Hello all my fellow readers!

I've noticed lots of you have on this story: So I Jumped to your story alert list! Well…It's done! Completed! :D

Well… actually, it's been like that for a while but anyways, I've decided to leave this little note to let you all know that there is a sequel!

And that's almost finished too! Only a chapter or two left to post! La-gasp! Oh-no, you better hurry to enjoy it!

So if you enjoyed this story or just really want to know what happens, go read the sequel and I'm welcomed to almost any reviews (no flames please)! So, go on down and find that precious sequel!

The sequel's name… (dun, dun, dunnnn!)

Then The Pain Jumped In! Go-go-go find it right now! Leave tons of review- hec, review every stinking chapter if it makes you happy! Go! Right now! Heres the summary (really crappy I know but, hey, at least I'm letting you see it!XD)

Summary: Gloria Smith wanted nothing to do with her old life. While two brothers are fighting for her love, Paladins take over their hometown. Then her ex jumps into the picture and saves them, she's more confused than ever. T for language! Ha-ha! I hope I've just hooked you in! And here's the chapter too! Ohhhh, a sneek peek!

Then The Pain Jumped In; Chapter One: Leah/Gloria POV

I groaned and rolled over, groggily hitting the snooze button on my alarm clock. My back was sore, as always, from sleeping on the same bumpy bed for about a year, more or less. I threw the covers off and got ready for work. Yoo-hoo… another day in my boring life.

I jumped to a small grocery store; I found myself in the usual hiding spot: in a bunch of bushes. I rubbed the rest of the sleep out of my eyes, grabbed my black backpack that I had jumped with me and walked in. It was a mini mart, run apparently by the same family since the two grandparents came here. The parents were always away, with their two sons running the place.

There where normally only three employees here: me, Kevin and-

I flinched as the spitball just barely missed my right cheek. Flaming auburn hair with a tan face appeared from behind a stack of soda.

And there was Fred.

He chuckled as he slid into his cashier spot, jumping and sliding over the conveyor belt. He wore the usual red vest marking this as their mini mart. I sighed and slipped my own vest on. I was lucky enough to get this job- I have never went to college since of the parent accident and I don't think I ever will.

Fred took out his ipod and plugged into his home system and started blasting some crazy song by some band I never heard of. The normal, typical average day in the life of-

"Hey, Gloria, your roots are coming back in," Fred said, craning his neck around to look at me.

I ran a hand through my black hair, sighing again. I had to dye it black; I also put a plain blond streak on the right side of my head. I also changed my name: Gloria Smith. I wanted to be a different person; I didn't want to be Leah Jennings anymore and I wasn't, as far as I knew.

"Thanks Fred," I mumbled, making sure my always-crappy scanner was working. It wasn't and I put it down, it was such a lost cause.

"Ever think about dying your hair bright green? Like a neon-"

"Are you," I interrupted, "high or something? Are you smoking something out back that I should know about?"

Fred laughed, his very visible Adam's apple moving. He also ran a hand through his hair, which was a quite a sight. He had it slicked back but not flat against his hair- no, his hair stuck above his head a little bit and stuck out behind his head too. It looked like a great wind forced it all back and then he froze it there. But somehow, it seemed only natural for Fred's crazy personality.

He picked up a bag of Skittles, his true addiction. I have never once seen him without spotting a red wrapper or a full one in his pocket. He ripped it open and started to eat them. He answered me with a full mouth.

"Gloria, I don't need drugs to get high! I get high off of life and it's sweet goodness!"

"Then you must be smoking something," I muttered and he laughed. I knew we were quite odd looking pair. My black hair with a single blond streak and his flaming auburn hair spiked back. His fiery honey-colored eyes, full of excitement and mischief. My dull green ones, full of loneliness and hurt. All of you should have known why.

"Smoke the rainbow, sniff the rainbow!"

"Okay, you are officially insane! You got that?" He jumped onto the conveyor belt, stuffing his face with the rest of the candy. "I got that a long time ago, sweetheart," he said. "Get off and don't call me sweetheart," I growled to him. I shoved him off without waiting for him to get off it himself. I watched him with amusement as he stumbled and fell on his stomach, and then proceeded to skid a few feet before stopping. Fred was also very clumsy.

"You're an ass if you can't adore me! I'm the Fred!"

I rolled my eyes as he stood up, wiping whatever could possibly be on his jeans. "Yeah, sure. And that's why I get all the people." He stuck his tongue out and said, "It's all the guys that you get! I get-"

"The old lady who carries her evil, devil cat in her purse," I said, smiling as I started to clean off the belt. "Look, I wanted to pet the frickin cat and it jumped me! I swear to god, it was Satan and bad karma working together!" Fred said in his defense. He started cleaning his belt too. "Shut up," I mumbled, still smiling all the same. Soon silence poured between us. Fred had taken his ipod off and stuck in earphones in his ears, bouncing his head to the beat.

It was quiet, almost too quiet for me. For a moment, my heart stopped. But then I heard a loud clang and I whipped around to see Fred picking up the cleaner. He pointed to the cut out of a man I didn't now and said, "It was him!"

"Fred, get back to work!" A big guy walked him, his muscles bulging. He sported thin sideburns on his head, his hair a bit more like strawberry blond. He was Kevin, Fred's brother. His hair was usually combed flat and it kind of sprayed out on the sides. "Hello, Gloria," he said. I gave a smile to him as Kevin started wandering the aisles. Fred scowled behind at his cashier; everyone knew Fred was trying to get me to date him since I arrived here.

"Stay away from my girl, 'kay big bro?" Fred asked as Kevin walked over to him. The big man picked up the toothpick (aka Fred) and rubbed his hair. "HEY!" Kevin chuckled and I let out a breath- I was afraid every time he did that, he would crush Fred like a bug.


Then the two proceeded to argue and point fingers at each other whom was cuter and whom was more handsome. Then Fred had to drag me into it. "Gloria, who is more adorable?" I turned around to see the two very different brothers with the same green eyes staring back at me.

"More adorable, you say?" I hummed, stalling to hope they just drop it.

"Adorable, yes, Gloria! Cuter! Do I have to spell it out for you?" Fred was growing impatient and I couldn't help admire his slight red cheeks. I narrowed my eyes, tapping my fingers on the metal side of my little cubby cashier line.

"Grif-" I stopped myself; I froze up. Every muscle didn't move an inch and Fred said, "What?" Griffin O' Conner. I guess I can never forget him, huh?

Thank you to all have read this and I hope you do read the sequel!

