Disclaimer: Still don't own Death Note... hasn't changed since I first started writing and won't ever. T^T

AN: Yay so I finally finished this! I haven't even begun work on the final oneshot so I'm not sure when that one will be out, as I am now working on my new multi-chaptered fic which I haven't posted yet.

Suggested Listening: Gummy Bear Song (do not ask me why I have this on my computer.... blame Shinra'sCrazyTurk...)

Part Two: Games

Matt had never been overly fond of Christmas before; mainly because nothing good had ever happened to him on it, but with all the multi colored lights and streams of garland and mistletoe that transformed the hallways and even the classrooms, he found himself slightly awe struck. It had never been like this at his own home. And certainly not this grand... and it wasn't even Christmas day yet!

Though he wasn't sure why that excited him. He wasn't expecting any gifts, though maybe it would be enough when Mello saw the huge chocolate bar he got him...

Yes, he decided, it would be enough.

It hadn't been hard to get money for the chocolate either. At Whammys, each of them was given a bank account that was filled with however much money, and if one had a good reason for needing money either the item would just be provided or in the case one were buying for a birthday or holiday the money would be extracted from the account.

Matt was sure he wouldn't miss the money he'd spent. From what he'd been told, he could probably buy something worth a hundred dollars everyday until he was a hundred and still not be close to running out of money. But that was just a rumor he'd heard. Surely there wasn't that much money floating around...?

"Hey Matt."

Matt looked up from his laptop, which hadn't quite worked right since it was knocked off the table, and at Mello. Who was eating something not made of chocolate; Matt couldn't help it, he stared.

"What?" the blonde said around the candy cane. Though the coloring was a bit off, it was white with brown and green stripes rather than the normal red and white.

"Are you banned from chocolate again?" Mello's cheeks colored for a moment before he glared at Matt as he snapped off a piece of the hard candy.

"It wasn't my fault Rodger heard me calling him an old geezer... and this is the chocolate flavored kind so it's sort of the same." Matt sighed and shook his head. Honestly, the things Mello did.

"Whatever, I don't care. Not even Rodger can ruin today or tomorrow." Mello smirked and flopped across Matt's bed instead of his own. "Why is that?" Mello looked at him as though he were out of his mind.

"Are you serious? Please tell me that you have noticed that today is Christmas Eve right? Which means that tomorrow is Christmas." Mello had sat up and had a huge grin on his face, his voice was alight with excitement.

"I know that." Matt mumbled quietly. How could he have forgotten?

"Then why aren't you more... I don't know, happy? You know about the special dinner we get tonight, and I can't wait to see what I got tomorrow! I think I know what it is, but the wait is still driving me crazy..."

"Why are you so sure you're going to get something?" he asked. Matt and Mello had never really spoken about what happened at Christmas, just that at Whammy's it was celebrated.

"What are you talking about? Everyone always gets something! Mr. Whammy always makes sure everyone has at least one gift, though he puts it 'From Santa'. Honestly if anyone actually believes that I'll give up chocolate." Mello sucked on the end of the candy cane and as an after thought added; "for a week."

But Matt hadn't paid attention to that part.

"So even I'll get something?" he asked in what he hoped was his normal voice. Mello raised an eyebrow and nodded. "Sure, why wouldn't you?"

Matt shrugged but couldn't help the tiny smile tugging at his lips. He was going to get to open something. He didn't care what it was, just that he wasn't left out. That he couldn't be called worthless and...

He stopped those thoughts. They weren't the sort of things he wanted to remember, ever, and especially with Mello watching him so intently.

Going to Whammys was definitely the best thing that had happened to him in his short life thus far. And he wasn't even talking about the material things...

"Want to play checkers?" Mello asked him suddenly.

It was rare that Mello wanted to do much other than study, and even rarer that he would do something on the laptop with Matt. Matt pulled up the game as his answer and Mello laughed while tossing the candy wrapper in the trash bin.

"You like playing these games, don't you?" Mello questioned him. Matt nodded and moved the laptop so that both of them could equally view the screen. It was odd, for the past few weeks Mello kept asking him if he liked games.

It wasn't that he disliked them, but he was kind of bored with the ones on the computer. He would have to ask if he could somehow get better ones.

"Prepare to lose." Mello said with a grin. Matt smiled and made his first move. Mello could never beat him on the computer. No matter how much they played.

Matt wasn't sure for how long they played, since they had both been having too much fun to stop, but it had grown dark in the room signaling that dinner was near.

"We'll miss dinner if we don't end it here... besides, I'm rather tired of loosing." Mello said with a frown, as though the word 'loosing' actually tasted bad to him. And maybe it did.

"If you practiced more you might win." Mello rolled his eyes at the redhead. "There are more important things to do than beat you at checkers and pinball." Matt was sure Mello was thinking of studying so he knew better than to argue.

He turned just in time to see Mello tucking something red back underneath his shirt. He had seen the same thing many times before, but had never asked Mello what it was. If Mello wanted him to know, then he would.

"Dinner?" Matt asked quietly. Mello, for all his excitement about Christmas, also seemed to be hiding something. Matt wasn't sure what exactly, he didn't think it was bad, but something. Anytime the day was mentioned Mello got this look in his eyes that said he wanted to say something, but he never did.

"Yeah, we should go. The food will be great, you'll love it." and Mello had been right.

The entire dining hall had been transformed and was completely taken over by the spirit of the holidays. It was apparently the only holiday that anyone ever really got into. Though Mello liked Halloween for obvious reasons.

During his stay at Whammys, which was just under a year, Matt had gotten used to the food but the dinner that was prepared that night was indeed something special. Matt thought that he wouldn't mind eating like this more than once a year.

They even had special deserts made. Matt laughed quietly at Mello's wide eyed expression as he saw the amount of chocolate ones. Matt decided that he probably wouldn't mind Christmas so much if it was always like this.

Everyone ate until they were stuffed before they were shooed from the dining hall so cleaning could begin.

Feeling happy and full they made their way back to their room. Despite how early it still was, Matt changed into his night clothes while Mello searched for something to wear. Matt smirked at the blonde, honestly, he couldn't seem to be organized to save his life.

Or clean, if one looked at the amount of chocolate wrappers on the floor. But Matt didn't mind so much, as long as they didn't migrate to his side of the room.

Matt wanted to play on the computer, despite how oddly it now worked, but after the fifth yawn he gave up and threw back his covers. Though he knew he wouldn't be sleeping anytime soon if Mello kept wandering around and stepping on wrappers.

"Mello, if you don't get to sleep you will be too tired in the morning." Mello pouted before placing his half eaten candy on the table and crawling under his covers. Matt smirked and turned off his light and had just enough time to get settled before Mello switched his own off.

"Night Mello." he mumbled softly while shifting further under the warm blankets. "Goodnight Matt." Matt smiled. It may not always seem like it, but he really had the best friend anyone could ever ask for.

With those thoughts dancing across his brain he slowly drifted off...

"Matt wake up!" blinking a few times, Matt came face to face with Mello who was hovering over him. "Come on, get dressed!" yawning the redhead complied, leaving the warmth of his bed and hurrying to dress himself in the cool room.

"Why are we up so early?" he yawned again after seeing the clock. Mello rolled his eyes as he yanked his shirt over his head. "Because it's Christmas!" Matt nodded though it didn't really answer his question as to why they were up before the sun.

"Let's go, trust me you thank me for waking you." Mello then grabbed his arm and dragged him from their room. Matt sighed as he ran to keep from being literally dragged by the excited blonde.

Matt recognized the hallway, despite them all being similar, and knew it to be the way to the common room. He supposed that made sense, since it would have been odd to have everyone gather in the dining hall. Though he wondered if anyone else was actually awake at this time…

His question was answered the moment they walked into the room.

The common room was huge, but it seemed even larger now despite all the children and decorations that filled it. The large, towering tree stood proudly in the corner of the room, just beyond the fireplace.

It was decorated with at least one hand made ornament from each child and various other trinkets and rows of garland and lights. At the very top was a large shinny star that lit up every once and a while to a bright yellow.

Matt had seen it more than once, but never with the lights on. The picture was completed now with all the gifts wrapped in shiny paper and covered with tags and ribbons that sat under the tree. They had only been recently placed there, as there were some among the house who would have opened their gifts already had they been given the chance.

"Come on Matt!" Mello grabbed his hand and dragged him towards the tree but made sure to avoid the small albino child who sat patiently on the floor off to the side. Mello had never liked him, and Matt had never asked why.

All the children sat down in various areas around the tree, and only once everyone had at least once thing were they allowed to start opening their gifts. The room was bathed in noise and Matt found it a bit overwhelming.

Thankfully Mello hadn't wanted to stay with all the others and they ended up in the furthest corner of the room opposite the tree. Mello had ended up with two presents. One from Mr. Whammy and the other from Matt.

Matt had been surprised with three presents. Two from Mr. Whammy, and one that had really surprised him, one from Mello.

Matt opened the heavier of the two boxes from Mr. Whammy first. He smiled in excitement as he saw a new computer. The note attached said 'to replace the one 'accidently' broken.' As though he'd known his had been messed up during one of Mello's fits.

As he was opening his second gift he was interrupted by Mello finally getting his box open. He pulled out a jet black jacket with a grin. "I knew it!" Mello said while holding it close and touching the soft fabric with his fingertips.

"I've been wanting this for a while but they wouldn't let me buy it, I had a feeling that it might show up for my birthday or Christmas." Matt nodded but his excitement had quickly faded. Honestly, his gift was inadequate compared to the jacket... it had been a stupid idea...

Before he even noticed however, Mello had begun unwrapping his last gift. The one Matt had gotten for him. Matt cringed as the last of the paper was torn off but stilled as Mello's whole face lit up at the sight of the large bar of chocolate.

"Do you have any idea how expensive this stuff is? Rodger never lets me get it, even for myself! This is the best, thanks Matt." Matt felt better at that, and there was no way Mello was lying as he hadn't known any of Matt's worries.

He watched curiously as Mello wrapped the chocolate gently in his new jacket and stored both away in one of the boxes. He was confused. Usually Mello would have been all over the chocolate by now.

"Don't give me that look... I happen to like to savor the good stuff. Not the cheap stuff they force me to eat all the time." Matt grinned. It was rather amusing that Mello should say he's 'forced' to eat chocolate. But he didn't comment.

"Well, open yours." Mello said while pushing the last box closer to Matt. Naturally Mello wanted to watch him open it, it was from him.

The box was small, and clumsily wrapped; though Matt supposed that was probably due to the lack of patience Mello had for anything that wasn't studying. Or chocolate.

Matt was unable to fully hold in the small gasp at what was inside. That was the last thing he had expected, he was rather... surprised. It was a Gameboy.

"Do you like it? I mean I wasn't sure what to get you..." Matt could hear how unsure Mello was and managed a small smile despite the memories swarming his brain.

"I've never played one before. I was never allowed." Mello's eyes widened at the admission.

"Never?" Matt nodded though he couldn't help the way his smile grew larger.

"I've always wanted to though... thank you." Matt looked up and Mello smiled back.

In all, Matt thought, that he rather enjoyed Christmas despite his previous years of disappointment with the day.

They had returned to their room the moment they had been allowed to, wanting nothing more than to relax away from the other children who were getting a little too loud.

Mello had settled down on his bed and taken a small piece from his new chocolate before getting out a book, that for once had nothing to do with studying.

Matt however, wasn't on his new computer as was to be expected, instead opting to try out the small handheld. Mello had also gotten him a few games to play on it. One being something called Tetris, which he was currently attempting to play.

He had gotten so absorbed in the little falling blocks that he didn't notice Mello glaring at him from across the room.

Mello had gotten Matt the game since it seemed like something he might enjoy, as the redhead spent all his time playing away at minesweeper on the computer. But it seemed he had forgotten one thing.

Games are noisy.

Matt had immediately settled down and began playing but it seemed that the sound effects and music weren't reaching his ears as the volume hadn't been turned down at all. Over the past three hours.

It was rather difficult to read when all one could hear were constant beeps and blaring music. Mello honestly began to wonder why the hell he had bought that. But the look on Matt's face when he had seen it... and even now while playing it…

He was so much more relaxed, and Mello had never even seen him concentrate so hard on his studies as he was that game. He wanted to know why Matt had seemed almost as sad as he had been happy when he first opened it. But it had to do with his life outside of Whammys, or his previous one at any rate, so he would probably never know.

If Matt could deal with him leaving chocolate wrappers everywhere, then Mello supposed he could deal with the sound effects. It wasn't like Matt was going to suddenly become addicted to the thing anyway.


-End Games-

AN: So how was that? I rather liked the ending. Hehehe. Mello you created a monster! ^_^ One more oneshot to go and then the WSF universe comes to a close. (by the time I post it JNRR will have been completed)

What did everyone think?
