I Do not own anything Twilight.

Chapter 1 APOV

Yesterday all my dreams came true, I was approved for a loan that would allow me to open my own bar in Southern California. Today, I told my big brother the news. Tomorrow we are going to be moving just shy of 1,500 miles away from our friends, family, and basically all we know to California. My name is Alice Brandon, and I am 25 years old.

I have lived in cold, rainy, Forks, Washington, my entire life. Ever since I can remember, I have wanted to get out of here and move somewhere warmer and sunny. Somewhere I could start a new life, and live out any and every dream I ever had. When I was about 19 years old, my family went on a vacation to California, where I learned how to surf, got my first sunburn, and saw the most beautiful people I have ever seen. It was then that I started saving and planning to move there.

At first, I didn't know what I would do when I finally got there. Maybe I would just get a job working retail, or as a waitress, but I knew none of that was for me. You can't make a descent living off of that, anyway. About 3 years ago, my brother, Emmett, who is older than me by 2 years, suggested I open my own retail store, or restraunt. When I said that wouldn't be enough, he suggested I open a bar that would be able to have live bands. A bar that would be more like hanging out in 'your best friends really rad basement.' When he said that, I knew that is what I wanted to do. From that moment on, I have been working tirelessly, with his help, to make that dream become reality.

Yesterday, when I found out we were approved for the full amount of the loan we applied for, I nearly cried while still on the phone with the bank. When I said 'thank you' about a million times, and hung up the phone, I screamed at the top of my lungs, jumped up and down, pumping my small fists into the air, while warm tears fell down my cheeks. I was trying to decide if I should tell Emmett right away. Ultimately, I decided I wanted to relish in this moment alone before I told him.

Today when I told him the great news, he picked my tiny frame up and twirled me around the living room of our parents home, squeezing me so tight I could hardly breathe. He then told me to hurry up and pack my stuff so we could leave as soon as possible. Apparently he had packed his things a few days ago, and was just waiting for confirmation from the bank to move us to our new life.

Tonight will be my last night in this small bedroom in my parents home. Today passed in such an amazing blur saying goodbye to our few close friends and parents. I spent most of the afternoon with my mom packing the majority of my clothes and belongings into three large suitcases. Now I am trying to fall asleep in my small childhood bed, looking around the cheery yellow room I will be leaving behind. Even in the dark I can make out every detail of this room, from the yellow walls, to the pile of stuffed animals I used to treasure. Next to the door is a cluster of pictures from every major event in my life- like my first birthday, first date, prom, graduation. I'm not sad to be leaving, I'm excited and grateful that I will be able to have this experience. Especially with my brother, who also doubles as my best friend. I honestly cannot wait for this chapter of my life to begin.

At 7am, bright and early, I am woken up by Emmett's booming voice coming through my door telling me to get a move on. I can hardly contain myself from all the excitement at this point. I hopped in the shower while he loaded up the huge Jeep we would be sharing while in California. When I was done getting myself together, I grabbed a cup of coffee and a bagel and was out the door. We said our goodbyes to our parents the night before, and since none of us like long, sappy good byes very much, we made a quick job of it.

When we turned on to the main highway that leads out of our small, grey town, Emmett patted my leg and said "This is going to be awesome, Alice." And flashed his big goofy smile at me. Thats when I knew I would never settle for less than that. I turned on the radio, rolled the windows down, and we sang the whole way at the top of our lungs to the songs of our lives.