Thank you so much for reading/reviewing! wow, I never knew Rui was so popular; I'm sorry if I ruined Halloween with his death, but thanks for liking him so much!

For those interested in what happened in America, I will be posting a new story shortly (the fourth one, can you believe it?!) explaining the first year of Rui/Zero's adventures in the USA! Woot! This one will be more of a fanservice thing, since several have taken a liking to Rui and have suggested some ideas. *

Also, I am currently writing another story for a fellow Fanfiction member, using her characters and background. I hope everyone enjoys it and be sure to leave comments!

Arigatou gazaimas!!! Thanks for everything!!! Feel free to email any ideas and such for future works! *bow, bow, bow, bow*

BTW, for those keeping up to date, a new chapter to the Vampire Knight manga came out some time last week. :3 Enjoy!!

*I know I ended this story rather... abruptly, but I promise it won't be bad! The fourth story will be almost like Zero recounting American adventures, so the last few chapters or so will come back to the last chapter of Mugen. Sorry that I didn't make this clear AT ALL, but that's the plan; so, technically, Mugen is an ongoing story, but I felt that it would be better to post another story continuing it rather than add another fourteen chapters and make it like.... forty-something chapters long. I'm SOOOOOO sorry I didn't mention this! trust me, more smut scenes to come! I PROMISE!!!