Ok, I know I said last chappie WAS the last chappie, but I was requested by Doomed- Orange- Paka and PiScEs-BlOsSoM69 2 write an epilogue! And I dont want 2 disapoint my fans!!!!

Also, wat happened 2 all my lovely reviewers??? I want u guys bac!!! :(

The song is a thousand miles by Vanessa Carlton (which i think is PERFECT for Mary and Kyle!!)

Last, i absolutely h8 dis endin!!! :(

And on that note, enjoy!!!!!

Makin' my way downtown, walkin' fast,

faces pass, and I'm homebound.

Starin' blankly ahead, just making my way,

makin' a way through the crowd....

5 YEARS LATER.......

Mary's P.O.V.

"Ok, finished." Holly said, putting the curling iron down (I told her my hair was already curly, 'Not curly enough.' She said.). She turned my chair so that I was facing the mirror.

My black extra- curly hair hung down right past my shoulders, a great contrast against my bare pale shoulders (Mum said for me to get a fake tan; I refused). My emerald eyes popped even more thanks to the black eyeliner that rimmed them. I spread my blood- red lips into a smile.

I stood up, showing off my new dress. It was a silky, strapless gown that trailed on the floor. It was white as snow.

"Ok." Holly said, clapping her hands. "Checklist." She was now 16, the same age I was when I moved to South Park.

"Something old: The ring." I said, showing my ring finger which was wearing the same wedding ring Kyle had given me 5 years ago, when I was forced to move back to Great Britain.

"Something new: the wedding dress." I said, twirling for effect.

"Something borrowed: Vivi's handkerchief." I said, holding it up. Yes, I was finally giving it back after the wedding. I wrapped it around my bouquet of periwinkkle- blue geraniums.

"And something blue: My scarf." I said, tying it around the waist of my dress.

"I guess you're all set." Holly said, finishing up her makeup. "You look great."

"You do too." I told her. She was wearing her maid- of- honor dress, which was exactly like mine, except navy blue instead of white. And, as requested by said maid- of- honor, the hem was shortened to just below her knees. It showed off her legs and high- heels, which she insisted she needed to look taller (She was only 5-4).

She smiled, her face glowing. "Well, I guess we better go."

"Can I have a hug first?" I said, holding out my arms. She laughed and hugged me.

"Your nervous aren't you?" She asked.

"You know me, Holly. Of course I'm nervous." I replied.

Mary's P.O.V. (still)

I took a deep breath as I opened the double doors into the altar.

Everyone in the pews turned to face me. I swallowed.

"You're going to be fine." Dad whispered to me as he lead me down the aisle.

I looked up at the crowd. First to my other bridesmaids, my mum and Rhiannon. Over the years, Rhiannon had let her rainbow hair fade into it's natural blonde. She smiled a bright- pink lipped smile at me. I shot a nervous smile back. I had originally asked Lucky and Vivi to be my bridesmaids, but they were both pregnant and didn't want to look fat in their dresses.

Then to Kyle's men. His best man was Ike, and the others were Stan and Jolly.

Then to Kyle.

He looked so wonderful in his tuxedo. His auburn hair fell to his shoulders in loose curls. He smiled at me, showing his dimples. I smiled back, and suddenly, I was ready for this.

I was almost next to Kyle by now (about time; damn this aisle was long). Out of the corner of my eye I saw Holly wink at Theo, and I shot her a look. Holly and Theo were dating now, but my wedding was not the time for my little sister to flirt. Out of the other corner of my eye I saw Jolly frown. Yes, he was very protective of Holly, adn was the cliche big (if only by seven minutes) brother.

I was standing across from Kyle, and squeezed my dad's arm as he went to sit down.

I was ready to get this wedding over and done with (not in a bad way, I just didn't like all this attention), but of course we had to wait for the flower girl and ring- barer.

The flower girl was Lucky and Clyde's daughter, Kristen. She was only 3 years old, but already strolled with confidence, taking after her mother. (Clyde and Lucky married when they were only 18, but they'd known each other for like, 5 years before that; same thing with Tweek and Vivi).

She had dark brown hair and light brown eyes. Most people would think of her as 'plain' because of those, but she had a pretty face and a nice smile. She stopped throwing the flowers when she reached me and Kyle, then threw the rest of the flowers right over my head. She grinned, and I smiled back.

The ring barer was Vivi and Tweek's son, Ben. He was also three years old, and practically marched down the aisle. He had strawberry blonde hair and bright green eyes. He held out that pillow with the rings on it (I gave mine to him right before I entered the altar) and Kyle and I said our vows, then took our rings. I saw him smile at Kristen, and she giggled. Awwww!!! They like each other, how adorable!!!!

"You may now kiss the bride." Father Maxi said (of course we were getting married in South Park!).

Kyle leaned in close and kissed me. I had a sudden sense of deja vu, and we were back in my room, kissing for the first time.

Everybody clapped (Kenny whistled) and we ran out of the altar.

Where to now, you ask?

The hell if I know.

If I could fall, into the sky,

do you think time, would pass.....us by.

Cuz you know I'd walk a thousand miles

if I could just see you...