Hey gang, this is going to be a weird story. The Italics is me talking so every now and then I'll interrupt the story. Enjoy it.

There were reasons -they even had a list- why he wasn't allowed to be alone.

I don't mean they guard him twenty-four seven. I mean when Jason Michael Green is left alone for even a day he gets bored. He then has to amuse himself.

Shane Gray and Nate Black decided to trust him. They brought him a bunch of birdhouses to build and made sure their three bedroom apartment had enough stuff to occupy the twenty-two year old.

"Thanks guys, these will look great on our tree" Jason exclaimed when he saw the houses.

The 'tree' wasn't theirs but it had so many houses on it by now the landlord named it Jason's tree.

"Yeah Jay, they certainly will, Nate and I will be back Monday, only two days, one, two, that is it" Shane said. Jason smiled at him.

"I can count Shane, besides don't you two think I've grown up, I will be fine" he answered.

Nate and Shane gave each other nervous looks anyway. Nate picked up the notebook the two also left.

"Remember the rules we made Jay, just….please don't do anything dumb" Nate said. Jason rolled his eyes. He got up and grabbed the suitcases by the door.

"Go, have fun you two, trust me" he said. He led the way and put everything in Shane's trunk.

"You know…we don't have to go" Shane started and Jason glared at him.

"You won the contest Shane, you been talking about this for a week now go and have fun" he answered.

There had been a radio contest a month ago and Shane won. He knew the lyrics to a song and managed to get the right call in.

The winner got a weekend trip to Florida and the winner got to bring one lucky friend. Jason immediately nominated Nate and told him to get some sun.

Nate was a workaholic anyway as Jason pointed out and it was set.

Now as the two were set to leave, Nate wished it was Jason going. But the two younger members knew they'd have to trust their friend eventually.

"You're right, I'm sorry dude, we'll be back Monday, come on Nate" Shane apologized. Jason smiled and shared a group hug.

"Have fun" he waved them off. The happy teenager then walked back to the bottom floor apartment and shut the door.

Hey, you know, I could tell you that Shane and Nate had an awesome time in Florida. (They did) and they came back to see Jason finished all his birdhouses (he did) and that they were wrong to judge him.

I could, but I'm not a sappy writer.

Jason did get bored. He finished all the houses (there were six) and had finished painting the last one when he sighed.

"I miss them" he admitted. It was around dinner time, about eight hours after two thirds of Connect Three had left. Jason needed fresh air he decided. He grabbed his keys, his coat and his cell, locked the door and left.

Again, I could tell you all Jay did was get dinner (slice of pizza and a soda) and went home. Again though, I'm not that kind of writer.

Jason did get his pizza but he didn't head home after. He decided to drive around a while on his full tank of gas.

He did go home eventually. Three hours later he opened the door, though he wasn't exactly alone. His visitor stopped at the door and stared at him.

Confused? I'm sure you realized the visitor is a human, a child actually. She's a little girl around the age of ten or eleven, I'm not sure which though.

Her name is Katherine, she hasn't told me or him the rest. Apparently she has no family and she's a runaway from the orphanage, about three or four miles away.

How did Jason find her? I'm getting to that reader, be patient already. Sheesh!

Jason traveled around for a half hour before stopping at a supermarket. He needed to fill up and he wanted a snack. With a station in front, he decided to kill two birds with one stone.

"Kill two birds with one stone? That's cruel" he muttered as he remembered the saying. He heard Nate say it once and nearly had a heart attack.

He was still pondering the horrible expression when a young girl ran out of the supermarket, an employee chasing her. Jason saw she had stuff in her arms and the good man blocked her off.

"Don't you know stealing is wrong?" he scolded her and the girl struggled against his grip.

"Stop struggling kid, your going back in and apologizing and I'll pay for your stuff" Jason said. His kind gesture did make the kid stop. She nodded.

"Okay mister, I'm sorry" she said.

"That's better but you should be apologizing to this nice gentleman as well" he scolded her and she looked up at the angry cashier.

"Sorry mister" she mumbled.

The cashier looked at her then Jason. "She yours?" he asked and Jason shook his head.

"Never met her before but I couldn't let her get away with it" he answered.

The cashier smirked, somewhat amused at his actions. "Well thanks man" the cashier said. "Your welcome….Mark" Jason answered looking at the name tag.

Mark then glared at the little girl who looked away. Jason saw tears fall from her eyes.

"Pl…please…let me go….I…I didn't have money and I real hungry" she said.

Mark didn't have sympathy for her. "What's your phone number?" he asked.

He pulled out a cell phone and the girl shrugged. "I don't know, the orphanage didn't tell me" she said. Jason and Mark shared a look.

Jason bent and lifted her chin. "You ran away?" he asked gently and she nodded.

"No one wants a big kid anyway, figured I could get by on my own" she admitted. "I…I don't want to go to jail…please don't call the police…I'm real sorry misters" she sobbed.

She broke down and fell to her knees. She sobbed into her hands and Jason went to his own knees.

"It's okay…" he whispered. He put his arms around her and the girl hugged back. It had been a long time since she had been hugged.

"I…I'm Katherine…the kids called me…Katie" she said. "What…what you gonna do to me?" she asked.

Mark had gone quiet and closed his phone. Jason looked at him. "If I pay for everything she took can I take her with me? She's just a kid and I think she's learned her lesson" he said.

Mark nodded. "Come with me, I'll ring everything up and then we'll forget this" he said.

"The…thank you sir…I'm real sorry for the trouble…I won't be bad no mores" Katie said. Mark smiled at her.

"Apology accepted Katherine" he said. The three went into the store and ten minutes later Jason left again. He had the packages in one hand and Katie's hand in the other.

He put Katie's now paid for items in his trunk and then opened the backseat.

"Get in kid" he told her and she obeyed. "What you gonna do with me mister?" she asked.

"First, stop calling me mister, my name is Jason and second, you're coming with me to my place, it's late and I am an adult and as one, I can't let a kid wander around so late at night" he said.

Katie nodded. "Thank you Jason, you're a real nice man, I'm glad I ranned into ya" she said.

"Me too kiddo" Jason answered. Katie smiled.

"Tomorrow, I'll have to take you back to your orphanage" he said then and her smile vanished.

She began to moan. "Let me finish Katherine" he said and she stopped but folded her arms.

"I have to take you back if you're going to live with me permanently, I think it's illegal to just take in a little kid off the street" he said.

Katie's eyes widened. "You…you want me Jason?" she asked and Jay nodded.

"Every child should be wanted, but I don't tolerate lying, cheating or stealing" he said and she nodded.

"Sorry sir, I will be good I promise" she told him and he nodded. "Good, now relax kiddo" he said and Katie closed her eyes.

She was sound asleep when Jason parked and Jason carried her inside and laid her on his bed. He ruffled her brown hair and smiled.

"I'm….I'm a father wow" he murmured. Shane and Nate would be surprised that was for sure.

Jason got the packages and put everything away. He then noticed he had about a million missed calls.

"Hey Nate" he greeted his band member when the guy picked up.

"Dude finally, you didn't burn down the house did you?" he asked and Jason grimaced.

"That happened once" he argued. "Everything is fine Nate, I went out for pizza" he added. 'And I brought home a child' he thought but didn't add.

Nate sighed. "Sorry, we got here good, plane was boring but the weather is beautiful, feels nice to relax for once" Nate said.

Jason smirked. "Thanks Jason for the great idea" he said and Nate rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah, every now and then your brain works, anyway glad your okay, you had no trouble today right?"

"Nope, I told you I can be trusted"

"Yeah well I do know you Jason, hang on Shane wants to talk" Nate answered and the phone was passed.

"Sup dude, the beach is awesome and not just the waves" Shane greeted. Jason laughed, typical Shane after the ladies.

"Look, don't touch, you do have a beautiful girlfriend" he said.

"Don't tell her I was looking" Shane answered.

"I won't, have fun Shane and make sure you leave all the pretty girls there" he said.

"Whatever Green, make sure you don't kill our house, and don't buy no more puppies or presents or whatever you think of" Shane said.

"Gotta go, talk to you soon"

"Bye Shane, Bye Nate" Jason answered and hung up.

'Katie isn't a puppy, those two will understand, I can't abandon her' he thought

Jason sat on the couch and curled up. He drifted off thinking about how proud his friends would be of what an awesome dad he was going to be.

Yeah proud. Lol.

Hope you liked chapter 1, review please