A/N: New set of one shots but these are based on the lyrics for different songs. Because I'm so cool, I like this song a lot and think that it suits Robbie and Jackie really well.

Disclaimer: Don't own Jackie, Robbie, or the song.


7 Things by Miley Cyrus


Jackie was in her flat, nursing a big glass of wine. She and Robbie weren't in the best of places just now and she had no idea what to feel about him, all her emotions were conflicted. The old saying went, "there's a fine line between love and hate" but for her and Robbie it felt like a huge chasm. She knew she wouldn't be able to tell him this out loud so instead she decided to write it down.

After a couple of years working together, they had settled down into some kind of routine where they would mess around with each other. They both loved it but then one day it just vanished. They had somehow drifted apart overnight, Jackie couldn't hide the fact that it hurt her to be in touching distance with Robbie but not to be able to even talk to him. One day, just a week or so ago, the rain was pouring down on them and Jackie knew that the silence between them wouldn't stop until he realised what she really thought.

She grabbed a pad of paper from her shelf and got a pen from her bag and started to write.


I need you to know this before anything else. Here's a list of the seven things I hate the most about you;

1. You are so vain. Everyone knows it, even you know it. Before we go out for a drink you say you need the toilet, we all know that that's your way of saying that you're going to make sure your hair is perfect.
2. You play the stupidest games with my mind. At times you would flirt every second away with me but then it changes and now you don't even look at me.
3. You can be insecure at times. You think that no one notices but I do, I always know what your thinking. True enough you also know what I'm thinking, except my obvious feelings about you.
4. I know you love me, but there is always some young model or whatever that you like as well. I hate trying to compete with them, it shouldn't be like that, and I know I am probably over-reacting but it's the truth Robbie.
5. There is no denying that you are always great at making me laugh but then there are the times that you can reduce me to tears. You know exactly what to say to make me show a certain emotion.
6. Your so called 'friends' are the most pointless creatures on Earth. They are made up of junkies and criminals and have nothing going on with their lives. Robbie, you're better than them in every way but you still go out with them, you buy them the alcohol that they're craving, and just act like them. I hate it.
7. There is no doubting that I love you more than anything and in the beginning I couldn't stand letting someone - especially you - get this deep into me. It frightened me.

She knew that if he felt sorry for what he had done he would apologise after reading this. If he did mean it then she would accept it without a moments' hesitation but if he dare to text the apology then she would ignore it and press a couple of buttons to make it disappear forever. He would have to be the one to make the first move after she did this.

Jackie couldn't leave the letter like this though. She hadn't even mentioned any of his wonderful attributes. Although if she started on his great things, she would be there for a few years; there was far too many. So she settled on the things that she liked.

I've only just realised that I can't leave this, it's incredibly unfinished. The seven things I like about you Robbie are;

1. Your hair is wonderful. I feel that if I run my fingers through it, it would be soft and would always go back to how it had been before. Even when you've not brushed it it's still fabulous. You've started to wear it differently recently, it makes you look smarter but the scruffy look has always suited you.
2. Those eyes. They are the things that I can stare into for ages and never get bored. I sound slightly stalkerish when I say this but I think that I know the exact shape and colour of them because of how much I slyly look at them in the office.
3. When we're just out in the pub you usually wear the same old jeans. Out of all the people in this world, you are the person I would guess would buy a new pair every other week but apparently not. The hems at the bottom of the legs are getting more and more frayed but they suit you just like your hair does.
4. Even if it is just a light brush on the cheek, we both know that we will never forget it. We act awkward afterwards but we can't take our eyes off each other. I know you can feel it too.
5. When you are in one of your jokey moods, I find it perfect, you say the funniest things just to make me smile. Understsand this though: some of the things you say are horrible and I can't stand you seeing me in tears. But I can deal with that, I want to put up with it simply because it is you and I want to spend all my spare time in your company.
6. When we need the other to feel better we always hold hands or put an arm around a shoulder, have you ever noticed that? It makes everything that's troubling me go out the window, you make everything alright again. I want to be with that person again, I want to joke and flirt and just be like we used to, or maybe more. Just not like this.
7. But no matter how much of a stupid arse you are, you still manage to make me love you. And if there is any possibility that you feel as strongly as I do about you, then tell me, please.

Hope to speak to you soon, Jackie.

She put it in an envelope which she sealed and worte in her familiar handwriting To Robbie on the front.


She left the letter in his locker the next again morning, he had got her a key cut a while ago in case of emergencies. He would hopefully find it after work when he got his personal items out of it. As she was closing the door on it, she saw the edge of a photo underneath a set of trainers: it was one of himself and Jamie when he was a baby. Robbie looked so happy and she knew that at that time he had no idea that it would end in a divorce and hardly any time with the little boy. She smiled as she tucked the photo back into it's hiding place and turned the key in the lock. It was up to Robbie now.


Later that night she heard a knock on her front door and went to answer it. She found Robbie standing there with the letter in his hand.

"Jackie, I hate those things about me too. The reason I stopped talking to you a fortnight ago was because that night I saw all those flaws staring back at me from a mirror and I couldn't see how a woman like you could ever feel the same way that I did with her, so I got depressed and couldn't bear to see you laughing with me when I thought there was no chance for us loving each other. I'm sorry, from the bottom of my heart I am so sorry."

Jackie started to smile as she realised that they might just work this out together. Yeah, there would be arguments but that was because they was Robbie and Jackie, they could argue for hours on end but deep down still loved the other.

He gently took her face in his hand and lowered his lips down onto hers. The letter fell out off his hand and onto the ground.

"Can this be another thing you like about me." They both grinned and let their heads touch together.

"I love you Jackie."

"I love you too Robbie."

She could live with the first seven things because of the latter seven. He could be as vain as he wanted to be but as long as he still loved her it wouldn't change anything between them.