OK, fifth chapter of Deception!!! Enjoy!

Reviews are love!!

Disclaimer: The term "fanfiction" is self explanatory. It means that it is fiction, written by fans. Easy peasy.

"Please follow me," said Professor Dumbledore to Skye and the other five students. They walked through the castle halls, looking in awe at the large halls and moving staircases. They stopped in front of a portrait of three young girls.

"Password?" the one in the middle said.

"Phoenix tears," Dumbledore said. The painting swung open and the group went inside. It was a cozy room, with orange couches and silver rugs. The walls were like looking at a sunset.

"This will be your common room," said Dumbledore grandly, sweeping his arm around the room to emphasize his point.

"Professor," said Gemma timidly. "Who will be our Head of House?" Dumbledore frowned at her. Not as if he didn't like her question, but more like he didn't like Gemma.

"I have already chosen a suitable Head of House," Dumbledore informed them. Just then the portrait swung open.

"Albus?" asked a female voice. The students turned to see a beautiful young woman that seemed to be in her late twenties. Her long hair was a dark brown and her eyes were a navy blue.

"Ahh Anastasia," said Dumbledore as the woman walked up to them. "I' am so glad you accepted my offer." Dumbledore then turned to them.

"Students, this is Professor Sinistra," he said. "She is the Astronomy teacher and from now on the Nyrrandes Head of House. I will take my leave now."

As soon as Dumbledore left, Professor Sinistra turned to them.

"Well," she said cheerfully. "Anybody have any questions?" Thalia raised her hand.

"Will other students get sorted here?" asked Thalia. "Like, next year and after that."

"I believe so, because the Nyrrandes house is officially open, the Sorting Hat will now take into account that students can be sorted into Nyrrandes."

"What about a Nyrrandes Quidditch team?" asked Blaise and they all sniggered. Professor Sinistra looked at him amusedly, though then she adopted a thoughtful expression.

"Well I guess we could have a House team," she mused. "But there are only six of you and you need seven to form a team. You will have to wait till next year, as I'm sure the Headmaster will overlook the first year rule."

Everybody nodded.

"If that is all," said Professor Sinistra. "Boys are on the right staircase, girls on the left. Good night."

Exiting the portrait, Professor Sinistra walked away in the direction of the Astronomy tower.

A silence fell the first years.

"Well," Thalia broke it. "Good night. See you all in the morning." Skye followed with Gemma behind Thalia and the three walked up the staircase and into a door labeled "First Years"

Walking in, Skye got her best look at her dormitory. The walls were silver colored and the floor was wooden. There were three beds with orange beddings and orange curtains. Thalia looked around the room and groaned.

"I'll hate orange for the rest of my life by the time I get out of Hogwarts," Thalia said.

Skye and Gemma both laughed and walked to where their trunk was. Skye got the bed that was right next to the window, for which she was glad for. The girls laughed and talked throughout the night and turned in at almost twelve o'clock.

In the boys' room, Harry, Blaise and Jude were talking Quidditch.

"I'm going to be a Chaser," said Blaise enthusiastically, pretending to throw a ball.

"Beater sounds the best to me, though I wouldn't mind being a Keeper," said Jude thoughtfully. Jude had at first been reluctant to be friends with Blaise and Harry but after a bit had opened up.

"I dunno," said Harry. "I'm pretty positive that I want to be a Seeker."

"Well we have tons of time to decide and train," pointed Jude reasonably.

"I can't wait for flying lessons," said Blaise excitedly, right before he yawned.

"We should go to bed," said Harry and the two boys nodded sleepily. Drawing the orange hangings around him, Harry crawled under his covers and was asleep almost as soon as his head touched the pillow.

The next morning Harry and the rest of his House walked into the Great Hall to see two things. One, that the Great Hall seemed to have been enlarged and now there were five tables instead of four, the new one being in between the Slytherin and the Ravenclaw.

The second thing was that there were many whispers and pointing at Jason, who sat proudly at the Gryffindor table, obviously relishing the attention he was getting. He threw a dirty glare at Harry when he walked in but then went back to his admirers.

After eating their breakfast in the corner of the table closet to the doors, the six Nyrrandes walked to their first lesson, which was Transfiguration. On their way they passed five hourglasses. One was filled with emeralds, another with sapphires, one with rubies, one with topazes and the last with citrines.

All of them had zero gemstones in the bottom of their hourglass but even as they watched five emeralds fell into the bottom half of the Slytherin hourglass.

They were the first one to get to the Transfiguration classroom and they helped Professor McGonagall set up the classroom for class, writing notes on the chalkboard and putting a single match on each desk.

"Thank you all," she said. "Ten points to Nyrrandes."

Soon, Hufflepuffs came into the classroom, all of them sitting at the front of the class while the Nyrrandes preferred the back.

"Transfiguration," started Professor McGonagall, eyeing them all. "Is some of the most complex and dangerous magic you will learn at Hogwarts. Anyone messing around in my class will leave and not come back. You have been warned."

Then she promptly turned her desk into a pig and back again.

Skye rolled her eyes. She knew that what Professor McGonagall had done took years after NEWTs to achieve, at least as fluently as Professor McGonagall had done, though the Hufflepuffs looked as if that was what they were going to be taught now.

After taking notes for awhile they all tried to transfigure the match into a needle. The only people who had succeeded at the end of the last was a Hufflepuff girl named Susan Bones, Harry and Skye, earning Hufflepuff five points and Nyrrandes another ten points.

None of the Nyrrandes found anything worth knowing in DADA, seeing as Professor Quirrell rurned out to be a joke. They mostly just read their textbooks and additional books from the library and quizzed each other.

So far, they had Transfigurations with Hufflepuff, Herbology with Slytherins, Charms and History of Magic with Gryffindors (where Harry, Skye and Jason were so sleepy by the drone of Professor Binns's voice they couldn't even fight) and Astronomy with Ravenclaws.

Today they were all relieved for it to be Friday.

"Have any of you finished the Transfiguration essay?" asked Jude glumly as he spooned some sugar on his porridge. Skye, Gemma and Blaise all nodded their heads though Thalia gave a yelp.

"What Transfiguration essay?!" she screeched. They all sighed. Thalia had a nasty habit of forgetting homework, meaning that she had already once arrived at Herbology without homework.

Gemma shook her head and told Thalia about the one foot long essay on the properties of the spell they were practicing now, due for Monday.

"What do we have now?" asked Blaise through a mouthful of toast. Skye eyed him disgustingly.

"Double Potions with," Harry read off his schedule. "Gryffindors. Joy."

They all groaned. Jason had made a point of making their lives a living hell whenever he could.

Arriving at the Potions classroom, the Nyrrandes all split into pairs, seeing as the desks were made for two people.

Skye and Blaise sat in the first row, Gemma and Thalia across the aisle and in first row also. Harry and Jude sat in the desk behind Skye and Blaise. Soon, Gryffindors came into the classroom and Jason shot a nasty look at Harry before sitting in the last row with a red head boy Harry knew to be Ron Weasley, or more accurately, Jason's sidekick.

Then Professor Snape, swooping into the classroom like an overgrown bat, began with the registry. He passed over Harry's name with barely a glance at him but paused at Jason's name.

"Ah yes," he said snidely, his lip curling as he looked with contempt at Jason. "Jason Potter. Our new — celebrity."

Skye snorted loudly at this, causing the rest of the Nyrrandes to snigger. Snape looked a bit amused as he glanced at Skye's reaction: obvious disbelief and mock.

"Skye Potter," Snape said and Skye nodded. Snape finished the registry and started a rather impressive and intimidating speech of the Potions.

"Potter!" barked Snape suddenly, looking at Jason. "What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

"How should I know?" asked Jason arrogantly. Big mistake. Snape's lip curled.

"You would do well to show some respect to your superiors," Snape said quietly, and Jason opened his mouth, probably to say that Snape wasn't his superior, seeing as Jason was the Boy-Who-Lived. Snape cut him off. "Five points from Gryffindor for your cheek. Let's see if your sister knows this one."

Snape looked at Skye.

"Asphodel and wormwood make a sleeping draught so powerful it is know as the Draught of Living Death," Skye replied and Snape was obviously impressed. Then he rounded back to Jason.

"Let's try again Potter," he sneered. "Where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar?"

"The Potions' cabinet," said Jason, obviously pleased with his answer. Snape's nostril almost flared. Gryffindor groaned as Snape deducted another point from Gryffindor.

"Let's see if your brother knows it," Snape said silkily before turning to Harry.

"A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons," answered Harry. Snape raised an eyebrow before waving his wand. Instructions appeared on the board and they set about making a potion to cure boils. He criticizing all the Gryffindors and only chastising Gemma and Thalia for their potion being a couple of shades off the periwinkle blue the potion was meant to be.

Skye and Blaise finished first, pouring their potion in a vial and setting it on Professor Snape's desk. Apart from Longbottom's cauldron blowing up, nothing more exciting happened in this class.

Though at lunch when they were eating Jude unrolled a copy of the Daily Prophet.

There was an article on a break in Gringrotts. Jude read it, then passed it to Gemma who read it the whole table. When she finished her brow was furrowed.

"Hagrid took me and Jude to get money from our vaults," she said. "He got something from that same vault the same day we went there."

"Why did Hagrid take you?" Harry asked curiously.

"We're orphans," said Jude quietly.

"Sorry," said Skye.

"It's okay," smiled Gemma a bit sadly. "Though the only thing we have is our last name: Riddle. No clue who our father or mother is."

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