Sorry about the extra long wait! I think it has been two years…oops! I'm so sorry! But here is what you're (Hopefully!) waiting for!


The cold seeped through my thin pajamas, my hands touched the 100 year old cobwebs and my eyes searched for any disturbance of the dust for clues as to who's been through here. Suddenly, a gust of wind rustled past my head, forcing me to close my eyes, the wind didn't stop blowing- I couldn't breathe- I tried to block the wind using my hands. It didn't help. I tried to move backwards but something was blocking my path; I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. And the wind just kept blowing. I stumbled and hit the side of a wall, scraping my elbow and palms against the harsh stone, I crouched against the wall to try and protect myself and trying to see what was causing the wind, but I couldn't see a thing.

All of a sudden it stopped. The wind stopped blowing into my face. I couldn't hear or feel it. I put my arms down and I stood up to take a step forward, but I ended up falling and landed on my back. The atmosphere was different. I didn't know what had changed so I opened my eyes. Stars. I blinked, thinking it was an effect of my stumble, but nothing changed. I tried to stand back up but I couldn't, something had hold of my pajama bottoms. I sat up and looked around. There were stars everywhere. I couldn't see any sign of the stone wall I fell against or a sign of anything really. I tried to feel around my leg to help free my pajamas from whatever it was caught on, and I felt a smooth wire-type metal that had cut through the flimsy material. After I unattached myself, I was able to stand up straight, but as soon as I moved I wacked my head on –what felt like- the ceiling. A little yelp escaped my mouth before I was able to cover it with my hand. This seemed to cause a ripple like movement through the stars and before I knew a section of the stars was opening out, revealing a vast darkness right in front of me. Crouching I took a step forward, cautious this time there was actually floor in front of me.

Suddenly a blinding red light escaped out of the darkness, blinding me for a second time. I heard voices. No not voices. A voice. Zach's voice.

It can't be! I forced my eyes open to try and confirm my minds silly wonderings but when I did, something grabbed me from behind and everything went black.

I opened my eyes. This time I could see daylight. No stars. I jumped up from where I was lying looking for my attacker. Or maybe somebody else, Zach was there- No it couldn't be Zach. Zach was gone- missing. However all I saw was figure in black walking quickly towards me. As I jumped into fighting mode, the figure called my name and revealed his face. It was Joe Solomon. But he had a sour look on his face.

'Joe what was that- who was there- how'd I get here!' I couldn't get one simple sentence out of my mouth

'Cammie are you alright?' Joe asked

'I'm fine Joe- but did you see who pulled me? And whose voice was that coming up in front of me?' I asked him.

'Cammie I don't know what you're talking about, I found you unconscious outside your room with a brown package. You were bleeding quite heavily from your arms, what happened?'

So I told him the story about the knocking and the package which led to a new secret passage which led into the room of stars and the wall moving and the mysterious voice. 'And then someone grabbed me from behind and everything went black' I finished.

Joe looked at me with a weird expression on his face, which I tried to decipher, when he realized what I was trying to do he pulled on is poker face and said 'Cammie, after I found you I searched around the hallway for any sign of an attacker. Cam I think you must have hit your head hard as there was no open passageway opposite your room, there isn't even a tapestry.'

Duh duh duh! Thanks for reading get the next chapter to you soon!

