Chapter 1: Ember's tale

Yay, my first story!!! If I stole your ideas sorry. I hope you enjoy.:) Disclaimer : I don't own transformers just Ember and the plot.

My name is Ember Jay, I have blue eyes, black hair with natural red strips in it, I have a slim figure, tanned skin, and about 5'3. I've been an orphan since I can remember and let me tell you, all those stories about how bad being an orphan is, it's ten times worse! I'll be 14 next month so that means another four gloomy years and I'm taking off. I'm also super smart, and being so smart, I got to skip to the 11 grade. I would be in college right now or something, but there is two things holding me back.

1: The teens need help with their school work bad, but the teachers at my school don't do a thing to help.
2: Jim, the school tormentor, who beats up every so called 'nerd' in sight. And me being on the top of his hate list.

I would love to be as far away from the tough guy wan'a' be ,but I'm the only one that sticks up for the 'nerds' around here. Oh by the way, if you see a tall guy, about 17, dirty blonde hair, green eyes, light skin, muscular, and looks like he could eat you...RUN!!

Today is the last day of school and, also the day I pack my bags and go to another foster family in an entirely different town. Oh what fun.
Hopefully, next year the teachers will do there jobs, kids will pass school, and Jim will learn to be nice. It could happen...not!!!!!!
The teachers are never going to change, teens will most likely drop out, and when I'm gone Jim will reign in terror. The school is going to fall big time.
And I can't do anything about it.

Anyway, I have to get ready for school.


I stood face to face with Jim.
Earlier, I had caught him pushing a shorter teen around, along with his friends. Luckly, I distracted them long enough for the victim to sneak away.
"Come on shorty. Show me what you got!," the dimwit teased as I charged at him. I tackled him and held him down. I'm also a whole lot stronger than I look. I have to be, to stand up to this loser but, sometimes my strength totally surprises me.
He yelled out to his friends but they were long gone. They all know that I can beat them all senceless if I wanted to.
After a few minutes I let him up and he ran off in the direction of his 'friends'.
I got up and dusted myself off.

About 15 minutes later, the intercom buzzed and said,"Ember Jay, please report to the principal's offices.,"
I could hear the snickers as I walked towards the principal's office. Jim had told on me again.
'Well,' I thought,' so much for a great last day.'


After the principal's little 'chat', I walked out of the school with my social services gaurdian, John.
We got in his old (and I mean old!!!) ford pickup truck and drove towards the foster home. I got my stuff and went back in the truck with John.
Not too long after, the truck started acting up.''Oh, just perfect.," muttered John while he drove into a small parking lot. We stopped and John got out of the truck and popped the hood. A few minutes passed, and he poked his head back in the truck,"Ah, could you...?,'' but I cut him off,''Sure,'' I sighed as I got out. I forgot to mention that I'm a wicked mechanic. I just love tech stuff, it comes naturally I guess. One moment later and the ford ran like new but, needed parts badly. And no matter how many times I tell 'Cheep Johnny' he never listens.
I hopped back in the truck and we went back to our trip.

The ride was silent until John spoke,"This will be your third house this year, and I don't want you to mess it up for yourself either. You've had chances to live in good homes before and don't think you'll get any more chances in the future.,"

"Okay," I sighed. Apparently John's vision of a good home was not the friendly type. Heck, if it's a place to get rid of me, it's considered a good home.
'Who cares anyway?' I thought 'It's probablely just another stupid family who has pity on me.'

"We're here," John pronounced as we got out. We walked to the door, and John rang the bell.

'What's so different about this family?'

The door opened ,"Why hello, Mr. Witwicky."

Thanks for reading, please review, and pleeeeeese no flames!!!!!!!!!!!!