Know Thy Enemy- Know Thyself
She'd cry later. Once she was out of sight of her father. But for now she watched, dry eyed, as the chopper took off- without her. Even the sand whipping across her face failed to bring tears to her eyes. And if they looked slightly red, it was only jet lag. Because Ziva David trusted no one in Tel Aviv. And because she trusted no one she could not cry here, where it would be used against her. Her father had betrayed her years before, and many times since. Tony had betrayed her, by killing Michael. And Michael had lied to her, had used her.
"Was any of it real?" she had asked her father.
"Does it matter?" Yes. It did. Now she didn't know who to believe.
But hadn't she betrayed Michael, by calling on him to be forcibly removed? She should have known what would happen. NCIS made her soft, and foolish.
The tears were coming now. She was driving back to her temporary apartment. She let a couple slip, but no more.
Later, laying in bed in her new 'home'- except that Ziva David did not have a home- even then, she could not cry. Nor would she sob into her pillow in the Mossad ship she joined soon afterwards. And, especially, not after she was captured and tortured. No, especially not then.
"Tell me everything you know, about NCIS."
She didn't.
And that was when she remembered where her loyalties really were. Who her friends are.
The butt of a gun smashed into her face, and Ziva surprised her captors by laughing.
It was just too bad it was too late.