The Assignment: Four ways of looking at _insert topic here_ (based on the Reader's Digest column, which is definitely worth reading). Write four short pieces pertaining to a single theme or object, each from a different angle. (At least one must be a literary allusion).
My Prompt: Beauty
My Choices: *Beauty is ugly (a discussion of plastic surgery and eating disorders) *Beauty is a fat black woman (based on a wonderful poem by Grace Nichols) *Beauty is man as an ideal being (a reflection on Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead) and lastly, presented for you now, *Beauty is Erik
Read, enjoy, review always, but especially if it's before October 26, so I can make changes before the due date. Do the imbedded quotes work? Thanks!
Beauty is Erik…
A murderous corporeal ghost who terrifies young ballerinas with his death's head. "Horror!...Horror!...Horror!" those who see him shriek, running from him, caging him, cursing his existence (127).
And yet he is beautiful. He has the voice of an angel and wishes for nothing more than the ability to live in a world of music, where he will be accepted and loved.
He loves as few have the courage to do, for they fear it will destroy them. But his love is so pure, it transcends his desire for personal happiness. This fearsome monster chooses to remain in miserable solitude rather than cause his beloved sorrow. He willingly becomes "no more, you know, than a poor dog ready to die for her," kneeling at her feet and pleading for dignity in death after handing her the world on a silver platter (253). In his final actions, he shows a beauty beyond his horrid face; the beauty of a truly brave and magnificent soul.
"He ha[s] a heart that could have held the empire of the world; and in the end, he [must] content himself with a cellar" because of man's ugliness (264). He is "not an Angel, nor a genius, nor a ghost…" he is Erik (122)! And he is beautiful!
Reviews, please! Thanks! Love, Emilie
(. .) BUNNY!