Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or it's characters/places.
Warnings: Still slash.


Two hours later and Draco was pacing around his room, just trying to figure out where he could have possibly lost his journal.

"When did you last see it, Draco?" - Pansy asked gently, trying not to upset her friend further.
Draco thought for a moment before stating - "Yesterday, after class."
"Okay so what all did you do after class then?"
"Um, I went to dorms but I forgot my wand and had to go back. After I got my wand I headed to the library, I remember having it with me then. After that I was heading back to the dorms when that clumsy oaf Potter ran into me and thats it. I stayed in the dorms after that."

Pansy's eyes grew wide.
"What?" Draco asked unsure of why she had that look on her face.
"Uh, Draco. You don't think when you ran into Potter..."
Draco's eyes grew wide when realization hit him.
"Oh god Pansy!" "What am I going to do?"
"Go ask Potter if he has it." - Pansy stated simply.
"But what if he's read it, Pansy!?" "You know what's in there!" - Draco said as he sat down on the bed, rubbing his eyes.
Pansy began to rub soothing circles on his back and said - "I honestly don't know, Draco."
Draco just sighed and stood up.
"Where are you going?" - Pansy asked concerned.
"To find Potter." he said before leaving the room in search of the Gryffindor.


He soon found him sitting alone at a small table in the library .
Taking a shaky breath he walked over. Harry looking up immediately when he approached. "Draco?"
"Potter." - Draco said with a sigh.
Harry noticed he was nervous and his voice lacked the usual spite and annoyance.
Draco quickly asked - "I was wondering, when you ran into me yesterday, did you happened to find a small green book?" Draco's voice cracked a little, obviously anxious.
Harry paled, his heart starting to beat faster, and he nodded. He pulled the book out of his bag and handed it to Draco.
Draco's eyes went wide and he paled slightly. He anxiously asked - "Did you read it?"
Harry looked down guiltily without saying anything.
"Did you read it, Potter!?"
At that Draco paled completely.
"I'm so sorry, Draco!" "I didn't mean too, well I mean I did, but I..."
He was cut off by Draco saying "If you tell anyone anything you read in my journal Potter, I swear..."
Harry looked into Draco's eyes for just a second before looking down and nodding.

Groaning Draco sat down and put his head on the table, just needing to sit somewhere for a minute.
And for a brief moment they sat in silence before Harry asked the question Draco had been dreading, - "Who's S.H?"
Harry didn't mean to ask really, it just kind of slipped out.
Draco once again paled and he snapped - "None of your business, Potter."
"Draco..." Harry said softly his voice unsure and slightly pleading.
"Why do you care anyway?" Draco asked looking up.
"I...I'm not sure...I just...I don't know..." Harry said as he once again looked down.
Draco sighed before looking down himself and muttering "...you..."
Harry looked up - "I'm sorry, what?"
"You!" He snapped. "God Potter, you're such an oaf!"

With that Draco left. Just needing to be away, anywhere but there. He didn't want to see or hear Harry's reaction (rejection) at his revelation.

To be continued?


Author's Note:
Terribly sorry it took so long for me to post this chapter. I haven't really had any inspiration towards this story.
Big thank you to all who have reviewed the last three chapters and/or have put this on their alerts/favorite story lists. It really means a lot.