Disclaimer: I don't own repo the genetic opera or shilo or graverobber But I do own Maddie/Snatch

Shilo walked the edge of the cemetery slowly her head held low. She didn't know what to do and she didn't know where to go. So much had happened the past night she could hardly remember it all.

Suddenly Shilo saw a figure move in the shadows

"Who's there?" She asked frightened.

"Well look here if it isn't the infamous Shilo Wallace." A sharp high pitched voice pierced the night and a tall slim figure stepped out of the shadows. Shilo took a step back as the figure came into the streetlight; there stood a girl with long raven black hair and piercing green eyes. A long grey coat hung loose around her tall figure and blue jeans covered her skinny legs.

"Hey Graverobber we got company." The girl called behind her.

"Is it Gencops?" A familiar voice rung out from deeper within the graveyard.

"Nope It's that Shilo girl you where talking about."

"Really tell her to stay put I'll be there in a moment."

Shilo stood there with the girl for what seemed like forever when Graverobber appeared at the girls side.

"Well I see you've met Snatch and by now she probably knows you. " He said eyeing the girl beside him.

"Who is she?" Shilo asked she'd never heard Graverobber mention the strange girl before.

"Funny you should asks she an old friend of mine you know her to you just don't know it." He said with a smirk.

Shilo looked really hard trying to see past the dark eyeliner and mascara and the wolfish grin son Snatch's face, then it hit her.

"You're Maddie the former spokes person for Genecos Genmod division." Shilo said recalling the ads she'd seen on her T.V.

"Yup honey that's me, but now I'm back to doing what I love selling the glow." Snatch said grinning more wolfishly then before.

"Hey kid you got a place to stay?" Graverobber asked. Shilo shook her head she couldn't go back to her house not now not ever.

"Well then why don't you stay with us? Snatch here has an apartment in the upper part of town" He invited and signaling for her to follow after them. Shilo had to jog to keep up but eventually they reached the large apartment complex. The ride up to Maddies place in the elevator was silent only the creaks of the lift broke the silence. The lift slammed to a halt and hey got out, then Maddie opened the door and ushered them in.

"Welcome to your new home sweetie." Maddie said sweetly.