Well, here it is. My first threesome – YohxKagxHao! I hope everyone likes it.

SOF: ::holds up sign saying 'H-Dawg-luvs-anime does not own Shaman King or Inuyasha. The stories and characters belong to much more talented people. She doesn't own me, either.'::

Sad, isn't it?

Oneshot #8: Between Us Brothers

Pairing: YohxKagomexHao

Genre: Romance

The Asakura twins, despite their different views on the world, had several similarities.

One that everyone could agree on was their laid-back personalities. Neither wanted to do too much during the day... or night. However, a certain Itako made sure at least one of them was 'training,' as she called it ('Torture' is what everyone else could see). The other twin just sat back and watched his little brother suff... er... 'train' with a large grin on his face.

Another was their appetite for curry bread.(1) Both Yoh and Hao had a taste for the bread item and during their coffee time at the Patch Cafe, though no one was around to see it, they fought over the last piece. A spontaneous combustion on a bit of Yoh's hair quickly decided the victor.

Another trait they shared was one only they themselves knew. They were both in love with the same girl. And the kicker was it wasn't Anna (Yoh always shivered in fear at the thought of Anna ever finding out about it).

Actually, their first meeting with the girl was the day they had coffee together at the Patch Cafe...

Kagome looked up from the table she was wiping when she heard the bell at the door ring. Running to the door she quickly bowed and greeted, "Welcome to the Patch's Cafe! Have a seat and enjoy our special brew of coffee!"

The two boys in front of her were around her age looked strikingly similar to each other. 'Probably twins,' she thought absently. There were a few key differences, though. One looked slightly taller than the other with hair that reached his lower back. The other had short hair and wore orange earphones over his head.

Yoh blushed lightly at the cute girl in front of him. She had long, black hair and bright, blue eyes. Her face looked childish, but in a way that it suited her. The uniform she was wearing was a cream-coloured, short-sleeved shirt and a skirt that fell to just above the knees. She wore a frilly white apron over her outfit with the Patch logo on the part covering her chest. A white waitress head skirt(2) sat on top of her head. The outfit really showed off her nice figure and legs.

Hao gave the girl an appreciative once-over before walking to a table and sitting down. Yoh followed close behind his brother, eyes still on the waitress.

Kagome came to their table right away, them being the only customers in at the time. "My name's Higurashi Kagome," she said, "and I'll be your waitress. What would you like?"

Smiling at the girl, Hao ordered, "I'll have an espresso."

Writing the order down, the girl then turned to Yoh, "And what would you like?"

You scratched his head in thought, looking a little lost. "I've never really had coffee before. What's an espresso anyway?"

Hao briefly explained what the beverage was and Yoh was instantly turned off at the mention of it having a bitter taste.

"Kagome-san, is there something sweet that I can have?" Yoh asked.

Kagome smiled pleasantly at the boy, "I'll get you a cappuccino. I prefer sweet things, myself, so I usually have those."

Yoh smiled and said, "Okay, thanks."

"We'll have some curry bread, too," Hao added.

As the waitress left for the kitchen, the brothers watched her walk away. Hao looked at Yoh and smirked, "Nice girl, isn't she?"

Yoh turned his head to face Hao. "Yeah, she's very polite," he replied, completely missing the meaning behind Hao's words. Hao sighed and shook his head.

"Oh, Yoh," he said, sounding almost exasperated, "you're still such a child."

"Hey!" Yoh protested. "No, I'm not! Besides, you're the same age as I am." Hao raised one eyebrow. "... Okay, maybe you aren't really, but still!"

"Excuse me?"

The brothers looked up to see Kagome had returned with their caffeine and curry bread. Placing the platter down, she set the drinks in front of the boys and put the basket of curry bread in the centre of them.

Kagome smiled and said, "Enjoy!"

"We will, thank you," Hao said, adding a sensual tone to his voice while smiling at her. Kagome blushed a little before she quickly bowed and left. Yoh turned and frowned at his brother.

"Don't tease her like that," he said with a small tint of anger.

Hao shifted his eyes towards Yoh, but kept his head pointing in Kagome's direction. "Why? Don't tell me you're jealous, otouto," his smile morphed into a smirk when Yoh blushed and stuttered at Hao's words. "My, my, what would Anna say if she knew?"

Yoh paled at the thought of the blonde itako's wrath if she ever heard that he may like another girl. He could see it: she'd be standing over him, eyes glowing with a malicious yellow light while dark clouds gathered around her. Her two shikigami, formerly Hao's, standing on either side of her, their weapons brandished and aimed at him...

Suddenly, Yoh felt himself get flicked on the forehead and, still in his nightmarish fantasy, screamed at the contact. "Don't hurt me!" he yelled, cowering in his chair.

Hao watched his brother in amusement at what his small action did. He could clearly see Yoh's imagination at work with the help of Reishi. 'Yes, very much a child, indeed.' Leaning one arm on the table, he picked up his espresso and took a sip. "Yoh, as much as it entertains me to watch you squirm like this, I suggest you drink your cappuccino before it gets cold."

Yoh, remembering his drink, looked down at the brownish liquid in curiosity before picking the cup up. He took a quick sip and was instantly hit with a combination of both sweetness and bitterness. He had no idea if he liked it or not. It still made him reel back, though.

"Bleck, it's still bitter!" Yoh exclaimed. He could hear his older brother chuckling at his actions. "It's not funny," he sighed.

"Oh, but it is," Hao said. His eyes shifted to the front counter. "Even our lovely waitress thinks so."

Yoh turned his head and was greeted with one of the cutest sights he had ever seen. Kagome-chan was giggling quietly, holding one tiny hand up to her mouth to try and stifle the sounds. Her eyes were closed in humour and her shoulders were slightly bouncing. He could feel the heat seep into his cheeks at the sight. 'C-Cute!' his mind shouted in ecstasy.

"Very cute," Hao agreed aloud with an almost sinful caress in his tone. His eyes followed her movements like a lion watched its next meal.

Hao, having lived two previous lives, was rather experienced when it came to the opposite sex. He recognized a beautiful woman when he saw one and did not deny himself the luxury of fantasizing about a number of sinful situations. After all, even though he could read minds, no one could read his. Not to mention the young waitress was, indeed, a very beautiful specimen, one of the best he had seen in awhile. She was only in her early teens like Yoh, so he could only imagine what wonders the next few years would do to her already generous body.

Yoh's mind was much more innocent than his brother's. While he also thought she was attractive, no wicked thoughts came to his mind... okay, maybe a kiss or two did, but could you blame him?

"So are you going to ask her out or will I have the pleasure of doing so?" Hao asked. His tone was humorous, but he was completely serious.

Yoh jumped at the sudden forward question. "Are you crazy? That's like willingly walking down Death Row."

"If you're talking about Anna, I'm sure it cannot be that bad."

"Have you ever experienced one of her slaps before? Have you been given the Legendary Left?"

"... Point taken."

Yoh smiled in relief. His brother would understand his pain. They would just continue drinking their coffee and eating their curry bread like no-

"I guess that means she's mine for courting."

... His brother was a hormone-driven opportunist. No doubt about it.

"What?" Yoh cried in dismay. "I thought-,"

Hao smirked, "While you may have Anna to worry about, I don't have a fiancé that keeps me on a leash. At least not yet," Hao turned his eyes to where Kagome was supposed to be, but was disappointed when he saw no sign of her. She must have been in the back.

Yoh, either not getting the implication that his brother's words proposed or simply ignoring him, sighed in dismay. "It's so not fair. She probably doesn't slap as much as Anna does," the younger twin whined, absentmindedly fingering the bear-clawed necklace around his neck.

"No, she probably doesn't. Lucky me," the elder Asakura said in an almost cocky way. He watched in amusement as Yoh dropped his forehead onto the table and groaned.

It filled him with a small sense of awe at how the two of them were interacting. Not even two days ago they were enemies. Now they were sitting in a cafe, talking and teasing like the brothers they probably would have been if certain circumstances had been different. In a way it was rather sad.

"Excuse me?" Kagome spoke up as she returned to the twins' table. "Would you like refills?"

"Of course," Hao said and flashed the raven-haired beauty a charming grin. Kagome blushed at the handsome boy's smile and took his cup before turning to the younger twin.

"Would you like some more?"

"Actually, is there something else that's a little less bitter?" Yoh asked sheepishly.

"How about I pour a little more cream into your drink? Do you think that will help?"

"Uhh... Sure, thanks."

As Kagome turned to fetch more beverages for the customers she was suddenly stopped by the older one's voice.

"Kagome-san, may I have a word with you?" the long-haired boy asked.

Kagome cast a curious glance at him before replying, "Sure, mister..."

"Hao, Asakura Hao," he introduced himself. "I was wondering when you were let off work for the day."

"Um, in about two hours. Why?" Now Kagome was confused. Why would he want to know such a thing?

"You see, my otouto and I have never seen you around before so I can only assume that you have not been around the island too much," Hao explained. "Is that so?" He already knew she hadn't, seeing as the mind spoke before the mouth. Her reaction (or lack of) to his name was also a sign that she did not get around much. Very few on the island did not know his name or at least his infamous actions during the Shaman Fight.

"No actually," Kagome said in all honesty. "I've been working here almost full-time, so I haven't even really been sight-seeing, let alone seen a match of the Shaman Fight yet."

"Otouto has graciously agreed to give you a tour of Tokyo Island when your shift is over. Isn't that nice of him?" Hao smiled cheerfully and pretended to ignore Yoh, who had crossed his arms into an 'X' shape and was shaking his head frantically.

'Are you CRAZY?' Yoh shouted in his mind. If Anna got word of this, or worse if she saw them...! Kagome's voice broke his train of thoughts.

"Really?" She said, smiling brightly. "Oh, thank you, Yoh-kun. I'd love that." Kagome then proceeded to embrace Yoh happily. Yoh blushed at the intimate contact, but took a note of satisfaction when he noticed one of Hao's eyebrows twitch a little as he watched them.

Kagome broke the hug when she realized what she was doing. Blushing brightly from the contact with the cute boy, she coughed and said, "W-Well I guess I had better get back to work. You still need those refills." She speed-walked back into the kitchen.

Yoh remained in a daze as the memory of the hug kept coming back to him. Kagome was so close to him, he may have been able to ki-

Another forehead flick broke his thoughts as he lightly glared at his older brother. Hao simply shrugged, "I can read your thoughts and I certainly didn't want you to finish that sentence."

Yoh kept glaring as he rubbed his abused forehead. "If you were so jealous then why did you say that I was gonna escort her?"

"Now, now Otouto, I am not so childish as to experience jealousy-," 'Bullshit,' Yoh thought, "- but I do know how to eliminate the competition, and not just in regards to the Shaman Fight."

"Wait, what?" Yoh asked, confused.

Hao's smile suddenly seemed a little less friendly as he explained, "If I'm not mistaken, Anna usually frequents the tourist areas this day of the week. It would be quite the predicament if she caught you waltzing around with another woman, wouldn't it?"

Yoh's face suddenly gained an expression of horrifying realization. "You did take into account of Anna being there! You cheat!"

"All's fair in love and war, my dear Otouto, and you wouldn't make much of a suitor as a spirit, now would you?" Hao shot back casually.

The younger Asakura twin growled low in his throat. Standing up from his chair, he made a heroic stance as he pointed a finger at his bored-looking brother and declared, "Just you watch, Hao! It'll be the best date she's ever had!"

"Oh please," the older boy scoffed, "I have a thousand years' worth of experience under my belt... quite literally," he added that last part with a smirk on his face as he watched his twin cringe and say 'gross'. "I think I can show her a better time than you can by far."

"Then how about this: we each take her out for one official date, this one doesn't count since it wasn't planned. Whoever can impress her the most can be her boyfriend," Yoh said, leaning halfway over the table to make his glare more intimidating.

Hao chuckled smoothly as he placed his arm on the table, rested his head on his hand and also leaned forward. The brother's were now mere inches apart, glaring each other in the eye; Yoh's mouth set in a determined frown while Hao's retained its smirk. "It's a deal so long as you survive today's trip," Hao agreed.

After a full minute of the Asakura twins not breaking their glaring contest, Kagome returned with the refilled cups and new spoons. "Here you go. Please enjoy!"

"Thank you," the twins said at the exact same time, freaking Kagome out a little. She watched in awe as they reached for their cups and took a sip of their beverages, their movements exactly the same, without breaking eye contact.

'This is one intense glaring match,' Kagome thought, scratching her head a bit.

"Well, prepare to be schooled, Hao!" Yoh shouted overdramatically. At the same time he was absentmindedly reaching for a piece of curry bread which, coincidently, was the last one...


"Kyaa! Yoh-kun, your hair's on fire!"

"Put it out! Gauuh! Put it out!"

"You had better go get a bucket of water, Kagome-san. Don't hesitate to dump the whole bucketful on him."

Winner of Round One: Hao, by a hair.

The Asakura twins faced yet another everyday dispute brothers usually had:

Trying to get the same girl.

Between the brothers, neither was willing to give her up without a fight.

1. No joke, they both have curry bread as their favourite food.

2. Check out Tokyo Mew Mew's Mew Mew Cafe uniforms. I'm talking about the head piece.

Dear God I am soooo sorry this is so late. My life has been busy as hell over the summer and returning to university and new classes and... the list goes on! Hopefully I won't hit that kind of spot for a while, now.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed it and R&R please! ::whisper:: Or SoF will burn your hair off, too! ::whisper::