A/N: Wow, I just found this...I don't even remember if I sent it to my beta to help me out with it or not. Just found it, remembered this story was far from finished and kind of decide to publish it. So here it is, the last part of this story. Hope you enjoy and don't forget to comment!


-5 Years later-

Toshiro's hold on Rangiku got tight as he kissed her shoulder and pressed her back to his chest. Her favorite sheets were covering their bodies and hiding their naked figures under it. As it was usual in the mornings, he woke up first, a silly smile on his face and a wave of possessiveness took over him while he let his mouth trailed kisses from her shoulder to her neck.

He looked at his window, the sky over Seireitei was still dark but Toshiro could guess there were starting to appear traces of daylight. He looked back at Rangiku, he didn't want to leave her alone, he knew how much she hated it. But, there were some important things he needed to do and he knew they were going to be worth it.

He shifted upwards resting his weight in his elbow, his eyes mapping out her soft features and the calmness of her face while sleeping. He had always thought she looked like an angel while sleeping.

There was something so innocent and peaceful in her expression. Calm and relax, something he didn't see when she was awake, because usually she was like a storm. She did what she wanted, the way she wanted it and there wasn't anyone who could stop her; and she always did this wearing a mischievous smirk on her face.

But it was one of the things he loved the most about her; it was what made her Rangiku.

Toshiro shook the memories away and decided he couldn't prolong his departure any longer. Kuchiki was probably expecting him and Kurosaki would be close behind the sixth division captain. And neither of them liked to wait. So, with a kiss on her forehead he went directly to their bathroom to get ready for the day.

In all the time they've been together, this was the first one she woke up alone on their bed. Rangiku turned lazily on her side and embrace Toshiro's pillow against her chest, the silly smile she had on her face the moment she woke up was quickly replaced by a pout of disappointment.

Rangiku nuzzled her face on Toshiro's pillow, inhaling his scent and letting her mind wander; once again, to the night before in which Toshiro had showed her just how much he appreciated her in his life. It was one of the best anniversary celebrations ever.

Absentmindedly Rangiku let one of her hands wandered towards her stomach which she rubbed softly. Yes, last night had been perfect, so why wasn't he here? Usually he would be up by now, holding her tightly while watching at the ceiling, or she would be awake and planting kisses all over his face to wake him up.

This time there was a petulant pout on her face and a gleam of annoyance in her eyes. He knew just how much she hated to wake up alone.

Then again, maybe he had a good reason. Maybe something happened at their division or he was called to an emergency meeting. Everything was possible and Rangiku wouldn't be mad at him and made him beg for forgiveness until she knew exactly what had happened.

In the mean time, she could take advantage of his absence and sleep in a little more. There wasn't any need for her to stand up and rush towards their office, or to their paperwork just yet.

It was almost noon when Rangiku woke up again. This time she did stand up and went directly to the kitchen, hungry for some bacon and eggs with jam and toast. Maybe she would add some orange juice and squish a cup of coffee. And tuna, can't forget the tuna.

She was really hungry.

After taking her late breakfast she went directly to the bathroom, still a little surprise and offended with Toshiro because he hadn't called her or looked up for her. It wasn't right; he usually came to their home to drag her to work. And it was past noon now!

As she gave herself on last look in front of the mirror, she noticed nothing had changed in the years followed after the war with Aizen and the beginning of her relationship with Toshiro. She still had the same gray eyes, if brighter than before, the same mischievous and gently smiled, the same hair and…okay, that hickey on her neck was new.

You're forgetting the glow radiating from you. Purred Haineko contently and Rangiku smiled at her zanpakutou's words. This state you're in is making wonders to your skin and eyes…I haven't seen you like this in such a long time.

'Oh, aren't we emotional today?' replied Rangiku giggling, Haineko snorted.

This is all your fault, yours and that little Taichou of yours!

Rangiku lifted a singled eyebrow as her lips tug upwards, 'I don't think there is nothing little about my Taichou' Haineko rolled her eyes as Rangiku giggled all the way to the Tenth division.


Rangiku merely rolled her eyes and crumple the piece of paper her Taichou had left in her inbox over a pile of paperwork that need to be sort out before the day end. She threw the paper in the trash can and sat in her chair putting out the magazine Rukia had found for her in the Real World.

Did her Taichou really think she would do paperwork? After he so blatantly abandoned her?

Okay, she wouldn't do the paperwork even if he hadn't but still, now she had a valid excuse. Besides, she still felt a little tired. It wasn't as if she had gone early to bed the night before. So, without another glance to the paperwork she went to the sofa and started reading the magazine.

Sometime later there was a knock at the door; Rangiku lifted her gaze from the magazine looking with curiosity towards the door, "come in!"

Ichigo stuck his head in; his eyes scanned the room before focusing on Rangiku, "Hi."

Rangiku lifted an eyebrow and shot Ichigo and inquisitive gaze, he seemed kind of lost and now was looking troubled. "Hey, Ichigo. What are you doing here? I thought you were with Rukia and your little boy."

Ichigo entered the office, gulping as he scratched the back of his head, "yeah, well, I was looking for Toshiro."

He stated, making Rangiku frown as she just remembered that she had been in the office for almost two hours now and Toshiro hadn't showed up yet. She looked up and saw the clock on the wall. It was 3 pm.

"This is weird." She mumbled not noticing Ichigo's nervous movements and anxiousness. "He should be here by now, take me to lunch and then do the paperwork."

"Shouldn't you be the one doing the paperwork?" asked Ichigo blinking confused. Rangiku stood up and smiled patronizingly at Ichigo.

"You've been living here for almost seven years and had known us for a long time and you still haven't learnt anything." She said, Ichigo snorted.

"Yes, I still remembered you rule number one." Said Ichigo. "No paperwork during work hours. But I thought, since Toshiro isn't here…"

"Yeah, but I'm mad at him." Ichigo shoot her a confused stared. "He left me alone this morning after our passionate and hot se..."

"Okay, okay, I don't need the explanation." Said Ichigo waving his hands and blushing slightly. Rangiku smirked; it was so easy to still tease him sometimes. And she just loved to do it when Toshiro was near.

"Well, it was nice coming here and all…"said Ichigo walking backwards towards the door. It was then when Rangiku caught Ichigo's weird behavior. "Maybe you should visit Rukia; I bet she would appre...No! No! Don't visit her, I tell her to come here. Yes…yes…Or maybe I tell her to go to Ukitake, yes that sounds better." He mumbled the last part to himself.

Ichigo gulped and wished he would have left the place sooner but he was caught by Rangiku who was now looking at him with narrow eyes.

"Ichigo, do you know something I should know?" Ichigo's eyes opened in panic and he shook his head.

"No, not that I remember."

"Really? Because you seemed so nervous." Said Rangiku to which Ichigo laughed weakly.

"So, I should go…"

"Why don't you want me to go over to Kuchiki-taichou's place to visit Rukia?" asked Rangiku suddenly.

Ichigo was looking around; he could face a bunch of hollows and Espadas but not a woman like her? He eyed Rangiku and sighed in defeat. No, for some reason, Rangiku had been having some strange mood changes and he sure as hell didn't want to ended up in one of the 'bad moods'; Renji was still afraid of being in the same room with her after he tried to make her drink a big bottle of beer. Something Renji just 'discovered' it was a 'new' alcoholic beverage in the real world, even after Ichigo and Orihime tried to tell him beer wasn't new at all.

"Look, I was looking for Toshiro because I thought he was here." Started explaining Ichigo and Rangiku was listening to him carefully. "I didn't think you'll be here, I actually thought you'll escape from the paperwork and join Ikkaku and others at the bar."

Rangiku shifted uncomfortably at the mention of bar but Ichigo didn't seem to notice. "There is something…private I need to talk with Toshiro and well, Rukia is at the thirteenth squad barracks, if you want to look up for her."

"Private?" asked Rangiku with a gleam of mischievousness in her eyes, a wicked smiled adorning her face as Ichigo merely groan and put a hand on his forehead. "What kind of private things, Ichigo-kun?"

Nothing good came from Rangiku when she said his name in such a way, usually it ended up with him suffering from the cold generate by Toshiro. Why did she have to use it now?

"It's…it's...men stuff…" he ended lamely cringing at Rangiku's amuse laugh.

"Men stuff? I've heard the same excuse from you so many times," Said Rangiku with a soft smiled. "The last time was when you got Rukia pregnant, so, did you get her pregnant again? So soon?"

"What? No!" said Ichigo blushing. "Is too early for…wait, is none of your business!"

"Just asking, it would be cute and fitting." Said Rangiku with a dreamy look in her eyes, Ichigo looked at her confused.

"What do you mean?" Rangiku waved at Ichigo dismissively.

"Nothing. So Rukia is with Ukitake-taichou?"


"Okay, I'm going over there. If you find Toshiro before me, tell him I'm not happy with him." Said Rangiku leaving Ichigo behind.

Ichigo watched as Rangiku disappeared from view and her reiatsu kept getting farther and farther away, finally he sighed in relief and went to the window just behind Toshiro's desk. "Okay, you really owe me big time."

Toshiro entered his division through the window, glaring at Ichigo. "She almost found about me, Ichigo-kun" he said in a mocking voice.

"Jealous much?" shoot Ichigo back.

"Hn, let's just grab it and leave before she decides to come back here." Said Toshiro going over the bookshelf grabbing some books, moving them to see what was behind them.

"You really don't remember where you put it?" said Ichigo helping him out.

"Yes, I know I put it somewhere in here." Toshiro kneeled and started moving the books on the lower part. "I just can't believe I forgot to carry it with me today."

It took them five minutes to find what they were looking for. Ichigo showed Toshiro the small box with a triumphant smiled on his face. Toshiro rolled his eyes but couldn't help his smile of relief.

"We should go, before someone sees us here." They were about to leave when Toshiro's eyes focused on Rangiku's desk. "Wait, she didn't do the paperwork!"

Ichigo rolled his eyes and dragged Toshiro out of the office, "and you're still surprise?"

Ichigo had been lucky as it turns out Rukia was at the Thirteenth division. She had gone early to visit Ukitake who was now cooing while doing funny faces to the little bundle in his arms with Rukia looking amusedly at them.

Rangiku felt a warm feeling spread in her chest and she had to suppress the tears that were threatened to fall. The sight in itself was really cute and Rukia was beaming with love and happiness. For a brief moment, Rangiku wondered if she would look like that in the near future and if Ukitake would act the same way knowing it would be hers and Toshiro's child.

Her thoughts were interrupted when Ukitake lifted his eyes and looked at her with a big grin, "Rangiku-san! Come on in."

Rukia turned around and smiled at Rangiku, "He looks so big now! It seems as if it was just yesterday he was a little bundle in his crib" commented Rangiku sitting beside Rukia who nodded her head; there was a gleam of pride in her eyes.

"Yes, he's been growing so much this past days. He looks more like Ichigo with each passing day."

"I bet Kuchiki-taichou is ecstatic about it." Said Rangiku giggling, Rukia laughed as well.

"Yes, after the naming incident he…hasn't been too happy with Ichigo." Rangiku turned surprise to Rukia.

"He finally has a name?" Rangiku remembered the disagreement between Ichigo and Byakuya regarding the baby's name.

It was a situation that had amused her to no end, and she could tell half of Soul Society was enjoying it as well. Byakuya wanted to go for a more traditional Kuchiki-kind of name, while Ichigo wanted a simple and more meaningful one. Rukia had decided to let them both fixed the problem. Really, she was more concern about the health of the baby and if he was going to be as hot-head as his father than the deep origins of the name. Or if it was fitting to a future noble who would uphold the Kuchiki name (apparently they had forgotten all about the surname thing in favor of the name.)

Ukitake passed the baby to Rukia who showed it to Rangiku. She smiled down at the boy who was looking at her with curious eyes. He had the same eye color as his mother a light violet while his hair and facial features resembled that of his father.

"Aw, he is so cute!" exclaimed Rangiku fussing over the little boy.

"His name is Kurosaki Kyou." Said Rukia lovingly. Rangiku lifted her eyes to look at Rukia.

"Kyou?" Ukitake snickered and Rukia seemed amused as well. "And Kuchiki-taichou accepted both? Kurosaki Kyou?"

"Well, he almost had a breakdown." Commented Ukitake with humor tingeing his voice. "I have to admit it was almost funny."

Rangiku chuckled, "and how did it come to this? I mean, is wonderful and I think it's fitting and cute for him, but..."

"Is a funny story actually," said Rukia, "Nii-sama wanted to introduce Kyou to the elders and made him the official heir of the Kuchiki clan as well as named him once and for all."

Rangiku nodded her head listening to Rukia's words while letting Kyou played with her hands.

"Well, Ichigo and Nii-sama had agreed Nii-sama would name him but he would conserve Ichigo's last name." said Rukia and understanding dawn on Rangiku. Still she couldn't imagine Byakuya naming his nephew 'Kyou'.

"Just when he was about to name Kyou, Yachiru appeared." Rukia didn't need to say anything else, at that moment Rangiku started laughing.

"She came up with the name?" Ukitake and Rukia both nodded their heads smiling.

"Yes, she just came in looked over at Kyou and giggled while saying 'Kyou looks so cute! He looks like Icchi!' and that was it."

"And we know Byakuya hasn't been able to deny anything to Yachiru." Finished Ukitake.

"I still think it's cute. But I can imagine Kuchiki-taichou's face when Yachiru did that."

"Oh, Nii-sama was twitching and glaring as I have never seen before." Said Rukia. "He tried to say something, anything but the elders had already agreed so there was nothing he could have done as he seem so involved with his discussion with Yachiru about manners and not entering a private reunion of one of the most important clans in Soul Society."

"Well, I have to say everything end up just fine." Said Rangiku. "It's a cute name and fitting."

"I thought so too."

They talked for another hour or so in which Rukia allowed Rangiku to carry Kyou. She was so ecstatic and nervous about holding him wrong or something, but Rukia explained to her how to hold him. It was something…magical for Rangiku to have someone so little and cute in her arms looking like an exact copy of people she knew as grownups, it moved her heart and brought tears to her eyes.

Looking at the clock inside the room, Matsumoto couldn't help but frown. It was 5pm and still no signs of her Taichou. She felt a pang of hurt in her chest at being so easily forgotten by him. She knew he wasn't on an important meeting because she had asked Ukitake a long time ago.

What could possibly be so important that he forgot about her?

The tenth division was silent and almost empty; there were some shinigami here and there. Those who saw her greeted her with respect and wish her a good night before retiring to their own places.

It was a beautiful afternoon even though there wasn't any sun. The dark blue in the sky was starting to spread and darkness was taking over the office when Rangiku entered the place. She felt lonely and melancholic, absentmindedly; she pressed a hand on her stomach gently rubbing it as she sat down on the sofa and let her head rest to the back, closing her eyes.

It felt weird not being able to be near Toshiro, it scared her at some point how much she had come to depend on him. She had always been so independent, so wild and free; she had decided after entering the academy she wouldn't be tied up by her feelings never again. Not after Gin. But it seemed to her, after so long, her words had gone with the wind and she was once again in a situation where her heart and her whole world spin around a person. However, there was a big difference this time, something she hadn't be sure back when she was younger. Toshiro never left her, not without a reason and not without him telling her where he was going and how long was it going to take for him to come back.

Even after they became a couple he never left her without making sure she knew he was going to come back. That's why she felt so affect from the lack of him today. It was unusual and let her old doubts tried to resurface.

She huffed with indignation, she was going to make something to eat and go directly to bed, not before putting a pillow and a cover on the sofa in their living room. He could sleep there for all she care, she pouted as she also thought she would give him some random pillow because his pillow still smell like him and Rangiku would like to hug something for the night.

With some reluctance, she turned her attention to the pile of paperwork on her desk. She played with the idea of doing the paperwork before snorting in amusement. With a last glance at their office Rangiku closed the door and went directly to hers and Toshiro's place.

Just as the office in the Tenth division, their home was dark, even more so because the night had progress rapidly. She didn't make it farther than the living room when pair of arms sneaked around her waist stopping her.

She gasped in surprise as a firm chest pressed against her back, she didn't have to turn around or to ask who it was the person who had just wrapped his arms around her waist and was nuzzling tenderly her neck and ear. She did have to suppress a moan when his lips bit teasingly on her earlobe and he growled her name the way she like it.

"Where were you?" she asked, used at the husky tone in her voice every time they were in the same position.

Toshiro tightening her hold on her and Rangiku let her hands caress Toshiro's as he started to plant kisses all over her neck before leaning and whispering in her ear, "It's a surprise."

She yelped in surprise when she was turned around in a swift motion, her eyes immediately found his. It was always a pleasant surprise to find his love (and possessiveness) in those eyes every time he looked at her.

Rangiku liked it, for some reason, the mere thought of him claiming her so openly, loving her and not caring who saw or heard told her to what extent Toshiro's feelings run.

Of course she never doubt him, but…well, something's are really hard to forget and some impression are really hard to erase.

"What kind of surprise justifies the fact you left me alone all day?" she asked and was kind of annoyed at his teasing smirked. "You know I hate waking up alone." She mumbled with her best pout and puppy dog eyes. It was a killer that got her almost everything she wanted from him.

Toshiro moved forward and capture her lower lip with his, sucking it softly which only made Rangiku opened her mouth in surprise and streak of red run across her cheeks.

He was always surprising her, always doing things she never thought he was able (or dare) to do. She didn't have time to say anything as Toshiro decided to really kiss her and enjoy the feeling of their mouths joined in a deep and very much passionate kiss.

"Still mad at me?" he rested his forehead on hers, both of them flustered and breathing hard. His hands had moved to her lower back bringing her body close to his, her arms were wrapped around his neck and it was Rangiku's time to smirk.

She definitely wasn't mad at him anymore. And she did like the prospect of this surprise he had for her.

"Maybe…that depends on this surprise you have." His eyes lit up and there was a strange gleam in them, something she couldn't quite place. "What?"

"You look beautiful." Was all he said and Rangiku rolled her eyes playfully at his cheesiness. "No really! I' not saying this because I think you're the most beautiful woman I have ever known" she giggled at his words and the playful wink he sent her way. Something that would have never happened a few years ago. " There is something…I don't know how to explain it, but lately you've been driving me crazy, there is a special gleam in you, a certain change that makes you look even more beautiful and loveable. Is really hard to explain, is as if you were you but yet not you completely."

The last part was said in a thoughtful manner and there was a frown, as if Toshiro had found a puzzled he couldn't solve. Rangiku rest her head in the crook of his neck to hide her widening eyes. Because it wouldn't do any good for him to find out about her surprise before she got her surprise for him first.

"You didn't make any sense, Toshiro."

"I know, that is not me. Is usually you the one who doesn't make any sense." She slap him playfully on the arm while his deep and amused chuckled reach her ears.

Toshiro put Rangiku away from him, taking his hand to the opening of his uniform and putting out a black blindfold. Rangiku lifted an eyebrow as her lips lift slightly forming a perfect smirk.

"Feeling adventurous tonight, Toshiro?" she asked wiggling her eyebrows at him, Toshiro merely snorted as he indicated her with a movement of his hand to turn over.

"No, this is so you can't see what I have in store for you." Said Toshiro as he started pulling the blindfold on Rangiku's eyes.

But this point Rangiku was eager to know what it was. The only time she remembered him doing something like this was their first (un)official date. Rangiku stood there as Toshiro finally put the blindfold in place and went to pick something up, moments later she felt his cold and firm hand on his. He brushed his lips to hers before whispering in her ear, "Don't let go of me and don't forget to tell me if you feel uncomfortable or cold."

Rangiku giggled and told him not to worry and to lead the way. She could almost sense the smiled on his face as he started leading her to whatever place he was taking her.

A wave of warm breeze caressed her skin as soon as she crossed the senkaimon. She knew the sounds surrounding her, the soft and hypnotizing rhythm of water hitting stone. The blow of the wind and the whisper of the nearby trees. The splashing sound as well as the crisping sounds of fire. The smell of summer, heat, flowers and dried grass.

She could almost see the black sky decorated with millions of white and silver dots in the sky.

"Toshiro…" was her breathy whisper. She felt the heat from his body as he stood besides her moving his hands to take the blindfold from her eyes.

He watched with satisfaction as she gasped in surprise and her eyes reveled different emotions at seeing the scene in front of her. He felt himself dwell with pride and affection, knowing it was him the one putting that tender smile in her face, the traces of tears (that he expected were happy tears), that she looked so overwhelmed the only thing she could do properly was wrap her arms around him.

"You…you did this…" she turned her eyes to look at him, looking for an explanation.

"Come, let's eat and I should explain it to you while we have dinner." Said Toshiro taken her to the improvised restaurant.

It had taken Toshiro a long time and favors but he finally got Kuchiki-taichou and Kurosaki to help him. He wanted to make Rangiku's day unforgettable, he wanted it to be special for her and he thought about this.

There, near the edge of the cliff was an improvised table for two decorate with two single chrysanthemums (Rangiku's favorite flower) and two candles and a glass wine bucket. Behind each of their chairs there were some torches, just enough to give them some light. It was really nice, since their position allowed them to not just see the ocean bellow them but also the wide sky fill with stars. Neared the place where the senkaimon had just disappeared was a big blanket covered with some pillows and a red box over it.

"That's the dessert." Said Toshiro taking her hand once again. "But that's for later, come."

Still dizzy and stunned Rangiku let Toshiro lead the way to the table where he allowed her to sit while he went directly to the source of the fire sound. It was a small barbeque were he seemed to be cooking something, this only make her laughed happily as he turned to her with a smirk.

They eat while doing small talk and simply enjoying the company of each other. Rangiku eyed Toshiro as he explained how he had planned it all of this, but the real reason behind the surprise was still hidden from her. She did notice he was fidgeting in an odd manner, he was nervous and constantly touching his chest.

Finally the food was gone and now Toshiro was pouring wine on their glasses and Rangiku almost cringed as she had tried to prevent this part of the dinner all night. She watched, with amusement, as Toshiro's trembling hand tried to not pour some of the wine on the table. He passed her the glass which Rangiku took with her left hand and Toshiro gulping slightly grabbed her free one.

The stay like that for a few seconds until Rangiku raised and inquisitive eyebrow at him and Toshiro cleared his throat. "I brought you here because we've been together for too long."

These words made Rangiku's heart dropped and her smiled faltered. "What do you mean?"

Toshiro looked over at Rangiku and his eyes opened wide as he realized how his words may be interpreted. "No! No! I mean we've been dating for five years! That's a lot of time to be with someone!"

"What?" Toshiro groaned in frustration while Rangiku's initial fears were changing into amusement at how confused and frustrate Toshiro looked. If this was a break up at least he was trying to make it funny.

"Damn it!" growled Toshiro as he drank his wine in one gulp. Taking Rangiku's right hand he pulled out a small blue box and fought with it while he tried to keep going with the conversation. Rangiku's eyes had gone from Toshiro's hand, to the small box, to his face. All color draining from her face, her hands cold and a little sweaty, her heart beating really fast as she noticed she was having troubles breathing okay.

"Toshiro…" she said weakly as the box finally opened making something small and shiny jumped in the air. Toshiro almost fall over Rangiku grabbing it.

There was a moment in which time and space seemed to have stopped. There was not sound or movement around them as Toshiro finally, taking one last breath of encouragement look up at Rangiku and said woman was looking stunned at him.

Grabbing her hand in his and presenting her with a ring made of silver and a blue diamond he asked, "Will you marry me, Rangiku?"

As those words leave his mouth, he decided to put the ring in her right hand. His own hands were trembling but his eyes never left hers. He was panicking inside as she just kept looking at him with an unreadable expression.

Finally, she opened her mouth, then close it, then opened it again, "you…you put it on the wrong hand."

Toshiro's lips quirk upwards and in less than a blink he was lifting her in his arms and kissing her passionately as she wrapped her arms around his neck a smiled in her face as he keep kissing her.

"So, you wouldn't mind being my wife?" asked Toshiro holding her to him, Rangiku giggled and peck him on the nose.

"Of course not."

And as they kiss once again Rangiku decided that her news about the pregnancy could wait until the next day because something tell her that blanket and pillows were there for a reason and Toshiro's kisses were just getting more demanding and passionate.

Yes, she could wait to tell him the news, for now it was a time for the two of them.

A new beginning.

Okay, this it guys! Hope you enjoy the story as much as I enjoy writing it. Comments can be add in a nice review, so don't forget to tell me what you think!

Oh, beforeI forget, okay...for what I see this hasn't been edited yet. So I'll do it right away, for now please do forgive the grammar and spelling mistakes. Thanks!