In Light of the Holiday Seasons (Even though we all know it's going to last WAAAY longer! Lol.)

Title – Favorite Things

Summary – Riza Hawkeye drags a certain Colonel and Lieutenant down to the train station to pick up her...for lack of better words, 'ill' step sister. Her step mother decided to send her to Amestris so she could get away from her past...but what is her past…what is she hiding deep within her mind?

Anime – InuYasha/Full Metal Alchemist

Main Couple – Kagome/Roy

Genre – Romance / Adventure

Rated – T – M (Mild Violence) (Excessive Sexual Themes) (Mild Language) (Mild Blood and Gore) (RAPE)

Things You Need To Know –


Roy: 27

Kagome: 18

Riza: 25

Kikyou: 20

Souta: 14

Elysia: 3

Nina: 4

Edward: 16

Alphonse: 15

Winry: 15

Timeline –

Kagome didnotfall down the well.

Maes isnotdead yet.

Kagome was trained by Ed and Al's teacher, Izumi,beforethey met her andaftershe trained them.

Kikyou is Kagome's older sister. There arethreeex-husbands. Riza's father who left when he found out Rai had cheated on him with another man. Kikyou's father who was killed while in the war while Rai was cheating on him guessed it, Kagome's father who in the end was her longest relationship. He died before Souta was born but Souta is indeed his child. She now has another husband, this makes numberfour.

Roy can see throughbothhis eyes.

And for the viewing...reading pleasure, NINA ISN'T DEAD. HAHAHAHAHA!

Also, allow me to introduce my spokes peoples.

Envy: What's up?

Jakotsu: Hello.

Me: It's nice to meet you all.

Favorite Things

Chapter Five

Brown Paper Packages

Tied Up in String


Kagome stared at it; a brown paper wrapped package with her name scrawled neatly on it in black ink. There was no return address, nothing that might indicate who the package was from. Just her name...and a white string tied securely in a bow atop it.

"Aren't you going to open it?"

Kagome turned her attention to the man beside her. Her kitten lay sleeping in his lap as he softly ran his gloveless hand over the kittens' fur. A soft purring could be heard coming from the kitten, but otherwise, it was silent in the apartment. She had been staying there since the attack on Central Headquarters under her sisters' request. Of course, while the Colonel had real concern or problem with her staying at his place, he couldn't understand quite fully why his first lieutenant would be alright with the arrangement. Yes, it was her idea...but why.

Roy frowned, "Do you not want to open it? Do you know what it is?"

"..." Kagome stared a moment longer at him before turning her eyes back to the package. "...who...", a soft whisper treaded gently through his bedroom.

"Who sent it?"

She nodded; still not completely comfortable with her voice or her words. Roy wasn't forcing her though. He was letting her be, and trying his best to keep her calm and relaxed while staying with him.

"Do you not know?"

Kagome shook her head, pushing the package away she moved so that she was closer to Roy. Placing one hand on his knee, the other scratched the ears of the kitten in his lap. Roy stopped petting the kitten, and instead rested his hand on Kagome's shoulder. She rested her head next to the kitten and closed her eyes. This was one of the rare moments that she trusted someone other than her sister and baby brother.

A distant ringing in his apartment filtered the air and Roy stood up to answer the phone. Handing the kitten to Kagome, he watched her pet the now awake kitten before leaving to answer the phone.

Kagome sat quietly in the bedroom waiting for Roy to return, staring at the package, she finally moved to it and pulled the string of the package. Placing a finger under the folds of the brown paper, she tore it free carefully and let it fall around the box. Removing the lid of the box, she looked inside and her eyes took on a faraway look as she took in the sight of what lay inside on a soft square of fluff.

"Kagome, I need to go into the office...Kagome?"

Her eyes were shaken in fear; her flesh had turned ashen and pale and she was trembling just barely.

"Kagome, what's wrong?" He stepped closer and took note of the box laying opened in front of Kagome. "What is it?"



"Bad..." She closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around her knees, her hands gripping painfully at her arms.

"Kagome...let go," he tried to pry her fingers from her arms, her nails were already causing incisions and causing blood to form from thin cuts from her nails. "Kagome!"

"Not my papa..."

Roy shook his head before picking her up in his arms and climbing into his bed, pulling her into his lap; he held her close to his chest and rocked back and forth a little as he tried his best to calm her. The blood on her arms was being wiped away by his uniform, but he didn't really care. He'd get to work when he did, for now, he was needed there. "Kagome, speak to me. Please...tell me what is wrong."

"...bad...not papa..."

Roy shook his head but all the same, he continued his attempts at calming her down. He didn't ask any more questions. When she finally calmed down, her breathing had leveled, and her eyes were closed. She was sleeping now, and he had no plans of waking her. For now, he'd let her rest and hopefully get more out of her later when he returned from Central Headquarters.

Lying her down under the blankets of his bed, he walked over to the box and lifted it, pulling from inside a necklace with a sealed bottle about an inch tall dangling from the chain. In the sealed bottle was a green liquid he'd never seen before; he tucked it away in his pocket to later be observed. Perhaps he could find one of the scientists or researches and have them take a look at it. Then...he would send the Elric brothers to find out who the sender of this package was. He had an idea that it was Kagome's father, but he couldn't be sure. Hopefully, things would start to make more sense with time.


Me: Here is chapter five of Favorite Things. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!