressed and hair done, she was about to call Lilly when her phone rang.


"Lilly landing in 20!" Lilly screamed and hung up so fast that it took Miley about five seconds before she ran down the stairs and opened the door just in time.

"Girls breakfast is ready" Robby Ray said. Lilly ran right over to the counter and helped herself.

"Mmm, great pancakes Mr. S."

"Good morning to you too, Lilly!" Miley said as she helped herself to some juice.

"Aw come one Miles you know nothing can come between this one and her food" chuckled her father.

"Yeah yeah I know, I know. Lil that alarm clock nearly gave me a heart attack, a train, really? Are ya trying to kill me?"

"Well it got you up, you should be thanking me and besides, it was Oliver's idea." She smirked and continued eating.

"Somehow I don't believe that… anyway, what's with the Lilly landing today? You haven't skated here in awhile."

"I don't know, it's the last first day of high school and I just felt compelled to skate here, like my board was calling me to do it."

Miley shrugged and continued to eat.

"I can't believe you girls are seniors, seems like yesterday ya'll were on your way to your first day as freshmen."

Just as her father was getting all sentimental, Miley interrupted him as it was time to leave.

"Come on Lil I want to get a good parking spot." The senior class was allowed to drive to school, but parking was limited.

"Oh Miles I told Oliver that we'd pick him up, I forgot to tell you last night, sorry." They grabbed their bags and got in the car.

"Yeah he texted me last night, guess he figured you'd forget to tell me." Lilly smirked and turned the radio on. Oliver was waiting outside for them.

"Sup ladies? Thanks again Miles. Hey I heard Hannah was going to surprise a local school with a private performance, you didn't tell me."

"Yeah I didn't tell you cause it started out as a rumor but then the school board contacted my dad and asked if I'd do it. We're still working out the details but when I know what's happening I'll let you know." They pulled into the school and headed for their homeroom. They all lucked out and had the same one this year. The seniors only had 4 classes this semester and they would be done by 12:30.

This was the first year that the students didn't receive their schedules in the mail, only a letter stating when and where to report for homeroom. Turns out, Mr. Corelli was their homeroom teacher. He walked in, with a funny hat smiling like he always does and went straight to his desk. He was still a dork of a teacher and acted more like a teenager than an authority figure, but that made him more likeable than most teachers.

"Good morning! How was your summer? Good? Well, looking around I recognize most of you but for those who don't know me my name is Mr. Corelli. When I call your name come and get your schedule." Corelli started calling off names while Lilly absentmindedly played with the zipper on her bag. Whispering, she told Miley and Oliver that she was glad they didn't have to see Kunkle first thing in the morning.

"Oken, Truscott and Stewart-"They got up and went to his desk.

"Nice to see you three again, how was your summer?" Smiling, they exchanged pleasantries and took their seats again. This was going to be an easy year. Having gotten all the required math, science, english and history classes out of the way they were free to have 2 elective classes along with the last two requirements. The required classes were life skills and health/human studies. As far as electives, both Miley and Lilly chose business and computers, partially due to their hidden status as Hannah Montana and Lola Luftnagle, while Oliver chose phys ed and auto shop. Miley groaned when she realized Kunkle taught business.

"Our last year and we still can't escape her. I don't know how I'll manage to stay awake in her class Lil."

"Yeah it totally sucks but at least we have her right before lunch. Hey whose Ms. Jones and why is she teaching a joint class with Corelli?" Lilly asked but was cut off by Corelli.

"Ok so you may have noticed that a few things are different this year; first of which being that you only just received your class schedule. The school board is trying something new. As you may already know, I'm a history teacher but I also teach health. If you look at your schedule you'll see that I'm teaching a joint health/human studies class with Ms. Jones. She's a PhD in Psychology and Human Studies/Sexuality. Now, all the seniors will take the class at the same time in the auditorium in a college lecture hall type setting. That's all I can really say about that right now." With that being said, the bell rang and everyone went their separate ways.

"Health with 325 kids should be interesting, but it's kinda cool that it's in the auditorium, I wonder why we have two teachers though." Oliver said as they parted ways to go to their first class.

"That computer class was so lame, that's defiantly going to be an easy A for us. Business on the other hand… Tell me again why we decided to take it?" Miley asked Lilly as they walked to lunch. Lilly laughed and gave Miley a knowing look.

"Come on you know why…" looking around to make sure no one could hear, she continued.

"Your Hannah Montana, you should already know the ins and outs of business, well your business. Come on it will be an easy class for us. Your only upset cause of whose teaching it, and believe me I'm not thrilled about that either." They got on the lunch line and waited. Oliver caught up to them as they were about to sit down to eat.

"Ok so you're not gonna believe this one. Amber and Ashley got put in PE with me. They swear it's a mistake but the office swears it's not. You should see them trying to run laps its pathetic. So how was Funkle Kunkle?" Oliver laughed as Lilly spit out some milk at that comment. Seeing this, Miley grabbed a napkin and wiped Lilly's mouth for her.

"Thanks, haha um, funny nickname Ollie where'd you come up with that one? Kunkles... well… the class…" Miley cut her off.

"Is horrible and she needs a personality transplant stat… probably needs to get laid or something, she's so stuck up! Ugh!" Lilly and Oliver, both slack jawed, stared at Miley after her little outburst.

"Wow someone's a little touchy, where the hell did that come from?" asked Oliver whilst Lilly started to laugh.

"I don't know I'm just… that woman just irks me… The way she looks at me… I don't know, call me crazy but I feel like she can recognize the 'other' me. It makes me feel so uneasy." Lilly's eyes went wide.

"Come to think of it she does look at you a little funny, actually, wasn't she at a signing after a concert a few weeks back? Hang on… she told me I looked like one of her students… I had pink hair!" Miley's head was spinning as she processed Lilly's words.

"Lil, you were wearing your shoulder length platinum blonde wig, you said you wanted to try it out. Don't you remember?"

"Oh… yeah you're right. Oh god! What if she figures it out?! I'm sorry!" Lilly was visibly shaking and was getting very pale. Oliver took it upon himself and got her a soda.

"Here ya go Lil" he handed it over. She took it and gulped half it down without taking a breath.

"Lil it's not your fault, and besides, I loved that wig on you, it made your eyes look so much bluer I found myself staring into them." Realizing how that might have sounded, Miley blushed.

"Really? Thanks!" With that they got up and made their way to life skills. The class would consist of things like balancing a check book, cooking, cleaning, doing laundry. They didn't know why that qualified as a class, but they'd gladly take that over math any day. They made their way to the auditorium for health. If only they knew what they were in for.

"This should be interesting, where do you want to sit?" Lilly asked and Oliver suggested that they should sit in the middle. They found some seats and waited. Mr. Corelli was setting up a projector while a woman who couldn't have been more than 22-24 was organizing papers Miley assumed were for handouts.

"That must be Ms. Jones. She's young." Oliver was looking at her with puppy eyes.

"Oh you doughnut you're drooling, ew!" Said Lilly. The lights blinked a few times to get everyone's attention.

"Settle down everyone. Ok before we start, I'd like to introduce Ms. Jones. Now this isn't going to be your typical health class. I must warn you, the material you will be studying will be questionable. With that being said, I'll turn the floor over to Ms. Jones." Corelli stepped aside.

"Thank you, Mr. Corelli. Well like Mr. Corelli said, this isn't your typical health class nor is it just a human studies class. Welcome to Human Sexuality."

The room was filled with quiet chatter.

"Settle down!" Ms. Jones said as hands went up in the air.

"We'll take questions in a bit. Like I said before, this class is called Human Sexuality. It's a college level class. Now you may be wondering how it is we got permission to allow such a class to take place in a high school. Well let me tell you, it wasn't easy. After about 3 months of endless debates between myself and the school board we came to the conclusion that we would try such a class temporally for one school year and for seniors only. You will get three college credits for taking it. Now, the subject material isn't to be taken lightly. You may not agree with some of it and that's fine. This class will be full of open discussions, debates and surveys to name a few. So far, does anyone have a question?"

At least 150 hands out of 325 shot up. Corelli sectioned of the room and called upon the first 8 rows to raise their hands first.

"Yes, you there, blue shirt, stand up, say your name then your question." Said Ms. Jones.

"Uh my name's Gabe Lammatti and uh, is this like, sex ed?"

Miley and Lilly rolled their eyes.

"Yes, but not in the way you think. We won't be studying the anatomy and inner workings of the male and female body; you will not be tested on where the ovaries or seminal vesicles are, you will not be asked to explain what conception is. You've all had six years of regular old sex education, and you should know it backwards and forwards. This class will focus on the emotional, physical and sometimes, the religious aspects and ramifications of sexuality. This isn't to be taken lightly; some of you will be offended; some of you won't agree, and that's ok. We'll talk openly about everything. We're about out of time for today so please take the permission slips being handed out by Mr. Corelli on the way out; they need to be signed by your parents tonight. Because you're minors, they need to give consent for you to be a part of this class. Well, that's all for now. See you tomorrow."

With that, everyone got up and proceeded to the exit. "Well this defiantly won't be a boring class." Miley said.

"Yeah I might not fall asleep in this one." As soon as those words left Oliver's mouth, both Miley and Lilly smacked him.

"Oliver face it, you only like the class cause you think Ms. Jones is hot." Lilly said and cracked up along with Miley.

Permission slips in hand, they made their way to Miley's car and headed down to Rico's for smoothies.

'This should be interesting trying to explain this to my dad… oh god.. ' Miley thought as she drove out of the lot.

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