Summery: After Edward left Bella never had much luck with life: her mother gets pregnant and dies in childbirth and her step father doesn't want anything to do with them. Charlie dies from a car crash in Seattle and Jacob imprinted and left her at the alter.

Even 10 years latter Edward Cullen still haunts her memory, and what could happen when he comes to her school, and how is it she doesn't appear a day over 25? Good genetics maybe?

Note: Since It is 10 years latter Bella needs a older actress, I have chosen Sophia bush, and I will get some pic's up soon for that.

Chapter 1: News, News, News and more News.

September 18th 2007: Bella's Pov

I knew the moment he asked me to come for a walk with him something was wrong. He never wanted me in the woods, always going on about how dangerous it was and I never once argued. He was always wright, but at this moment I wished to pull back, say 'no' and demand he stop being the way he had been since my birthday.

"Lets talk then." I said instead as we stopped only a few feet into the dense wood, I could see the house from here, some walk. He just stared at me and it wasn't his usual loving stare. His golden eyes were filled with a emotion I couldn't place. They were also darker, almost a brown they were so dark, and he was looking down at me, like I was mud under his shoe.

"We're leaving." It was the only words he spoke, but it was the only two words he had said with real emotion since the birthday disaster. I looked at him my long brown hair was flowing behind me from the little breeze that was blowing. My eyes were filling with confusion and my stomach coiled with dread.

"When you say don't..." I trailed off and he just looked at me with void eyes, cold eyes.

"I mean me and my family." He said coldly and I chocked, he wasn't, he couldn't possibly mean he was. I was breathing funny now, almost like a hummingbird and I found It hard to breath at all. My chest contracted and it hurt to get it to uncoil itself. I feared in that moment I'd die of a collapsed made me chuckle inside.

"Ok...I'll come with you." I said trying to make it sound confident and sure, but it came out almost a plead, begging. He just glared and I could tell he was gritting his perfect sharp teeth. I looked down and felt the blood leave my cheek, for once the blush didn't appear, I'd say I was almost paler then him by now.

"No, you don't seem to understand Bella, this world isn't meant for you." He said and I looked up with tears in my eyes. He was really doing this, he was leaving me and for what? One little accident?

"No, please, this is about the party, because that was nothing!" He just stared as a tear fell down my face, I wouldn't let any more come. I couldn't look like a week chit in front of him, I refused to show my pain.

"Your wright, it was what was supposed to happen, what was meant to happen. It's all the more reason why you don't belong. It's ok though, it's not your fault. The memories we have together will fade over time, it'll be like we never met, like I never existed." He spoke and I just stared, my brown eyes sparkling with unshed tears.

"You don't want me?" I asked and he glared again, this time more beastly, and I felt my heart speed up, not out of fear but panic; well it did chill me a bit, at that moment he appeared more like the predator he was then ever before. I wouldn't let him know that though, never.

"No." It was the only word he said and it shattered my world. He walked forward and titled my head up, I thought he was going to apologize but he just kissed my forehead one last time and spoke, "Time heals all'll be safe...just promise me... don't do anything reckless...for Charlie of course." He said and I nodded, trying to control my tears.

"In return I'll make you a'll never hear of me again. It'll be like I never existed." Then he was gone, so fast I only saw a blur of bronze. I looked in the direction and choked my heart felt like half of it was gone, no longer beating. I made myself move and called out his name as I ran into the forest no longer caring about anyone but my heart.

All this pain
Take this life and make it yours.
All this hate take your heart and let it love again.
You will survive it somehow.

Life starts now.
You've done all the things that could kill you somehow and you're so far down.
Life starts now.
You've done all the things that could kill you somehow and you're so far down.
Life starts now.