Welp, this is it, folks. The final chapter. I admit, I could've done better with this, but, eh, I'm satisfied with it. Been a fun ride, eh? Well, I had fun...

Zack smirked at Kyona, walking towards her.

"Well, little sister? Aren't you going to attack me?" He asked. He cackled. Kyona stepped back, nervously.

"I… I am not your little sister!" She said. Zack clapped.

"How perceptive of you. No, I'm not Zack. I'm just using his body," he said. "Would you like to guess who I really am?"

"Leave my brother alone!" Kyona said. 'Zack' frowned.

"You're no fun. Just like your father," he said. "Fine, I'll tell you. I'm the demon king. I tried to take over this island long ago, but your father got in the way. Now all I want is revenge for all the years I've had to spend as a helpless little moth."

"It was your fault for trying to take over the island in the first place!" Kyona said. The Demon King glared at her. Then he chuckled.

"Do you know how I possess people? Can you guess what it is? I can only possess people with a hidden darkness in their heart—when they're sad, or angry, but they won't show it. That's how I possessed the Wizard. He was secretly heartbroken when your mother rejected him so many years ago. It's the same with my pets—I believe you call them 'yakuma'? The more darkness they keep hidden in their hearts, the more powerful they are," The Demon King said. He smiled. "So, how's that burn scar of yours? I was pleased to see that it lasted so long. When I told your brother to burn you with his powers as a joke, I didn't think he would actually be dumb enough to go through with it, but, then, children are so easily manipulated, you know? And I'm glad I did. That was the first—and only—time I'd seen his true power, and that was the moment I'd decided to take him as my host instead of the wizard. Of course, I had to wait for the right moment—when the guilt and confusion in his heart became too much for him. It's been a long wait, but so worth it. This body is so much stronger than that fool, the Wizard! Would you like a demonstration?" The Demon King snapped his fingers and the Witch, her house, and the Wizard was gone. Instead, they were on top of Garmoni Mountain, on Ignis's throne, standing before the Harvest God.

Ignis turned around and grinned at the sight of them.

"Zack! I'm so glad you're—" he began, but was cut off.

"Dad, no, it's the Demon King! He's using Zack's body!" Kyona shouted. Ignis froze.

"The Demon King?" He asked, staring at the person occupying Zack's body. The Demon King nodded.

"It's true. I'm just taking your son for a joyride. So, did you miss me, Dad?" The Demon King said. Ignis flared up and raised a glowing hand. The Demon King wagged a finger at him.

"Tsk, tsk, the only reason you managed to kill me last time was because you destroyed my physical body, and the manifestation of my power survived. If you do that again, you'll kill Zack, and I'll be just fine. Heck, I'll probably possess your precious little girl here, since she's as strong as Zack. With the state she's in, it will be easy," the demon king said. Ignis lowered his hand.

"You still can't kill me," he said.

"True," the Demon King responded.

"So what do you want?" Ignis asked.

"I want you to kneel down in defeat. I want your daughter to see how pathetic you are," the Demon King said.

"Dad, don't!" Kyona begged. Ignis looked at Kyona apologetically then glared at the Demon King and knelt before him. The Demon King chuckled.

"Excellent," he said. Kyona ran off, with tears streaming down her cheeks.

Hikari ran to Akari's house. Behind her, the Witch trudged, lugging the unconscious Wizard on her back.

Hikari stopped and turned around.

"Come on! We've gotta hurry!" she said. The Witch huffed.

"Don't mind me, I'm just carrying a ton on my back!" she said. Hikari blinked.

"Okay, then!" She said, and started running again. The sky turned black. The Witch looked up at it.

"Uh oh… this is bad," she mumbled, and ran after Hikari.

Kyona fell to her knees and cried at the Harvest Goddess's spring.

"What is the matter, my child?" the Harvest Goddess asked, smiling serenely.

"Everything," Kyona sobbed.

"The answers you seek are within you," the Goddess said. Kyona looked blankly up at her.

"Wha… what does that even mean?" She asked. The Harvest Goddess smiled at her.

"Think about it," she said.

Lucy and Roy were sitting on Akari's roof, watching for monsters as they were told to do.

Lucy shivered.

Roy took off his jacket and held it out to her. Lucy stared at it for a moment.

"Ha! Nice try, Roy, but I will not have you beat me at being cold! You won't beat me this time! What do you have to say to that!" Lucy said. Roy narrowed his eyes at her.

"I like you," he said.

"Ha ha! That's what I—wait, what?" Lucy said.

"I. Like. You." Roy repeated. "Even before you said we were rivals, or whatever. The day we kissed was the greatest day of my life." Lucy stared blankly at him.

"Fine! I'll let you win this time, but next round, you're mine!" And she pounced on him.

Kyona was sitting with her chin on her knees, contemplating the Harvest Goddess's words.

"I know what I must do," she said. The Harvest Goddess smiled. Again.

"Good luck, Kyona," she said. Kyona ran off.

Angie and Van were running to Akari's house when they were attacked by a flock of monster birds. Angie squeaked. Van pushed her out of the way and received the full force of the birds' attacks.

"Van!" Angie cried. The birds flew away and Van fell to the ground. Angie ran to his side. "Van, are you okay?"

"I'm… I'm fine…" Van said. "As long as you're okay." Angie picked him up on her back and carried him. "No, just leave me. Save yourself."

"I can't do that, Van," Angie said. "I mean, we're friends, right?" Van's heart skipped a beat.

"Angie, if we survive, do you want to maybe have lunch with me? You know… like a date?" He asked. Angie giggled.

"Sure, Van. I'd love to go out with you when this is over," she said.

And with that, in an adorable and totally believable way, all the teens of Castanet were paired off. Except Vivian and Zack.

In Akari's house, everyone in town stood, shoulder-to-shoulder, staying together for protection.

Gary flew out from somewhere, but only Akari could see him.

"So, you finally show your face, huh?" She muttered, smirking knowingly. Gary glowed and turned into Sakura Guardian.

"Who the heck is he?" Someone in the crowd asked.

"I am your hero, your savior… Sakura Guardian!" Sakura Guardian said, flamboyantly.

"Jeez, ego much?" someone else said. Sakura Guardian frowned but kept his head held high.

"Worry not, citizens! I shall fight this evil that is plaguing you!" He said.

"Oh, that's okay. We're pretty sure the Harvest Senshi is already on that," Maya said. Sakura Guardian face faulted. Vivian ran, Dakota left Heath's side, Lucy jumped down the chimney and Angie stopped nursing Van to come to Sakura Guardian's aid.

"What's the matter with you people!" Vivian demanded.

"Uh, what Vivian means is, the harvest senshi needs all the help they can get!" Dakota said.

"Come on, Sakura Guardian, we'll help you face that evil!" Lucy said. The girls pushed him out the door.

Kyona arrived at the foot of Mount Garmoni, out of breath, and tired. She touched the inscription on the side of the mountain. Nothing happened.

"What the…" she said. She slapped it. Then she punched it. She nursed her swollen hand, but she didn't teleport. "Are you kidding me?"

"Need some help?" Magical Koko-hime said, behind her. Kyona turned around and saw the rest of the Harvest Senshi, plus Sakura Guardian.

"You guys, go hide from the monsters. This is something I have to do on my own," Kyona said. Magical Koko-hime frowned and slapped her.

"Haven't you learned anything? When was the last time you accomplished anything on your own? Matt? He was a kitten compared to this guy. You need our help and we're going to give it to you whether you like it or not," she said. Kyona sighed and nodded.

"Go get the sprites and their bells and meet me at the top," she said.

The Demon King stood, smirking smugly at the Harvest God, who was still kneeling before him.

"Hmm… my legs are getting tired. I'll have to have a proper throne put up here," the Demon King mused.

"Not so fast, bitch!" Magical Appuru-chan shouted, coming out of the mine. She fell on her face and huffed. "DAMN that was hard!"

"You're a demigoddess… why didn't you just teleport up here?" The Demon King asked. Magical Appuru-chan glared at him, still on the ground.

"I… you… shut… the… hell… up…" she said, between heaves. Final, she stood, still tired, and pointed at him. "Demon King! I'll show you the consequences of… everything you did over the past two seasons or so!" The Demon King laughed.

"You don't still think you can beat me, do you?" The Demon King asked.

"No. I KNOW I can beat you!" Magical Appuru-chan said. She ran to her father's side and knelt beside him.

"Dad, with your help, we can beat him!" She said.

"It's useless…" Ignis said. "He's right. I'm not strong enough to defeat him without… without killing Zack."

"No, you're not. But together, we are!" Magical Appuru-chan replied. The Harvest senshi and Sakura Guardian teleported to their side, with their respective sprites with them, and with Sakura Guardian with Alan, "Everyone ready?"

"Ready!" The senshi replied.

"Shining apple antidote!"

"Shining gold ore antidote!"

"Shining blueberry antidote!"

"Shining orange antidote!"

"Shining lavender antidote!"

"Uhh… shining sakura antidote?" Alan's bell remained silent. "… Shining cherry antidote?" Alan's bell started ringing with the rest of them.

"Dad?" Magical Appuru-chan said. Ignis raised his mighty hand and hit the Demon King with a blast of orange energy.

The Demon King screamed in agony. Finally, Zack fell to the ground, unconscious, and a shadow with eyes rose from his body. It screamed, silently, and held its head in pain, before disintegrating.

"Uh… was that awesome or anticlimactic?" Magical Appuru-chan asked. Magical Koko-hime shrugged.

"Who cares? It's over now," she said.

"And we saved the island," Magical Yamu-pyon added. Magical Eggu-kun pumped her fist in the air.

"We're HEROES!" She said. Magical Panpukin-senpai nodded.

"And no one got killed," she said. Sakura Guardian grinned.

"And—" he was cut off by the next scene.

"So it was you who created the pens?" Kyona asked, looking at the Witch, who had her arms crossed in boredom.

"Of course it was me. Who else could do something so powerful? … Don't answer that. Anyway, life's no fun without the wizard to compete with. I COULD have defeated him myself to begin with, but I thought this way would be more fun. Plus, I've always wanted to be an evil accomplice," the Witch said. "Now, I wonder what to do about him…" she pointed at the Wizard.

The Wizard sat on his knees, looking downward. He wasn't angry, or sad. There was no emotion on his face.

"Erm… Wizard?" Kyona attempted, to no avail.

"I let my emotions get the better of me," the Wizard said. "And looked what I've done because of it. Perhaps it would be better if I just…" he pulled out a dagger.

"NO, DON'T-" everyone else shouted, expect for Ignis, who was picking his ear in the background.

Hikari slapped him.

"What's the matter with you?" She exclaimed. "You're gonna kill yourself over one small thing? You can't just escape that sorta thing! You gotta work to make up for the things you've done! Plus, I… a lot of people would be sad if you died!" The Wizard stared.

He stood up and took her by the hands.

"You're right, Hikari. Will you help me repent for my wrongdoings?" Hikari blushed and giggled.

"Well, I reckon you gotta do all that by yourself to really make up for it, but I'll stand by and cheer you on, if that'll help," she said.

"Good enough," The Wizard said, shrugging.

The onlookers cheered, except for Ignis, who wasn't really paying attention.

Zack walked past his mother, who was suppressing tears. He looked back and smiled at her, and she smiled back, happy for him, but finally lost control, and started crying.

He walked past Kyona, who was smiling happily for her brother, and Matt, who was holding Kyona's hand, and smiling.

He passed Lucy, who was grinning, giving him a thumbs-up, and Roy, who was rubbing his head, shyly.

He walked by Dakota and Heath, who were too wrapped up in each other to notice anything or anyone else.

Next was Angie, tearing up, and Van, who was trying to dry Angie's tears with a handkerchief.

And finally, there was Vivian, standing by herself and looking downward, depressed.

She smiled up at him with tears in her eyes.

Zack continued down the dock and bordered the ship.

Akari was sitting, cross-legged, on Ignis's throne, while Ignis was resting his head in her lap. She had some kind of magazine in her hand, which she leafed through, casually.

The magazine was labeled "TV Guide," with a picture of some kind of magical girl illustrated on the cover.

"Let's see," Akari said. "First, there's 'Dakota Smells'… nice name. Next, it's The Island News, hosted by Mayor Vivian and after that… oh! Look, Ignis! Our daughter made a TV show based on me!" She shoved the magazine in his face. Ignis opened one lazy eye to see what she was talking about.

Akari was pointing at the 7:00 show, titled The Woman Who Wouldn't Grow Old. Ignis smirked.

"Are you still bitter about that after all these years?" He asked, playfully. Akari sniffed.

"You should have asked my permission first," she said.

"But you would have refused."


Ignis sighed.

"Well, our children are happy…" he said, side-stepping the subject. Akari scowled.

"Kyona picked the perfect career for herself," she conceded.

"And Zack is an excellent farmer, thanks to you," Ignis said.

Meanwhile, in a studio in Harmonica Town…

"And… cut!" A red-headed woman called. The camera stopped running, seemingly on its own.

The purple-haired woman on set wiped the sweat from her brow.

"Thank goodness… I was so nervous!" She declared. The red-head smiled at her.

"You did great, Angie. Gems in the Rough is going to be a hit!" The red-head said, assuring.

"If you say so, Kyona…" Angie said.

The view panned to a ship.

"That's it… keep it steady…" The brunette captain said to his red-haired eight-year-old. "Yuna, you're a natural!" The little girl frowned.

"Daddy, are we going to be home soon? I don't want to miss my shows," she said, uninterested. The man laughed.

"You're just like your mother, you know?" he remarked.

The camera panned again to an office in Harmonica Town, where the blond mayor was shuffling her papers.

It then panned to a house, where an orange-haired woman was making lunch for her green-haired husband and their five children; three girls and two boys.

Then it showed the mine, where a purple-or-blue-haired woman was plowing through, with her copper-headed husband and their blue-haired son was struggling to catch up.

It then cut to the clinic, where the young, black-haired doctor was bandaging a little blond girl, while said blond girl's blond, spikey-haired teenage brother nearly fainted with panic.

Then it panned to a red-headed farmer, determinedly toiling in his field somewhere.

Then it went back to the red-headed woman. She left her studio and stood out in the field, smiling up at the sky. Everything was okay.

Well, that's it. I'm done with this cast of characters. And, believe it or not, bugging me to write more won't make me feel more inclined to do so. I'm actually working on a cracktastic High School AU parody, and I'll post it here sometime in the near future, if I feel like it. Also, my friend, Fukubi, as she's called here, is writing an unofficial-and-at-first-unauthorized sequel (dunno if she's still working on it actually, but...), maybe if you annoy her enough about it she'll post it here. Or she'll block you and get pissed at me. Worth a try? Thanks for reading~