Disclaimer: Still don't own anything.

OUTTAKE for A Little Bit of Help

Before Edward and Bella were together...


"Let the trolling begin!" Edward snickered evilly while glancing at his two friends, Jasper and Emmett. They both were sitting on either side of Edward as he laughed.

We were in the computer lab today to type up our science labs. It was something we did twice a year because the school made it a graduation requirement to pass a technology skills test and have the knowledge of putting together a presentation.

I was still typing up my science experiment while Edward and his dorky friends were allowed permission to play on a live-chess gaming site because they'd finished their labs the night before, and handed in a hard copy right at the beginning of class.

Alice groaned beside me. "I hate this. It's so boring and I don't really see a point to it."

I patted her hand and continued typing up my lab while sneaking looks at Edward when I was distracted by his laugh.

"I think it's better than sitting in class and taking notes," I mumbled, shuffling papers around.

"But I hateeee Excel so muchh!" Alice whined.

I laughed. "Me too, it's super confusing and every time I think I get it, I end up messing up the axis labels."

Alice resumed glaring at the computer screen and stabbing at the keyboard. I felt bad for the keys.

"Twenty milliliters," I said to myself as I typed in the numbers for the data.

"Wait, what do I say for experiment improvements?" asked Alice, who was panicking. "I don't have anything filled in here."

"Were you absent that day?" I asked.

"Um, maybe? I don't know!" Alice squeaked.

"Say that conducting multiple trials will make results more valid," I told her. She typed it in slowly and then looked at me for the second improvement.

"Alice," I sighed, turning my eyes back onto my computer screen. "I can't give you my answers because then you wouldn't be learning anything. I think that Mr. Molina will notice if we have the exact same answers."

She gawked at me. "So you're not gonna give me the answers? But I'm sure everybody else is doing the same! They all probably have similar answers. Just gimme some hints, pretty please?"

She batted her eyelashes and pouted for effect. I rolled my eyes. She always did this to make me feel guilty. But this time, I had to put my foot down and stand up for myself. I couldn't let her get away with everything. It wasn't fair.

Alice was my friend, but there was only so much I'm willing to help her with. The line has to stop somewhere. I can't keep giving her answers to things she could figure out herself if she tried really hard and thought outside the box.

The bad thing was that it would strain our friendship. As much as I'd like to help her, I couldn't let her use my answers to gain a grade. It wasn't right and I hated to be a stepping stone for somebody else's achievements. I decided that I would help her figure out some answers, but not just straight out tell her answers. She wouldn't learn anything that way and wouldn't know how she got to her answer. She'd only know that it's right and can be trusted because it's somebody else's work.

"Alice, I won't tell you the answers, but I'll try to help you find some things to put down, alright? I don't want to just give out answers freely because you have to learn to work for them. You won't gain any knowledge by just accepting answers of others." I gave her a serious look.

She scowled but eventually nodded, meaning she'd take it or leave it. My help was very valuable to her. "Fine, just tell me where to start."

I smiled and began giving her hints and asking questions to guide her toward some conclusions she could make on her own. There were no right answers, but if you gave a completely ridiculous answer, you'd get points taken off the lab. It was a formal lab, which meant that you had to make sure everything was as neat as you could make it. It couldn't be sloppy or work that looked like not much effort was put into it. You want your work to look spectacular, so that's why I was so bent on going over every single page of the lab.

Fifteen minutes later, I was printing out my lab and stapling it together. I attached a rubric to the back with a paper clip and prepared to hand it in at the front of the room. A huge pile of finished labs were stacked on top of each other. I carefully placed mine on top of another student's before heading back to my seat, where Alice was still typing her lab. She swore she was almost done when I stood up to get my printed lab. She said that she was finishing up the conclusion.

After you were done typing up the labs, you could go on any game site you wanted, within reason. It couldn't be anything inappropriate. Educational sites were definitely allowed.

I snorted. Nobody wanted to go on those sites. You had enough of school in one day, and wanted to read about education itself? I'd get a huge headache.

I spotted Edward in a corner of the computer lab. I made my way over as quietly as I could, not wanting to disrupt him from his game.

Unfortunately, my plan didn't go as planned because I was the one who ended up being shocked when I heard Edward shout loudly.

"Emmett I will beat you next time!" Edward smacked Emmett's arm teasingly.

"What'd he do?" asked Jasper, leaning close toward Edward.

"I got trolled by the 15 minute game time limit," he groaned.

Jasper shook his head. "That sucks."

"Yeah it does. It majorly sucks. I'm mad. My rating crashed my 43 points because of that game." Edward shot a glare at Emmett.

I giggled softly, not understanding a word of what they were saying, but it sounded amusing. Immediately, Edward noticed my presence behind them and stiffened. He began to turn around when Emmett spoke.

Emmett laughed in response. "Not my fault. You could have won if you weren't distracted by B—"

Edward punched Emmett in the arm and hissed, "Shut up!"

"What?" Emmett asked in an annoyed voice. He rubbed his arm and gave Edward the stink eye.

"Oh hey Bella," Jasper greeted me, crinkling his nose a little bit. He was wearing a extremely worn sweater with a color that reminded me of gruel or oatmeal. Maybe it was a mixture of both or something.

"Hi Jasper," I responded.

"What's up?"

"Nothing much, I uh, just finished my lab," I said proudly.

"We finished last night," Edward said smugly. "It took us less than 45 minutes."

"Really? Cool. You must have had a lot of time on your hands or something," I shot back, annoyed at his comment.

He rolled his eyes and turned back to the computer. I stepped closer – and stood right behind his chair. Even while sitting he was tall. The back of his head reached a little above my chest, and I longed to bury my hands in his silky looking locks.

"So what are you guys playing?" I wondered.

"Online chess," Emmett answered. His eyes were still glued onto the screen.

"Oh, is it like a live thing?" I asked.

"Yeah," Jasper replied, scratching the back of his leg.

"I couldn't help but overhear earlier... You said something about trolling? What is it?"

Edward turned his head sideways and spoke to me. "Making people angry at you for no apparent reason."

I raised my eyebrow at this. I didn't get why that would be fun. "Is that really amusing?"

"Extremely," Edward's lips pulled up into a smile.

"What do you do? I thought you couldn't chat? You're supposed to be playing a game of sorts?" I asked, trying to sound excited and enthusiastic.

"Never mind. I'm not going to bother explaining it to people like you. You won't even get it," he said dismissively.

I stood there, shocked and offended. My eyes stung and I knew that it signaled the beginning of tears threatening to fall.

"Fail," Emmett coughed loudly.

Edward laughed and gave him a high five. Jasper was the only one that gave me a sad smile. At least he was kind enough and understood how I felt.

I attempted a weak smile in return to him, but wasn't able to pull the strength to do it.

Thankfully, I was saved by the bell. The period was over and I made a mad dash back to my seat to grab my backpack and hopefully get the hell out of the building. I was too embarrassed to deal with Edward and his friends.

Alice caught me as I arrived back at our seats. She saw me grabbing my things frantically and asked me to slow down and explain what was wrong.

"Hey, wait. Bella, come on." She tugged at my arm as I slipped my rain jacket on.

"It doesn't even matter," I sniffled, tears rolling down my cheeks.

She sighed and placed a comforting hand on my arm. "Let's go home, then."

I just wanted Edward to like me. That's all. And what good did my efforts get? A slap in the face because I wasn't 'smart' enough for him. I wasn't good enough, and it showed.

I usually don't do outtakes, but I just had to write something for this one-shot. I miss it :(

Loved it or hated it? would love some feedback! :)