Here I am again; this was an idea I got off Starbee's fanfic! Hope you enjoy. Please review

Skywarps play

It had been a quiet month for the Decepticons. They had free time to complete personal projects and they had not battled with the Autobot at all, meaning they were getting bored. Megatron out of complete stupidity and boredom gave permission for Skywarp to do anything that he chooses, WITH the complete support of the whole army stationed on earth, meaning this will end in tears and probably someone welded into the ceiling also. So there they sat in the war room Skywarp casually leaning against the wall thinking, Soundwave passed out on the floor next to Megatron who was sitting on his throne realising his mistake. Starscream was sitting to the right of Megatron staring at him like he just grew another head; Thundercracker had his head in his hands. The coneheads were about to bolt out the room and the Constructicons just sat there. The room was dead silent with only the sound of Soundwaves CPU rebooting.

"I know" chirped a voice. Everyone turned and stared at Skywarp who now had a smile on his face.
"I am going to PUT ON A PLAY!" Everyone's jaws dropped (including Soundwave who's CPU just crashed again)

"It's great isn't it"

"WHAT, you are joking aren't you warp?"

"On the contrary TC, I'm very serious"

"Do you even know what 'contrary' means?"

"YES, yes I do! Now if you will all excuse me I have work to do" and with that Skywarp warped out of the war room in a very happy mood leaving a bunch of vey confused Constructicons and Coneheads a slightly disturbed Megatron. Starscream and Thundercracker were both scrambling over each other to ask Megatron for a leave pass to Cybertron.

- 1 hour later-

Skywarp skipped happily into the seekers shared quarters. Thundercracker was on his berth drinking energon wile Starscream sat on the floor grumbling because Megatron had not given them a leave pass.

"You look pleased" commented Thundercracker as Skywarp sat down with a horrible yellow piece of cheery material

"You bet, I just got the Autobot to come to our play! I even got Jazz, Ratchet, Iornhide and Preceptor to play roles in it and... Starscream what are you doin ... put that chair dow ... HOW ARE YOU DOING THAT WITH ONLY TWO ARMS!" Skywarp shrieked and Thundercracker watched them run around the room.

"Screamer calm yourself" he sighed

"CALM MYSELF, CAL..." with that Starscream fell over his chemistry table, which squished him "Do you think Megatron would mind if I deserted and came back after this is all over" Starscream mumbled under the pile of table.

"Yes Starscream I do think he will mind"

"Yeah Screamer Megg's says so and also please for me it only in one week and you will never have to do it again" the puppy dog optics got him every time.

"Fine, so what's the play?"



-Over in the Autobot's headquarters-

"Hey man cool it" Jazz found himself backed up into a corner with Ratchet wielding his wrench and Iornhide pointing his 'over the top huge' guns in his face. When Optimus finally snaps out of his 'that bot has a screw loos' daze he was in


a message came up on the screen.

"Yes?" Optimus answered. On popped an overly cheery Skywarp.

"hiya Optimus" he started "I just wanted to invite you to our play!"

"Your what?"

"Our play, It's on at 7pm in seven human days at our base..." with that he went into a daze only vaguely remembering Jazz pipe up and talk to him

*end of flashback*

"Lower your weapons" Optimus commanded

"Optimus I am NOT going in a play, especially with the Decepticons" grouched Iornhide

"Think of it as a way to create peace" suggested Preceptor who wasn't too keen on the idea himself

"Preceptor's right, we shall go. You'd better start practicing your lines" and with that Ratchet and Iornhide knew there will be no arguing so they grumbled off

-Back at the Decepticons base-

Thundercracker sat in the monitor room, looking over the lines he had to learn for the play. "I am not going to walk away with my dignity still intact" he mumbled to himself. Looking at the monitors he could see the Constructicons working away on building the stage on one screen, the one next to it showed Skywarp making costumes in the med bay and in the bottom left Soundwave practicing with his cassettes.

"Oh well" and with that Thundercracker offlined his optics and leant back. This was going to be one hectic episode, at least Megatron will never let Skywarp have free reign ever again.

Ok a short chapter, a new story for this weekend! Tune in next time for the start of the play