Alice Point of View
I pulled up a chair in the cafeteria next to Jasper and kissed him on the cheek. This day could not be passing by any slower, I wanted with all my heart to go home and see Penthea, I had promised to bring her to Seattle this evening to shop. Nessie was low on wardrobe options, and the newest Vogue had come out and styles had been updated. How could my family expect me to sit here all day, Vogue waiting at home, for another two hours? I was close to copying Esme's signature to get me out.
"Alice, calm down, Vogue will still be there when you get back. And I'm sure that the Seattle mall won't be burnt down either."
I sighed, "I know, but it's so painful." He chuckled and rubbed my shoulders just as Emmett and Rose walked up to the table.
"What's happening, family?" Emmett said enthusiastically.
"Alice is pouting because her new issue of Vogue came out today, and she was not present for it's arrival." Jasper said. I glowered at him as Emmett and Rosalie laughed.
"You know what I want to do? I want to see how Seth is getting along with Saba. That probably made top of the 'Cullen List of Weird Things This Week'." Emmett said.
"That was interesting," I agreed. "But it's cute, Seth has been alone for over fifty years. And Saba is amazing, now we just have to find Penthea a friend!"
"Forever the match maker, Alice. But Penthea was always sort of independent. She'll find someone when she wants to. And let's not get ahead of ourselves – Saba has to fall in love with Seth, too, remember?"
"I know, I know, but who couldn't love Seth?"
At that moment, a girl walked past our table, huffing and glowering right in Emmett's direction, only causing a huge grin to spread over Emmett's face. The girl sat at the table next to ours, which was already filled with people, and she immediately began conversing with her friends.
"What?" Jasper asked Emmett pointedly.
Em rolled his eyes, "Penny wanted to be friends, I basically gave her the cold shoulder, she was frustrated."
"You couldn't try to be nice? The whole point of living is to do something worth while, and if we just keep doing the same things over and over whenever we go to school, it's going to be sort of boring. We should make friends, embed ourselves into the school environment." I scolded.
"I thought the point was to avoid attention?" Rosalie asked.
"Then we can go somewhere private! High school is not private. It works for Nessie, we should follow her example."
"What works for me?" Renesmee appeared, followed by Jacob, Edward, and Bella.
"Making friends, apparently," Emmett rolled his eyes.
"Well she's right, of course. And it worked for daddy too! He met Momma and look what happened? You all got me!" Our entire table erupted in laughter, earning multiple stares and two very prominent glares from both Penny and Marie. "Anyways, this is a good talk to be having because I was wondering if my friend Natalia could come over sometime?"
"How about we wait until Saba and Penthea are settled in, and then we can think about it." Edward said.
"You know what? She's got a point. We've already pissed off two girls in this school, and if we keep this up the entire student body is going to hate us. And I don't know about you but I'd really like to stay here a while. It's been a while since we've been home." said Rosalie.
"Two girls? What two girls?" Jacob asked.
"Marie, and Emmett has been quite rude to another young lady by the name of Penny," said Jasper.
"Good going, Uncle Em," Nessie grumbled.
"Sorry, Sorry, I'm a bad vampire uncle."
"Nah, just bad at socializing with humans."
"Hey now, I think I did pretty good with your Mom when she was human,"
"Emmett, you made fun of me on a daily basis for being clumsy and having daily contusions. That's not socializing, that's bullying." Bella laughed.
"So new game plan – have a party and get to know the humans." said Edward.
"A PARTY?" I nearly toppled over in my seat.
"I guess we know who's planning it," Rose chuckled.
"Not to worry, Cullen family. This will be the best party this town has ever seen." I was mostly happy that I now had something to occupy my mind, and not think about Vogue. And I happily added something to the shopping list: human-savvy party clothes.
Short chapter, I know, but I wanted to get this out today before I get assigned a bunch of crap in school and I don't have enough time to upload it. I swear something exciting will happen soon... I just need to figure out what that is. Message me if you have any ideas! Read and Review please :)