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Disclaimer: I do not own anything, only the story line. Stephanie Meyer owns the characters.

All Over Again

Chapter One


I'm looking around the cafeteria. That's all I'm doing, looking around the cafeteria. I don't even know why they made me come here. I hate coming to school anymore. Ever since I left Bella in the woods that day, I've been a mess. For about a few months I wouldn't even come out of my room or talk to anyone. Then we all found out that Bella had been reported missing. As soon as I heard the news, I went straight to Forks.

When I got to her house, I expected to see Charlie and at least look around to see if I could find anything, but there was no trace that she had ever lived there. I couldn't find her scent anywhere in the house. I could fine Charlie's scent, but not Bella's. I went all around town looking for any traces of her scent, but I couldn't find anything.

I went around town to find Charlie to find out what he knew about Bella going missing. Apparently Charlie was killed the same day my Bella went missing.

But when I asked around for reasons to know why the house was empty, all furniture gone. People told me that they had moved Charlie's things out and that Bella's thing went missing with her.

I was devastated. I couldn't find my love. All traces of her were gone. No scent, no nothing. I had gone back to Charlie's house and looked under the floorboards of Bella's bedroom, were I had hidden my photos and the Cd I had made her, and they were all gone.

I wouldn't talk, hunt or leave my room for another few months. Eventually my family forced me out of my room

That was about thirty-eight years ago. I had refused to go to school with Alice, Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie. I couldn't. Everything would remind me of her. I had not gone to high school for a whole thirty-eight years, obviously until now. My family had finally gotten sick of all my brooding. I knew they felt bad for me. After all, it wasn't only me who lost Bella. The whole family did, including Rose.

So here I am, in the cafeteria of Charmstra High School. The humans here seemed different. They kept on looking at us, but that was to be expected, we were after all the new kids.

But what really puzzled me was that I couldn't read some of their minds and the ones that I could had weird images.

All of a sudden the cafeteria door opened and everyone looked up.

I was in shock. This girl, who had just walked in, looked exactly like my Bella.

Some boy in the cafeteria called out her name. "Hey Bella," he said and waved at her. This cannot just be a coincidence. This had to be my Bella. But how? It doesn't look like she has aged. Oh god, don't let her be a vampire. But when I sniffed the air, I couldn't find her scent and the only vampire scents that I could smell were my own families.

"Hey Morgan," she replied back to the boy. She sounded exactly like my Bella.

"Did you hear? The new kids over there-"he pointed at my families table and then went back to talking with this Bella girl. "-are all vampires." What? How did he know that our family was vampires?

The Bella girl finally looked over to our table and her eyes widened, then her face went back to calm. "So the Cullen's have finally set foot into this town!" she stated. How did she know our name?

Me and my family by this time had gotten out of our seats and were in a crouch. The Bella girl walked towards us. She started talking. "Emmett, Jasper, Rosalie, Alice and Edward," she said while pointing to each of us when she said our names. "God, it's been a long time."

What was this girl talking about?

I got out of my couch and moved to stand beside Emmett and Jasper, who were in front of Alice and Rosalie. "So you know who we are, who are you?" I asked her.

She put on a hurt expression. "God Edward, we spent so much time together. How can you not remember me? But then again, why would you remember me? I was just a toy to you. After all you made me fall in love with you and you told me that you loved me and then left me." Oh god. It really is my Bella.

"Bella!" Alice screeched and jumped in for a hug, but before she could reach Bella, Bella put her hand out and then Alice stopped mid air. Her whole body was frozen except for her head. "What's going on?" she asked in a shaky voice.

"What did you do to her?" Jasper growled at Bella.

"I froze her," Bella simply stated.

"We can see, but how?" I asked her. I was still a little shocked to find out that Bella, my Bella was here. But why hadn't she aged?

"There are a lot of things you guys don't know about me," she stated and then looked at Alice. "If I unfreeze you, will you promise not to try and hug me again?" she questioned Alice. Alice simply nodded and Bella put her hand back in front of her and her hand in a fist and then when she opened them Alice unfroze and fell to the ground.

Alice got up and I could hear in her mind that she was still contemplating whether she would hug Bella. Bella cracked a smile and then said. "I was only joking Alice. How can I refuse you?" she said and then hugged Alice. "I've missed my best friend," Bella said.

"Me too Bella, me too," Alice replied. They hugged for a while longer and then Bella went around Alice and hugged everyone. When she got to Emmett, he got her into a bone crushing hug and we all expected Bella to faint but she didn't, instead she unwrapped Emmett's arms from around her and settled back on the ground. "Wow, how did you do that Bella? Like I'm so much stronger then you," Emmett asked Bella astonished.

Bella simply laughed and replied. "I have my ways Em."

Bella even went to hug Rose and then it was my turn. Bella stood in front of me and hesitantly put her arms our as a way of asked for a hug. I quickly pulled her into me.

Her arms were around my neck and mine were around her waist, my head was resting on her shoulder and her head was resting on my shoulder side to side. "I've missed you so much Bella," I breathed into her hair.

"I missed you too Edward," she whispered into my ear. She pulled back and looked me in the eyes. I was so happy at this moment I don't think anyone could ruin it for we. We both just stood there for a few minutes just looking into each other's eyes. We were broken from each other by several throats clearing, but neither of us looked away from the other.

I hesitantly asked her. "Bella could I please talk to you for a few minutes."

She nodded and then took my hand in her and led me outside.

We stopped by a tree and she turned towards me. "So what did you want to talk about?" she asked.

I took her hands in mine and pulled her closer to me. "Bella, I love you, I really do. The things I said in Forks were a lie. I only said those things because I knew that it was the only way you would let me leave. Please Bella, you have to believe me when I tell you that I love you," I said truthfully and then let go of one of her hands and brought my hand up to cup her cheek.

She looked me in the eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh thank god. To tell you truth, if you said that you didn't love me and wanted me to stay away from you, I don't think I could do that, because Edward, I love you too. I haven't stopped loving you. I never have and I never will," she said and then kissed me.

I thought that I would have to break the kiss because of her scent, but I couldn't smell anything. So I just went along with the kiss.

Bella licked my bottom lip asking for entrance into my mouth and I happily opened my mouth for her. When our tongues met, it felt amazing. We battled each other with our tongues, but in the end Bella stopped and let me into her mouth. She tasted so good and sweet.

We heard a throat clearing from beside us and when we turned to look at who is was, we saw my entire family, with the exception of Esme and Carlisle, there with smiles on their faces.

I groaned and told them to go away and kissed my Bella again. They all cleared their throats this time so Bella and I stopped.

Bella looked at me and I could see all the love she held for me. "I love you," she told me.

"I love you too," I replied and went to kiss her again.

"Okay you two, break it up. We have let you guys make out for about five minutes," Emmett groaned out.

Wow, I can't believe we actually mad out for five minutes. I looked at Bella and she had a grin on her face. "You jealous Em?" she asked him.

"No," Emmett scoffed. "Why would I be jealous if I got Rosie over here?" he scoffed and was about to bring Rosie into a kiss, when she smacked him the back of his head.

"Okay, even though I love this entire lovey dovey thing you two got going on here. I would like to find out how the hell Bella froze me in the middle of the air," Alice said.

"Oh um...maybe I should explain everything when Esme and Carlisle are around as well," Bella said and she started fidgeting.

I pulled her into my chest and kissed the top of her head. "You know, you can tell me anything right?" I whispered into her ear.

She nodded in my chest.

"Well, Esme and Carlisle are home right now, so why don't we get over to your guys house and then we can talk," Bella said. We all looked at her with shocked looks on our faces.

"How did you know that?" Rose asked her.

"Can I just explain everything all at once please," Bella pleaded.

"Okay, let's go," I said and then we all started heading towards the car park. Once we got to our cars, I started guiding Bella to my car.

"Wow Edward, you still have a Volvo and it's silver," she laughed at me and then stopped outside of my car.

"I will follow you to your house," she told me and started walking to the other side of the car park.

I quickly caught up to her and so did the rest of the family.

"Where do you think you are going Bella?" asked Alice.

Bella looked at all of us curiously. "I'm going to my car?" she said but it sounded more like a question.

"Please tell me Bella that you got rid of that piece of junk you had before?" asked Emmett.

"Puh-lease Emmett, that car is old news. You should see my new one, well I have a lot of cars, but this is a conversation for a different time," Bella laughed.

We followed Bella to her car and wow, she had an awesome car. She had a Purple Lamborghini Gallardo.

"Wow Bella, this is a great car," Rose complimented.

"I know. But you should see the ones in my garage. I have heaps of cars that I don't use. Well now that everyone has seen my car, can we get going?" she asked,

"Well I'm going with Bella. I call shot gun," Emmett yelled. We all laughed at his childish behaviour.

Everyone left for their cars, but I stayed. Bella was about to get into her seat, when she looked up and at me curiously. "Edward, are you okay?" she asked me.

I started fidgeting and looked down at my feet and then answered. "Well Bella, I just got you back and I don't want to leave you."

She walked up to me and put her hands on my chest and I put mine on her hips. "Edward, how about I go with you then?" she asked me.

I smiled and replied. "I would love for you to," she turned around and faced Emmett. She tossed her keys to him and told him that he could drive.

Bella and I headed back to my car and I helped her in, once in, I started the car and took her hand in mine and headed to my house.

I wonder where Bella lives?...

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