"You can't have me."
Chloe told Wakefield and as she saw his face turn from smugness to anger, she let go of the only thing that was supporting her...the bridge's railing. She started to fall through the air...she wasn't afraid. She didn't even think of the fact that she was going to die. There was only one thing that filled her thought's was...her boyfriend...her fiancé...Cal...her Cal.
'This is all my fault Cal...all my fault...I brought you here to this damn place...please...forgive me...' Tears started to roll down her face as she continued to fall. 'I love you, Cal. I know it didn't always seem like that...but...I truly love you more than anything...no matter how I acted sometimes...it was only ever you...it could only have ever been you...Cal...it wasn't supposed to end like this!' She thought with a hint of anger.
Chloe was still falling, but she could almost feel the breeze from the water. 'Cal...I love...you...' She plunged deep into the water...falling under it, before slowly floating back up to the top. Her lifeless body floating down the river by the side of the person she loved more than any other.
The End!
I watched the whole series of Harper's Island in practically one day with my mum...and Cal and Chloe were the best! I couldn't believe it when they died...(I almost cried, it was so sad!). Anyway, this is something I wrote very quickly while I was at my dad's...I might write a better one sometime soon, I dunno yet. So please review and stuff, and thanks for reading1 :)