

Thunder struck down as rain drops pattered on the building of Caduceus. Valerie Baylock sorted through out the daily paper work on her desk, her forehead scrunched up in fury. There were many papers to sort that it tired out her hands and fingers. Today was a hectic day for the staff. Tons of patients were seen, which tire all of the doctors.

Valerie looked up at the sound of footsteps to find none other than her co-operator Markus Vaughn strolling in, still in his blood-covered scrubs. He waved hello but said no more as he headed to get changed. Valerie persistently returned to her paperwork, sighing deeply. It wasn't long, however, before Markus returned, all cleaned up, and took half the pile and began to fill it out.

"Big storm tonight, huh?" asked the surgeon while picking up a pen and started to write on the document in front of him.

"Hmmm..." muttered Valerie, eyes still on her part of the paperwork. "And the weatherman had to pick this day to be right. Today was hell... so many patients arrived today."

"Lots of car accidents. People just don't know how to drive in thick weather," replied Markus, still scanning over the document as the pen in his hand moved fluidly, signing his name and initials where needed.

Valerie nodded and sighed, resting her chin on her hand tiredly. Looking at his watch, Markus got up from his wheelchair and walked for the door.

"Trip to the loo," Markus excused himself and hurriedly headed down the hall to the staff bathroom.

Of course Valerie had seen this coming, it was routine after a surgery. As it was for most surgeons, because it was a simple fact that going to the bathroom in the middle of a surgery was not permitted.

However, what happened next was not routine, and completely threw Valerie off guard, since it forced her to face one of her childhood fears; one she had never gotten over.

The room lights began to flicker, and soon. Went to black.

Author's Note

I give full credit to edlovesjuicyfruit73 for being the co-author of this story. :D Read her fics. :) They're amazing.

So I haven't been around the Trauma Center fandom in like, what? A thousand decades? *runs* ;A; ... *waves* Hi?

It's going to be a two-shot! 8) See you round! ^^