Disclaimer: I don't own Sasuke, nor Sakura. Nothing Naruto.

Oh, look. Another collection that I'll probably update every Solar Eclipse. .
This one will only go up to 7 chapters, however, each centering around a color of the rainbow.
Here's red. (WARNING: Slight blood/gore. It's not like, excessive or anything; not even close, but, I'm just warning you ahead of time.)

R e d

Sasuke didn't have a specific favorite color. Whenever she asked him, he would shrug, occasionally adding an "Idunno." The same occurred when inquired if he had a least-favorite color.

Sakura, though clearly disappointed with the vague response, left it at that. It was the fact that he had merely considered the question that left her smiling as he walked away.

One of these days he'll have an answer.


His cold, emotionless eyes stared into her own lifeless ones.

Unconsciously reaching down to tuck a few loose strands of copperstained pink hair behind the girl's ear, he couldn't help but tell himself this was all a dream. He knew all too well that this was going to happen sooner or later --he knew she would get in the way, and he promised he would show no mercy-- but he had desperately wished it would be later.

A LOT later.

"You were strong Sakura, but not nearly strong enough."

A single tear slid down his cheek and the onyx-haired boy made no movement to wipe it away, but instead watched it fall onto her forehead.

Her bruised, scarlet forehead.
The crimson scars and gashes that lined every inch of her arms and legs.
There was red blood everywhere.

And it was all hers.

Looking back on it, he realized how obvious that question was; the one she had asked him long ago.

"I don't like...the color...red."

How unfortunate it was that she would never get to hear the words leave his lips.

Jeez! How angsty! Dx Next up is orange...so maybe it'll be a bit more...cheerful? Not sure. *hasn't even started the next drabble yet* ^^;

Reviews are appreciated.