Interview with the (Random) Author

This is a story where the Ttians get to chat with moi! Yippee! I'm excited.


Chapter 1~ Robin

Pentacle- Hey Robin.

Robin- Uh, hi.

Pentacle- How are you?

Robin- Are you another Robin obsessed fangirl?

Pentacle- NO! I'm another Raven obsessed fangirl.

Robin- Hm... her fangirls are usually darker.

Pentacle- QUESTION TIME!!!!!

Robin- (falls out of chair) You're loud... and random...

Pentacle- What's your real name?

Robin- I'm not telling...

Pentacle- Why noooooooooooot????????????????????? (whining)

Robin- Because you don't need to know.

Pentacle- But everyone wants to know who you are Richard Grayson!

Robin- How did you know my identity?!

Pentacle- I have my sources....

Robin- The internet?

Pentacle- ....maybe....

Pentacle- I LIKE SUGAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Robin- What's wrong with you?

Pentacle- I blame Twilight.

Robin- Oh that makes sense... wait what?!

Pentacle- So Robin, is it true you and Star are dating?

Robin- (blushing) yes.

Pentacle- (squealing and dancing) I KNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW IT!!! KNEEEEEEEEEEW IT!!!!

Whitecoats- Time for your medicine, Pentacle.

Pentacle- Aw.... but I don't wanna!!!!!

Robin- What medicine?

Pentacle- Starbursts. But not the good ones, the icky ones.

Robin- 0.o There is something wrong with you....

Nun #1- THERE SHE IS!!!!! (throw ruler towards Robin and Pentacle)

Robin- Ack! What was that?

Pentacle- The nuns. They're mad at me for stealing all of their panda gummy bear slaves. BUT THE BEARS MUST GO FREE!!!! NO MORE BEAR SLAVERY!!!!!

Nun #2- Get her!!!!

Pentacle- I suggest running. (runs)

Robin- (runs)

Pentacle- Well, we're out of time folks. See you next time on.... INTERVIEW WITH THE AUTHOR!

Robin- (Interview With The Author sign lands on him)

Pentacle- (pokes Robin with stick) ...squishy...


Okay guys... next up is... RAVEN. I'm gonna annoy the crap outta her.

Reviewers! I need help! Give me a weapon to defend myself from the Whitecoats and Nuns!!!! (still running)
