Disclaimer: Twilight is all Stephanie Meyer, I own nothing Twilight. Though I must say, the amount of characters I do own, is rapidly increasing.

AN: Alas, it's here, the final chapter/epilogue of this story. As we're in the distant future, a lot of characters are mentioned, who you might not know yet. Everyone's pictures are up on my photobucket account, and as always you're welcome to IM me if you have any questions.



POV: Nessie


July 28th 2037

"How did this happen?!" I walked into Liam's old room, where Jake was helping him get ready.

My husband and son looked at me with compassion in their eyes, they knew I was having a hard time, and tried to be as accommodating as they could. My baby, my Liam was getting married today, and I just couldn't grasp the idea of my children being all grown up.

"Mom, you'll be fine, think about all the time you'll be able to spend with dad," Liam walked up to me and put his arm around my shoulder, towering over me at about the same height as his father.

Pouting my lips I muttered, "I have always had plenty of time with your dad, you were all such sweet little angels." Jake scoffed loudly at this.

"Do you remember how often Selene kept us up, how many temper tantrums she threw?"He asked playfully.

"Ok, so maybe Selene wasn't quite the easy child Liam and Aurora were, but still…"

"Ness, they had to grow up some time, I'm just glad they all found their way to do it," Jake said gently.

"No, it's not fair, they grew up twice as fast as regular children, Liam is only fifteen, and he's getting married already!" I was being extremely irrational, but I didn't care.

A soft knock on the open door, turned our heads to Micah, Liam's best man.

"Sorry to interrupt, but it's time," he announced pointing to his watch.

Seeing the big smile spread across Liam's face, made it impossible to be angry any longer. He was so happy, and Faye was such a sweet girl, I was very proud to be welcoming her into our family. We didn't know whether or not Liam would phase, since he's part vampire, so when he had reached full maturity and still hadn't phased, we believed it wouldn't be happening. Jake was disappointed about it, he really liked the idea of having his son enter the pack as well.

On July 17th 2032, he suddenly phased without warning. He wasn't one to fight, hardly ever getting angry, it wasn't bound to happen soon. But that day he had a huge fight with Micah, which was about his big sister Selene. Apparently Micah was really mad with her, and had said some things about her Liam couldn't take. As Liam's best friend, Micah was over at our place a lot, therefore being in close proximity to vampire's, even if neither of us was completely vampire, it was enough to trigger his gene. That day they both phased, I remember it like it was yesterday.

"Ugh, your sister is such a bitch!" Micah yelled at Liam.

"I still don't understand why you like her so much," Liam chuckled.

"I do not! She's arrogant, mean, and a self centered leech!" The word leech was often used for name calling within the pack, since they were the wolves natural enemy, but within this house, it wasn't used.

"Watch it Micah, you're crossing the line here," Liam warned, and I could tell he was getting agitated.

"Well she is! Little miss perfect, she'll end up all alone if she keeps going like this. People are already talking about her as it is, come to think I even defended her when they did. Well, not anymore, she deserves every nasty thing they say about her, after all it's nothing but the truth, we all know she's a slut!" Micah raged on, not noticing Liam's anger boiling over.

"You take that back!" I heard Liam yell, and a moment later I heard a huge ruckus and loud growling coming from Liam's room.

"Jake!" I yelled loudly, already running up the stairs, Jake not far behind.

With much effort we were able to calm them down, and guide them outside so that they could try to phase back. They were in the yard for hours with Jake, who had phased back and forth a dozen of times, trying to teach them how to accomplish it. Meanwhile I watched on, thinking about their argument. I felt bad for Micah, the poor kid had been in love with Selene for as long as I remembered, but she treated him like dirt, not giving him the time of day. No wonder he got so frustrated.

Looking at them now, you'd never know they had been able to fight like that. They were much alike in character, both gentle, sweet guys. Though in appearance they couldn't be more different, but then again Nadira and I looked nothing like each other either. She was still beautiful at 40, with those wild curls surrounding her face, with barely any wrinkles to give away her actual age, secretly I do think that her magic does have something to with that. Our sons being such good friends, pleased us both very much. Especially since the four daughters we had between us, weren't particularly close, their age difference being as big as it was made it difficult for them to interact like that. As Liam and Micah took their places, along with Faye's bridesmaids, Micah slapped his buddy on the shoulder, as if to say "this is your last chance bro."

Faye's maid of honor was Amalia Ramirez, her best friend since high school, who had moved to LaPush from the Bronx when she was sixteen. She had come from a rough place, being the one to provide for her little sister Rosalina had been hard on her, and it wasn't easy to let that go when she no longer needed to. On one of her first days here, Julian Hill, Jared and Kim's son, imprinted on her. From what I've heard, she hadn't been the world's easiest imprint, she had been fighting the connection without even knowing what it actually was. Now Julian was sitting between the guests unable to keep his eyes from her, rewarded with an occasional smile she sent his way as she waited for her best friend to make her appearance.

Her twelve year old sister Sadie was her second bridesmaid, she looked absolutely adorable in the green dress Faye had picked out for her bridesmaids. They were strapless, just over the knee, in a beautiful forest green, complemented by the taupe satin ribbon that was tied around the middle, with shoes matching the exact same color. Christian Sky, Rebecca's youngest son and Sadie's imprint, was beaming with pride as she stood there.

The change in music indicated Faye would be walking down the aisle, everyone turned their head to get a good look at the bride. Liam who had appeared to be slightly nervous a moment ago, forgot everything around him the moment he laid eyes on his bride, who was graciously gliding towards him. Her dress wasn't traditionally white, but somewhere between off white and taupe. It was a strapless dress as well, and appeared to be wrapped around her entire body, held together by the intricate embroidery where the creases met, until it reached the floor.

They were still so young, though Liam was technically only fifteen, in a way he was older than Faye, who would be turning twenty two this October. But this was nothing unusual on the rez. especially within the pack, imprinting that we now knew happened a lot, had resulted in a lot of early marriages. I myself had gotten married a lot younger than my children had, Selene was still claiming to be single, though everyone knew that with an imprint, it was be the biggest nonsense in the world. But if she wasn't ready to commit yet, I would encourage her to take her time.

Faye was walked down the aisle by her father, Sean had difficulty letting go of his little girl, but when he reached Liam, he placed his daughters hand into that of his soon to be son in law. Both had written their own vows, hearing them caused a lot of us to become quite emotional, a tear escaping here and there wasn't a rarity. Camille was in even worse shape that Sean, I guess it was prone to moms having issues with their birds flying from the nest. I couldn't help but shedding a few tears of my own, when they were pronounced husband and wife.


POV: Jake


Poor Nessie, she was having a hard time facing the fact that our children had all grown up. It wasn't necessarily the wedding that she had trouble dealing with, but watching your baby boy tie the knot, made it impossible to deny any longer. Wrapping my arm around her shoulder I pulled her closer to me as we walked outside, while she was still sniffing, we made our way to the reception. In front of us walked Selene, as always arguing with Micah, it made me chuckle to see them bickering about something completely unimportant.

The party was huge, over the last three decades our family had grown tremendously, imprinting, having children, had extended the family at rapt pace. Even the youngest member was here, Nayeli Graham, Kyle and Aiylen's first child, was only three months old, but here she was. The moment Nessie spotted her, she had to hold her of course, rocking the sleeping beauty gently. It was a beautiful child, compared to Kyle, Aiylen was fairly light skinned. Kyle's father was Quileute, but he had married an African-American woman , Janice Benton. Resulting into having three sons, who were dark as well, but Kyle was closest to her in color, almost nothing native was visible when you looked at him. Therefore his newborn daughter Nayeli, was quite dark herself, already showing similarities to her dad.

"She's so cute, look at her Jake!" Nessie was so enthusiastic, and when she looked at me, I recognized it instantly.

"She's adorable Ness," and that she was.

Nessie placed Nayeli back into her mother's arms, before she wrapped her arms around my waist, pressing her face in my chest. I wondered when she would bring it up, but I was sure she would, that precious baby had made something click inside of her. She had always enjoyed caring for our children very much, and she was brilliant at it, no wonder she wanted another one, and I couldn't wait to start trying.

When the song that was played at our wedding for our first dance started playing, I pulled her onto the dance floor. Liam knew which song it was, and I understood this was his gift to us. Sweeping her across the floor, I held her close to me. I would be forever grateful for whoever or whatever had picked her for me, had made me imprint on her, I was truly the luckiest man in the world. She looked up at me and smiled, her radiant brown eyes gazing into mine, my very own golden angel.

As there should be some at every wedding, there was no drama missing today. Causing quite the commotion, Nathan finally imprinted, on no one other that the tiny Nayeli. You would say that this was a good thing, he'd been the last of the first pack to imprint. But the problem was, that he had given up on imprinting years ago, so when he fell in love, there was nothing keeping him from settling down with her.

Janet Young, Nora and Claire's mom, had remarried years ago. Her husband, Tony, had two daughters of his own, Jenna and Suzie. All three of them knew about the pack, they had been unable to keep it from them. Jenna was well adjusted, she been very close with Aurora for years, they'd met in high school, and she was part of the family, so Aurora's not aging had never been an issue. Now Suzie on the other hand had been a loose cannon, she had picked Nate to be her next target on the string of men she had already devoured. Never had she expected to fall for him, but she did.

Being so familiar with the concept, both her step sisters had were imprintees, it was no surprise that she recognized an imprint when she saw one. There was a lot of shouting, she accused Nathan of lying to her, since he had ensured her that he wouldn't imprint. When she stalked of, Nathan was battling an internal conflict, on one hand he wanted to go after his girlfriend, the mother of his child, but on the other hand he wanted to stay close to Nayeli. In the end he ran after her, and the last thing we heard was her shouting at him, how he could do this to her.

As the party came to an end, and the sun was setting, it was time for Liam and Faye to go on their honeymoon. Both moms had tears glistening on their cheeks when they watched their children ride off into their future. Nessie clung to me, as if she was afraid I'd go somewhere as well. Both Aurora and Selene came by to give their mom a big hug, before they went home.

"Take me home Jake," Nessie whispered in my ear as she ran her nails over my back.

The moment the door was shut behind us, pieces of clothing were dropping to the floor, both of us completely undressed when we reached the bedroom. I sat her down at the edge of the bed¸ keeping her feet on the floor, while kneeling in front of her. Our lips met in a frenzy, moving together in unison, passion tangible in the room. Her hands locked into my hair as held her hips firmly, slowly kissing and nibbling my way down, until I reached her hardened nipples. Taking my time with them, I took one of them into my mouth, swirling my tongue around the sensitive bud.

"Aaah," she screamed out in pleasure when I sucked hard.

Replacing my mouth with my hand, I moved on to her other breast, making sure that one wouldn't feel left out. Then I moved down lower, pushing Nessie onto the bed, passing her navel I didn't stop until I had reached her most intimate spot. She squirmed beneath my mouth, while I traced big circles around her center, until I let my tongue glide over it.

"Ow Jake don't stop," she whined.

Tasting her delicious arousal made me stir, impatient to get inside of her. Licking and sucking I made her explode, not stopping until her tremors had died down completely. Shifting her onto the bed completely, I moved between her legs and pushed into her with one fluid stroke.

"Ugh," I grunted as I felt her warmth surrounding me.

Building up the tension, I could sense her climb with me, her moans growing louder as she came closer to her release. Pumping into her with more speed, I felt my own climax close in on me, after a few more thrusts she clenched around me forcefully, taking me with her. I collapsed on top of her, my head laying on her chest, rising with her still ragged breath.

"I wanna have another one Jake," she whispered, and I knew exactly what she was talking about.

The moment she looked at me today, holding that precious baby, I had known that that's what she wanted, nothing made her happier than caring for a little one. I was going to suggest her to just wait for grandchildren, but I knew she wasn't done with the small ones yet. Sighing I took her into my arms, she was born to nurture, to spread her love, I wouldn't take that away from her if my life depended on it.

"Of course you do," I smiled and pulled her against me.

"I'm serious, I wanna have another baby," she tried to convince me of something I already knew to be true.

"Don't you think I know that Ness, the moment Aiylen put her in your arms you were done for, I think that after thirty years I know you a bit," I chuckled placing a kiss on her forehead.

She hadn't changed at all, and I wasn't talking about how wonderful she looked. When she wanted something, there was no talking her out of it, there never had been. It was kinda like when she had decided she was going to win me for herself, making plans to seduce me, not knowing I'd been hers all along. She was so cute, thinking she had to do everything herself, not realizing I'd been ready to help her along the way.

"I would love to give you another child," I said solemnly before pressing my lips to hers, drowning into the passion I felt reemerge again.

AN: With sparks they began, so I decided to end with sparks as well, even though they weren't quite as innocent as they were at the beginning of the story :D

Hopefully you enjoyed reading this story, because despite the few hiccups along the way, I had a lot of fun writing it. I wanna thank everyone who reviewed, you're what kept me going when I was having a hard time writing this story! And huge shout out to Morgan and Helena, who've stuck by me from the very beginning, and never fail to cheer me up with their wonderful comments!