Disclaimer: The characters in this story are the property of CBS and are only used for fan related purposes.


Smoke and Mirrors


"A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do,
don't plan the plan if you can't follow through,
all that matters taking matters into your own hands."
– Neil Patrick Harris, A Man's Gotta Do (Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog)


title: a man's gotta do
prompt: Z; zeal
featuring: Wakefield
set: pre-series


John Wakefield was a focused man, intent on revenge and the satisfaction of the kill. With every bit of who he was and he could've been if Sarah had made the right choice, he was determined to make his way back to Harper's Island and finish what he started seven years ago.

He was determined to have his family, no matter what. His need to do right by Henry was only surpassed by his desire to watch his enemies burn.

First Sarah, then Charlie and, lastly, Abby. One by one, and damn anyone else who got in a Wakefield's way.

Author's Note: Well, that's the last of the 26 prompts, A-Z. I thought it fitting to end at the beginning, and to use the last few chapters to give some of my favorite characters another peek. I had a great time practicing the technique of saying more in fewer words and, maybe, I might want to start a whole other set. Maybe Henry-centric? I need to get back into his head before I tackle Inside a Broken Mind again. Anywho, let me know what you think about that :) And, of course, thank you so much for the reads, reviews and thoughts during these 26 drabbles!

-- stress, 03.14.10