Unexpected Changes: It all turns to sh**

Harry had at some stage during the train ride to Hogwarts managed to nod off where he was sitting, so when the train came to a shuddering stop its brakes screeching loudly he was very rudely awakened when he found himself thrown to the floor. Neville who had been awake and staring out the window faired a little better and was able to brace himself moments before he to would have ended up thrown from his seat.

"Harry you alright?"

"Bloody hell! Yes yes, I am I think…..that what in merlin, are we at Hogwarts?" Asked Harry as he gingerly picked himself off the floor of the compartment. As he stood he dusted himself off lightly with one hand while the other found its way automatically towards the necklace he wore under his clothes, he sighed in relief when his fingers brushed over the comforting lump. He knew rationality it was still there as he had legs, but he couldn't help being paranoid.

"Something's not right"

At the ominous whisper, Harry's head turned towards his classmate thinking it was Neville that had spoken those quit words. But his fellow Gryffindor was frowning deep in thought looking out the window into the countryside and appeared to not have even heard. It wasn't until Sora walked over to where he was he realised his familiar had spoken.

"Sora wha…." Harry didn't get to finish his question as Neville turned away from the glass and sat back down voicing his thoughts.

"Harry we aren't at Hogwarts, in fact, we aren't anywhere. We have stopped in the middle of nowhere." Neville looked towards Harry nervously as his finished talking, bewilderment and worry etched on his face.

Harry decided to take a look outside the train as well so he moved over to the window and peered out, it wasn't that he didn't believe Neville...but he had to make sure. Though his friend was right, they had stopped on some elevated tracks above a wide river, there was nothing around other than hills and trees and some farmland. Though if he squinted off to the far right he was sure he could see what seemed like tops of castle towers. So unless his eyes were playing tricks on him they couldn't be too far from Hogwarts. So the question remained why did they stop here. The uncertainty of the situation had Harry's heart beating loudly in his chest, and judging by the very worried frown on his face Neville wasn't faring much better in his thoughts.

Harry watched as the frown turned more to a determined look and Neville stood up and with a smile in his direction moved to the compartment door and opened it slowly and with care as if he was afraid something dangerous was waiting for him on the other side, suddenly their quiet compartment was filled with noise from the corridor, everyone it seemed was confused as to why the train stopped and had wasted no time in mingling to gossip.

Both boys looked at each other, then Neville turned his attention back to his task and leaned his head out the door. Looking either side of their compartment he noticed a lot of students had their doors open too and they were wandering in and out no doubt trying to find someone who had an inkling as to what was going on. In fact so many students were about that it would be too hard to move so without a second thought Neville closed the door and sat down motioning for Harry to do the same.

"Every ones packing the corridor I would guess prefects and teachers will get things under control soon." Said Neville as he nervously pulled at his sleeves.

Harry frowned and couldn't stop himself looking outside then to the door, nothing had happened so hopefully it was a simple fix and nothing too sinister.

Sora sensing Harry's chaotic emotions sat beside his small merman and leant into him to offer support, though his senses remained alert. Not once since the train had come to a stop had Sora's ears sat still.

Neither boy had to wait too long before there was a knock on their door, it opened only moments later to show a 7th year Ravenclaw prefect. Judging by the scowl marring her features she wasn't happy about whatever had bought her here. She sniffed once raising her nose in the air and sneered at the two 5th years. For a moment Harry was struck with the thought that if Snape and Malfoy ever had a kid she would look like this.

"I'm just coming around to warn you the ministry has stopped the train for a safely check. Two ministry officials will be coming around to each compartment to check things are up to code or some such nonsense. Please do behave." With her message delivered the girl turned and closed their door no doubt off to spread the message to more students.

Harry let out a sigh he didn't know he was holding in upon hearing the news. While he had never heard of the ministry doing spot checks at least it wasn't something horrible like the dementors in the third year.

"You know Harry… I've never heard of the ministry doing this before. Why do you reckon they are now?" Asked Neville as he frowned thoughtfully at the door.

"Maybe they are just paranoid after what happened to Cedric last year? I know they didn't believe it was Voldemort but a student still died."

Neville shivered at the mention of you-know-whos name and nodded.

"Hopefully that's it, still, I reckon it's never a good sign when the ministry gets involved with how Hogwarts does things."

This time, Harry was the one that found himself nodding to the other boy. Hopefully whatever the ministry was here to do would be over quickly, because he wasn't sure he could relax until he was within Hogwarts walls.

With an unspoken agreement that they would leave the topic alone, Neville pulled out a book on plants and thumbed through it reading things that caught his fancy, while Harry leant towards the window and looked outside absent-mindedly playing with his pendant. There was nothing much they could do but wait.

It occurred to Harry as he was gazing at the clouds that this summer had been so filled of new and exciting things and he had had so much fun with his new dads that he had forgotten all about Voldemort being back, even about Cedric. The guilt he had been feeling at the end of last year hit again and he scowled. He knew it wasn't his fault, his dads had explained that in detail to him, but knowing and feeling weren't always on the same wavelength he had discovered.

A good hour passed in tense silence broken only every now and then with purrs as Harry had let one of his hands start patting Sora. Eventually, Neville put his book down and glanced at the window.

"Reckon they will take much longer? It's getting dark now and we might miss the feast"

"Mmmmm what I don't get is why they waited till after the train left the stat..."

Knock. Knock.

Both boys heads turned swiftly towards the door as it slides open. Standing on the other side of the door was a sour looking short man with short sandy blonde hair and deep blue eyes, he couldn't have been much taller than Harry. But what he lacked for in height he sure made up in muscle as his biceps were straining at his robes sleeves.

Glancing only briefly at the two boys the man grunted and flashed a badge.

"Stand back against window and don't move!" He barked as he took a step into the room.

Wide-eyed both Harry and Neville did as they were told. Clearly, the man was having a bad day.

"Now now Lorcan don't scare the poor things" tutted another man as he came to stand where his companion had just been. His was the complete opposite to the now dubbed Lorcan, he was very tall and willowy with hardly any bulk to him and deep chocolate coloured wavy hair. He also looked like a strong gust of wind could bowl him over.

"Please forgive my co-worker, he's had a very...stressful week. Where are my manners I am Secrul and this is Lorcan and we are here to ensure that your trip has and will be as safe as it can be"

There was something in the way Secrul spoke but Harry found the hairs on the back of his neck raising, here by the ministry's demands or not he would not let his guard down.

"Now all we need to do is use this here device" Secrul brought out his left hand to show the boys, in it was what looked like a hand mirror decorated with glittering gems and shells. "And once it's given the all clear we will be on our way." Lorcan merely grunted in agreement.

The two Gryffindor's watched as the taller man muttered a few words and run a finger over the glass he then held it up pointing it towards the corner near the door where Neville had been. Harry craned his head slightly to get a look and saw that the mirror was now a window, however, objects appeared to be different shades of colour. The man swiftly scanned it all over the compartment before repeating what he had done to the mirror before and deactivating it. All the while he had maintained a reassuring smile towards the two teenagers.

Neville and Harry watched as Secrul leant down towards his co-worker's ear and whispered something. Something that had the shorter man frowning angrily.

"You sure?"

"Positive my friend"

Both ministry workers then turned their gaze to him and Harry froze. Why why did he have a sinking feeling in his guts? What if whatever they did showed he wasn't human? Harry risked a quick glance out the corner of his eye to Neville. The other boy also seemed very worried about the behaviour of the two grown men.

"Boy! You mother red hair green eyes?" Snapped the shorter two suddenly.

To his horror Harry found himself nodding to shocked at the question to even think about it.

"Lorcan don't be rude! Awfully sorry again. But we knew your mother, the eyes gave it away in the end. How is she these days?" Secrul had yet to lose his kind smile even as his grumpy friend was being rude.

Harry frowned and glanced at the tall man. Did they not realise who he was?

"Dead..." He said confused. "She died when I was a baby"

"Ah o dear that's not good is it Lorcan."

"Makes it easier I reckon."

With that comment, both men smirked in his direction and before he could say hippogriff Lorcan had moved forward and punched poor Neville hard in the side of the head. Harry watched in shock as his travelling companion dropped like a puppet with its strings cut.

He gasped and went for his wand but what happened next happened so fast Harry wasn't even sure how it happened. One moment he was reaching for his wand and the next Lorcan was howling in pain as the whole left side of his face had been shredded. Secrul spread his companion only a brief disturbed look, Harry, however, felt like throwing up as he noticed pieces of flesh hanging off the man's cheek. It was the angry yowl at his feet that made Harry glance down to see Sora, hair raised and claws bloody.

"I'm going to fucking kill your cat boy then I'm going to have some fun with you, you'll wish you were dead when I'm done!" Bellowed Lorcan one hand against his face in a feeble attempt to stop the bleeding.

"Just heal yourself I'll deal with this."

Wasting no time and giving Harry no chance to cast a spell Secrul raised his hand and let lose what Harry could only describe as a mighty boom of magic, it was loud it was fast and it was like a battering ram. Harry slammed up against the glass window of the train, his wand falling out of his hand and rolling near Neville, his breath was forced out of his lungs and for a moment Harry thought it would be okay until he heard cracking.

"Fish boy!"

Sora jumped up in front of him just in time to take on the full weight of the second attack and was slammed into Harry's already bruised chest.

Sadly that was all the glass could take and it shattered under the boy in a second, being still caught in the magic Harry only had time to widen his eyes in horror as he saw the triumphant grins on the men's faces as he and Sora tumbled out the window and down towards the ground.

It was very surreal thought Harry as he felt the wind rush past him, he could feel Sora's claws digging into his chest and the tears falling from his eyes. He didn't want to die, not now.

His world erupted in pain and he knew no more.

"Fish boy!"


Harry came to the conclusion that he wasn't dead within seconds of becoming conscious, because he refused to believe that he would be in this much pain in the afterlife. It felt like every bone in his body was broken and that several parts of him were on fire. Harry screwed his eyes closed tighter, he didn't want to open them, he didn't want to know.

Something soft and warm gently pressed against his cheek and Harry winced as he had moved his head at the unexpected touch.

"O thank the gods you're awake! Can you hear me fish boy?" Asked a worried voice.

It took him several moments to figure out who it was and several more to find the strength to reply.

"Sss….oooo…..ra?" His answer was broken up with raspy deep breaths, it was like his lungs were filled with water. Which was weird since he could breathe under water.

"You just hold tight alright! You're not allowed to die you hear me!"

Harry hummed in reply and was about to apologise as he wasn't sure he could keep that promise when he found himself losing the battle to stay in the waking world.

"Damn it! Harry Harry can you hear me…..."

Sora cried out in frustration as his merboy once more passed out. His wide horrified eyes glanced over him one more time in a desperate attempt to see if the damage wasn't as bad as he first thought.

Harry his poor fish boy was a mangled mess, bones stuck out of the skin, in other places, there were lumps and bruises which he was sure was from breaks and internal bleeding. Parts of the boy's side had pieces of skin missing, big pieces.

When they had landed Sora had come off relativity unharmed as he had been on top when they slammed into the river below. The shock and suddenness of the cold water and stunned him long enough that he had detached from his boys robes and lost him in the rapids, but he wasted no time swimming clear of the water to find him, after he had made his way to the bank he had frantically transformed into a polar bear and dived back in towards his boy. But the river was fast and unforgiving and by the time he had caught up and pulled him out the damage was done.

And now he was sitting beside his broken and bloody boy on the banks of a calmer part of the river while inside his heart broke and his soul screamed.

He had to heal him he just had to, he couldn't lose him now, he didn't want to be alone. Terrified that he would lose his new friend Sora lunged forward and used his paw to tear the chain around the boy's neck. The clasp broke easily and the pendant which had been dangling outside of the merboy's robes fell the rest of the way to solid ground.

The change was quick and Sora was surprised but very very happy to see that his tail looked in better condition than his human legs had. Though his pants were now ripped shreds under his tail.

Yes there was still discolouring and scales were missing, but it looked like the process had mended the broken bones. Sora didn't let the happiness slow him down though, the top half of his boy was still severely deformed with injuries.

Sora sent a silent prayer to the fish god of healing Jourlria and shuffled closer to the merboy. Hopefully, he would stay unconscious for the next part. With actions a bear normally wouldn't do Sora set about resetting his boys arm bones with his paws, the sounds that reached his ears made Sora want to throw up, but he knew he couldn't afford to.

Once his arms were done Sora dragged the boy gently towards the river so that his tail was half submerged in the slow current, and transformed back into a fish snuggling up to the boys tail fin. Being in water would make this easier. With a determined twitch of his tail, Sora focused on sending waves of healing magic from him and the water towards the boy. While he couldn't use magic pre se as he was this one's familiar he could heal small injuries along with other small feats. However he wasn't sure how healing this much damage would go. It would be hours before either of them moved.

Harry woke violently, his body jerking as he turned to his side to hack up water and blood. He moaned softly as he lay there on the grass and pebbles his mind trying to catch up to what had happened.

The ministry workers.

The window.

The pain….

His eyes fluttered open and breathing deeply Harry realised that yes while he was still in massive amounts of pain, it was nothing compared to what he had felt before when he had woken.

Taking great care in his movements Harry turned onto his back and sat up slowly, thankful when the world didn't spin.

He peered the best he could at himself but as it was pitch black and the moon wasn't out so he couldn't see much. Moving things slightly and running his hands under his clothes he figured that he was bruised on nearly every inch of his upper body and that some things were either broken or sprained as his arms and chest were very sore and swollen in places.

His lower half however felt tender but fine, it only really occurred to Harry then that he wasn't in his human form, too busy checking his injuries out he had glossed over the fact his hands had gone over scales on his skin.

Licking his lips Harry weakly called for Sora as he lay back down all his energy spent.


"Shhhh its okay fish boy I'm here you sleep now okay? I'll look after you"

When Sora felt the merboy's tail twitch he moved quickly out of the water and turned back into his polar bear form, he felt like a huge weight had been lifted off his chest as he got a brief glimpse of green eyes before they closed again their owner breathing evening out with sleep. He decided that they were safe for now so Sora lay down next to the boy to offer warmth and slipped into a very light sleep, waking every time Harry moved or he heard a noise close by. But nothing bothered the two and they remained safe.

Harry woke to find himself floating gently in the water, the only part of him still touching land was his shoulders and head, it seemed sometime in the night the river's waters had risen. Harry let himself just relax for a while, the water felt great on his sore body. Yawning he turned to look where he was and froze at the site of a giant blue bear with purple paws and ears.


"mmmmmmmmmmm what fish boy?" Came the grumpy answer from the bear as he turned towards Harry and yawned, his shape teeth showing.

"You're a bear!" Was Harry's repose and he could feel himself blush as Sora rolled his eyes.

"Nope, I'm a flying seahorse."



They both stopped talking in favour of waking up fully and in Harry's case sitting up the water lapping at his waist. He moved his tail a little to loosen it up from sleep, he yawned again and blinked his eyes tiredly before he froze in horror his hand going to his necklace, or in this case where it should be.

"Sora my necklace where is it!" He frantically looked around in the water and on the bank but failed to see anything that caught his eye.

"Relax fish boy it's near your …." Sora trailed off as he realised that the raising water meant the necklace might not actually be where he had left it."You neck! It fell near your neck!"

Harry quickly, well as quickly as his arms would let him felt around under the water for it, but nothing.

"I don't see it! Sora I don't see it!"

"Okay we're okay we are yep okay I can do this" With that Sora turned back into a fish, admittedly a smaller one than normal and darted around his merboy.

When the reclusive necklace was nowhere to be found Sora swam with a current a far distance his eyes never leaving the bottom of the river. But nothing.