Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach, all rights go to Tite Kubo

A/N: this is my first post and my first yaoi, so please don't flame me!!

Contains: YAOI- male and male relationships, don't read it if you don't like male on male relationships!! The characters may be out of character.

I know most stories have happy endings and all so I apologize for killing off the main characters!!!

Pairing: Grimm x Ichi

~Chapter 4 (final chapter) ~

After Grimmjow had answered Yuzu's ridiculous question he looked at Ichigo with a smile and pointed upstairs, this gesture didn't escape Ichigo's or his father's eyes. Ichigo nodded and excused himself from the table Grimmjow standing up and doing the same thing. They both went to Ichigo's room and Grimmjow made Ichigo sit on the bed while he went down on one knee and took out a small white box from his pocket, Ichigo looked at Grimmjow in surprise and a tear silently made its journey down his face when Grimmjow asked him to marry him.

Isshin immediately jumped in Ichigo's room when Ichigo had said "yes" and loudly said "I will organize your wedding immediately! I can't believe my son is finally getting married it's a pity that I won't be having any grand children but I guess I can count on Yuzu and Karin for them." And with that said Isshin ran off to Urahara's shop for the necessary items needed for the wedding. After 2 days Isshin ran through the door with a black suit and white frilly wedding dress. He immediately said "Ichigo try this dress on I need to see if it will fit you for the wedding!" Ichigo's face turned red with both anger and embarrassment before kicking his father in the head. Ichigo stuck his head out the bedroom door and shouted "I'm not gonna wear a f***ing dress!" Grimmjow looked at Ichigo with a look that was anything but pure.

Ichigo just glared at Grimmjow threatening him with his chocolate brown eyes, the threat was easily refused with a simple smirk from Grimmjow. Ichigo rolled his eyes at his fiancée and went on to glare at his father instead. The father immediately knew what Ichigo was saying from his eyes and quietly left the room. The pair that was left in the room looked at each other before leaving to take a walk to calm down their nerves for the upcoming wedding tomorrow. A short walk that lasted approximately 30 minutes for each person. When the walk had ended they both went back to their room and fell asleep looking forward to the big day tomorrow.

The day of the wedding had finally come and everyone in the Kurosaki family were busy preparing for the wedding. The couple that was getting married were in separate rooms getting ready and when the preparations were done. Grimmjow walked out and waited for Ichigo at the altar, Ichigo wore a white tuxedo and was lead down the aisle by Isshin when Ichigo had arrived at the altar. They both looked at each other before turning to look at the priest began talking.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this company, to join together this Man and this Woman in holy Matrimony. Into this holy estate these two persons present come now to be joined. If any man can show just cause, why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or else hereafter for ever hold his peace. Grimmjow will you have this man to your wedded wife, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Will you love her, comfort her, honor, and keep her in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, so long as you both shall live?" Grimmjow looked at Ichigo in the eyes before looking back at the priest and saying "I do". The priest nodded his head and looked and Ichigo and said.

"Ichigo will you have this man to your wedded husband, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Will you love him, comfort him, honor, and keep him in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, so long as you both shall live?" Ichigo did the exact same thing Grimmjow did before smiling and saying "I do". The priest then nodded and looked at them both and said "now the bride and the groom shall exchange their vows before the lord."

Grimmjow and Ichigo looked at each other and Grimmjow spoke first "I Grimmjow take Ichigo to be my wedded Wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, and thereto I give you my vow." Ichigo then smiled and looked at Grimmjow with teary eyes and said ""I Ichigo take Grimmjow to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, and thereto I give you my vow." Ichigo started to cry when Grimmjow looked at Ichigo with eyes that were filled with happiness and joy.

Grimmjow smiled at the sight and gave Ichigo and hug getting a few "ohs and ahs from the crowd, there were also a few crying girls in the crowd. When the vows had been exchanged the priest spoke once ago "now may the groom and bride, place the wedding ring on the fourth finger of the left hand" the ring bearer which was Renji presented the rings to Grimmjow and Ichigo who took the rings and placed it on each other's ring finger. The priest then nodded and continued talking "now I pronounce you man and wife, the groom may now kiss the bride."

Grimmjow smiled and grabbed Ichigo's waist and kissed him passionately, Ichigo was taken by surprise but soon relaxed into Grimmjow's arms and kissed him back with the same amount of passion. When the two had broken the kiss Ichigo was blushing bright red and trying to regain his breath, while Grimmjow just licked his lips and smirked at Ichigo. Ichigo looked at Grimmjow with a slight glare but his expression relaxed and he smiled sweetly at Grimmjow. Grimmjow smiled back and was about to take Ichigo's hand when a loud bang could be heard and the room was covered in dust.

When Grimmjow and every one could see again they saw Aizen standing in front of them with Ichigo unconscious in his arms. Grimmjow charged at Aizen but was stopped by Gin. The rest of the crowd rushed out to retrieve Ichigo but they were all blocked by the Espada's. Aizen took Ichigo in his arms to Hueco Mundo and the Espada's and Gin followed after him leaving the remaining people angry and staring at the area where Aizen and Ichigo just were. Grimmjow ran into the changing room and changed his clothes before coming out again and opening a portal to Hueco Mundo.

Ishida and gang (Renji, Chad etc) saw this and ran up to Grimmjow and told them that they were going with him. Grimmjow looked at them and nodded, and just like that the gang went to Hueco Mundo to retrieve Ichigo. When they arrived they saw Ichigo unconscious in Aizen's throne/chair. Grimmjow rushed to Ichigo's side but before he had even come a mile from Ichigo he was stopped by Ulliquiorra, along with Ulliquiorra came the remaining Espada's, Gin and Aizen. Grimmjow and gang stared at them all angrily and tried to rush to Ichigo's side but they were each stopped by an Espada.

They all fought against the Espada's but none of them could get through, Aizen smiled at the sight and walked up to Ichigo's side and sat on the right arm rest before gently stroking Ichigo's hair, Aizen then took out the hyogoku and placed it in front of Ichigo. The hyogoku shone brightly forcing everyone to close/block their eyes, when the light had dimmed everyone opened their eyes slowly and turned to look at Ichigo who was standing but his eyes were black and gold while his skin was a pale gray. Grimmjow's eyes widened at the sight of Ichigo and his body froze at the sight before him.

Ichigo had a evil smirk plastered on his face and he attacked Aizen effectively injuring him, Ichigo appeared before Aizen and cut him straight down the middle from head to toe and killed him. Ichigo then attacked each Espada and Gin also killing them in the process, Ichigo then looked at Grimmjow and rushed towards him, Grimmjow noticed this and began to fight with the foreign Ichigo. They both continued to attack each other as the rest of Ichigo's gang watched in awe at the sight before them. After several hours of continuous clashing and the increased number of wounds on both Ichigo and Grimmjow they both finally collapsed in exhaustion.

The rest of the gang quickly rushed to their sides and lifted them up and carried them back to Karakura town, Isshin quickly rushed to Ichigo and Grimmjow's side and looked at their wounds but shook his head and said that the wounds were too deep for him to handle. Renji was shocked by Isshin's reply but then quickly told everyone to take them to Soul Society. When Unohana looked at Ichigo and Grimmjow she quickly told the people in the 4th division to lay them down on one of the beds. When Ichigo and Grimmjow were both lying on a bed she began to heal them one at a time.

3 days later Grimmjow had woken up and slowly sat up and looked around and saw Ichigo on the bed next to his. He rushed to Ichigo's side and tried to wake Ichigo up but Ichigo never stirred, he was alive but he was unconscious and wasn't responding to his surroundings. Grimmjow called out Ichigo's name countless times and never left his side for the next week but all his actions was meaningless, as Ichigo still laid still and silent. Grimmjow refused to eat and sleep so he could be there when Ichigo finally opened his chocolate colored eyes. Countless days without sleep and food went past and Grimmjow was growing weary and weak but he still refused to move from Ichigo's side.

Grimmjow spent all his time by Ichigo's side holding his hand and calling out his name, the times when he wasn't calling out Ichigo's name was spent praying to every god that existed that Ichigo would once again open his eyes. A whole month had passed but there were no improvements on Ichigo's side and Grimmjow's health on deteriorated with each passing day. Unohana and everyone else was becoming worried and was beginning to lose hope that Ichigo would ever wake up. Renji and Ishida have tried countless times to persuade Grimmjow to sleep and eat but their attempts were useless and fell on deaf ears.

After another month had passed Grimmjow's body had reached its limit and Grimmjow passed out. He was placed on the bed next to Ichigo's and Unohana treated him but he was too weak and his body refused to heal, Unohana spent most of her time on trying to help Grimmjow regain his health but nothing happened Grimmjow never recovered his body just slowly turned weaker and weaker. Ichigo had the same results, he never regained consciousness, his body just slowly became weaker and his life slowly wasted away with each passing day. Grimmjow's body slowly grew colder and colder with every passing moment and after 3 weeks had passed Grimmjow's heart had completely stopped functioning.

A few hours after Grimmjow had died, Ichigo's heart had also stopped and the both of them slowly but surely started to fade. Unohana's attempts at trying to revive them were proving to be futile. When Ichigo and Grimmjow's bodies could no longer be seen a warm and comforting wind blew and every single person who had know Ichigo and Grimmjow had felt that wind and they each knew the meaning behind it. Rukia, Inoue and Ichigo's family broke down in tears while the males just held their heads low in sadness. A funeral was held for the both of them even though there wasn't a body, the tombstone shared both their names in hopes that they would be able to reunite in the next world.

Ichigo and Grimmjow had watched the funeral from above and smiled and held each other's hand tightly neither of them refusing to let go of the other. They both them turned around and headed for heaven where they would spend the rest of their afterlife together. Every year on the death anniversary of Grimmjow and Ichigo, their friends would go and leave a flower and an incense. On the fifth year of Ichigo and Grimmjow's death anniversary they all went to their grave and left a flower and an incense. Ichigo's sisters cried each time they came and this year was no different. Rukia had a sad expression and she slowly looked up at the sky and wondered how Ichigo and Grimmjow were. Everyone else just stood there silently, praying that Ichigo and Grimmjow were happy and still together. they all turned around and left to return home not knowing that the couple were watching them each time they came to visit from above. Grimmjow and Ichigo still were together and were happy together and spent their time watching over those that were still alive and various other things.

Sorry for killing off the main characters!!! i couldnt think of any thing interesting to write! I'm so sorry, please don't hate me!! T_T, its hard to write a fanfic and i was also getting sick of the story so i tried to make it more interesting but if you hated the ending then i guess i ruined it instead!! =(