We wait. Still don't own Chuck.

Chapter 1—No Slack

This story is the sequel for Chuck vs. the Plan. It takes place after Season 2. If any of this really happens in Season 3, I would be very surprised. Then again I don't really think it counts as an A/U either. In either case…it was a dark and stormy night….

Beach by the Two Shelters

The Hawaii or Bust beach party was starting to wane. Most of the roasted pig was gone. Ellie had managed to roast Chuck a little. She was finally getting time to think over what all had been happening with Chuck. He been shot the night of the wedding and she didn't know. It was only after Devon intervened and reminded her that it was all Chuck that set up the wedding she always dreamed of, did she back down. Her movements showed that she might have had a little too much of the pineapple, but her face was clear this was not over.

The pineapple Mi Ties were. They had run out of rum awhile back and were into happy substitutes. Morgan was happy with the party because Anna was happy. Morgan's mom had gone through herself to make sure everything was there and it was perfect. Big Mike had chipped in and was in charge of the roasted pig. Most of the Buy More crowd was invited, except Emmett.

Emmett was still trying to get rid of Big Mike. He tried to convince Anna that Chico had to stay in the Hawaiian dog quarantine kennel for three months. He wanted Anna to get Morgan's mom to come watch the dog and bring Big Mike. All of the Buy More people knew what had happened and were looking for Jeff and Lester to seek revenge.

Jeff had left the party a little earlier than expected. He was his on his normal behavior having met up with his friend Beer. But later in the party he claimed they were coming over the sand dunes to get him. By then no one was taking him seriously. Chuck passed it off that he might have seen one of Casey's guards.

Chuck and Sarah were clinging to each other. It was getting a bit cold. The beach torches were bent over and the flames were getting horizontal. Chuck was happy that Sarah was back, okay very happy. They had rarely left each other side. Chuck knew he had this all set. The apartment was blanketed in roses, some fine wine and for a back up he had some rocky road stashed away.

As they sat next to each other covered in a beach blanket, Chuck could only think what a miracle it was this past week. Sarah was named the head of the Intersect Initiative. 'It was to be Sarah and Bryce. Bryce must have really wanted that. Then Bryce said Sarah was not going with him. I am sorry buddy. Here's to you. But Sarah did stay. She said I love you. And now we are engaged. How great can it get?'

Sarah had buried herself in Chuck. He felt so nice and warm. The muumuu she was wearing was really nice for Hawaii. But it was not made for upcountry or a cold breeze on a dark night. She would occasionally reach around and check to make sure he was still there. Generally that was met with the kiss she was really looking for. 'How could I ever want anything but this? It is so right, so like Chuck. All his friends were together and everything was in order. Casey was wrong; this is why we did the things we did.'

Ellie and Devon had already left. Devon had an early operation the next morning. They had already planned the second half of their honeymoon. Once again the location was secret. Devon was not going to tell anyone. Chuck told him that Casey's folks would find out. But Devon was convinced that if he told anyone, there could be a leak to his old Frat brothers. Chuck was going to say 'no way' but then he thought of the surprise of finding that Mary Ramirez, one of their new team leads, was the cook for Devon's Frat House. It made him think of there were always possibilities.

Morgan and Anna came over to where Chuck and Sarah were sitting. They were the last ones. The fire had almost gone out. Morgan sat next to Chuck and Anna next to Morgan. Morgan began, "This has been so great. A great party and we had a great run. We are the best. Anna and me, and you and Sarah. What could be more? Imagine if we had been on a desert island."

Sarah heard a grunt in her earpiece. Chuck thought, 'Yeah, Casey one more time.'

Chuck started in, "Yeah, what sandwich would you take?" They both heard a 'No' in their earpieces. Sarah turned and looked at Chuck. It was no smile.

Chico started barking at the sand dunes.

Chuck and Sarah moved as one. "Casey?" No response. The beach blanket flew over the fire and sand was kicked on top. "Casey?" No response. Chuck grabbed Morgan in a tackle and Sarah took down Anna.

Sarah whispered to Anna, "Get Chico and keep him quiet. We need to move out of here."

Chuck held Morgan's face in his hand, "Listen, no game, we are in trouble. Got to move. Stay down."

Chuck pointed to the sand dune on the right. There was a narrow passage to the road. They moved quickly to it. Sarah motioned them to cross the street. There were no cars on the road and the lights were minimal. They made it across and went behind a dumpster. Chuck and Sarah both pulled their cell phone. They hit the emergency assist app.

The emergency assistance application had just been programmed into all of their cell phones. It transmitted their ID, time, and location and then automatically became the long distance service for their earpiece and microphone. Steven had set that up with some help from Director Kelly Robins at the CIA. On their last missions they had problems connecting to the local FBI and other agencies. This system connected them directly to the FBI command center and to the command post at Vandenberg Air Force Base. Actually, Casey had worked that part having worked with Vandenberg before on a previous mission to take out a satellite. The links sent the emergency code for assistance to the Intersect Teams and Casey's protection details.

The Intersect teams had been formed to seek out Fulcrum and take it down. Their expanded mission would take them overseas against an equivalent group known as Sion. Sion had been targeting banking overseas and was a major contributor to the continued economic problems. Then finally, they would be tasked to take out the ring. At the moment, the teams were made mostly of FBI and other law enforcement agencies. Sarah was in charge of those teams.

Casey was the commander for the protection details. It was thought that since Chuck, Sarah, and Casey were all targets; the best approach would be to have military protection provided for them. It was later established as a means to cover the Intersect teams when they were on a mission.

Chuck and Sarah knew they were at least thirty minutes away for any effective response. "Sarah, do you think there is any chance Casey and his team are still out there?" He already knew the answer. If there was a request for Casey, and he did not immediately answer, then his second in command was to respond, and on through the detail.

Sarah just shook her head. She could tell Morgan and Anna were about to ask questions but just held her finger to her month. They still needed to be quiet.

Sarah saw an alley leading further inland to another road. She pointed to it and got the group to move. Chuck tried to take the lead, but Sarah was insistent. She made it to the road and saw an old pickup truck on the other side. Chuck knew what would happen next. They reached the car and miraculously Sarah had a knife out to pick the lock. "Chuck, you and Morgan get in the pickup bed and stay down. Anna can get in the other seat and get down to the floorboard.

"Anna stay as low as you can. This might be a little rough." Sarah reach down and pulled out a compact Glock from a discrete location. She looked in the back. Morgan was down on the truck bed. Chuck was crouched by the back window. He held his thumb up.

Sarah had already jumped wires in the truck and had it started. She quickly put it in gear and sped off down the street. "We are headed south on 2nd Street, in an old white Dodge Pickup. No contact with Protection detail. Copy?"

FBI and Vandenberg came back with a copy all. FBI reported that they had a SWAT team enroute to join at the 10. Vandenberg reported dispatching one of their helicopters for surveillance and an armed Pave Hawk was another thirty minutes from target area.

At the cross street before the 10 a black van with machine pistols sticking out the passenger windows came through the intersection. They were traveling at a fairly high speed and their rounds barely hit the pickup.

Sarah increased her speed as soon as she saw them. She got off two shots at the left front tire, with no apparent effect. Having made it through the intersection, she saw another van pull behind them.

A/N Hope you enjoyed the previous story. This story will be following that main story line. BTW I do not own Peanuts and my Beta is not Snoopy or Woodstock.