I do not own Twilight.

A/N: As always, thanks for more of those awesome reviews! You guys are awesome!

"Eat me! Sauteed or barbecued. Eat me! Dark meat and white meat too..." The whole gang was watching The Addams Family Values at Jasper and Edwards apartment on one of our days off a few weeks later. Thanksgiving was just a week away now, and for some reason amongst all of the traditional Thanksgiving movies, Addams Family Values was on tv. I love this movie, so its fine by me! None of us had talked about what our plans were for the holiday, so I decided now was a good time.

"What are you guys doing for Thanksgiving?" I addressed the room from my spot on the floor between Jaspers legs.

"Going home to Chicago." Edward said.

"Jasper and I are going to our mom's house in San Francisco." Rosalie spoke on behalf of her brother.

"I'm going to my aunts house, but she only lives down the road." Bella replied. Emmett and I were staying in town as well, planning on seeing family for Christmas instead. This was a huge disappointment for Emmett since Thanksgiving is one of his favorite holidays, but we didn't want to make the long trip back to Forks twice in a month. Our parents agreed with our decision stating the rest of our relatives weren't coming over this Thanksgiving anyways.

"How about you and Emmett? What are you two doing?" Bella asked.

"Staying in town. We're going to see our family for Christmas." I answered.

"Nice. You know, if you need any extra help at the bar I'm available." She reminded me, but I already knew. Bella is one of the most helpful and giving people I know.

"Hey! We should have our own Thanksgiving before everyone leaves!" Emmett seemed hell bent on having some sort of Thanksgiving. I would have been fine ordering Chinese food. Everyone agreed though, and so it was decided we would celebrate Thanksgiving on the Monday before the holiday.

"I'll make the Turkey! I've never made a turkey before!" Bella was getting excited, bouncing in her seat which was actually Edward's lap, who looked like he was in pain

"Jasper and I will make desert!" Rosalie volunteered.

"We're really good at desert." Jasper agreed with his sister. I could tell they both were mentally going through all the the tasty pastries they could make for our special Thanksgiving.

"My mother has an excellent recipe for mashed potatoes, I'll make that." We were all looking at him. Ok, maybe glaring was a better word. Mashed potatoes? Really?! "You'll see, I promise they're not like regular mashed potatoes." That helped us stop glaring at him, but I'm sure we all had our doubts. I mean really, mashed potatoes?

"So I guess Ali and I will take the rest of the sides! Those are my favorite anyways."

"Emmett, all of it is your favorite." Rosalie poked him in his ribs, casing a very un-masculine squeel to erupt from him. I started giggling, at his statement and at his squeel.

"It's true." I managed to say between laughs, of course it didn't help that Jasper started to tickle me as soon as I began to giggle at Emmett.

"I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it." Emmett began to sing, doing my patented 'shampoo dance' while remaining seated. After that classic display of silliness, everyone was cracking up. Oh, how I love my friends!


The night before our Thanksgiving, we all made a trip to the grocery store to buy what was necessary for our big meal the next day. I have to admit, when I saw Edward buying the ingredients for his mashed potatoes I felt a mix of excitement and confusion. I'm pretty sure the rest of my friends felt the same. Bacon? Parmesan cheese? This might work out after all! We lost Emmett pretty quickly after that, although I knew where he went, no one else did. I let them freak out over his absence for a minute before reassuring them that he would find us soon. Every time we go grocery shopping together Emmett likes to get a bag of chips as a snack to munch on while picking out the rest of the food. Right on cue, he found us looking at turkeys, holing a bag of hot wing and bleu cheese Doritos.

"Seriously, Em?" Rosalie rolled her eyes. clearly she has seen this before. Emmett just kept on eating his Doritos.

"Now you don't get any, Rose. Anyone else? Dorito? He offered us knowing we wouldn't accept.

Bella bought the biggest turkey I've ever seen, mumbling something about "Emmett will eat half, for sure" to herself. Rosalie and Jasper picked out all sorts of sugary things and Emmett and I bought what we needed to make green bean casserole, candied yams, and rolls. We

made our purchases and began the short walk back to the apartments, which is where all of us were spending most of our time now. Honestly, I don't know why Rosalie and Bella keep living at the house they're living in. They're always here anyways!

"So what time are we having Thanksgiving 1.0?" We had made it home and put all of our groceries away. Now Emmett was eating a sandwich, pieces of food flying from his mouth as he talked with his mouth full.

"I don't know. The turkey will take the longest, so I guess when ever the turkey is done." Bella offered as an answer, which wasn't going to pacify Emmett one bit.

"When it's done? I need a time, woman!"

"I guess by 3 or so. Depends on how soon I get started on it."

"Can you start on it now? Maybe we can eat it first thing."

"No." Bella quickly shot down Emmett's hopes of turkey for breakfast.

"Well maybe you could set your alarm for like 6am so we can eat by noon?" He hedged.



"Not going to happen, Emmett. I'm not waking up extra early to make you turkey. Get Rose to make you breakfast or something to tie you over."

"Don't get me in to this." Rose spoke up at hearing her name. I have yet to see Rosalie cook for Emmett. I'm sure it's happened, I've just never witnessed it.

"I'm hungry now, though."

"Emmett, you realize you're eating right now, right?" I pointed out.

"I know, but this is just a snack. I want something good."

"Eat another sandwich after this one." Rosalie suggested, pushing off the counter she was sitting on and leaving the room, not wanting to be the person to make him something.

"Me either." Bella also exited the small kitchen to join everyone else in the living room, effectively leaving me alone with the bottomless pit I have for a brother who was wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"Alright, what do you want?" I asked sighing heavily.

"What do YOU want?" He asked my own question right back at me.

"Emmett, seriously. Did you have something in mind?"

"No, did you?"

"Mac-n-cheese it is. With tomatoes."

"Now you're speaking my language, sis!" I knew it wouldn't take much to please him. A lifetime as his little sister has taught me that much.

As it turned out, Emmett wasn't far off of the mark with his estimation of what time Bella should begin cooking the turkey. She was up and banging around our kitchen at 9:30am, waking everyone except for Edward up with the noise. Edward, who spent the night in his own apartment and was in a Bella-making-noise safe zone, was a wise man for staying away from this mess. We all woke up and entered the kitchen to investigate the noise and we were greeted by a frantic Bella saying something about "working better alone" and kicked us all out. Apparently The Hales, Brandons and Edward would be sharing the kitchen upstairs. Fine by me, I was still really interested in what kind of mutated mashed potatoes Edward was making. After being shewed out the door by Bella who had taken to muttering to herself, we were upstairs, cramped into the small kitchen. Rosalie and Jasper quickly expanded to the living room, setting up a card table to work at. Edward said his potatoes didn't need to be made for a while so Emmett and I began preparing out dishes, quickly dashing down to our apartment to pick up some things we would need that the upstairs apartment didn't have. Like a cookie sheet. Who doesn't have a cookie sheet?!

Twenty minutes later we were all sitting on the couch at the boys apartment watching the Thanksgiving Day Parade, joking about the lame music acts they had this year. We heard a crash coming from the kitchen immediately followed by a slew of curse words in Bella's voice.

"Damnit! My mmmmmmm finger!" Bella doesn't usually have colorful language, so her using noises instead is normal. I guess she didn't think we heard her use about three "Four letter words" a second ago.

"You ok, Bell?" I asked, moving towards the kitchen with care, not knowing what I'd find.

"Yeah, burned my stupid finger."

"On what?" I still hadn't turned to corner to see where she was.

"Spinach artichoke dip." She said over the injured finger in her mouth. That alerted Emmett to come collect the delicious dish Bella hurt herself on.

"Oh, Bells. Here, I'll take this so you'll never have to look at it again. Did you bring chips?" He cradled the dip as if it were precious cargo, feigning interest in poor Bella's finger. She tossed a bag of blue tortilla chips his way.

"I knew you would! Yes!" He exited the kitchen doing a little dance in his excitement for chips and dip.

"You ok? Need help with anything?" I asked her to make sure she was still doing fine working alone.

"I'm good!" She bounced into the living room, gave Edward a kiss and bounced right out the back door.

The rest of the morning passed in a similar fashion. Every once in a while Bella would drop off more food for us to snack on, Emmett becoming more and more stoked for the actual meal each time. We all made our dishes, the aroma of Thanksgiving filling the apartment and making everyone hungry and anxious for our meal.

Finally at 3pm on the dot, Bella sent everyone a text message saying the turkey was done and we could come upstairs. Emmett, of course, was the first person out the door holding a casserole dish in one hand and a basket of rolls in the other. The rest of us followed suit trying to be as careful as possible as to not drop anything down the fire escape. Thanks goodness Emmett's precious turkey didn't have to make this perilous journey!

I was the last person through the door that Jasper was holding open for everyone, ducking under his arms and passing the dish I was carrying off to Edward. I gasped at the sight before me, as everyone else already had. Bella had transformed my apartment into Thanksgiving heaven! There was a long pop-up table in the living room with a shiny red table cloth and 6 chairs around it. Our "nice dishes" were set out and at each place setting a construction paper turkey sat with each of our names on it. The turkey was in the middle of the table complete with orange slices and cherries.

"Bella, this is why you were so huffy! This is fabulous!" I hugged her tightly which was kind of difficult since she was wrapped up in Edward's arms.

"I was huffy?! Was I huffy, Edward?!" Shock and alarm was written all over her face.

"No, darling. You we not huffy." Edward was calming her down. It would have worked if Rosalie and Emmett hadn't snorted at the same moment.

"Ok, maybe a little huffy, but it was cute and you had a reason to be." He conceded.

"Yada, yada, yada. Turkey! GO!" Emmett clearly was chomping at the bit to enjoy the fruits of our labor.

"Alright, Emmett. Calm down. The turkey isn't going anywhere." Rosalie patted his arm as if he were a child. We all shared a laugh at this as we sat down to enjoy our Thanksgiving.

Two hours later and we still hadn't gotten up from the table, claiming to be "too full to move." Everything was so delicious! Even the mashed potatoes Edward made. I admit after the first bite I was sold and made a silent vow to always have Edward around to make them. The turkey was mouthwatering, cooked to perfection just as I knew Bella would do. Maybe I should take Emmett off kitchen duty at work and stick Bella in there. When I mentioned it to her she seemed to consider it for a moment before Emmett said he needed to stay back there because "the ladies wouldn't know what to do with such a hot man behind the bar." Rosalie slapped the back of his head and I snorted at the thought. We all know most of our patrons are guys and they come to the bar to check out the hot lady bartenders, duh.

"Anyone ready for desert yet?" Jasper asked. I had spent at least one of the past two hours sitting on his lap. I'm not sure how though, since his gut now stuck out pretty far. There was a round of moans and tummy rubbing while we all contemplated putting even more food into our bodies.

"I'm down!" Of course Emmett was down, he has hollow legs! He got up to being back the plate of cupcakes Jasper and Rosalie made. The cupcakes had little turkeys on them. Those two were just so creative! Emmett offered everyone a cupcake before taking is own, sitting back down beside Rosalie. None of the rest of us made to eat our desert yet and it seemed Emmett had two before I blinked.

"Rosie, Jazzy, These are so freaking good. I mean, really really good." He licked the chocolate frosting off of his fingers making an "oh my god" face while doing so. Rosalie leaned into him, seeking some sort of affection.

"Glad you like them, man. Thats one of Rose and my favorites." Jasper thanked Emmett on both of their behalf. Having Jasper talk so closely to my ear gave me the most enjoyable goosebumps I've ever had.

Rosalie and I helped Bella clean up the dishes while the boys packed the little left overs we had and put the table away, officially ending our not so little Thanksgiving 1.0 dinner. We reconvened in the living room once all of the cleaning was done to eat our cupcakes now that we weren't so full, Emmett must have equipped himself with a new one. Hollow leg. I'm telling you.

"When we were kids, our parents made us go around and say something we were thankful for. Want to do it?" Emmett asked between licking the frosting off of his cupcake.

"Ok. I'm thankful for a lot of things like having a job, but mostly I'm thankful for you, Em. You keep things interesting and I love you for that." Rosalie looked at Emmett while she was saying it. He must have felt touched because he stopped eating while she was speaking and looked deeply into her eyes.

"I'm thankful for you, too Rosie." He kissed her nose before continuing. "I'm thankful for Alice, too. If it wasn't for her I'd still be living in Forks teaching gym to first graders who wet themselves." He finished while looking completely disgusted at the thought of children who smell like pee and sweat. Ew.

"Aw thanks, Em. I'm thankful for you because you gave me the idea to follow my dream and open a bar here, and because you kept me positive during the times when I thought everything wasn't going to work out. I mean, I'm thankful for all of you guys, too." I looked around the room from my place on Jasper's lap, making eye contact with all of my friends. Saying what I'm thankful for has always made me tear up, tonight was no exception. I sniffled and Jasper's arm tightened its grip around me, hugging me tightly. "Thank you for being my friends." I smiled and motioned for someone else to take a turn, leaning back into Jasper. Bella was next up it seemed.

"I'm thankful for you too, Alice! Thanks for a job!" She laughed and patted Edward on the knee before continuing. "I'm thankful for Jasper because he brought me Edward." Bella was now starting to tear up as well.

"I'm thankful for Jasper for being such a great friend, co-worker and travel buddy. I'm thankful for Emmett and Alice for renting me the apartment upstairs for next to nothing and I'm thankful for Bella. Because before meeting her I didn't have a place to call home and without her I wouldn't be living here. I love you." He kissed her cheeks, stopping the tears that were now falling freely from sliding the rest of the way down her face. Jasper was the only one left now.

"I guess it's my turn." He let a small laugh escape his lips before going on, his grip on me maintaining it's pressure. "Rose, I'm thankful you nagged me to come pay you that long overdue visit. I'm thankful you're my sister and I'm thankful of your protectiveness over your friends. Emmett, I'm thankful you are in my sisters life. No one could embrace her love of life like you have." Emmett beamed at Jasper, appreciating the compliment he was just paid. "Edward, I'm thankful you put up with my moodiness when we travel, and I'm thankful you keep pushing me to be a better photographer. Bella, I'm thankful Edward met you. Ever since he moved here he's been a new man. Someone I aspire to be like on a whole new level. Thank you for being such a great woman for him. You really do bring out his best." Bella began to tear up again at his kind words. My own tears had yet to fall, thank God. Jasper shifted me on his lap so he was looking directly at me, his eyes boring deep into mine with a new intensity I had never seen before. "Alice, I'm thankful you decided to move here. I'm thankful I finally gave in to Rosalie's pestering me to visit her so that I was able to meet you. Your spirit inspires me to be a better man. Your diligence to fight for everything you want in life is something to be desired by all who have ever met you. I'm thankful I got over myself long enough to stop running away from you because the moment I saw you, I knew you were for me. Most of all, I'm thankful you could ever give a jack-ass like me a chance to prove how much I love you." We were both letting the tears fall now.

Wait, what?

I was crying. In front of my friends.

Jasper was crying. In front of our friends.

Did he just say he loves me?!