MA: Okay, this has been in my head for a loooong time. I've gotten into reading crossovers, but didn't see anything for HP/Eureka and decided to do it myself! Anywayz!

I DON'T OWN NUTTIN! Hell I can barely afford my phone bill .

Chapter 1-

Nathan watched as Carter's face seemed to melt from ecstatic relief to horrified as he realized that Nathan hadn't escaped from the chamber quite as unscathed as they had hoped. Nathan felt himself dissolving away. It didn't hurt, not physically, but seeing the look on Jacks face triggered a feeling of both regret and satisfaction. Regret for not admitting to many… things… to the naïve, irritating sheriff and satisfaction for… for what exactly?... the thought that maybe… maybe his feelings weren't as futile as he thought. With a pang of emotion in his heart, he smiled a sad smile at the sheriff before the world before him turned white.

The world was completely white, there seemed to be no noise- not voices, wind, nothing. The ground, the sky, it should have been disorienting, but it wasn't. Nathan, upon appearing in the white looked around curiously, he didn't think he was dead, but he did have an odd sense of … almost peace. The world around him wasn't frightening, wasn't anything really. He would have said it was nothingness, but he noticed beings in the distance, figures that moved around, but seemed to be shadows obscured in heavy mist. He found himself heading toward one of the darker figures, seeing as it seemed to be the closest and he had nothing better to do.

After what could have been hours of walking, or perhaps only minutes- Nathan couldn't tell and had a feeling it really didn't matter anyway. He stopped short when the mist abruptly swirled away revealing a large, shaggy, black dog.

The dog turned tired dark eyes toward him before it half heartily thumped its tail on the ground and said in a rather human voice, oddly enough with a distinct British accent.

"Oh, another one. What happened to you?"

Nathan raised an eyebrow. A dog was talking to him, he should be s bit more disturbed by this shouldn't he?... or had Eureka really given him immunity to "freaking out" because of odd and unlikely happenings? He decided to not dwell on it and sat down near the large dog. Not like he didn't have the time to kill… hell he didn't even know if there was even such a thing as "time" here, where ever here was…

"Not much." Nathan replied, staring out in the mist, watching the blurred shadows wandering around, "There was an experiment gone wrong, that Car… the sheriff found out about…" Nathan then proceeded to give a rather basic overview of how he got into this predicament. He came to a conclusion with, "and now I've screwed myself over thanks to that damn sheriff." He stopped and took a deep breath before looking over at the dog, whom had his head cocked, looking at him. "What about you?"

The dog muttered something that sounded like "damn muggles" before shaking his head and replying.

"My bloody cousin got me with a stunner and I happened to fall in some weird veil that supposedly kills people, but obviously not… not that I know if I am dead, but this is definitely not how I pictured being dead…" the dog stopped babbling at the look Nathan was now giving him. "But anyway… yeah… fell through the veil and wound up here. I seem to love proving people wrong, first Azkaban and now surviving certain death." He snorted.

Nathan just stared at him.

"You're not a dog are you?" He more stated then asked his furry companion. The dog gave him a "no duh" kind of look before replying.

"How many talking dogs do you know?" Nathan ran a hand through his hair.

"Well… none, but I do now one with a higher IQ then most college grads." The dog huffed in amusement.

"Heh, nope, I'm not a dog. I'm a person… well, actually I'm a wizard, a wand waving, broom riding, potions brewing wizard… although I wasn't really that great at the potions bit." Nathan raised an eyebrow.

"I want to say there's no such thing as wizards, I'm a scientist after all and the idea of magic just goes against my nature, but it seems rather pointless to argue due to the fact that I am currently having a conversation with a dog." The dog had his mouth open in an expression that could only be described as a smile. "So what? You just randomly decided to become a dog?"

"Not really randomly, it's my animagus form…" At Nathan's confused look he explained, "powerful enough wizards can turn into animals at will, but it's only one animal… something about reflecting their inner beast or something, my friend Remus'd know better then I, but mine happens to be a dog. I decided to change mostly out of boredom and I'm actually rather comfortable as a dog."

"So what do you look like normally?" Nathan was rather curious about his new acquaintance, he really didn't want to believe in the idea of magic, but as he had told the dog, the evidence so far was proof positive. Maybe if he saw it in action it would provide him with a more realistic explanation.

He was watched the dog shifted… there really wasn't a much better way to explain it… into a man. He seemed to be at least Nathan's height, sitting down it was hard to tell, he was skinny and very pale, he had shoulder length shaggy black hair and piercing eyes. He was a handsome man, in a rough almost bad boy kind of way, but you could see the humor in his eyes and in the way his mouth turned easily into the smirk he was currently wearing. He also looked familiar. Nathan tried racking his brain for where he had seen the man before.

Then it hit him, "You're that mass-murderer from Great Britain." The man's smirk became a large grin.

"Wow, my infamy reached the states? Awesome." He offered his hand to the slightly stunned man next to him.

"Sirius Black, at your service."


MA: Reviews are good for the soul! (even if I'm already going to hell :P)